资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;*
- ;* CW : Character Windows
- ;*
- ;* loaddrv.asm : installable driver loader routines
- include kernel.inc
- include kmem.inc
- include indrv.inc
- include inscr.inc
- include inkbd.inc
- include insyd.inc
- include _loaddrv.inc
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;* App call backs for memory management
- ;; REVIEW: hard coded driver allocation!
- externFP <LpwAllocDriverMem,FreeDriverMem>
- externFP <DosOpen, DosClose>
- externFP <DosChgFilePtr, DosRead>
- externFP <DosCreateCSAlias>
- sBegin DATA
- assumes CS,DGROUP
- assumes DS,DGROUP
- ifndef DOS5
- externW chDrivePhantom ; set to "b:" on one floppy systems.
- endif ; !DOS5
- externW <inkj> ; keyboard
- externW <insj> ; screen (character)
- externW <inyj> ; system
- ifdef DUAL
- ifndef DOS5
- endif
- else ;!DUAL
- endif ;!DUAL
- ifdef LDRVDATA
- labelW <PUBLIC, rgindvCw> ;* INDV structures for csd, kbd
- labelW <PUBLIC, indvKbd> ;* Keyboard
- DB indtKeyboard,0
- DW dataOffset inkj
- DW cpfnKbdMin
- DW cpfnKbdMin
- DW 0
- DW 0
- labelW <PUBLIC, indvCsd> ;* Character Screen
- DB indtCharacterScreen,0
- DW dataOffset insj
- DW cpfnCsdMin
- DW cpfnCsdMin
- DW 0
- DW 0
- labelW <PUBLIC, indvSyd> ;* System Services
- DB indtSystem,0
- DW dataOffset inyj
- DW cpfnSydMin
- DW cpfnSydMin
- DW 0
- DW 0
- PUBLIC cindvCw
- cindvCw EQU ($-rgindvCw)/cbIndvMin
- else ;!LDRVDATA
- externW rgindvCw
- endif ;!LDRVDATA
- externB inosDrv ;* INOS info (from loaddrv.asm)
- sEnd DATA
- ifndef LDRVDATA
- externA cindvCw
- endif ;!LDRVDATA
- ;*****************************************************************************
- sBegin KERNEL
- assumes CS,KERNEL
- assumes DS,DGROUP
- assumes SS,DGROUP
- ;********** RerrLoadDrvFd **********
- ;* entry: hFile => valid file handle
- ;* rgindv => cindv INDV records
- ;* * Loads drivers from given file
- ;* exit: 0 ok, otherwise error code: rerrBadRead,
- ;* rerrBadFormat,
- ;* rerrNoMemory,
- ;* rerrBadFile,
- ;* rerrBadMemReq,
- ;* rerrBadVersion
- ;*
- ;* On error, no service is partially installed. However, only some
- ;* services may have been installed.
- ;*
- ;* nop if cindv == 0
- rldf_badopen:
- mov ax,rerrBadFile ; restrict error returned
- rldf_Abort1:
- jmp rldf_Abort
- ;----------------------------------------
- cProc RerrLoadDrvFd, <PUBLIC,FAR>,<DI,SI>
- parmW hFile
- parmW rgindv
- parmW cindv
- localW action
- localW HI_tmp
- localW LO_tmp
- localW HI_lfaMT
- localW LO_lfaMT
- localW HI_lpwCSeg
- localW LO_lpwCSeg
- localW HI_lfaReadMT
- localW LO_lfaReadMT
- localW pindv
- localW cb ; count of bytes in rgbBuff
- localV rgbBuff,cbBuff ; buffer for master table entries
- cBegin RerrLoadDrvFd
- ;* set indv's to not loaded
- xor ax,ax
- mov cx,cindv
- jcxz rldf_Abort1 ; no service will be loaded
- mov di,rgindv
- @@: jcxz @F
- mov [di].psLoadedIndv,ax
- mov [di].cpfnLoadedIndv,ax
- add di,cbIndvMin
- loop @B
- @@:
- ;* seek to EOF magic tag
- mov bx,hFile
- mov ax,-cbIndhMin
- cwd
- mov cx,dx
- mov dx,ax
- mov ax,4202h ; offset is from EOF
- int 21h
- jc rldf_AbFileshort2
- ;* compute absolute offset to EOF
- add ax,cbIndhMin
- adc dx,0
- mov LO_lfaReadMT,ax
- mov HI_lfaReadMT,dx
- ;* seek to EOF magic tag
- mov ax,-cbIndhMin
- cwd
- lea bx,LO_lfaReadMT ; HI_ is in appropriate position
- cCall DosChgFilePtr,<hFile,dx,ax,2,ss,bx>
- or ax,ax
- jnz rldf_AbFileshort2
- ;* compute absolute offset to EOF
- mov ax,cbIndhMin
- add LO_lfaReadMT,ax
- adc HI_lfaReadMT,0
- ;* read magic tag and dlfaTable
- lea dx,rgbBuff
- mov ah,3fh
- AssertEQ bx,hFile
- mov cx,cbIndhMin
- int 21h
- jc rldf_AbFileshort2
- lea ax,cb
- cCall DosRead,<hFile,ss,dx,cbIndhMin,ss,ax>
- or ax,ax
- jnz rldf_AbFileshort2
- mov ax,cb
- cmp ax,cbIndhMin ; check read
- mov ax,rerrBadRead
- jne rldf_AbFileshort1
- mov ax,rerrBadFormat
- mov cx,rgbBuff+LO_rgchMagicIndh
- ; check magic word ("DRV0")
- cmp cx,'RD'
- jne rldf_AbFileshort1 ; invalid format
- mov cx,rgbBuff+HI_rgchMagicIndh
- cmp cx,'0V'
- je @F
- rldf_AbFileshort2:
- mov ax,rerrBadRead
- rldf_AbFileshort1:
- jmp rldf_AbFile ; invalid format
- @@:
- ;* compute offset of master table
- mov dx,LO_lfaReadMT
- mov cx,HI_lfaReadMT
- sub dx,rgbBuff+LO_dlfaTableIndh
- sbb cx,rgbBuff+HI_dlfaTableIndh
- ;* save lfa of master table
- mov LO_lfaMT,dx
- mov HI_lfaMT,cx
- ;* prep for master table read
- mov LO_lfaReadMT,dx
- mov HI_lfaReadMT,cx
- mov cx,cbBuff
- ;*
- ;* Read from lfaReadMT into rgbBuff
- ;* cx bytes to read
- ;*
- ;* cb bytes read
- ;* lfaReadMT
- ;* adjusted to next byte to be read
- ;* di points to first INDS (smart about table header)
- rldf_ReadMT:
- ;* seek to lfaReadMT
- push cx
- mov ax,4200h
- mov bx,hFile
- mov dx,LO_lfaReadMT
- mov cx,HI_lfaReadMT
- int 21h
- pop cx
- jc rldf_AbFileshort2
- lea ax,LO_tmp ; dummy
- cCall DosChgFilePtr,<hFile,HI_lfaReadMT,LO_lfaReadMT,0,ss,ax>
- or ax,ax
- jnz rldf_AbFileshort2
- ;* read master table entries
- lea dx,rgbBuff
- mov ah,3fh
- AssertEQ bx,hFile
- int 21h
- jc rldf_AbFileshort2
- mov cb,ax ; save bytes read
- lea ax,cb
- cCall DosRead,<hFile,ss,dx,cx,ss,ax>
- or ax,ax
- jnz rldf_AbFileshort2
- mov ax,cb
- or ax,ax
- mov ax,rerrBadRead
- jnz @F
- jmp rldf_AbFile ; check for read beyond EOF
- @@:
- ;* cx:dx == lfaRead
- mov dx,LO_lfaReadMT
- mov cx,HI_lfaReadMT
- lea di,rgbBuff ; di points to inds struct
- ;* if we just read from lfaMT, check magic, load number of
- ;* services, and increase di after INDT
- cmp dx,LO_lfaMT
- jne not_first_mt_read
- cmp cx,HI_lfaMT
- jne not_first_mt_read
- ;* check magic word
- mov ax,rerrBadFormat
- mov bx,rgbBuff+LO_rgchMagicIndt
- ; check magic word ("DRV0")
- cmp bx,'RD'
- jne rldf_AbFileshort1 ; invalid format
- mov bx,rgbBuff+HI_rgchMagicIndt
- cmp bx,'0V'
- je @F
- jmp rldf_AbFile ; invalid format
- @@:
- ;* si == number of services
- mov si,rgbBuff+cindsIndt ; si services in file
- ;* di => INDS
- lea di,rgbBuff+rgindsIndt
- not_first_mt_read:
- ;* adjust lfaReadMT
- add dx,cb
- adc cx,0
- mov LO_lfaReadMT,dx
- mov HI_lfaReadMT,cx
- ;*
- ;* Load next service
- ;* si number of services left to load
- ;* di current inds structure
- ;*
- rldf_Load:
- ;* are we done?
- xor ax,ax
- dec si
- jge @F
- jmp rldf_done ; load completed
- @@:
- ;* have we run out of services in this block?
- lea ax,rgbBuff
- add ax,cb
- cmp ax,di
- ja @F
- ;* read next block of INDS structures
- inc si ;* retry this service
- mov cx,cbBlock
- jmp rldf_ReadMT
- @@:
- ;* should we load this service?
- push di
- ;* * first see if operating system is supported
- test [di].floadInds,floadProtMode
- test [di].floadInds,floadRealMode
- jz rldf_indtNotfound
- mov ah,[di].indtInds
- ;* search rgindv
- mov di,rgindv
- mov cx,cindv
- rldf_nextindv:
- cmp ah,[di].indtIndv
- jne @F
- ; found indv
- mov pindv,di
- clc ; flag load
- jmp short rldf_endIndtLookup
- @@:
- add di,cbIndvMin
- loop rldf_nextindv
- rldf_indtNotfound:
- stc ; no service info, flag no load
- rldf_endIndtLookup:
- pop di
- jnc @F
- jmp rldf_loadnext ; unknown service
- @@:
- ;*
- ;* Load service segment
- ;*
- ;* allocate code area
- mov ax,[di].cbCodeInds
- inc ax ; round up
- AssertNE ax,0
- shr ax,1 ; convert cb -> cw
- test [di].floadInds,floadFixed
- AssertNZ ; only know about fixed segments
- mov bx,fmemFixed
- cCall <LpwAllocDriverMem>,<ax,bx>
- mov cx,ax
- or cx,dx
- jnz @F
- mov ax,rerrNoMemory
- jmp rldf_AbFile
- @@:
- IFDEF DEBUG ; valid pointers are either ds:offset
- ; or other:0000
- mov bx,ds
- cmp bx,dx
- je @F
- AssertEQ ax,0
- @@:
- ;* save pointer to code area
- mov LO_lpwCSeg,ax
- mov HI_lpwCSeg,dx
- ;* seek to service segment
- mov dx,LO_lfaMT
- mov cx,HI_lfaMT
- sub dx,[di].LO_dlfaCodeInds ; calculate lfaCode
- sbb cx,[di].HI_dlfaCodeInds
- mov ax,4200h
- mov bx,hFile
- int 21h
- jc rldf_AbCodeshort2
- lea ax,LO_tmp ; dummy
- cCall DosChgFilePtr,<hFile,cx,dx,0,ss,ax>
- or ax,ax
- jnz rldf_AbCodeshort2
- ;* read in code segment
- push ds
- mov ah,3fh
- mov bx,hFile
- mov cx,[di].cbCodeInds
- mov dx,HI_lpwCSeg
- mov ds,dx
- mov dx,LO_lpwCSeg
- int 21h
- pop ds
- jc rldf_AbCodeshort2
- lea ax,cb
- cCall DosRead,<hFile,HI_lpwCSeg,LO_lpwCSeg,[di].cbCodeInds,ss,ax>
- or ax,ax
- jnz rldf_AbCodeshort2
- mov ax,cb
- cmp ax,[di].cbCodeInds ; check for read error
- jne rldf_AbCodeshort2
- ;* if load type is non-standard, this service is completed
- test [di].floadInds,floadStandard
- jnz @F
- jmp rldf_loadnext ; non-standard driver
- @@:
- ;* allocate data area
- mov bx,HI_lpwCSeg ; es:bx points to service header
- mov es,bx
- mov bx,LO_lpwCSeg
- mov ax,es:[bx].cbDataInsh
- inc ax
- shr ax,1 ; convert cb -> cw
- cmp ax,0
- jne @F
- xor ax,ax ; no data to allocate
- mov dx,ax
- jmp short rldf_load11 ; continue with link
- @@:
- push ax ; save word count for later
- mov cx,fmemFixed
- test es:[bx].fNearDataInsh,0ffffh
- jz @F
- mov cx,fmemNear
- cmp ax,cbNearMemServiceMax / 2
- jbe @F
- mov ax,rerrBadMemReq ; asking for too much near mem!
- jmp rldf_AbCode
- @@:
- cCall <LpwAllocDriverMem>,<ax,cx>
- ;* put word count in cx
- pop cx
- or ax,ax ; 0? failure
- jnz @F
- or dx,dx
- jnz @F
- mov ax,rerrNoMemory
- rldf_AbCodeshort1:
- jmp rldf_AbCode
- rldf_AbCodeshort2:
- mov ax,rerrBadRead
- jmp rldf_AbCode
- @@:
- rldf_load11:
- IFDEF DEBUG ; valid pointers are either ds:offset
- ; or other:0000
- mov bx,ds
- cmp bx,dx
- je @F
- AssertEQ ax,0
- @@:
- ;* patch code segment with pointer to data segment and pinos
- mov es,HI_lpwCSeg ; es => code segment
- xor bx,bx
- mov es:[bx].LO_lpwDataInsh,ax
- mov es:[bx].HI_lpwDataInsh,dx
- ;* * set "pinos"
- mov es:[bx].pinosInsh,0
- mov es:[bx].pinosInsh,dataOffset inosDrv
- ;* create CS alias
- lea ax,HI_lpwCSeg
- mov bx,HI_lpwCSeg
- cCall DosCreateCSAlias,<bx,ss,ax>
- or ax,ax
- jz @F
- mov HI_lpwCSeg,bx ; restore selector on failure
- jmp rldf_AbCode
- @@:
- ;* restore registers used (es,ax,bx,cx,dx are important)
- ;* cx,dx not changed
- mov es,HI_lpwCSeg
- xor bx,bx
- mov ax,es:[bx].LO_lpwDataInsh
- ;* clear data segment to zeros (assume word count in cx)
- ;* es:0 => code segment INSH
- ;* dx:ax => data segment
- ;* cx data size (words)
- push es
- push di
- mov di,ax
- mov es,dx
- xor ax,ax
- rep stosw
- pop di
- pop es
- ;* get function count and rgpfn
- mov dx,es:[bx].cpfnInsh ; function count
- add bx,cbInshMin ; rgpfn
- ;* At this point we have:
- ;* es:bx => HI_lpwCSeg:rgpfn
- ;* dx == cpfn
- ;* ds:di => inds
- ;* pindv OR psld => link info
- ;* link service to app
- push di
- push ds
- ;* check version
- ; check version
- ; link
- ; set return values of indv struct
- mov di,pindv
- cmp dx,ss:[di].cpfnNeedMinIndv
- jae @F ;* we have at least enough
- rldf_linkBadver:
- mov ax,rerrBadVersion
- stc
- jmp short rldf_linkdone
- @@:
- mov cx,ss:[di].cpfnNeedMacIndv ;* the max # we want
- cmp dx,cx
- jae @F ;* just copy the ones we want
- mov cx,dx ;* copy what we have < NeedMac
- @@:
- mov di,ss:[di].rglpfnIndv
- ;* link to app
- mov dx,ds ; segment switch for rep stosw
- mov ax,es
- mov ds,ax
- mov es,dx
- ; ds => HI_lpwCSeg
- ; es => DGROUP
- push cx ; save cfpn for later
- push cx
- push di
- shl cx,1
- mov ax,ds
- rep stosw ; fill app jump table with segment value
- pop di
- pop cx
- @@: ; fill in offsets
- mov ax,[bx]
- mov es:[di],ax
- inc bx
- inc bx
- add di,4
- loop @B
- pop cx ; restore cpfn
- ;* set return values in indv
- mov bx,pindv
- mov ss:[bx].cpfnLoadedIndv,cx
- mov cx,HI_lpwCSeg
- mov ss:[bx].psLoadedIndv,cx
- clc ; linkage completed
- rldf_linkdone:
- pop ds
- pop di
- jc rldf_AbData
- rldf_loadnext:
- add di,cbIndsMin
- jmp rldf_Load
- rldf_AbData:
- ;* Code and data segments allocated but couldn't link to app.
- ;* Free data then go on to free code and close hFile.
- push ax ; return code in ax
- mov ax,HI_lpwCSeg
- mov es,ax
- mov ax,es:LO_lpwDataInsh
- mov dx,es:HI_lpwDataInsh
- cCall <far ptr FreeDriverMem>,<dx,ax>
- pop ax
- rldf_AbCode:
- ;* Something went wrong before completing code segment that
- ;* was allocated - free it and close hFile.
- push ax ; return code in ax
- mov ax,LO_lpwCSeg
- mov dx,HI_lpwCSeg
- cCall <far ptr FreeDriverMem>,<dx,ax>
- pop ax
- rldf_done:
- rldf_AbFile:
- rldf_Abort:
- cEnd RerrLoadDrvFd
- ;********** RerrLoadDrv **********
- ;* entry: szFile => full path
- ;* rgindv => cindv INDV records
- ;* * Loads drivers from given file
- ;* exit: see RerrLoadDrvFd
- rlds_badopen:
- mov ax,rerrBadFile ; restrict error returned
- jmp short rlds_end
- ;----------------------------------------
- cProc RerrLoadDrv, <PUBLIC,FAR>,<DI,SI>
- parmW szFile
- parmW rgindv
- parmW cindv
- localW hFile
- cBegin RerrLoadDrv
- ;* open file
- lea ax,hFile
- lea bx,action
- cCall DosOpen,<ss,szFile,ss,ax,ss,bx,0,0,0,01h,openRO,0,0>
- or ax,ax
- jnz rlds_badopen
- ELSE ; !DOS5
- mov dx,szFile
- mov bx,dx
- mov ax,[bx] ; Get first two letters
- or al,20h ; If the file is "B:xxx" on a single
- cmp ax,chDrivePhantom ; floppy system, then no can do.
- je rlds_badopen
- mov ax,3d00h
- int 21h
- mov hFile,ax
- jc rlds_badopen
- cCall RerrLoadDrvFd,<hFile, rgindv, cindv>
- push ax ; return code in ax
- mov ah,3eh ; close file
- mov bx,hFile
- int 21h
- cCall DosClose,<hFile>
- pop ax ; ignore return code from close
- rlds_end:
- cEnd RerrLoadDrv
- ;********** RerrLoadCwDrvFd **********
- ;* entry: hFile => valid file handle
- ;* * Loads kbd and csd drivers from given file
- ;* exit: same as RerrLoadDrvFd
- cProc RerrLoadCwDrvFd, <PUBLIC,FAR>
- parmW hFile
- cBegin RerrLoadCwDrvFd
- mov ax,dataOffset rgindvCw
- mov cx,cindvCw
- cCall RerrLoadDrvFd,<hFile, ax, cx>
- cEnd RerrLoadCwDrvFd
- ;********** RerrLoadCwDrv **********
- ;* entry: szFile => full file name of driver
- ;* * Loads kbd and csd drivers from given file
- ;* exit: same as RerrLoadDrv
- cProc RerrLoadCwDrv, <PUBLIC,FAR>
- parmW szFile
- cBegin RerrLoadCwDrv
- mov ax,dataOffset rgindvCw
- mov cx,cindvCw
- cCall RerrLoadDrv,<szFile, ax, cx>
- cEnd RerrLoadCwDrv
- ;*****************************************************************************