资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;*
- ;* COW : Character Oriented Windows
- ;*
- ;* : DOS 5 specific mouse info
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ; Mouse monitor record flags
- ;
- fOpen equ 00000001b
- fClose equ 00000010b
- fFlush equ 00000100b
- ; Mouse monitor record event masks
- ;
- mouMotionOnly equ 0000000000000001b ; motion only
- mouButMotion equ 0000000000101010b ; motion with button
- mouButton equ 0000000001111110b ; buttons, with or without motion
- mouBut1Only equ 0000000000000100b ; button 1 only
- mouBut1 equ 0000000000000110b ; button 1, with or without motion
- mouBut2Only equ 0000000000010000b ; button 2 only
- mouBut2 equ 0000000000011000b ; button 2, with or without motion
- mouBut3Only equ 0000000001000000b ; button 3 only
- mouBut3 equ 0000000001100000b ; button 3, with or without motion
- mouAny equ 0000000001111111b ; any
- ; Mouse monitor record structure
- ;
- MouseRcd STRUC
- Flags DW ? ; Open, Flush, Close or 0
- Eventmsk DW ? ; Event mask (buttons)
- TimeStamp DD ? ; Time stamp of the mouse event
- ayMouCur DW ? ; new Y
- axMouCur DW ? ; new X
- MouseRcd ENDS
- ;* Mouse Area
- AreaMou STRUC
- ayTopArea DW ? ;* top line
- axLeftArea DW ? ;* left column
- dayArea DW ? ;* height
- daxArea DW ? ;* width
- AreaMou ENDS
- ;* Mouse Pointer Shape
- PtrShapeMou STRUC
- cbPtrShapeMou dw ?
- colPtrShapeMou dw ?
- rowPtrShapeMou dw ?
- colHotPtrShapeMou dw ?
- rowHotPtrShapeMou dw ?
- PtrShapeMou ENDS
- ;* DOS 5 calls
- externFP <DosOpen,DosClose>
- externFP <DosMonClose,DosMonOpen,DosMonReg,DosMonRead,DosMonWrite>
- externFP <DosCreateThread,DosSetPrty>
- externFP <MouOpen,MouClose,MouGetNumButtons>
- externFP <MouDrawPtr,MouRemovePtr,MouGetPtrPos>
- externFP <MouSetPtrPos,MouSetPtrShape>
- ;externFP <MouGetPtrShape>