资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;*
- ;* CW : Character Windows Drivers
- ;*
- ;* fx_syd3.asm : linked in DOS 3 SYD file
- ;*****************************************************************************
- include syd_head.inc
- include fxdrv.inc
- include syd_data.inc
- ;* * OS2 global info
- include glis.inc
- ;*****************************************************************************
- include fx_data.asm
- ;*****************************************************************************
- sBegin DRV
- assumes CS,DRV
- assumes ds,NOTHING
- assumes ss,NOTHING
- IF cbDataSyd NE 0
- ;* * There is no low memory structure for the linked driver
- OFF_lpwDataSyd DW dataOffset rgwDataSyd
- ;*****************************************************************************
- NonStandard DoSoundSyd
- NonStandard LGetTimeSyd
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;********** DoSoundSyd **********
- ;* * SYD entry point (see documentation for interface)
- cProc DoSoundSyd, <FAR, PUBLIC, ATOMIC>
- parmW req
- cBegin DoSoundSyd
- mov cx,req ;* 0=> beep, 1=> click
- jcxz do_beep
- dec cx
- jnz end_sound
- ;* * do click (440Hz, 10ms)
- mov ax,440
- mov cx,10
- jmp short do_sound
- ;* * do beep (880Hz, 50ms)
- do_beep:
- mov ax,440*2
- mov cx,50
- do_sound:
- mov bx,pinos
- cCall [bx].lpfnDosBeepInos,<ax, cx>
- end_sound:
- cEnd DoSoundSyd
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;********** LGetTimeSyd **********
- ;* * SYD entry point (see documentation for interface)
- cProc LGetTimeSyd, <FAR, PUBLIC, ATOMIC>
- cBegin LGetTimeSyd
- mov bx,pinos
- mov es,[bx].sdGlisInos
- xor bx,bx
- reget_loop:
- mov cx,word ptr es:[bx].msGlis ;* low word
- mov ax,word ptr es:[bx].msGlis + 2 ;* high word
- cmp cx,word ptr es:[bx].msGlis ;* tick changed ?
- jnz reget_loop
- ;* * ax:cx = ms tick resolution (convert to 1/18th sec)
- mov bx,55 ;* divide value
- xor dx,dx
- div bx ;* ax = quotient,
- ;* dx = remainder
- push ax ;* high word
- mov ax,dx ;* remainder
- mul bx ;* dx:ax = remainder*55
- add ax,cx
- adc dx,0
- div bx ;* ax = remainder
- pop dx
- ;* * dx:ax = system time / 55
- cEnd LGetTimeSyd
- ;*****************************************************************************
- include syd_std.asm ;* standard init/term
- include syd_tail.asm ;* tail file
- ;*****************************************************************************