资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;*
- ;* CW : Character Windows
- ;*
- ;* : Screen Save IBM specific info
- ;*****************************************************************************
- EGA_VIDS STRUC ;* VIDS structure + private info
- vidsPrefix DB cbVidsMin DUP (?)
- vparmCursorVids DW ? ;* cursor size
- rgwCursorPosVids DW 8 DUP (?) ;* cursor positions
- ;* for 8 pages
- fClearRegenVids db ? ;* 80H for no regen clr
- ayPointsVids DB ? ;* char points
- ayMacVids DB ? ;* rows
- ayOverScanVids DB ?
- cwSwapVids DW ? ;* lines*columes
- bCGABgVids DB ? ;* CGA Background color
- bCGAPalVids DB ? ;* 4-color palette
- rgbEGAPaletteVids DB 21 DUP (?) ;* attr ctrl regs
- rgbPS2PaletteVids DB 3 DUP (?) ;* reserved for DAC color regs
- ;*****************************************************************************
- GRChipOffset EQU 10H
- CRTCChipOffset EQU 00H
- SEQChipOffset EQU 08H
- AttrChipOffset EQU 18H
- CGA_6845_MODE EQU 3D8H
- ; Number of lines when 8x8 character set is used in the following graphics
- ; modes: 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13
- ; | | | | | | |
- ; v v v v v v v
- GraphicsModeRows DB 25, 25, 43, 43, 60, 60, 25
- ;
- ; ColourPalette - used to reset the EGA palette for 16-color
- ; modes with a Color Display.
- ;
- labelB <ColourPalette>
- ; RGBrgb
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 000001B ;blue
- DB 000010B ;green
- DB 000011B ;cyan
- DB 000100B ;red
- DB 000101B ;magenta
- labelB <ColourPaletteYellow>
- DB 000110B ;yellow
- DB 000111B ;white
- DB 111000B ;gray
- DB 111001B ;light blue
- DB 111010B ;light green
- DB 111011B ;light cyan
- DB 111100B ;light red
- DB 111101B ;light magenta
- DB 111110B ;light yellow
- DB 111111B ;bright white
- db 0 ;Overscan
- ;
- ; MonoPalette - used to reset the EGA palette for 16-color
- ; modes with a monochrome Display.
- ;
- labelB <MonoPalette>
- ; IV
- DB 000000B ;black
- DB 001000B ;white
- DB 001000B ;white
- DB 001000B ;white
- DB 001000B ;white
- DB 001000B ;white
- DB 001000B ;white
- DB 001000B ;white
- DB 010000B ;gray
- DB 011000B ;bright white
- DB 011000B ;bright white
- DB 011000B ;bright white
- DB 011000B ;bright white
- DB 011000B ;bright white
- DB 011000B ;bright white
- DB 011000B ;bright white
- db 0 ;Overscan
- BIOSINT10 label dword
- lpbBIOSINT10_Offset dw 0
- lpbBIOSINT10_Segment dw 0
- EgaPaletteMirror db 0,1,2,3,4,5,14H,7,38H,39H,3aH,3bH,3cH,3dH,3eH,3fH
- OverScanMirror db 0
- ;
- ; bCGABg - CGA background colour
- ; Set by INT 10 with AH=0B, BH=0, BL=bCGABg
- ;
- ; bCGAPal - CGA 320x200 4-colour palette
- ; Set by INT 10 with AH=0B, BH=1, BL=bCGAPal
- ;
- ; -1 indicates value not set.
- ;
- bCGABg db -1
- bCGAPal db -1