资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- page 58,132
- ;/*
- ; * Microsoft Confidential
- ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991
- ; * All Rights Reserved.
- ; */
- ;debug = 1 ; enables some debug code
- ;tracker = 0ffffh ; enables special TRACKER events
- debug = 0
- tracker = 0
- ; BAMBI global register conventions:
- ;
- ; The machine registers are generally considered extremely
- ; volatile in this program and should not generally be
- ; considered to be preserved when calling a subroutine,
- ; unless specifically stated otherwise.
- ;
- ; DS: generally points to CS: in order to access the data
- ; stored there without overrides.
- ;
- ; BAMBI design assumptions:
- ;
- ; The number of sectors per cache block CANNOT be > 16.
- ;
- ; Write caching of a given drive implies that it is read cached.
- ;
- ; Purpose of this module:
- ;
- ; This is the main resident device driver interface for Bambi.
- ; It contains the main caching logic flow and utilizes external
- ; modules for keeping track of caching data structure and accessing
- ; secondary RAM storage.
- ;
- ; This module provides one main entry point, which is our_strat/
- ; our_int. This is what DOS calls through to access the block
- ; device drivers. It also contains entry points which are used
- ; by the dirty_write function in a companion module.
- .xlist
- include ; get device request packet definitions
- include ; get device driver structure definitions
- include
- include
- include
- .list
- public our_int ; DOS branches here for ALL block
- public our_strat ; device driver calls for devices which
- ; are present when we're first initialized
- ; We publish a few special entry points and variables for use
- ; by the dirtywrt.asm module.
- public lookup_device
- public read_full_cache_block
- public set_start_sector
- public call_dd_common
- public loc_req_seg ; allow bambinit to initialize our pointers
- public lb_seg
- public our_count
- public our_trans_off
- public our_trans_seg
- public our_starth
- public our_startl
- public our_start
- public loc_reqblk
- public num_valid_buffers
- public rblk_op
- public media_id
- public media_ids
- public packet_size
- public packet_sizes
- public next_bad_entry_ptr
- public num_bad_blocks
- zseg segment public 'code'
- assume cs:zseg,ds:nothing,es:nothing
- ;
- ; data from rdata.asm
- ;
- extrn last_buffer :word
- extrn max_valid_buffers :word
- extrn dos_3x :word
- extrn hit_l :word
- extrn hit_h :word
- extrn nohit_l :word
- extrn nohit_h :word
- extrn in_bambi :byte
- extrn selected_drive :byte
- extrn real_dd_headers :dword
- extrn real_cache_units :byte
- extrn secsize_and_align_info :word
- extrn cache_block_bytes :word
- extrn cache_block_words :word
- ;
- ; routines from queueman.asm
- ;
- extrn flush_queue :near
- extrn set_dirtyindex :near
- extrn fast_lookup :near
- extrn invalidate_element :near
- extrn queue_element :near
- ;
- ; routines from cacheman.asm
- ;
- extrn cache_to_buffer :near
- extrn buffer_to_cache :near
- extrn commit_all_dirty :near
- ;
- ; data from int2f.asm
- ;
- extrn accessing_swap_file_ptr :dword
- ;
- ; data from queueman.asm
- ;
- extrn queuelength :word
- ;
- ; data from hooks.asm
- ;
- extrn resident_stack :word
- extrn temp_res_stack :word
- extrn save_stack_ss :word
- extrn save_stack_sp :word
- extrn commit_all_when_ok :byte
- extrn write_behind_cache :near
- ;
- ; routines from popup.asm
- ;
- extrn warning_pop_up :near
- ;
- ; data from bambinit.asm
- ;
- extrn ending_address :word
- extrn number_of_cache_elements:word ;WARNING transient!
- extrn initqueue :near
- ; local variables
- ;
- ; Please note: Many of these variables are only valid for
- ; the operation being performed by the mainline
- ; routine. dirty_write must handle its own
- ; configuration constants on the fly.
- ;
- ; put our dword pointers first so they're all
- ; aligned without wasting space
- far_call_address dd 0
- d_trans dd 0
- dd_header dd 0
- user_reqblk dd 0
- MAXRENTER equ 5 ;arbitrary number of reentracy allowed
- user_save_reqblk dd MAXRENTER dup(0)
- ; quick reference points for our block buffer and request block
- ; the segments fields are declared external so bambinit.asm
- ; can initialize them.
- loc_reqblk label dword
- dw our_reqblk
- loc_req_seg dw 0 ; init'd by bambinit, always == cs
- local_buf label dword
- dw 0
- lb_seg dw 0 ; this will generally be a
- ; different segment from cs
- ; put word variables next
- blockids dw 16 dup (?)
- d_count dw 0
- curblk_l dw 0
- curblk_h db 0,0 ; may be accessed as word
- lastblk_l dw 0
- lastblk_h db 0,0 ; may be accessed as word
- curblk_index dw 0 ; high byte may be assumed to be zero
- cache_element_index dw 0
- num_valid_buffers dw 0 ; num. valid buffers in 'super-cache'
- bufferblk_l dw 0 ; low word of base block of super-cache
- bufferblk_h dw 0 ; high word + drive number
- cache_align_factor dw 0 ; must be < cache_block_sectors
- cache_block_shift dw 2 ; log2(blocksize/sectorsize)
- sector_size_bytes dw 512
- cache_block_sectors dw 4
- dirty_mask dw 0 ; mask for last looked up element
- ifdef USE_VALID
- valid_mask dw 0 ; mask for last looked up element
- endif
- cache_mask dw 0 ; this is the full mask
- ; ; for the selected block/sector size
- ; the following data structure is used when we wish to
- ; wish to issue a device driver call other than the one
- ; originally passed to us from DOS. It can benefit from
- ; word alignment.
- our_reqblk label byte
- packet_size db 30 ; length
- rblk_cache_unit db 2 ; cache unit
- rblk_op db devrd ; read command
- devstatus dw 0 ; status
- db 13-5 dup (0) ; other stuff (???)
- media_id db 0f0h ; media id byte
- our_trans_off dw 0 ; transfer offset
- our_trans_seg dw 0 ; transfer segment
- our_count dw 0 ; count
- our_start dw 0ffffh ; start (ignored)
- dw 0,0
- our_startl dw 0 ; start low
- our_starth dw 0
- in_device_call dw -1
- media_ids db 26 dup(0f0h) ;save media_id for dirty writes
- packet_sizes db 26 dup(30h) ;save packet sizes for dirty writes
- MAXBADS equ 32
- next_bad_entry_ptr dw 0 ; first entry will be 0
- num_bad_blocks dw 0
- bad_blocks dw MAXBADS dup(0)
- bad_drives dw MAXBADS dup(-1)
- ; now the byte variables
- original_unit db -1
- flags_and_unit db 0
- cache_unit db 0
- ; enter a BAMBI record in TRACKER, subtype as argument to macro
- ; this macro is defined to be a null macro of TRACKER is set
- ; false, so that every single LOG event needn't have IF TRACKER
- ; conditionals on it.
- log_it macro rectype
- if tracker
- push ax
- mov al,rectype
- call tracker_log
- pop ax
- endif
- endm
- if tracker
- ; We may want to save some special BAMBI events in
- ; the TRACKER log. If this feature is enabled, we'll
- ; call through a FAR variable into TRACKER.
- public save_it_off ; allow external initialization for
- public save_it_seg ; TRACKER save entry point
- save_it label dword
- save_it_off dw offset far_ret
- save_it_seg dw 0 ; will be init'd to cs if tracker not present
- far_ret:
- retf
- code_bambi = 6 ; this is our special TRACKER record type
- event struc ; this is the TRACKER event structure
- rectype db ?
- level db ?
- regax dw ?
- regbx dw ?
- regcx dw ?
- regdx dw ?
- reges dw ?
- time dd ? ; time stamp
- event ends
- xbuf event <code_bambi,0> ; this is our local event structure
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; enter a bambi-type tracker log
- ;
- ; entry: al == event subtype
- ; ds == cs
- ;
- ; exit: no registers affected
- tracker_log proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- push si
- mov si,offset xbuf
- mov ds:[si].regax,ax
- call save_it
- pop si
- ret
- tracker_log endp
- endif
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; call into the device driver using the user's original
- ; request packet.
- ;
- ; Entry: ds == cs
- ;
- ; Trashed: es, bx, ax, si, far_call_addr
- ; (plus anything affected by bad d.d.'s)
- call_dd_ureqblk proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- les bx,user_reqblk ;es:bx points to request packet
- call_dd_ureqblk endp ; note: fall through to call_dd
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; call through to the device driver
- ; plug in the mapped unit code to the request block
- ;
- ; Entry: ds == cs, es:[bx] -> request block
- ;
- ; Trashed: ax, si, far_call_addr
- ; (plus anything affected by bad d.d.'s)
- call_dd proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov al,cache_unit ; get remapped cache unit
- mov es:byte ptr [bx].requnit,al
- push ds ; save caller's ds
- lds si,dd_header ; get actual device's header
- assume ds:nothing
- ; fall into call_dd_common
- call_dd endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; This is a special entry point used by dirtywrt for calling
- ; out to the device driver. When this routine is JMP'd to,
- ; the original ds is already saved on the stack after the
- ; actual return address.
- ;
- ; Entry: ds:[si] -> device driver header
- ; es:[bx] -> request packet
- ;
- ; Exit: ds restored from stack
- ;
- ; Trashed: ax, "far_call_address", and anything munched by
- ; bad device drivers.
- call_dd_common proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:nothing,es:nothing
- mov devstatus,0
- mov ax,word ptr [si].SDEVSTRAT ; get strategy entry
- mov word ptr far_call_address[2],ds
- mov word ptr far_call_address[0],ax
- push es ; save packet for unit restore
- push bx
- call DWORD PTR[far_call_address]
- mov ax,word ptr [si].SDEVINT ; get interrupt entry
- mov word ptr far_call_address[0],ax
- call DWORD PTR[far_call_address]
- pop bx ; get packet
- pop es
- ; We have to make sure the UNIT code is returned to the
- ; caller unchanged if we're calling through on DOS's
- ; packet. In the case of our own packet, original_unit
- ; may not have any meaning, but in this case, we're sure
- ; we're not going to care about what's left in that
- ; field in the packet.
- ;
- ; This is made more complicated by the fact that the SET_LOGICAL
- ; device function returns a value in that field, so in this
- ; particular case, we can't restore the original field.
- cmp es:[bx].reqfunc,19
- jae no_restore_unit ; skip unit restore if so
- mov al,cs:original_unit
- mov byte ptr es:[bx].requnit,al
- no_restore_unit:
- pop ds
- ret
- call_dd_common endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; our strategy entry point
- our_strat proc far
- assume cs:zseg,ds:nothing,es:nothing
- inc cs:in_device_call ;keep track of reentrancy
- jnz reentering ;zero means first entry
- finish_strategy:
- mov cs:word ptr user_reqblk,bx
- mov cs:word ptr user_reqblk+2,es
- ret
- reentering:
- ;
- ; we need to save off the packet pointer for the re-entered
- ; call so it will still be valid when its execution continues.
- ; we use our semaphore as an index into a table which will
- ; hold the saved packet
- push di ;must preserve all regs
- push es
- push bx
- mov di,cs:in_device_call ;treat as index into table
- shl di,1 ;dword table
- shl di,1
- les bx,user_reqblk ;get re-entered packed
- mov word ptr cs:user_save_reqblk[di],bx ;save it in our table
- mov word ptr cs:user_save_reqblk[di+2],es
- pop bx
- pop es
- pop di
- jmp short finish_strategy
- our_strat endp
- handle_reentrancy_exit:
- pop word ptr far_call_address[2]
- pop word ptr far_call_address
- pop word ptr dd_header[2]
- pop word ptr dd_header
- pop word ptr cache_unit
- pop word ptr flags_and_unit
- pop word ptr original_unit
- ;
- ; we need to save off the packet pointer for the re-entered
- ; call so it will still be valid when its execution continues.
- ; we use our semaphore as an index into a table which will
- ; hold the saved packet
- push di ;must preserve all regs
- push es
- push bx
- mov di,cs:in_device_call ;treat as index into table
- shl di,1 ;dword table
- shl di,1
- mov bx,word ptr user_save_reqblk[di]
- mov es,word ptr user_save_reqblk[di+2]
- mov word ptr user_reqblk,bx
- mov word ptr user_reqblk[2],es
- pop bx
- pop es
- pop di
- jmp dont_restore_stack
- handle_reentrancy_enter:
- push word ptr original_unit
- push word ptr flags_and_unit
- push word ptr cache_unit
- push word ptr dd_header
- push word ptr dd_header[2]
- push word ptr far_call_address
- push word ptr far_call_address[2]
- jmp short skip_stack_swap
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; This is it! This is when DOS is trying to call a device
- ; driver. We intercept the call, and decide if it is something
- ; that can be:
- ;
- ; A) saved away into the cache
- ; or B) gotten from the cache
- ; or C) some combination of A & B
- ;
- ; Entry: our parameter block was saved in user_reqblk by
- ; a call to the previous routine
- ;
- ; Exit: We'll try to satisfy the request and make sure we
- ; fill in the status word of the request block before returning.
- ;
- ; Trashed: We should preserve ALL registers, but we trash ax, bx & es
- ; BUGBUG -- will ANYBODY ever care about ax, bx & es here?
- ; we leave es:[bx] pointing at the original req pkt.
- ; Flags including direction
- our_int proc far
- assume cs:zseg,ds:nothing,es:nothing
- push ds ; save caller's ds
- push cs
- pop ds
- assume ds:zseg ; make our data quickly addressable
- inc in_bambi ; make sure we aren't reentered
- ; if there are no hw stacks, we may be the straw that breaks
- ; the stack, so we have to switch to our own stack to ensure
- ; no stack overflow problems
- cmp in_device_call,0
- jne handle_reentrancy_enter
- mov save_stack_ss,ss ;save the current stack
- mov save_stack_sp,sp ;context
- push cs ;and switch to our own
- pop ss ;internal stack
- mov sp,offset resident_stack
- skip_stack_swap:
- push bp ; we ALWAYS need these registers saved
- push dx
- push cx
- push es
- push bx
- push di
- push si
- ; We must find the device header and unit number for the
- ; drive number in the request block. The unit number code
- ; also has a couple of flag bits in it which indicate what
- ; level of caching is enabled for this drive.
- les bx,user_reqblk ;es:bx points to request packet
- mov al,byte ptr es:[bx].requnit
- mov original_unit,al ; save original unit code
- call lookup_device ; remap unit code, get dev header
- xor al,0c0h ; flip the 'active' bits
- mov flags_and_unit,al ; save flags and unit
- and al,3fh ; mask off high bits
- mov cache_unit,al
- mov word ptr dd_header,dx ; save actual device header
- mov word ptr dd_header[2],bp
- ; done setting up packet structure, its off to the races!
- cmp queuelength,0 ;even if caching is enabled for a drive
- je just_pass_thru ;the queue size could be zero, so
- ;be sure there is a non-zero cache present
- test flags_and_unit,0c0h ; any caching enabled?
- jnz this_drive_is_cached ; if any caching, enter main module
- just_pass_thru:
- push si
- call call_dd ; call through to device driver
- pop si
- return_to_caller:
- jmp go_back_to_dos
- ; The code below will branch back up here if the operation is
- ; a media check for a cached drive. We must note the return
- ; code before returning in this case so that we can invalidate
- ; the cache on a media change.
- do_media_check:
- push si
- call call_dd
- pop si
- cmp BYTE PTR es:[bx].14,1
- je return_to_caller
- ;;;the following code notifies windows that the media for
- ;;;this drive has changed. While mutlitasking dos boxes,
- ;;;windows has to maintain the CDS state but can get
- ;;;confused when the media changes. This notification will
- ;;;ensure that windows keeps track of disk changes correctly
- ;;;code courtesy of aaronr
- xor di,di
- mov es,di
- mov bx,15h ;dosmgr device id
- mov ax,1684h ;get device api entry point
- int 2fh
- mov ax,es
- or ax,di
- jz nobodytonotify
- push bp
- mov bp,sp
- push es
- push di
- mov ax,5h ;media change detected
- mov bl,original_unit ;zero based drive number
- call dword ptr [bp-4] ;change detected on a=0,b=1...
- ;
- ;Carry is clear if media change processed. Carry set if invalid
- ; drive passed in BL (drive is not in use, is out of range, is
- ; a network drive).
- ;
- pop ax
- pop ax
- pop bp
- nobodytonotify:
- call reset_drive_stuff
- xor bh,bh ;cause the bpb to be re-read next access
- mov bl,original_unit
- shl bx,1
- mov word ptr secsize_and_align_info[bx],0ffffh
- mov selected_drive,-1
- jmp go_back_to_dos
- handle_get_bpb:
- call reset_drive_stuff
- jmp short not_get_bpb
- ; We now know we're operating on a cached drive. We have to
- ; look at the function number to decide what to do next.
- this_drive_is_cached:
- cmp es:[bx].reqfunc,devrd ; read, write, writev == go do it
- je cache_this_readwrite
- cmp es:[bx].reqfunc,devwrt
- je cache_this_readwrite
- cmp es:[bx].reqfunc,devwrtv
- je cache_this_readwrite
- cmp es:[bx].reqfunc,1
- je do_media_check ; watch return code from media check
- cmp es:[bx].reqfunc,2
- je handle_get_bpb
- not_get_bpb:
- cmp es:[bx].reqfunc,genioctl ; certain genioctls require
- jnz just_pass_thru ; that we invalidate our cache
- mov ax,word ptr es:[bx].majorfunction
- cmp ax,6008h ;dont trap get bpb
- je just_pass_thru_short
- cmp ax,6608h
- jae just_pass_thru_short
- call reset_drive_stuff
- just_pass_thru_short:
- jmp just_pass_thru
- ; We've now qualified this operation substantially. We know that
- ; the request was a read, write, or write w/verify on a drive that
- ; we are caching. Furthermore, the cache is not zero-length and
- ; it isn't a Win 3.1 swap file access.
- cache_this_readwrite:
- mov al,es:[bx].0dh ; use correct media id
- mov media_id,al
- mov al,es:[bx] ; use correct packet size
- mov packet_size,al
- cld ; allow our internals to assume direction
- ; have we changed drives from last time?
- mov al,original_unit ; no need to recalculate constants
- cmp al,selected_drive ; on repeated accesses to the same
- jz constants_already_valid ; drive
- ; setup the relevant constants for this drive
- mov selected_drive,al
- call get_drive_info
- mov byte ptr cache_align_factor,ch ; save cache align factor
- mov byte ptr cache_block_shift,cl ; save shift factor
- push bx
- xor bh,bh
- mov bl,original_unit
- mov al,media_id
- mov byte ptr media_ids[bx],al
- mov al,packet_size
- mov byte ptr packet_sizes[bx],al
- pop bx
- mov ax,cache_block_bytes ; get sector size
- shr ax,cl
- mov sector_size_bytes,ax
- mov al,1
- shl al,cl
- mov byte ptr cache_block_sectors,al ; get number of secs / cache block
- ; Now we have to generate a mask with one bit per sectors/blk
- mov cl,al
- mov ax,1
- shl ax,cl
- dec ax ; get one bit per sector in this block
- mov cache_mask,ax ; and save the mask
- constants_already_valid:
- ;
- ; When we come here, we know that variables like sector_size_bytes
- ; and cache_block_sectors are set correctly to their values for the
- ; drive for this operation. The caller's registers have mostly been
- ; saved on the stack. It is time to go to work.
- mov ax,es:[bx.count] ; copy count & transfer address to
- mov d_count,ax ; local temporary variables
- mov ax,es:word ptr [bx.trans]
- mov word ptr d_trans,ax
- mov ax,es:word ptr [bx.trans+2]
- mov word ptr d_trans+2,ax
- mov ax,es:[bx.start] ; get 16-bit block number
- xor dx,dx
- ; We must look at our device header (original copy) to see
- ; if we should support 32 bit sector numbers.
- push es
- push bx
- les bx,dd_header
- test es:byte ptr [bx.4],2 ; 32-bit capable device?
- pop bx
- pop es
- jz use_16_bit_blocknum
- cmp dos_3x,0
- je notdos3x
- cmp byte ptr es:[bx],24 ;compaq's 24 byte packet?
- jne use_16_bit_blocknum
- mov dx,es:[bx.start.2] ;get second part of 32-bit offset
- jmp short use_16_bit_blocknum
- notdos3x:
- cmp ax,-1 ; for 32 bit block numbers, the
- jnz use_16_bit_blocknum ; low 16 should be -1
- mov dx,es:[bx.start_h] ; get high part
- mov ax,es:[bx.start_l] ; get 32-bit block number
- use_16_bit_blocknum:
- ; We now have dx:ax == the starting sector for this I/O. Let's
- ; figure out which cache block contains that sector, and what the
- ; sector offset within that cache block is
- ; cmp es:byte ptr [bx.1],1 ; drive b:
- ; jnz no_bkpt
- ; cmp ax,0b10h
- ; jb no_bkpt
- ;
- ; int 3
- ;
- ;no_bkpt:
- add ax,cache_align_factor ; adjustment factor attempts to align
- adc dx,0 ; cache blocks with FAT clusters
- mov cx,cache_block_shift
- push ax ; save the low bits
- ; The following is a fast 32-bit shift right. It will be used
- ; elsewhere in this program without the timing documentation.
- ; WARNING: assumes CL <=16!
- mov di,0FFFFh ;2 clks 3bytes set up to make a mask
- ror dx,cl ;3, 2bytes low bits of dx set to final bit position
- shr ax,cl ;3, 2bytes low bits of ax set to final bit position
- shr di,cl ;3, 2bytes the mask should just cover low bits in dx
- mov cx,dx ;2, 2bytes save off dx (we still need high bits)
- and dx,di ;2, 2bytes mask off the high bits of dx--dx is is done
- not di ;2, 2bytes invert mask so we can get high bits for ax
- and cx,di ;2, 2bytes mask just covers the high bits
- or ax,cx ;2 2bytes or the high bits into ax--ax is done
- ;= 21 clocks total (386),19 bytes
- mov curblk_l,ax ; store the cache block number of
- mov curblk_h,dl ; the 1st sector in a temp. variable
- pop ax ; get low bits (modulo)
- mov ah,byte ptr cache_block_sectors
- dec ah ; generate a mask for secs/blk
- and al,ah ; extract the partial block size
- mov byte ptr curblk_index,al ; save index within cache block
- cmp es:[bx.reqfunc],devrd ; reading?
- jnz do_writes ; assume all other functions are writes
- call cache_reads ; use a subroutine for the read loop
- jmp short common_exit
- do_writes:
- call cache_write_data ; write it, cache if appropriate
- common_exit:
- go_back_to_dos:
- pop si
- pop di
- pop bx
- pop es
- pop cx ; restore 1st tier of saved regs
- pop dx
- pop bp
- cmp in_device_call,0
- jne handle_reentrancy_exit_near
- mov ss,save_stack_ss ;restore stack
- mov sp,save_stack_sp
- dont_restore_stack:
- dec in_bambi ; free device_driver resource
- dec in_device_call ;keep track of reentrancy
- cmp commit_all_when_ok,0 ;now is a good time to determine if
- jne must_commit_all ;some asynch event (ctrl+alt+delete)
- ;requires us to commit all
- continue_returntodos:
- pop ds ; restore caller's ds
- assume ds:nothing
- ret ; back to DOS (or last hooker)
- must_commit_all:
- call write_behind_cache
- jmp short continue_returntodos
- handle_reentrancy_exit_near:
- jmp handle_reentrancy_exit
- our_int endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; This routine is used when a media_change or an IOCTL forces
- ; us to invalidate our information about a given drive so that
- ; we are forced to re-read it.
- ;
- reset_drive_stuff proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov num_valid_buffers,0 ; invalidate supercache
- push ax ;flush the cache and invalidate
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- push bp
- push si
- push di
- push es
- call commit_all_dirty
- call flush_queue
- pop es
- pop di
- pop si
- pop bp
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- ret
- reset_drive_stuff endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Come here when we have a read operation on a cached drive.
- ; The block number and index within the first block have already
- ; been setup by the common entry code.
- ;
- ; The basic idea is that we break the read down into:
- ;
- ; First partial (non-cache-block aligned sectors on front)
- ; Full cache blocks
- ; Last partial (cache-block aligned, but we don't need it all)
- xno_partial_on_front: jmp no_partial_on_front ; make short branch reach
- cache_reads proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- cmp byte ptr curblk_index,0 ; partial block at the front?
- jz xno_partial_on_front ; skip if not
- call check_supercache_match ; if we're lucky, the data we want
- ; is already in our RAM buffer and
- ; we won't even have to hit XMS
- jnc no_supercache_in_partial ; Skip if we weren't lucky
- ; the block we need part of is already in the cache, copy to
- ; user's buffer. Note: si has already been setup (pointing
- ; to the target block in the supercache) and must not be trashed.
- call first_partial_setup ; get sector count, set es:di for move
- push ax ; save # sectors
- mov ax,curblk_index ; get offset within block
- mul sector_size_bytes
- add si,ax ; point to correct source in supercache
- pop ax
- mul sector_size_bytes
- mov cx,ax
- shr cx,1 ; convert to words
- mov ds,lb_seg
- assume ds:nothing
- ; ds:si -> desired sector in supercache (our local RAM buffer)
- ; es:di -> user's transfer address
- ; cx = length of this transfer in words
- ; ax = length of this transfer in bytes
- rep movsw ; move to user's buffer
- push cs
- pop ds
- assume ds:zseg ; restore addressability
- jmp short next_read_block ; update transfer, curblk, and continue
- ; We're still trying to satisfy our first partial, but it wasn't
- ; in the supercache. Our next best bet is our REAL cache.
- no_supercache_in_partial:
- call check_hit ; see if we hit on curblk
- jnz partial_was_a_hit ; skip if that block is present
- ; the block we need isn't in cache! We've got to hit the disk,
- ; and while we're at it, we'll stick it into the cache for
- ; future use.
- mov cx,1 ; just get one block
- call get_curblks_into_cache ; get the curblk into local buf
- ; ; and cache it!
- jnc frst_prt_rdok ; done if no disk read error
- ; we couldn't read the whole block. Now we'd better try to
- ; read just the part the user wanted directly into his buffer
- ; before we decide to bomb out and report an error.
- call first_partial_setup ; get es:di -> dma addr, ax=count
- push ax ; save count
- mov ah,al ; get count into ah
- mov al,byte ptr curblk_index ; get sector within block
- call read_part_curblk_from_disk
- pop dx ; restore count into dx to preserve
- ; error code in ax
- jc xgot_fatal_error ; bomb out if fatal disk error
- ; lucky us! the read error was in another part of the
- ; block, or, the retry was sufficient to get the data.
- mov ax,dx ; get count just xferred
- mul sector_size_bytes ; get amount to bump xfer addr by
- jmp short next_read_block
- xgot_fatal_pop2: ; BUG1 - adjust stack & exit if error
- add sp,4 ; BUG1 - pop 2 entries off stack
- xgot_fatal_error: jmp got_fatal_error ; make short branch reach
- ; We've got the first partial read and cached. Now pass it
- ; back to the caller.
- frst_prt_rdok:
- call first_partial_setup ; setup for partial block
- mul sector_size_bytes ; get byte count for transfer
- mov cx,ax
- shr cx,1 ; convert to words
- push ax ; preserve the byte count in ax
- mov ax,curblk_index ; get starting index
- mul sector_size_bytes
- lds si,local_buf
- assume ds:nothing
- add si,ax
- rep movsw ; move the sectors
- pop ax
- push cs
- pop ds
- assume ds:zseg ; restore addressability
- jmp short next_read_block
- x_do_last_partial: jmp do_last_partial ; bridge for short jumps
- ; the block we need part of is already in the cache, copy to
- ; user's buffer.
- partial_was_a_hit:
- call first_partial_setup
- push ax ; save # sectors
- mov ah,byte ptr curblk_index ; get al blocks, starting here
- ifdef USE_VALID
- push ax
- call make_sure_sectors_are_valid ; if valid_bits not set,
- ; ; this routine will read the
- ; ; whole block and make sure
- ; ; it's all valid.
- jc xgot_fatal_pop2 ; BUG1 exit if error reading
- pop ax
- endif
- mov bp,cache_element_index
- les di,d_trans
- call read_part_cache_block ; read from cache into user buffer
- pop ax ; restore sector count
- mul sector_size_bytes
- ;//////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- ;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\///////////////////////////////
- ; This is the main READ loop. We come back here after successfully
- ; completing the first partial or any full blocks. AX has the number
- ; of bytes just transferred, and will be added to the transfer address.
- ; curblk is also incremented.
- next_read_block:
- add word ptr d_trans,ax ; update transfer address
- add curblk_l,1 ; move to next block
- adc curblk_h,0
- ; Now we're block aligned. Complete any remaining full blocks first.
- no_partial_on_front:
- mov ax,cache_block_sectors
- cmp ax,d_count ; do we need a full block?
- ja x_do_last_partial
- sub d_count,ax ; count it down
- call check_supercache_match ; did we match in supercache?
- jnc no_full_block_supercache_hit
- ; copy the block from supercache
- les di,d_trans ; get user buffer
- mov cx,cache_block_words ; move one full cache block
- mov ds,lb_seg ; si set by check_supercache_match
- assume ds:nothing
- rep movsw ; move from supercache
- push cs
- pop ds
- assume ds:zseg ; restore addressability
- mov ax,cache_block_bytes ; size for updating pointer
- jmp short next_read_block
- no_full_block_supercache_hit:
- ; No supercache match on full cache block. Our next best bet
- ; is the REAL cache.
- call check_hit ; is curblk in cache?
- jz full_nohit ; brif not
- ifdef USE_VALID
- mov ax,cache_mask ; make sure it is valid
- call make_sure_sectors_are_valid_mask
- jc zgot_fatal_error ; BUG1 -- exit if read error!
- endif
- les di,d_trans ; get user buffer
- mov bp,cache_element_index
- call read_full_cache_block ; read the whole cached block
- mov ax,cache_block_bytes ; size for updating pointer
- jmp next_read_block
- zgot_fatal_error: ; BUG1 -- error exit bridge
- jmp got_fatal_error ; BUG1
- ; block not in cache. Figure out how many contiguous nohits
- ; there are in the data we need, and read them all, then
- ; transfer them all into the cache at once.
- full_nohit:
- mov ax,curblk_l
- mov dl,curblk_h ; get last block number
- xor cx,cx ; init block needed count
- mov bx,d_count ; we need this many more sectors
- count_nohit_loop:
- inc cx ; count blocks needed
- sub bx,cache_block_sectors ; do we need another full block?
- jb we_know_how_many_nohits
- add ax,1 ; point to next block
- adc dl,0
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- call check_hit_in_regs ; do we need to read next block?
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- jz count_nohit_loop ; just keep looping while no hits
- we_know_how_many_nohits:
- ; now cx tells us how many blocks we need to read from disk
- ; bx is the number of remaining sectors after the contig nohits
- ; Okay, then. Let's jam directly on the user's buffer.
- cant_fit_more_in_localbuf:
- les di,d_trans ; get user buffer
- push cx ; save number of blks for caching loop
- mov ax,cx ; get count of blocks
- call read_curblks_from_disk ; read that sucker
- pop cx
- jc got_fatal_error ; error out! We NEED those blocks
- ; ; to succeed this call!
- ; adjust d_count to reflect multiple blocks transferred
- mov ax,cx ; we know this is at least one
- dec ax
- mul cache_block_sectors
- sub d_count,ax
- ; Now we've got to copy all of that shit into the cache
- les di,d_trans ; point to buffer
- push es ;check if this is a
- les si,accessing_swap_file_ptr ;swapfile access, if so
- cmp byte ptr es:[si],0 ;dont cache it
- pop es
- jne skip_cache_em
- cache_em:
- push cx
- push di
- xor cx,cx ; none of it is dirty!!!
- ifdef USE_VALID
- mov bx,cache_mask ; all valid
- endif
- call create_cache_block ; **** create the block^
- pop di
- push di
- call write_full_cache_block
- add curblk_l,1
- adc curblk_h,0
- pop di
- pop cx
- add di,cache_block_bytes
- loop cache_em
- done_cache_em:
- mov word ptr d_trans,di ; update d_trans
- ; **** Note: We're branching all of the way back here so
- ; we can test for the case where we've done with all
- ; of the full blocks. A potential speed optimization
- ; would be to duplicate the test here, and not bother
- ; looking up the next block if there is another one.
- ; In that case, we already know it is a hit. The
- ; block number would have to be saved above in this
- ; case.
- jmp no_partial_on_front
- skip_cache_em:
- add curblk_l,1
- adc curblk_h,0
- add di,cache_block_bytes
- loop skip_cache_em
- jmp short done_cache_em
- ; pass read error condition back to caller.
- got_fatal_error:
- les bx,user_reqblk
- mov es:[bx.reqstat],ax ; pass error code back to caller
- mov es:word ptr [bx.count],0 ; no sectors complete
- ret
- ; d_count is now less than a full cache block
- ; we are cache block aligned
- do_last_partial:
- cmp d_count,0 ; *IS* there a partial?
- jz reading_done ; skip if not
- call check_supercache_match
- jc last_partial_moveit ; just move it from supercache if so
- ; last partial not in supercache. Try regular cache next.
- call check_hit ; is last block in cache?
- jz need_to_read_last_partial
- ; Got it in regular cache!
- ifdef USE_VALID
- mov ax,d_count ; ah=0, al=sectors we need
- call make_sure_sectors_are_valid ; make sure they're valid
- jc got_fatal_error ; BUG1 fatal exit if read error
- endif
- mov ax,d_count ; starting with zero, read d_count
- les di,d_trans
- mov bp,cache_element_index
- call read_part_cache_block ; read it from cache
- jmp short reading_done ; done! exit okay!
- ; We've gotta hit the disk. Maybe we'll do a readahead too.
- need_to_read_last_partial:
- call readahead_check ; should we readahead?
- mov cx,1 ; just read this one block if we're
- ; ; not sequential from last time
- jnz last_partial_no_readahead
- mov cx,max_valid_buffers ; read/cache this many blocks if seq.
- last_partial_no_readahead:
- call get_curblks_into_cache ; get those suckers into cache
- jnc last_partial_readok ; done if no read error
- ; read error. We'd better try reading just exactly what the
- ; user requested.
- mov ah,byte ptr d_count ; get count
- xor al,al ; start reading from front of block
- les di,d_trans
- call read_part_curblk_from_disk
- jnc reading_done ; done if read ok!!!
- jmp got_fatal_error ; fatal error if disk read error
- last_partial_readok:
- mov si,word ptr local_buf ; we know the data is in the
- ; front of the local_buf
- ; We will enter here when we're moving the data out of the
- ; supercache.
- last_partial_moveit:
- mov ax,d_count
- mul sector_size_bytes
- mov cx,ax ; copy this many
- shr cx,1 ; convert to words
- les di,d_trans
- mov ds,lb_seg
- assume ds:nothing
- rep movsw
- push cs
- pop ds ; restore addressability
- assume ds:zseg
- reading_done:
- mov ax,curblk_l
- mov lastblk_l,ax ; copy curblk to lastblk
- mov al,curblk_h
- mov lastblk_h,al
- readwrite_done:
- les bx,user_reqblk
- mov es:[bx.reqstat],100h ; normal completion
- ret ; no error checking for now
- cache_reads endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; subroutine to check to see if curblk is just past lastblk;
- ; this condition is used during a read of anything besides
- ; a first partial, to trigger readahead. Zero is set
- ; when (curblk-1) == lastblk
- ;
- ; ****Note: For now, we'll also return zero when curblk==lastblk.
- ; Depending on the exact exit path taken, lastblk may or may not
- ; be updated to point past the end of the previous read.
- ;
- ; trashes ax, cl
- readahead_check proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov ax,curblk_l
- mov cl,curblk_h
- sub ax,lastblk_l
- sbb cl,lastblk_h
- and al,0feh ; was result 0 or 1?
- or al,ah
- or al,cl ; set zero flag if so
- ret
- readahead_check endp
- ifdef USE_VALID
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; make sure that the currently needed sectors of the current
- ; block are indeed valid. If not, we've gotta read the
- ; whole block and mark it valid.
- ;
- ; Entry: ah=first sector we need, al=number of sectors we need
- ; Exit: carry set if we had a read error
- ; ax == error code if carry set BUG1
- ;
- ; Trashes: all
- make_sure_sectors_are_valid proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov cx,ax ; get our counts into cx
- mov ax,1
- shl ax,cl ; get one bits for each of ours
- dec ax
- mov cl,ch ; now shift that for starting place
- shl ax,cl
- make_sure_sectors_are_valid endp ; fall into similar routine w/ mask
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; make sure that the sectors in the currently looked-up cache
- ; block whose mask is in ax are valid. Otherwise, we've got
- ; to force the whole damn cache block to be valid.
- ;
- ; Entry: ax == mask of sectors required from this block
- ; Exit: carry set if we had a read error
- ; ax == error code if carry set BUG1
- ;
- ; Trashes: all
- make_sure_sectors_are_valid_mask proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- log_it 0 ; tracker: bambi type zero
- mov cx,valid_mask ; here is what's valid
- not cx
- and cx,ax ; were any of our 1 bits zero bits?
- jnz make_cache_block_valid
- clc ; return with no error
- ret
- make_cache_block_valid:
- log_it 1 ; tracker: bambi type one
- mov num_valid_buffers,0 ; invalidate supercache
- les di,local_buf
- mov ax,1 ; block count
- push cx ; BUG1 -- save mask of needed sectors
- call read_curblks_from_disk ; read it into buffer
- pop cx ; BUG1 -- restore mask of needed secs
- jc make_cache_readerror ; skip if read error!!!!
- log_it 2 ; tracker: time stamp reading done
- ; Now we've got to copy only the NON-DIRTY sectors into
- ; the cache, so that we don't replace data that hasn't yet
- ; made it onto the disk.
- mov cx,dirty_mask
- not cx ; get NON-DIRTY bits
- and cx,cache_mask
- xor ah,ah ; ah=0 (sector zero)
- ; Here we will assume CX != 0. If all of the bits in
- ; that block were DIRTY, they would also have to be VALID
- ; and we'd never be here in the first place.
- find_one_to_copy:
- inc ah ; count it
- shr cx,1
- jnc find_one_to_copy ; bypass clean block
- dec ah ; this is the sector number
- xor al,al ; count=1+number of contig ones in cl
- find_number_to_copy:
- inc al
- shr cx,1
- jc find_number_to_copy ; loop while we find more ones
- shl cx,1 ; put a zero bit back
- push cx ; save mask
- push ax ; save count
- mov al,ah ; get starting sector
- xor ah,ah
- mul sector_size_bytes
- les di,local_buf ; find location in disk buffer
- add di,ax
- pop ax ; restore count
- push ax ; save count again
- mov bp,cache_element_index
- call write_part_cache_block ; write into cache
- pop ax
- pop cx ; restore continuing mask
- log_it 3 ; tracker: xms written
- add ah,al ; update sector number
- or cx,cx
- jnz find_one_to_copy
- mov bx,cache_mask ; valid == all
- mov valid_mask,bx
- mov cx,dirty_mask
- mov bp,cache_element_index
- call set_dirtyindex ; mark it all valid
- clc
- ret ; return with carry set if error
- ; BUG1 -- BEGIN NEW CODE!!!!!
- ; -- the following error exit was totally messed up
- ; in the Win 3.1 version of this code, causing
- ; potential data loss in this case of bad adjacent blocks.
- ;
- ; the block we need is only partially valid, but trying
- ; the usual technique of making the whole thing valid
- ; won't work because there are bad sectors in the block.
- ; We must try to read exactly the missing sectors we
- ; need. If this succeeds, we'll stick them in the
- ; cache, otherwise, we'll bomb out with a fatal error.
- make_cache_readerror:
- ; Here is the old, wrong code.
- ;BUG1 mov bp,cache_element_index
- ;BUG1 call invalidate_element
- ;BUG1 stc ; return error condition, ax == code
- ;BUG1 ret
- push cx ; save mask of new sectors to read
- xor ah,ah ; ah=0 (sector zero)
- ; Here we will assume cx != 0, because it is the mask of
- ; sectors we need which are not valid in the cache.
- find_one_to_read:
- inc ah ; count it
- shr cx,1
- jnc find_one_to_read ; bypass unneeded block
- dec ah ; this is the sector number
- xor al,al ; count=1+number of contig ones in cx
- find_number_to_read:
- inc al
- shr cx,1
- jc find_number_to_read ; loop while we find more ones
- shl cx,1 ; put a zero bit back
- push cx ; save mask
- push ax ; save count
- mov al,ah ; get starting sector
- xor ah,ah
- mul sector_size_bytes
- les di,local_buf ; find location in disk buffer
- add di,ax
- pop ax ; restore count
- ; Now we have to read those sectors into the buffer.
- push ax
- xchg ah,al ; swap count and start
- push es
- push di
- call read_part_curblk_from_disk ; read the sectors we need
- pop di
- pop es
- jc make_sure_fatal_read_error ; abort if error
- pop ax ; restore start sector and count
- push ax ; save count again
- mov bp,cache_element_index
- call write_part_cache_block ; write into cache
- pop ax
- pop cx ; restore continuing mask
- log_it 3 ; tracker: xms written
- add ah,al ; update sector number
- or cx,cx
- jnz find_one_to_read
- pop ax ; get mask of sectors we just cached
- or valid_mask,ax
- mov bx,valid_mask
- mov cx,dirty_mask
- mov bp,cache_element_index
- call set_dirtyindex ; mark new sectors valid
- clc
- ret ; return no carry, no error
- make_sure_fatal_read_error:
- add sp,6 ; get rid of count, running mask, and
- ; ; overall mask of missing sectors
- stc ; set error condition
- ret ; and return with error code in ax
- ; BUG1 -- end of new code
- make_sure_sectors_are_valid_mask endp
- endif ; ifdef USE_VALID
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Now let's do a write function, caching any data that's
- ; appropriate.
- cache_write_data proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- test flags_and_unit,40h ; should we delay writes?
- jz write_without_delay
- if 1
- push es ;check if this is a
- les si,accessing_swap_file_ptr ;swapfile access, if so
- cmp byte ptr es:[si],0 ;dont cache it
- pop es
- jne write_without_delay
- endif
- jmp short do_delayed_writes
- ; Writes are not delayed. Just make sure it's all in the
- ; cache (except for first partial block with no hit), then
- ; pass it through to the driver and return the error.
- write_without_delay:
- mov num_valid_buffers,0 ; invalidate supercache
- cmp byte ptr curblk_index,0 ; partial block at the front?
- jz wnodel_no_first_partial
- ; count is min (cache_block_sectors - curblk_index, d_count)
- mov ax,cache_block_sectors
- sub ax,curblk_index ; how many left in block?
- cmp ax,d_count ; do we want that many?
- jb wnodel_need_em_all ; skip if so
- mov ax,d_count ; only transfer what we need
- wnodel_need_em_all:
- push ax ; save the count
- call check_hit ; see if we hit on curblk
- pop ax ; restore count into ax!!!!
- jz wnodel_first_partial_common
- ; the partial block is in the cache. Better copy in our data.
- push ax ; save sector count
- les di,d_trans ; get disk transfer address
- mov ah,byte ptr curblk_index ; get first sector #
- ; Note: al == transfer count
- call write_part_cache_block ; copy partial block into cache
- pop ax ; restore sector count
- ; come here to update pointers after dealing with first partial
- ; block. al == number of sectors in first partial
- wnodel_first_partial_common:
- sub d_count,ax ; keep track of count
- mul sector_size_bytes ; bump transfer addr by this much
- wnodel_write_next_block:
- add word ptr d_trans,ax ; update transfer address
- add curblk_l,1 ; let's move to next block
- adc curblk_h,0
- ; Now we're block aligned. Complete any full blocks first.
- wnodel_no_first_partial:
- mov ax,cache_block_sectors
- cmp ax,d_count ; do we need a full block?
- ja wnodel_last_partial ; skip if no more full blocks
- sub d_count,ax ; count it down
- call check_hit ; is curblk in cache?
- jz wnodel_full_common
- ; We got a hit! Must update cache!
- les di,d_trans ; get user buffer
- call write_full_cache_block ; write the whole block
- wnodel_full_common:
- mov ax,cache_block_bytes ; update pointer
- jmp wnodel_write_next_block
- ; d_count is now less than a full cache block
- ; we are cache block aligned
- wnodel_last_partial:
- cmp d_count,0 ; *IS* there a partial?
- jz wnodel_done ; skip if not
- call check_hit ; is last partial in cache?
- jz wnodel_done ; skip if not
- les di,d_trans
- mov ax,d_count ; ah=0, al=count
- call write_part_cache_block ; copy that data into cache
- ; Now we've updated the cache to reflect our pending write.
- ; Go ahead and do the write, and let the device driver
- ; return the error code to the caller.
- wnodel_done:
- jmp call_dd_ureqblk ; let dd set return code
- ; The writes are being delayed. Just put everything into
- ; the cache with dirty bits set.
- do_delayed_writes:
- mov num_valid_buffers,0 ;data may have been dupped in supercache
- ;so invalidate supercache
- ;PARADOX BUG FIX 8/4/92 Scottq
- cmp byte ptr curblk_index,0 ; partial block at the front?
- ifdef USE_VALID
- jz no_partial_to_write
- else
- jnz must_write_partial
- jmp no_partial_to_write
- endif
- ; we need a mask with curblk_index (known non-zero) low bits
- ; clear, and 'count' bits set after that, counting from bit zero.
- ; This mask gives the bits which we'll have to set in dirty_bits.
- must_write_partial:
- ; count is min (cache_block_sectors - curblk_index, d_count)
- mov cx,cache_block_sectors
- sub cx,curblk_index ; how many left in block?
- cmp cx,d_count ; do we want that many?
- jb xbsetup_need_em_all ; skip if so
- mov cx,d_count ; only transfer what we need
- xbsetup_need_em_all:
- mov ax,1
- shl ax,cl ; now put in that many one bits
- dec ax ; convert to mask
- push cx ; save the count
- mov cl,byte ptr curblk_index
- shl ax,cl ; that many zero bits
- push ax ; save the mask
- call check_hit ; see if we hit on curblk
- pop cx ; restore mask into cx!!!!
- pop ax ; restore count into ax!!!!
- push ax ; re-save sector count
- ; *****************************************************
- ; The following big chunk of code varies greatly between
- ; the USE_VALID version and otherwise, so it exists in
- ; two separate versions rather than riddling the code
- ; with ifdefs
- ; *****************************************************
- ifdef USE_VALID ; for debugging, use other code
- jnz wr_partial_was_a_hit ; brif we hit partial
- ; ; seed mask is in cx
- mov bx,cx ; only the ones we're writing will
- ; ; be valid
- call create_cache_block
- jmp short wr_partial_common
- wr_partial_was_a_hit:
- or cx,dirty_mask ; or with previous mask
- ifdef USE_VALID
- mov bx,cx ; set all dirty_bits valid
- or bx,valid_mask
- endif
- call set_dirtyindex
- wr_partial_common:
- ; Note! We've set the dirty_bits before we filled up the
- ; buffer. Good thing we know the commit_cache function
- ; can't be running concurrently with this mainline code.
- ; copy from cache to local_buf
- ; *** Note: We really only have to copy the part of the block
- ; that we're not replacing.
- mov bp,cache_element_index ;setup cache block index
- les di,d_trans ;get pointer to user data
- pop ax ;ax is now actual count
- push ax ;must restore later
- sub d_count,ax ;update global sector count
- mov ah,byte ptr curblk_index;setup for next call
- call write_part_cache_block ;write data to xms
- mov num_valid_buffers,0 ;data may have been dupped in supercache
- ;so invalidate supercache
- pop ax ;restore count
- mul sector_size_bytes ;adjust to bytes
- ; go write next block
- else ; ndef USE_VALID
- jnz wr_partial_was_a_hit ; brif we hit partial
- ; ; seed mask is in cx
- ; This non-USE_VALID code path may still be used during
- ; debugging, so it still has some USE_VALID logic in it
- ifdef USE_VALID
- mov bx,cache_mask ; all valid for now
- endif
- call create_cache_block ; filling up local_buf
- ; NOTE: We really only need to read the first part of the block
- les di,local_buf
- mov ax,1
- mov num_valid_buffers,0 ; invalidate local_buf
- call read_curblks_from_disk ; read it into buffer
- jnc wr_first_partial_common
- ; Shit! read error. Better invalidate block & bomb!
- call invalidate_cache_block
- pop ax ; get sector count to write
- push ax ; resave count
- mov ah,al ; count into ah
- mov al,byte ptr curblk_index ; get starting sector
- les di,d_trans
- call write_part_curblk_to_disk
- pop dx ; restore sector count
- jnc write_first_partial_recover_ok
- jmp got_fatal_error
- write_first_partial_recover_ok:
- mov ax,dx ; get number of sectors just written
- mul sector_size_bytes ; get amount to increase d_trans by
- jmp short write_next_block
- wr_partial_was_a_hit:
- or cx,dirty_mask ; or with previous mask
- ifdef USE_VALID
- mov bx,cx ; set all dirty_bits valid
- or bx,valid_mask
- endif
- call set_dirtyindex
- ; Note! We've set the dirty_bits before we filled up the
- ; buffer. Good thing we know the commit_cache function
- ; can't be running concurrently with this mainline code.
- ; copy from cache to local_buf
- ; *** Note: We really only have to copy the part of the block
- ; that we're not replacing.
- mov bp,cache_element_index ;setup cache block index
- les di,d_trans ;get pointer to user data
- pop ax ;ax is now actual count
- push ax ;must restore later
- sub d_count,ax ;update global sector count
- mov ah,byte ptr curblk_index;setup for next call
- call write_part_cache_block ;write data to xms
- mov num_valid_buffers,0 ;data may have been dupped in supercache
- ;so invalidate supercache
- pop ax ;restore count
- mul sector_size_bytes ;adjust to bytes
- ifdef USE_VALID
- jmp write_next_block ;continue...
- else
- jmp short write_next_block
- endif
- wr_first_partial_common:
- mov ax,curblk_index ; get starting index
- mul sector_size_bytes
- les di,local_buf
- add di,ax ; point to destination in buffer
- pop ax ; get the actual transfer count
- sub d_count,ax ; keep track of count
- mul sector_size_bytes
- mov cx,ax
- shr cx,1 ; convert count to words
- lds si,d_trans ; get disk transfer address
- assume ds:nothing
- rep movsw ; move the data
- push cs
- pop ds
- assume ds:zseg ; restore addressability
- push ax ; save byte count for update
- mov ax,1 ; make supercache valid
- call set_supercache_valid ; with one block (curblk)
- les di,local_buf
- call write_full_cache_block ; write that pig thru the cache
- pop ax ; restore byte count
- ; go write next block
- endif ; ifdef USE_VALID
- write_next_block:
- add word ptr d_trans,ax ; update transfer address
- add curblk_l,1 ; let's move to next block
- adc curblk_h,0
- ; Now we're block aligned. Complete any full blocks first.
- no_partial_to_write:
- mov ax,cache_block_sectors
- cmp ax,d_count ; do we need a full block?
- ja write_last_partial ; skip if no more full blocks
- sub d_count,ax ; count it down
- call check_hit ; is curblk in cache?
- jnz wr_full_was_a_hit ; skip if that block is present
- mov cx,cache_mask ; fully dirty
- ifdef USE_VALID
- mov bx,cx ; and fully valid
- endif
- call create_cache_block ; filling up local_buf
- jmp short wr_full_common
- wr_full_was_a_hit:
- mov cx,cache_mask ; mark it fully dirty
- ifdef USE_VALID
- mov bx,cx ; and fully valid
- or bx,valid_mask
- endif
- call set_dirtyindex
- ; okay. copy that puppy into cache.
- wr_full_common:
- les di,d_trans ; get user buffer
- call write_full_cache_block ; write the whole block
- mov ax,cache_block_bytes ; update pointer
- jmp write_next_block
- ; d_count is now less than a full cache block
- ; we are cache block aligned
- write_last_partial:
- cmp d_count,0 ; *IS* there a partial?
- jnz write_last_partial_not_done
- jmp short writing_done ; skip if not
- write_last_partial_not_done:
- ; figure out our mask bits
- mov cl,byte ptr d_count
- mov ax,1
- shl ax,cl
- dec ax ; convert to mask
- push ax
- call check_hit ; is last partial in cache?
- pop cx ; get new mask bits into cx
- ; *********************************************
- ; Here is another big block which is different for USE_VALID
- ; *********************************************
- ifdef USE_VALID
- jnz wr_last_partial_was_a_hit ; skip if that block is present
- mov bx,cx ; only our writing bits are valid
- call create_cache_block ; filling up local_buf
- jmp short wr_last_partial_common
- wr_last_partial_was_a_hit:
- or cx,dirty_mask ; or with previous
- mov bx,cx ; valid=dirty
- or bx,valid_mask
- call set_dirtyindex
- wr_last_partial_common:
- mov num_valid_buffers,0 ; invalidate super-cache just in case
- mov bp,cache_element_index ;get block index
- les di,d_trans ;get pointer to user data
- mov ax,d_count ;get final count of last write
- call write_part_cache_block ;write data to cache in xms
- else ; ndef USE_VALID
- jnz wr_last_partial_was_a_hit ; skip if that block is present
- ; ifdef USE_VALID
- ; mov bx,cache_mask ; the whole thing is valid
- ; endif
- call create_cache_block ; filling up local_buf
- ; Note: We really don't need to read the whole block, only the
- ; last part of it.
- les di,local_buf
- mov ax,1
- mov num_valid_buffers,0 ; invalidate supercache
- call read_curblks_from_disk ; read it into buffer
- jnc wr_last_partial_common
- call invalidate_cache_block
- ; Now we should attempt to write the sectors directly to the disk.
- ; Only if this fails will we actually report an error.
- les di,d_trans
- mov ah,byte ptr d_count ; count of sectors to write
- xor al,al ; start from front of block
- call write_part_curblk_to_disk
- ; Note: this may have to be split between the two different
- ; places that enter this code path.
- jnc writing_done ; done if no error writing
- jmp got_fatal_error
- wr_last_partial_was_a_hit:
- or cx,dirty_mask ; or with previous
- ; ifdef USE_VALID
- ; mov bx,cx ; valid=dirty
- ; or bx,valid_mask
- ; endif
- call set_dirtyindex
- ; copy from cache to local_buf
- ; Note: we really only need to copy the part we aren't filling in.
- mov bp,cache_element_index ;get block index
- les di,d_trans ;get pointer to user data
- mov ax,d_count ;get final count of last write
- ;;; ah=0!
- call write_part_cache_block ;write data to cache in xms
- mov num_valid_buffers,0 ;be sure super-cache is consitent
- ifdef USE_VALID
- jmp writing_done ;outtahere
- else
- jmp short writing_done ;outtahere
- endif
- wr_last_partial_common:
- les di,local_buf
- mov ax,d_count ; get sectors in last partial
- mul sector_size_bytes
- mov cx,ax
- shr cx,1 ; convert count to words
- lds si,d_trans
- assume ds:nothing
- rep movsw ; move the data
- push cs
- pop ds
- assume ds:zseg ; restore addressability
- mov ax,1
- call set_supercache_valid ; mark the supercache as valid
- les di,local_buf
- call write_full_cache_block ; write that pig thru the cache
- endif ; ifdef USE_VALID
- writing_done:
- jmp readwrite_done ; no errors
- cache_write_data endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; the partial block we need isn't in the cache. Read the block,
- ; and possibly the blocks after it into the cache. Return
- ; as many blocks as can be read successfully (not marked bad,
- ; not hits, not read error) in the supercache. Return carry
- ; if we couldn't even read the first block.
- ;
- ; entry: cx == number of blocks to read & cache. Those blocks
- ; will be left in local_buf on return.
- ;
- ; returns carry set if error on first block
- ;
- ; If count > 1, that means we're doing a readahead. We haven't
- ; actually checked to see if any of that is in the cache.
- get_curblks_into_cache proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- push cx ; save original count
- mov ax,curblk_l
- mov dl,curblk_h ; get last curblk into dl:ax
- mov dh,original_unit ; and original_unit into dh
- jmp short skip_hitcheck_on_1st ; we already know first block
- ; ; is a nohit or we couldn't be
- ; ; here now.
- get_curblk_ckhit_loop:
- push ax
- push cx
- push dx ; save blocknum & count
- call check_hit_in_regs ; is it a hit?
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop ax
- jnz get_curblk_ckhit_exit ; we got a readahead stopper!
- skip_hitcheck_on_1st:
- push cx
- mov cx,num_bad_blocks
- jcxz not_bad_block ; skip if no bads exist
- push cs
- pop es
- mov di,offset bad_blocks ; point to list of known baddies
- continue_bad_check:
- repnz scasw ; see if this is one.
- jz might_be_bad ; OOOPS. might be bad. go check rest
- ; this block is a candidate for caching. Loop.
- not_bad_block:
- pop cx
- add ax,1
- adc dl,0 ; adjust block number
- loop get_curblk_ckhit_loop
- pop cx ; restore the original count
- jmp short get_curblks_no_rdahead ; go ahead and read the whole thing
- ; the low 16 bits matched that of a known bad block. Let's
- ; see if the high 16 do, too.
- might_be_bad:
- ; int 1
- cmp dx,[di].bad_drives-bad_blocks-2
- jnz continue_bad_check
- pop cx ; get our loop count from stack
- ; fall into the same logic that deals with cache hits. Stop
- ; the read before we get here!
- ; we got a hit. Now we have to figure out how many blocks we
- ; can read safely before the hit.
- get_curblk_ckhit_exit:
- pop ax ; get original block count
- sub ax,cx ; truncate number past first nohit
- mov cx,ax
- jcxz cant_read_any_blocks ; done if first block marked bad
- get_curblks_no_rdahead:
- mov num_valid_buffers,0 ; invalidate old supercache
- mov di,offset blockids
- push cx ; save count
- mov ax,curblk_l
- mov dl,curblk_h
- mov dh,original_unit ; merge unit code into cookie
- if 1
- push es ;check if this is a
- les si,accessing_swap_file_ptr ;swapfile access, if so
- cmp byte ptr es:[si],0 ;dont cache it
- pop es
- jne dont_add_to_cache
- endif
- ; now loop through and create cache blocks for everything we're
- ; reading.
- get_curblks_00:
- push cx
- push dx
- push ax
- push di
- xor cx,cx ; create clean cache block before
- ifdef USE_VALID
- mov bx,cache_mask ; all valid, please
- mov valid_mask,bx ; set existing valid mask
- endif
- call queue_element
- pop di
- pop ax
- pop dx
- pop cx
- add ax,1
- adc dl,0 ; update block number
- mov word ptr [di],bp ; save cache block number
- add di,2
- loop get_curblks_00
- les di,local_buf
- pop ax ; get block count
- push ax ; and re-save on stack
- call read_curblks_from_disk ; read them into buffer
- pop cx ; restore block count
- jc get_curblks_readerror ; skip if read error!!!!
- mov ax,cx ; get the block count
- call set_supercache_valid ; and mark it valid
- les di,local_buf
- mov si,offset blockids
- copy_localbuf_into_cache:
- push si
- push di
- push cx
- mov cx,cache_block_words
- mov bp,word ptr [si] ; get cache block number
- xor si,si ; do entire block
- call buffer_to_cache
- pop cx
- pop di
- pop si
- add si,2
- add di,cache_block_bytes ; update dma pointer
- loop copy_localbuf_into_cache
- clc
- ret ; no errors
- cant_read_any_blocks:
- stc ; first block was marked bad
- ret
- dont_add_to_cache:
- pop ax
- push ax
- les di,local_buf
- call read_curblks_from_disk ; read them into buffer
- pop ax
- jc mark_curblk_bad
- call set_supercache_valid ; and mark it valid
- clc
- ret ; no errors
- get_curblks_readerror:
- mov di,offset blockids
- get_curblks_invalidate:
- mov bp,word ptr [di]
- add di,2
- push di
- push cx
- call invalidate_element
- pop cx
- pop di
- loop get_curblks_invalidate
- ; exit through here if we got a read error. Actually, we should
- ; try to figure out which block was bad, but for now, we'll just
- ; assume it was the first one. Eventually, the problem block
- ; will be marked.
- mark_curblk_bad:
- ; int 1
- mov di,next_bad_entry_ptr
- mov dx,curblk_l
- mov bad_blocks[di],dx
- mov dl,curblk_h
- mov dh,original_unit
- mov bad_drives[di],dx
- add di,2 ; point to next entry
- cmp di,MAXBADS*2
- jb mark_curblk_bad_1
- xor di,di ; next one back to zero
- mark_curblk_bad_1:
- mov next_bad_entry_ptr,di ; update pointer for next bad sector
- cmp num_bad_blocks,MAXBADS
- jae no_incr_numbads
- inc num_bad_blocks
- no_incr_numbads:
- stc ; return error condition, ax == code
- ret
- get_curblks_into_cache endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; this routine is called when we can guarantee that the information
- ; in the local_buf is one or more valid cache blocks. This may
- ; save us an XMS transaction if we need that data again soon.
- ;
- ; call with ax == number of valid blocks in local_buf
- ; curblk_l, curblk_h == cache block of first block
- ; original_unit == the drive it is from
- set_supercache_valid proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov num_valid_buffers,ax
- mov ax,curblk_l
- mov bufferblk_l,ax
- mov al,curblk_h
- mov ah,original_unit
- mov bufferblk_h,ax
- ret
- set_supercache_valid endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; check to see if curblk is in the supercache. If so, return
- ; lb_seg:si pointing to it, ax == number of subsequent blocks present.
- ; if not in supercache, return carry false.
- check_supercache_match proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov al,curblk_h
- mov ah,original_unit
- sub ax,bufferblk_h
- clc
- jnz check_supercache_exit ; exit w/ carry false if no high match
- mov ax,curblk_l
- sub ax,bufferblk_l ; see if we are present
- cmp ax,num_valid_buffers
- jnc check_supercache_exit
- push ax ; save number we need to skip
- mul cache_block_bytes
- mov si,word ptr local_buf
- add si,ax ; point to curblk in local_buf
- pop ax
- sub ax,num_valid_buffers
- neg ax ; get ax == number of blocks present
- ; ; at and past curblk
- stc ; set carry to indicate success!
- check_supercache_exit:
- ret
- check_supercache_match endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; this routine calculates the number of blocks which can be
- ; transferred in the starting partial block. This count
- ; is returned in ax, and is automatically subtracted
- ; from d_count. Also, es:di is pre-loaded to point to
- ; the transfer address.
- ;
- ; Preserves: MUST PRESERVE SI!!
- first_partial_setup proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- ; count is min (cache_block_sectors - curblk_index, d_count)
- mov ax,cache_block_sectors
- sub ax,curblk_index ; how many left in block?
- cmp ax,d_count ; do we want that many?
- jb pbsetup_need_em_all ; skip if so
- mov ax,d_count ; only transfer what we need
- pbsetup_need_em_all:
- sub d_count,ax ; keep track of count
- les di,d_trans ; get disk transfer address
- ret
- first_partial_setup endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; see if the block at curblk is in the cache.
- ; alternate entry has block number in dl:ax.
- ;
- ; If found, return: BP == cache block number
- ; Zero flag clear
- ;
- ; If not found, return: BP == 0ffffh
- ; zero flag true
- check_hit proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov ax,curblk_l
- mov dl,curblk_h
- check_hit_in_regs:
- mov dh,original_unit ; merge unit code into cookie
- call fast_lookup
- mov dirty_mask,cx ; save mask of hit element
- ifdef USE_VALID
- mov valid_mask,ax ; save valid mask of hit element
- endif
- cmp bp,0ffffh
- jz nohit_count
- add hit_l,1
- adc hit_h,0
- ; Move that queue entry to head of chain
- ;call bring_queue_entry_to_head
- mov cache_element_index,bp
- cmp bp,0ffffh ; adjust zero flag again
- ret
- nohit_count:
- add nohit_l,1
- adc nohit_h,0
- mov cache_element_index,bp
- cmp bp,0ffffh
- ret
- check_hit endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; NOTE: We may get called back at dirty_write here! This
- ; will trash our local_buf!!!! Be aware!
- ;
- ; Regs: Input -- CX == initial dirty_bits value
- ; BX == initial valid_bits value (if enabled)
- create_cache_block proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov ax,curblk_l
- mov dl,curblk_h
- mov dh,original_unit ; merge unit code into cookie
- ifdef USE_VALID
- mov valid_mask,bx
- endif
- mov dirty_mask,cx
- call queue_element
- mov cache_element_index,bp
- ret
- create_cache_block endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; this entry is called when we created a cache block and
- ; were then unable to fill it completely.
- invalidate_cache_block proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov bp,cache_element_index
- jmp invalidate_element
- invalidate_cache_block endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; This puppy reads the cache block (from bp) into memory
- ; at es:di.
- read_full_cache_block proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov cx,cache_block_words
- xor si,si ; do entire block
- jmp short read_cache_common
- read_full_cache_block endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; call with ah=index, al=count
- read_part_cache_block proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- call mash_for_xms
- read_cache_common:
- jmp cache_to_buffer
- read_part_cache_block endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; This is similar to read_*_cache_block above except that
- ; it uses the block number in cache_element_index instead
- ; of bp.
- write_full_cache_block proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov cx,cache_block_words
- xor si,si ; do entire block
- jmp short write_cache_common
- write_full_cache_block endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; called with al = count to write, ah = starting index
- write_part_cache_block proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- call mash_for_xms
- write_cache_common:
- mov bp,cache_element_index
- jmp buffer_to_cache
- write_part_cache_block endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; call this for partial cache reads/writes. Calculates
- ; cx (word count) and si (index into block) based on
- ; ah=sector index, al=sector count
- mash_for_xms proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- push ax ; save first sector
- xor ah,ah
- mul sector_size_bytes
- mov cx,ax ; count for transfer
- shr cx,1 ; convert to words
- pop ax ; restore first sector
- mov al,ah
- xor ah,ah
- mul sector_size_bytes ; in dx:ax
- mov si,ax ; pass to cache manager in dx:si
- ret
- mash_for_xms endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; this function reads blocks at curblk into memory at
- ; es:di. curblk == 0 is a special case where only
- ; a partial read may be needed, depending on the
- ; cache_align_factor.
- ;
- ; number of blocks to read is in ax
- ;
- ; returns ax= device driver's return code.
- ; carry set if error condition occurred.
- read_curblks_from_disk proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mul cache_block_sectors
- mov our_trans_off,di
- mov our_trans_seg,es
- mov our_count,ax
- mov ax,curblk_l
- mov dx,word ptr curblk_h
- mov cx,cache_block_shift
- ;The following is a fast 32-bit shift left.
- ;WARNING: assumes CL <=16!
- ;BUG BUG: duped below!
- mov di,0FFFFh ; set up to make a mask
- rol ax,cl ;
- shl dx,cl ;
- shl di,cl ;
- mov cx,ax ;
- and ax,di ;
- not di ;
- and cx,di ;
- or dx,cx ;
- sub ax,cache_align_factor
- sbb dx,0
- jnb read_curblk_go
- ; we're doing block zero and have to do a partial read
- mov ax,cache_align_factor
- sub our_count,ax
- mul sector_size_bytes
- add our_trans_off,ax
- ; ***** Alternate entry point from lookup_device
- ; routine. Notice that it has already set up the
- ; count and transfer address fields.
- read_sector_zero:
- xor ax,ax
- xor dx,dx
- read_curblk_go:
- les bx,dd_header ; point to device header
- call set_start_sector ; store dx:ax as start sector
- mov byte ptr rblk_op,devrd
- les bx,loc_reqblk
- call call_dd ; call device driver
- les bx,loc_reqblk ; be sure packet is int es:bx
- mov ax,es:[bx].reqstat ; fetch up error code
- rol ah,1 ; get ax bit 15 into carry
- ror ah,1 ; without trashing ax
- ret
- read_curblks_from_disk endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; this function reads a fraction of a block at curblk
- ; into memory at es:di. AL=first sector, AH=number of secs.
- ; Return carry if disk read error, ax=error code from dev. drvr.
- read_part_curblk_from_disk proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov byte ptr rblk_op,devrd
- jmp short read_write_part_curblk
- read_part_curblk_from_disk endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; this function writes a fraction of a block at curblk from
- ; memory at es:di. AL=first sector, AH=number of secs.
- ; Return carry if disk write error, ax=error code from dev. drvr.
- write_part_curblk_to_disk proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- mov byte ptr rblk_op,devwrt
- read_write_part_curblk:
- mov our_trans_off,di
- mov our_trans_seg,es
- mov byte ptr our_count,ah
- mov byte ptr our_count+1,0
- push ax ; save first sector to read
- mov ax,curblk_l
- mov dx,word ptr curblk_h
- mov cx,cache_block_shift
- ;The following is a fast 32-bit shift left.
- ;WARNING: assumes CL <=16!
- ;BUG BUG: dupped above!
- mov di,0FFFFh ; set up to make a mask
- rol ax,cl ;
- shl dx,cl ;
- shl di,cl ;
- mov cx,ax ;
- and ax,di ;
- not di ;
- and cx,di ;
- or dx,cx ;
- sub ax,cache_align_factor
- sbb dx,0
- ; We don't actually have to deal with block zero here, because
- ; even if our dx:ax sector number goes negative here, the sector
- ; within the block will get added back in. Since that reflects
- ; an actual calling program read/write request, we can assume
- ; that it will yield a valid sector number (ie: >= 0)
- pop cx ; get the starting sector number
- xor ch,ch ; within curblk
- add ax,cx
- adc dx,0
- les bx,dd_header ; point to device header
- call set_start_sector ; store dx:ax as starting sector
- les bx,loc_reqblk
- call call_dd ; call device driver
- les bx,loc_reqblk ; be sure packet is int es:bx
- mov ax,es:[bx].reqstat ; fetch up error code
- rol ah,1 ; get ax bit 15 into carry
- ror ah,1 ; without trashing ax
- ret
- write_part_curblk_to_disk endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; This function stores dx:ax into our local DD request packet
- ; as the starting sector. This is more complicated than it
- ; sounds, because we have to take into account the DOS version
- ; and whether or not said device supports 32-bit block numbers.
- set_start_sector proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- ; ALWAYS store the block into start_l and start_h, in case
- ; some errant device driver picks them up there.
- mov our_startl,ax
- mov our_starth,dx
- cmp dos_3x,0 ; are we running on dos 3.x?
- jnz ss_dos30 ; brif so
- ; If we're running DOS 4.0 or later, we'll always try to pass
- ; block numbers in 32-bit mode if the driver supports it, since
- ; this is (??) the way those versions of DOS work. Compaq 3.31,
- ; on the other hand, will CHOKE if you send it a 32-bit block
- ; number for a sector which could otherwise be handled with 16 bits.
- test es:byte ptr [bx.4],2 ; see if it is 32-bit capable
- jz ss_use_16
- ss_use_32:
- mov our_start,-1
- ret
- ss_dos30:
- ss_use_16:
- mov our_start+2,dx
- mov our_start,ax
- ret
- set_start_sector endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; get actual unit code and physical device header for logical
- ; unit in al
- ;
- ; return remapped unit code in al, device header in bp:dx
- ; return cx = align factor and sector size code, for use
- ; only by dirty_write since it is potentially invalid
- ; at mainline entry.
- lookup_device proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- push bx ;note: we use bx instead of
- ;bp since bp will need to have
- ;a DS override 4 times=8 clocks,4 bytes
- ;but push/pop bx = 4 clocks,2 bytes
- xor ah,ah ; extend to 16 bits
- mov bx,ax ; snag the byte field
- mov al,byte ptr real_cache_units[bx]
- shl bx,1 ; index word field
- mov cx,secsize_and_align_info[bx]
- shl bx,1 ; snag dword field
- mov dx,word ptr real_dd_headers[bx]
- mov bp,word ptr real_dd_headers[bx+2]
- pop bx
- ret
- lookup_device endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; get the sector size and align factor for the drive in al.
- ;
- ; Must preserve es:bx
- get_drive_info proc near
- assume cs:zseg,ds:zseg,es:nothing
- xor ah,ah ; extend to 16 bits
- mov bp,ax
- shl bp,1 ; index word field
- mov cx,secsize_and_align_info[bp]
- cmp ch,0ffh
- jz gotta_set_secsize_and_align
- ret
- ; Now we've got to go hit the disk to get sector zero.
- ; We can safely assume we're not called from dirty_write
- ; because no sector should ever become dirty other than
- ; through the main bambi code, which guarantees that said
- ; drive has been accessed (logged in).
- gotta_set_secsize_and_align:
- push es
- push bx
- push bp ; save the word index
- ; to calculate the align factor, find the sector address of a
- ; cluster -- (123h for my 130Mb hard drive, 21h for 1.44M flop).
- ; mask off low bits under cluster mask, subtract from cluster
- ; size. This means 15 for 1.44M, 13 for my 130M drive c:
- ;
- ; My 110M system has a data field starting at sector 1bfh, so the
- ; tuning constant is 1.
- mov num_valid_buffers,0 ; invalidate super-cache
- les di,local_buf ; get address of temp buffer
- mov our_trans_off,di
- mov our_trans_seg,es
- mov our_count,1
- call read_sector_zero ; read bpb
- les bx,local_buf ; point back to block we read
- jc use_defaults
- push es
- push bx
- call verify_bpb
- pop bx
- pop es
- jc use_defaults
- continue_info:
- mov ax,cache_block_bytes
- xor dx,dx
- div es:word ptr [bx].0bh ; get secs/cache block
- push ax ; and save on stack
- mov al,es:byte ptr [bx].10h ; get nfats
- xor ah,ah
- mul word ptr es:[bx].16h ; times fatsize
- add ax,es:[bx].0eh ; add in reserved sectors
- ; now we have to add in the number of directory sectors
- mov bx,es:[bx].11h ; get number of directory entries
- mov cl,4 ; divide by 16 (512 bytepersec/32)
- shr bx,cl
- add ax,bx ; this is address of first cluster
- neg ax ; get negative of that
- pop cx ; get cache block sectors
- dec cl ; convert count to mask
- and al,cl ; al == align factor
- inc cl
- ; we still need the log2(secs/block) value for the configuration array.
- mov ah,al
- mov al,-1
- calc_log2_secs_per_block:
- inc al
- shr cl,1
- jnz calc_log2_secs_per_block
- mov cx,ax
- pop bx ; get index for storing drive config
- mov secsize_and_align_info[bx],cx
- pop bx
- pop es
- ret
- use_defaults:
- mov word ptr es:[di].0bh,200h
- mov byte ptr es:[di].10h,2
- mov word ptr es:[di].16,9
- mov word ptr es:[di].0eh,1
- mov word ptr es:[di].11h,0
- jmp short continue_info
- get_drive_info endp
- validate_secsize:
- mov ax,es:word ptr [bx].0bh ; get sector size
- cmp ax,64 ; cannot be valid if sector size
- jb invalidbootsec ; is <64 bytes
- vs1:
- shl ax,1
- jnc vs1
- jz check_bpb_mediabyte
- jmp short invalidbootsec
- verify_bpb proc near
- ; put a sanity check for the boot sector in here to detect
- ; boot sectors that do not have valid bpbs. we examine the
- ; first two bytes - they must contain a long jump (69h) or a
- ; short jump (ebh) followed by a nop (90h), or a short jump
- ; (e9h). if this test is passed, we further check by examining
- ; the signature at the end of the boot sector for the word
- ; aa55h. if the signature is not present, we examine the media
- ; descriptor byte to see if it is valid. for dos 3.3, this
- ; logic is modified a little bit. we are not going to check
- ; signature. instead we are going to sanity check the media
- ; byte in bpb regardless of the validity of signature. this is
- ; to save the already developed commercial products that have
- ; good jump instruction and signature but with the false bpb
- ; informations
- ; that will crash the diskette drive operation. (for example, symphony diskette).
- cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0 ; might be bogus Corel and Cronies?
- je validate_secsize
- cmp byte ptr es:[bx],069h ; is it a direct jump?
- je check_bpb_mediabyte ; don't need to find a nop
- cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0e9h ; dos 2.0 jump?
- je check_bpb_mediabyte ; no need for nop
- cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0ebh ; how about a short jump.
- jne invalidbootsec
- cmp byte ptr es:[bx]+2,090h ; is next one a nop?
- jne invalidbootsec
- ; check for non-ibm disks which do not have the signature aa55 at the
- ; end of the boot sector, but still have a valid boot sector. this is done
- ; by examining the media descriptor in the boot sector.
- check_bpb_mediabyte:
- and al,0f0h
- cmp al,0f0h ; allow for strange media
- jnz invalidbootsec
- ; there were some (apparently a lot of them) diskettes that had been formatted
- ; under dos 3.1 and earlier versions which have invalid bpbs in their boot
- ; sectors. these are specifically diskettes that were formatted in drives
- ; with one head, or whose side 0 was bad. these contain bpbs in the boot
- ; sector that have the sec/clus field set to 2 instead of 1, as is standard
- ; in dos. in order to support them, we have to introduce a "hack" that will
- ; help our build bpb routine to recognise these specific cases, and to
- ; set up out copy of the bpb accordingly.
- ; we do this by checking to see if the boot sector is off a diskette that
- ; is single-sided and is a pre-dos 3.20 diskette. if it is, we set the
- ; sec/clus field to 1. if not, we carry on as normal.
- checksinglesided:
- cmp al, 0f0h ; is it one of the new diskette type?
- je gooddsk ; new disks are supported only after 3.2
- test al,0001h ; is low bit set? - indicates double sided
- jnz gooddsk
- cmp word ptr es:[bx+8],"." shl 8 + "3"
- jnz mustbeearlier
- cmp byte ptr es:[bx+10],"2"
- jae gooddsk
- ; we must have a pre-3.20 diskette. set the sec/clus field to 1
- mustbeearlier:
- jmp short gooddsk
- inc bx ; indicate that boot sector invalid
- gooddsk: ; carry already reset
- clc
- ret
- invalidbootsec:
- stc
- ret
- verify_bpb endp
- if 0
- hard_error_hang:
- mov ax,' '-'A' ;just leave drive letter blank
- call warning_pop_up
- jmp short hard_error_hang
- endif
- PUBLIC resident_initialization
- resident_initialization:
- push cs ;transient data (stack) gets blown
- pop ss ;away in initqueue, so we have to
- ;;;hack hack!!
- ;;;386max's Qcache does an int 13 on TSR, so our resident stack will be
- ;;;swapped. We set the temp stack here to the middle of the stack
- ;;;assuming that the int13 will not use too much stack. We do this
- ;;;since the stack must be resident, but we dont want to wast space.
- mov sp,offset cs:temp_res_stack ;make sure our stack is safe
- mov cx,cs:number_of_cache_elements
- mov bx,cs:cache_block_bytes
- mov dx,cs:ending_address
- push dx ;save this now, since transient data dies
- ;in initqueue
- call InitQueue
- pop dx
- add dx,10h ; adjust for PSP size
- mov ax,3100h ; terminate, stay resident
- int 21h
- ;;;no fall through!
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- zseg ends
- end