资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;/*
- ; * Microsoft Confidential
- ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1988-1992
- ; * All Rights Reserved.
- ; */
- page 95,160
- title 'HIMEM2 - Initialization code'
- funky segment word public 'funky'
- extrn InstallMoveBlock:near ; in high segment
- extrn textseg:word ; in high segment
- extrn KiddValley:word
- extrn KiddValleyTop:word
- extrn segKiddValley:word
- extrn cHandles:word
- extrn pack_and_truncate:near
- extrn MmovSegReinit:far
- extrn end_of_funky_seg:byte
- extrn LEnblA20:word
- extrn LDsblA20:word
- funky ends
- .xlist
- include himem.inc ; get structures, equ's, etc.
- ; and open segment
- .list
- public f000
- public InitInterrupt
- public MachineNum
- ;************************************************************************
- ;* *
- ;* Global Variables *
- ;* *
- ;************************************************************************
- extrn pPPFIRET:word
- extrn dd_int_loc:word
- extrn Interrupt:near
- extrn hiseg:word
- extrn call_hi_in_di:near
- extrn fCanChangeA20:byte
- extrn fHMAMayExist:byte
- extrn fVDISK:byte
- extrn IsVDISKIn:near
- extrn A20Handler:near
- extrn EnableCount:word
- extrn MemCorr:word
- extrn MinHMASize:word
- ifdef debug_tsr
- extrn MoveIt:dword
- else
- extrn MoveIt:word
- endif
- extrn pReqHdr:dword
- extrn PrevInt2f:dword
- extrn TopOfTextSeg:word
- extrn InstallA20:near
- extrn Int2fHandler:near
- extrn Is6300Plus:near
- extrn IsA20On:near
- extrn pAddMem:word
- extrn SignOnMsg:byte
- extrn ROMDisabledMsg:byte
- extrn UnsupportedROMMsg:byte
- extrn ROMHookedMsg:byte
- extrn BadDOSMsg:byte
- extrn NowInMsg:byte
- extrn On8086Msg:byte
- extrn NoExtMemMsg:byte
- extrn FlushMsg:byte
- extrn StartMsg:byte
- extrn HandlesMsg:byte
- extrn HMAMINMsg:byte
- extrn KMsg:byte
- extrn NoHMAMsg:byte
- extrn A20OnMsg:byte
- extrn HMAOKMsg:byte
- extrn VDISKInMsg:byte
- extrn BadArgMsg:byte
- extrn DevAttr:word
- extrn Int15MemSize:word
- extrn pInt15Vector:word
- extrn PrevISAInt15:dword
- extrn ISA15Handler:near
- extrn EndText:byte
- extrn XMMControl:far
- extrn pfnEnabA20:word
- extrn pfnDisabA20:word
- extrn LocalEnableA20:near
- extrn LocalDisableA20:near
- ;************************************************************************
- ;* *
- ;* Code/Data below here will be discarded after driver initialization *
- ;* *
- ;************************************************************************
- ; Discardable Initialization Data
- pCOMPAQ label dword ; Pointer to COMPAQ specific for BIM
- dw 0FFE8h ;
- dw 0F000h ;
- pBIMGDT dw offset BIMGDT ; Offset to BIMGDT for BIM alloc'n
- GetBIMMemProc dw offset GetBIMMemory ; Offset of GetBIMMemory procedure
- BIMBase dw 0 ; Base address and Lenght of remaining Compaq
- BIMLength dw 0 ; Built-In Memory (set at Init time)
- BIMBuffer dw ? ; Buffer for unlock/lock ROM for BIM
- public fShadowOff, f1stWasWarning
- fShadowOff db 0 ; NZ if shadow RAM should be disabled,
- ; 0/1 set by command line switch, 0FFh
- ; set if little extended and hope to disable
- f1stWasWarning db 0 ; NZ if 1st attempt to diddle A20 generated
- ; a warning (and not an error)
- public fA20Control
- fA20Control db 0ffh ; NZ if himem should take control of A20, even
- ; it was already on when himem loaded.
- public fCPUClock
- fCPUClock db 0 ; NZ if himem should try to preserve CPU clock
- ; speed when gating A20
- fEISA db 0 ; NZ if himem should take all EISA memory
- ; blocks
- public fQuiet
- fQuiet db 0ffh ; NZ if himem should be quiet during install
- fSignOnMsg db 0 ; NZ if sign on msg has been displayed
- fBigMem db 0ffh ; NZ if ISA memory above 16 meg allowed
- fNumHandSet db 0 ; NZ if /NUMHANDLES= parameter used
- fHMAminSet db 0 ; NZ if /HMAMIN= parameter used
- ; Parameter tables for GetParms
- ParmEntry struc
- cParmChar db 0 ; 1st char of option on cmd line
- pParmRtn dw 0 ; offset of routine to process option
- ParmEntry ends
- ; The 1st table is for parameters that have no arguments
- ParmTbl1 label byte
- ParmEntry <'E',GPGotEisa> ; /EISA
- ParmEntry <'V',GPGotVerbose> ; /VERBOSE
- ParmEntry <'N',GPGotBigMem> ; /NOABOVE16
- ParmEntry <'Z',GPZSwitch> ; /Z
- db 0 ; ** END OF TABLE **
- ; The 2nd table is for parameters with arguments
- ParmTbl2 label byte
- ParmEntry <'H',GPGotMin> ; /HMAMIN=
- ParmEntry <'N',GPGotHands> ; /NUMHANDLES=
- ParmEntry <'M',GPGotMachine> ; /MACHINE:
- ParmEntry <'A',GPGotA20Control> ; /A20CONTROL:
- ParmEntry <'S',GPGotShadow> ; /SHADOWRAM:
- ParmEntry <'I',GPGotInt15> ; /INT15=
- ParmEntry <'C',GPGotCPUClock> ; /CPUCLOCK:
- db 0 ; ** END OF TABLE **
- public StringParm, MachineNum, MachineName
- StringParm db 13 DUP (' ')
- MachineNum dw -1
- ; Note: the following table MUST be in the same order as the entries in the
- ; A20_Scan_Table! If you add entries here, also add one there!
- MachineName label byte
- db 'ptlcascade',0 ; Phoenix Cascade BIOS
- db 'att6300plus',0 ; AT&T 6300 Plus
- db 'ps2',0 ; IBM PS/2
- db 'hpvectra',0 ; HP 'Classic' Vectra (A & A+)
- db 'acer1100',0 ; Acer 1100
- db 'toshiba',0 ; Toshiba 1600 & 1200XE
- db 'wyse',0 ; Wyse 12.5 MHz 286 machine
- db 'tulip',0 ; Tulip machines
- db 'zenith',0 ; Zenith ZBIOS
- db 'at1',0 ; IBM AT/delay 0
- db 'at2',0 ; IBM AT/delay 1
- db 'at3',0 ; IBM AT/delay 2
- db 'philips',0 ; Philips machines
- db 'css',0 ; CSS Lab machines
- db 'fasthp',0 ; Single byte method for HP Vectras
- db 'ibm7552',0 ; IBM 7552 Industrial Computer
- db 'bullmicral',0 ; Bull Micral 60 M004
- db 'dell',0 ; DELL XBIOS ; M010
- db 'at',0 ; IBM AT
- db 0FFh ; end of table
- ;NOTE: there is code in GetParms which depends on AltNameTbl coming
- ; after MachineName table.
- public AltName1, AltName2, AltName3, AltName4, AltName5
- public AltName6, AltName7, AltName8, AltName9, AltName10
- public AltName11, AltName12, AltName13, AltName14, AltName15
- public AltName16,AltName17 ;M004
- AltNameTbl label byte
- AltName3 db '3',0 ; Phoenix Cascade BIOS
- AltName5 db '5',0 ; AT&T 6300 Plus
- AltName2 db '2',0 ; IBM PS/2
- AltName4 db '4',0 ; HP 'Classic' Vectra (A & A+)
- AltName6 db '6',0 ; Acer 1100
- AltName7 db '7',0 ; Toshiba 1600 & 1200XE
- AltName8 db '8',0 ; Wyse 12.5 Mhz 286 machine
- AltName9 db '9',0 ; Tulip machine
- AltName10 db '10',0 ; Zenith ZBIOS
- AltName11 db '11',0 ; IBM AT/delay 0
- AltName12 db '12',0 ; IBM AT/delay 1
- AltName13 db '13',0 ; IBM AT/delay 2
- db '13',0 ; Philips machines (same as AT3)
- db '12',0 ; CSS machines
- AltName14 db '14',0 ; Single byte HP Vectra m/cs
- AltName15 db '15',0 ; IBM 7552 Industrial Computer
- AltName16 db '16',0 ; Bull Micral 60 M004
- AltName17 db '17',0
- AltName1 db '1',0 ; IBM AT
- db 0FFh ; end of table
- ifdef debug_tsr ;-----------------------------------------------
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* ExeStart - *
- ;* *
- ;* Entry point when himem is invoked as an .EXE. *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- lpCmdLine dd 81h ; far ptr to command tail
- public ExeStart
- ExeStart:
- mov word ptr cs:[lpCmdLine+2],es ; save PSP segment in pointer
- mov ax,cs ; Setup segment regs to all be the same
- mov ds,ax
- mov es,ax
- call InitDriver ; Initialize...
- mov ax,TopOfTextSeg ; TopOfTextSeg == 0 is error installing
- or ax,ax
- jnz @f
- mov ax,4C03h ; error, so just terminate
- int 21h
- @@:
- mov di,offset pack_and_truncate
- jmp call_hi_in_di ; terminate and stay resident
- endif ;------------------------------------------------
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* InitInterrupt - *
- ;* *
- ;* Called by MS-DOS immediately after Strategy routine *
- ;* *
- ;* ARGS: None *
- ;* RETS: Return code in Request Header's Status field *
- ;* REGS: Preserved *
- ;* *
- ;* This entry point is used only during initialization. *
- ;* It replaces itself with a much shorter version which only *
- ;* serves to report the appropriate errors when this driver *
- ;* is called in error. *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- InitInterrupt proc far
- ; Save the registers including flags.
- push ax ; We cannot use pushapopa because
- push bx ; we could be on an 8086 at this point
- push cx
- push dx
- push ds
- push es
- push di
- push si
- push bp
- pushf
- push cs ; Set DS=CS for access to global variables.
- pop ds
- les di,[pReqHdr] ; ES:DI = Request Header
- mov bl,es:[di].Command ; Get Function code in BL
- or bl,bl ; Only Function 00h (Init) is legal
- jz IInit
- cmp bl,16 ; Test for "legal" DOS functions
- jle IOtherFunc
- IBogusFunc:
- mov ax,8003h ; Return "Unknown Command"
- jmp short IExit
- IOtherFunc:
- xor ax,ax ; Return zero for unsupported functions
- jmp short IExit
- IInit:
- call InitDriver ; Initialize the driver
- les di,[pReqHdr] ; Restore es:di = Request Header
- IExit:
- or ax,0100h ; Turn on the "Done" bit
- mov es:[di].Status,ax ; Store return code
- popff ; restore the registers
- pop bp
- pop si
- pop di
- pop es
- pop ds
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- mov dd_int_loc,offset Interrupt ; replace Interrupt with
- ret ; tiny permanent stub
- InitInterrupt endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* InitDriver - *
- ;* *
- ;* Called when driver is Initialized. *
- ;* *
- ;* ARGS: ES:DI = Address of the Request Header *
- ;* RETS: pHdr.Address = Bottom of resident driver code *
- ;* REGS: AX, CX and Flags are clobbered *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- public InitDriver
- InitDriver proc near
- cld
- ifndef debug_tsr
- call LocateHiSeg ; locate the hiseg in low memory properly
- mov di, offset MMovSegReinit
- mov es, hiseg
- push cs
- call call_hi_in_di ; re-initialize the mem mover
- mov ax,cs
- push es
- mov es,hiseg
- assume es:funky
- add textseg,ax ; relocate text segment pointer
- add LEnblA20+2, ax ; update ptrs to enble & disable a20 rtns
- add LDsblA20+2, ax
- pop es
- assume es:nothing
- endif
- mov ah,30h ; make sure we've got DOS 3.00 or higher
- int 21h ; Get DOS versions number
- cmp al,3
- jae IDCheckXMS
- mov dx,offset BadDOSMsg
- jmp IDFlushMe
- IDCheckXMS:
- mov ax,(INT2F_ID SHL 8) OR INT2F_INS_CHK
- int 2Fh ; make sure there's no other XMS installed
- cmp al,80h ; Is INT 2F hooked?
- jne IDNotInYet
- mov dx,offset NowInMsg
- jmp IDFlushMe
- IDNotInYet:
- xor ax,ax ; Move 0 into the Flags register
- push ax
- popf
- pushf ; Try and get it back out
- pop ax
- and ax,0F000h ; If the top four bits are set...
- cmp ax,0F000h
- mov dx,offset On8086Msg ; we're on an 8086
- jnz @f
- jmp IDFlushMe ; so crap out
- @@:
- call GetInt15Memory ; If Int 15h/88h reports < 384k of
- cmp ax,384 ; extended memory available, then
- jae @f ; we will try to increase memory
- mov fShadowOFF,0FFh ; by stealing shadow RAM
- @@:
- call GetParms ; process command line parameters
- mov ah, 2 ; Force VERBOSE mode if user is
- int 16h ; holding down the Alt key
- test al, 08h ; Int 16h/2 == Get Keyboard Flags
- jz @f ; 08h set if Alt key down
- mov fQuiet, 0
- @@:
- ifndef debug_tsr
- call DispSignOnMsg
- endif
- mov di,offset InstallMoveBlock ; install moveblock function
- push cs ; setup for far return
- call call_hi_in_di ; call into high segment
- call IsA20On ; Is A20 already enabled?
- or ax,ax ; (may zap cx, si, di)
- jz IDInsA20 ; no, go install A20 handler
- mov dx,offset A20OnMsg ; "A20 already on" message
- cmp fA20Control,0 ; should we take control of A20 anyway?
- jne IDInsA20 ; yes, go muck with it
- mov [fCanChangeA20],0 ; no, don't allow changing of A20
- call DispInfoMsg ; and tell user about it
- jmp short IDAfterA20
- IDInsA20:
- call InstallA20 ; install proper A20 handler
- jnc @f
- jmp IDFlushMe ; CY means fatal error
- @@:
- ; Note: A side affect of the previous InstallA20 is that MemCorr
- ; is set to reflect the adjustment factor if we're on an AT&T 6300+
- IDAfterA20:
- call InitHandles ; initialize handle table
- call ScanEISA ; scan EISA memory into table
- call CheckZBim ; Check for & allocate Zenith BIM
- call CheckBIM ; Check for & allocate Compaq BIM
- ; Turn off shadow RAM if desired/possible
- cmp fShadowOFF,0 ; should shadow RAM be turned off?
- jz @f
- call ShadowRAMOff ; try to turn it off--also adds to free list
- or dx,dx ; display a msg if ShadowRAMOff is
- jz @f ; pointing to one
- call DispInfoMsg
- @@:
- call IsVDISKIn ; Is a VDISK style allocator already
- cmp [fVDISK],0 ; installed? Don't bother to load
- jz @f ; if so, cause we'll just fail all
- mov dx,offset VDISKInMsg ; future calls anyway...
- jmp short IDFlushMe
- @@:
- ; Looks like himem will install, allocate Big ISA memory (above 16 meg)
- ; now if available
- cmp [fBigMem], 0 ; Was parameter specified?
- je @f ; NO: don't bother trying to get it
- call GetBIGMemory ; Get extra ISA memory
- @@:
- call GetInt15Memory ; how much extended memory is installed?
- cmp ax,64 ; Is there >= 64K of extended?
- push es
- mov es,hiseg
- assume es:funky
- mov bx,[KiddValley] ; get size of memory we already have in tables
- mov cx,[cHandles]
- IDAnyMem:
- cmp [bx].Flags,FREEFLAG
- jnz IDAnyMem_1 ; brif not a valid free block
- mov ax, [bx].Len.hi
- or ax, [bx].Len.lo
- jnz IDAnyMem_2
- IDAnyMem_1:
- add bx,SIZE Handle
- loop IDAnyMem
- IDAnyMem_2:
- pop es
- assume es:nothing
- mov dx,offset NoHMAMsg
- or ax,ax ; no HMA, any other memory to control?
- jnz disp_hma_msg ; jmp if some memory
- ; We can't find any memory to manage.
- mov dx,offset NoExtMemMsg
- ; Display the message in DX followed by the "Flush" message.
- IDFlushMe:
- call DispErrMsg
- mov dx,offset FlushMsg
- call DispErrMsg
- xor ax,ax ; discard the driver
- mov [TopOfTextSeg],ax
- ifndef debug_tsr ;-------------------------------
- les di,[pReqHdr]
- mov es:[di].Units,al
- and cs:DevAttr,not 8000h ; clr bit 15 in attrib of driver header
- endif
- jmp short IDReturn ;-------------------------------
- mov [fHMAMayExist],1
- mov dx,offset HMAOKMsg
- disp_hma_msg:
- call DispInfoMsg
- call HookInt2F ; "turn on" the driver
- ; Initialization finished (or failed) -- return to caller
- IDReturn:
- ifndef debug_tsr ;-------------------------------
- mov di,offset pack_and_truncate
- jmp call_hi_in_di ; pack stuff down and terminate
- else
- mov ax, hiseg ; make sure far pointer to handle
- mov es, ax ; table has correct segment
- mov es:[segKiddValley], ax
- endif ;-------------------------------
- ret
- InitDriver endp
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; DispXxxMsg Routines -- Display informational, error or sign on messages,
- ; if enabled by /VERBOSE parameter. Error msgs
- ; are displayed regardless of /VERBOSE.
- ; Entry:
- ; DX = offset of msg to display
- ; Exit:
- ;
- ; Used:
- ; AX
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public DispInfoMsg, DispInfoChar, DispErrMsg
- DispInfoMsg proc near
- cmp cs:[fQuiet], 0 ; display an informational msg if
- jnz short DIM_ret ; not in QUIET mode
- call DispSignOnMsg ; make sure user sees signon msg
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- DIM_ret:
- ret
- DispInfoMsg endp
- DispInfoChar proc near
- cmp cs:[fQuiet], 0
- jnz short DIC_ret
- call DispSignOnMsg ; make sure user sees signon msg
- mov ah, 2
- int 21h
- DIC_ret:
- ret
- DispInfoChar endp
- DispErrMsg proc near ; display an error msg
- mov cs:[fQuiet], 0 ; no longer in QUIET mode
- call DispSignOnMsg ; make sure user sees signon before
- mov ah, 9 ; error msg
- int 21h
- ret
- DispErrMsg endp
- DispSignOnMsg proc near
- cmp cs:[fQuiet], 0 ; don't signon if in QUIET mode
- jnz short DSM_ret
- cmp cs:[fSignOnMsg], 0 ; don't signon more than once
- jnz short DSM_ret
- push dx ; display the signon message
- push ds
- push cs ; in case ds != _text
- pop ds
- mov ah, 9
- mov dx,offset SignOnMsg
- int 21h
- mov cs:[fSignOnMsg], 0FFh
- pop ds
- pop dx
- DSM_ret:
- ret
- DispSignOnMsg endp
- ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; procedure : LocateHiSeg
- ;
- ; Locate the movable segment properly in the low seg.
- ; taking care of the stripped ORG zeroes. This function
- ; calculates the segment at which the hiseg should run
- ; with the ORG. If the segment cvalue goes below zero the
- ; code is moved up high enough to run the code from a seg value
- ; of zero.
- ;
- ; This function assumes that the 'funky' segment follows
- ; immediately after the text seg.
- ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- LocateHiSeg proc near
- push ds
- mov ax, cs ; para start of text seg
- mov cx, offset _text:EndText ; end of text seg
- add cx, 15 ; para round it
- shr cx, 1
- shr cx, 1
- shr cx, 1
- shr cx, 1
- add ax, cx ; para start of funky seg
- cmp ax, (HISEG_ORG shr 4) ; will the seg go below zero?
- jb MoveHiSeg ; yeah, we have to move it
- sub ax, (HISEG_ORG shr 4) ; no, it fits in
- pop ds
- mov hiseg, ax ; update the segment in which
- ; it is going to run from.
- ret
- MoveHiSeg:
- mov ds, ax ; segment at which funky
- ; resides without the ORG
- xor ax, ax
- mov es, ax ; we want to movve the code
- ; to 0:HISEG_ORG
- mov di, offset funky:end_of_funky_seg
- mov si, di
- sub si, HISEG_ORG
- mov cx, si
- dec di
- dec si
- std ; move backward (safe when
- ; source & dest overlap
- rep movsb
- cld
- pop ds
- mov hiseg, 0 ; funky is going to run from
- ; segment zero
- ret
- LocateHiSeg endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* HookInt2F - *
- ;* *
- ;* Insert the INT 2F hook *
- ;* *
- ;* ARGS: None *
- ;* RETS: None *
- ;* REGS: AX, SI, ES and Flags are clobbered *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- public HookInt2F
- HookInt2F proc near
- cli
- xor ax,ax
- mov es,ax
- mov si,2Fh * 4 ; save previous int2f vector
- mov ax,offset Int2FHandler ; and exchange with new one
- xchg ax,es:[si][0]
- mov word ptr [PrevInt2F][0],ax
- mov ax,cs
- xchg ax,es:[si][2]
- mov word ptr [PrevInt2F][2],ax
- sti
- ret
- HookInt2F endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* ShadowRAMOff - *
- ;* *
- ;* Attempt to turn off shadow RAM on selected machines. Add the *
- ;* memory to our free pool if successful. *
- ;* *
- ;* ARGS: None *
- ;* RETS: DX - Msg to show user (or 0), & *
- ;* CY clear - success, *
- ;* CY set - warning/failed *
- ;* REGS: AX destroyed *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- public ShadowRAMOff
- ShadowRAMOff proc near
- push es
- push di
- push si
- push cx
- push bx
- call Compaq386 ; on a Compaq 386?
- jz SOIsCompaq
- jmp SONotCompaq
- ; Disable shadow RAM on a Compaq 386
- SOIsCompaq:
- ; check if the video bios points
- xor ax,ax ; into the ROM copy, we don't
- mov es,ax ; want to disable if someone has
- mov ax,es:[10h*4+2] ; already hooked Int 10h, 1Fh, 43h,
- call IsC000orE000 ; or 6Dh
- jnz SORomHooked
- mov ax,es:[1Fh*4+2]
- call IsC000orE000
- jnz SORomHooked
- mov ax,es:[43h*4+2]
- call IsC000orE000
- jnz SORomHooked
- cmp word ptr es:[6dh*4+2],0C000h ; finally, make sure Int 6Dh
- jae SOVideoOkay ; points somewhere reasonable
- SORomHooked:
- mov dx,offset ROMHookedMsg ; somebody has video ROM hooked!
- jmp short SONoCanDo
- SOVideoOkay:
- ; Check to see if this machine allows the ROM to be unmapped
- call unmap_permited
- jc SOROMNotSupported
- ; Looks good, lets disable the RAM copy. This is done by doing
- ; an Int 15h blockmove of a command word to the Compaq diagnostic
- ; register. We share data structures with the Compaq BIM code.
- mov si,pBIMGDT ; setup block move GDT
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax
- mov cx,16
- mul cx
- add ax,offset BIMBuffer
- adc dl,0
- mov [si].S_BASE_LOW,ax
- mov [si].S_BASE_HI,dl
- mov cx,1
- mov word ptr [BIMBuffer],0FFFFh ; disable ROM replace command
- mov ah,87h
- int 15h
- ; Point the video vectors back at the original ROM
- mov ax,0
- mov es,ax
- mov ax,0C000h
- mov es:[10h*4+2],ax
- mov es:[1Fh*4+2],ax
- mov es:[43h*4+2],ax
- ; If Int 6Dh points at the now disabled ROM, change that too
- cmp word ptr es:[6Dh*4+2],0E000h
- jnz @f
- mov es:[6Dh*4+2],ax
- @@:
- ; Add the ram space to our free list
- mov ax,128 ;128k @ FE0000h
- mov cx,3F80h ; (FE0000h / 1024)
- xor dx, dx
- mov bx, dx
- mov di, pAddMem
- push cs
- call call_hi_in_di
- mov dx,offset ROMDisabledMsg ; Success!
- clc
- SODone:
- pop bx
- pop cx
- pop si
- pop di
- pop es
- ret
- SONotCompaq:
- SOROMNotSupported:
- mov dx,offset UnsupportedROMMsg ; don't know how to disable
- SONoCanDo: ; only show msg if user wanted
- cmp fShadowOFF,0FFh ; to disable--if trying cause
- jnz SOFailed ; of too little extended mem,
- xor dx,dx ; keep quiet.
- SOFailed:
- stc
- jmp short SODone
- ShadowRAMOff endp
- IsC000orE000 proc
- cmp ax,0C000h ; Video ROM pointers can
- jz @f ; point to either of
- cmp ax,0E000h ; these locations, but
- @@: ret ; no others.
- isC000orE000 endp
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; UNMAP_PERMITED - This function will check if unmap roms is available.
- ;
- ; Entry: Nothing.
- ;
- ; Returns: Carry Flag Clear - Can Unmap
- ; Carry Flag Set - Can Not Unmap
- ;
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MACHINE_ID equ 25h
- unmap_permited proc near ; == Check if unmap roms permitted ==
- mov al, MACHINE_ID ; CMOS location to read
- out 70h, al ; Out CMOS location address
- in al, 71h ; Read data at that location
- or al, al ; Q: Is it Zero
- jz unmap_permited_error ; Y: Can not unmap
- test al, 1000b ; Q: can we unmap (Soft drive type)
- jz unmap_permited_ok ; Y: continue
- unmap_permited_error:
- stc ; Set error condition - Can not unmap
- unmap_permited_ok:
- ret ; Done
- unmap_permited endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* GetBIMMemory - *
- ;* *
- ;* Look for Compaq 'Built In Memory' and add it to the pool of *
- ;* available memory *
- ;* *
- ;* ARGS: None *
- ;* RETS: AX = Amount of BIM memory found *
- ;* REGS: AX, BX, CX, and Flags are clobbered *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ; "Built In Memory" (BIM) starts at FE00:0000h and grows downward. It is
- ; controlled by a data structure at F000:FFE0h. Changing the data structure
- ; involves un-write-protecting the ROMs (!) by flipping bit 1 of 80C00000.
- AVAILABLE equ 0 ; Set to -1 if BIM isn't around
- TOTALBIM equ 2 ; Total amount of BIM in the system
- AVAILBIM equ 4 ; Amount of BIM available in paragraphs
- LASTUSED equ 6 ; Paragraph address of last (lowest) used
- ; paragraph of BIM
- GDT_TYPE struc
- dw 0,0,0,0
- dw 0,0,0,0
- S_LIMIT dw 1
- S_BASE_LOW dw 0
- S_BASE_HI db 0
- S_RIGHTS db 93h
- D_LIMIT dw 1
- D_BASE_LOW dw 0000h
- D_BASE_HI db 0C0h
- D_RIGHTS db 93h
- D_RES386 db 0
- D_BASE_XHI db 080h
- dw 0,0,0,0
- dw 0,0,0,0
- GDT_TYPE ends
- GetBIMMemory proc near
- xor ax,ax
- ; Are we on a Compaq 386 machine?
- push bx
- push es
- ; Is there a 32-bit memory board installed?
- mov es,cs:WORD PTR (pCOMPAQ+2) ; ROM segment
- mov bx,pBIMSTRUCT
- mov bx,es:[bx] ; De-reference the pointer
- mov dx,es:[bx+AVAILABLE] ; -1 means no board is installed
- inc dx
- jz FCMNoMem2 ; Nope, return
- ; How much memory is available and where does it start?
- mov dx,es:[bx+AVAILBIM] ; Size in paragraphs
- or dx,dx ; Any left?
- jz FCMNoMem2
- mov cx,dx ; CX = Size in paragraphs
- mov ax,es:[bx+LASTUSED]
- sub ax,cx ; AX = Starting location - F0000h
- ; in paragraphs
- push es ; Save for a rainy day...
- push bx
- push ax
- shr ax,4 ; get base address in KBytes
- add ax,0f000h
- shr ax,2
- shr cx,6 ; get the size in Kbytes
- mov [BIMBase],ax ; store for use by HookInt15
- mov [BIMLength],cx
- ; Un-WriteProtect the ROMs.
- mov si,pBIMGDT ; Set up the BlockMove GDT
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax
- mov cx,16
- mul cx
- add ax,offset BIMBuffer
- adc dl,0
- mov [si].S_BASE_LOW,ax
- mov [si].S_BASE_HI,dl
- mov cx,1
- mov word ptr [BIMBuffer],0fefeh ; 0feh unlocks the ROMs
- mov ah,87h ; Do the BlockMove
- int 15h
- or ah,ah ; Was there an error?
- jz FCMReserve ; Nope - continue
- ; Return error.
- pop ax ; Clean up
- pop bx
- pop es
- xor ax,ax
- mov [BIMBase],ax
- mov [BIMLength],ax
- FCMNoMem2:
- jmp short FCMNoMem
- ; Change the ROM values to reserve the BIM stuff.
- FCMReserve:
- pop ax
- pop bx
- pop es
- mov word ptr es:[bx+AVAILBIM],0 ; Reserve all remaining BIM
- mov word ptr es:[bx+LASTUSED],ax
- ; Re-WriteProtect the ROMs.
- push cs
- pop es
- mov si,pBIMGDT ; Set up the BlockMove GDT
- mov word ptr [BIMBuffer],0fcfch ; 0fch locks the ROMs
- mov ah,87h ; Do the BlockMove
- int 15h
- mov ax,1 ; Return success
- FCMNoMem:
- pop es
- pop bx
- ret
- EndGetBIMMemory:
- GetBIMMemory endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* CheckBIM - *
- ;* *
- ;* Check if Compaq built in memory is available *
- ;* *
- ;* ARGS: AX = Kbytes of int 15 memory *
- ;* RETS: AX = Amount of BIM and int 15 memory *
- ;* REGS: AX and Flags are clobbered *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- public CheckBIM
- CheckBIM proc near
- push es
- push bx
- push dx
- call Compaq386 ; Are we on a Compaq 386 machine?
- jnz CBNoBIM ; N: return
- mov bx,pBIMSTRUCT ; ROM data sructure
- mov bx,es:[bx] ; pointer to BIM data structure
- mov dx,es:[bx+AVAILABLE] ; -1 means no board is installed
- inc dx ;Q: Is there a 32-bit memory board installed?
- jz CBNoBIM ; N: return
- ; Y: How much memory is available?
- mov dx,es:[bx+AVAILBIM] ; Size in paragraphs
- or dx,dx ;Q: Any BIM available?
- jz CBNoBIM ; N: return
- call getBIMMemory ; allocate it and get base/size
- ; Just allocate the damn BIM memory now. (Used to be a big headache
- ; to install a deferred BIM driver, depending on whether Shadow
- ; RAM was disabled.)
- mov cx,[BIMBase] ; add Compaq BIM to our free list
- jcxz CBNoBIM
- mov ax,[BIMLength]
- xor dx, dx
- mov bx, dx
- mov di, pAddMem
- push cs
- call call_hi_in_di
- pop dx
- pop bx
- pop es
- ret
- CheckBIM endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* Compaq386 - *
- ;* *
- ;* Check if running on a Compaq 386 system. *
- ;* *
- ;* ARGS: none *
- ;* RETS: Z set - on a Compaq 386, NZ - not Compaq 386 *
- ;* ES = ROM segment *
- ;* REGS: Flags are clobbered *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- szCOMPAQ db '03COMPAQ'
- public Compaq386
- Compaq386 proc near
- push si
- push di
- push cx
- les di,cs:pCOMPAQ ; Are we on a Compaq 386 machine?
- mov si,offset szCOMPAQ
- mov cx,8
- cld
- rep cmpsb ;Q: Are we?
- pop cx
- pop di
- pop si
- ret
- Compaq386 endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* CheckZBim - *
- ;* *
- ;* Check if Zenith Bim (0fa0000h x 256K) is available *
- ;* Call AddMem with it if so *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ZDS_string db 'ZDS CORP'
- ZDS_len = ($-ZDS_string)
- f000 dw 0f000h
- public CheckZBIM
- CheckZBim proc near
- call GetInt15Memory ; This code added for old systems with
- cmp ax, 2048 ; low memory, skip it if 'sufficient'
- jae no_ZBIM ; ext memory cause it scribbles on
- ; memory just below 16 meg
- cld ; better safe than sorry
- mov si,offset ZDS_string
- mov es,f000
- mov di,800ch ; look for ZDS CORP at f000:800c
- mov cx,ZDS_len
- repz cmpsb
- jnz no_ZBim ; done if not Zenith machine
- ; Now we've got to go out and look for 256KBytes at 0fa0000h
- ; Let's use the BlockMove function to help us with that so we
- ; don't have to write any messy protect mode code. We'll
- ; snag a handle and set up a dummy block while we work.
- cli
- push es
- mov es,hiseg
- assume es:funky
- mov di,[KiddValley]
- mov cx,[cHandles]
- chk_zb0:
- cmp [di].Flags,UNUSEDFLAG
- jz ZBim_01 ; brif found free handle
- add di,SIZE Handle
- loop chk_zb0
- pop es
- sti ; restore interrupts
- no_ZBim:
- ret
- ZBim_01:
- mov [di].cLock,1 ; lock it
- mov [di].Base.lo,3e80h ; number of K at 0fa0000h
- mov [di].Base.hi,0
- mov [di].Len.lo,256
- mov [di].Len.hi, 0
- mov [di].Flags, USEDFLAG
- pop es
- assume es:nothing
- sti
- mov save_ss,ss ; get more elbow room for this
- mov save_sp,sp
- push cs
- pop ss
- mov sp,offset EISA_stack
- ; allocate a move structure on the stack
- ; for now, we'll just test the first 512 bytes. It might be
- ; a good idea to test the whole damn thing, but a lot more work.
- sub sp,0fffeh and (1+SIZE MoveExtendedStruc)
- push ss ; point es:si to stack frame
- pop es
- mov si,sp
- mov es:[si].SourceHandle,0 ; move from conventional memory
- mov es:[si].DestHandle,di ; to our fake block at 0fa0000h
- mov es:word ptr [si].DestOffset,0 ; move data to base of block
- mov es:word ptr [si].DestOffset+2,0
- mov es:word ptr [si].SourceOffset,8000h
- mov es:word ptr [si].SourceOffset+2,0f000h ; move from ROM
- mov es:word ptr [si].bCount,512 ; move 512 bytes
- mov es:word ptr [si].bCount+2,0
- push si ; save move structure
- push di ; save handle
- push cs ; fake far call
- call BlockMove
- pop di
- pop si
- ; now move the 512 bytes back out into our buffer and compare
- push ss
- pop es
- mov es:[si].SourceHandle,di ; move from the fake block
- mov es:[si].DestHandle,0 ; to conventional memory
- mov es:word ptr [si].DestOffset,offset ZDS_Buffer
- mov es:word ptr [si].DestOffset+2,cs
- mov es:word ptr [si].SourceOffset,0
- mov es:word ptr [si].SourceOffset+2,0
- push di ; save handle for deallocation
- push cs ; fake far call
- call BlockMove
- ; now all we've gotta do is see if the ZDS_Buffer matches the
- ; first 512 bytes of the ROM at 0f000:8000
- mov es,f000
- mov di,8000h
- mov si,offset ZDS_Buffer
- mov cx,256 ; 256 words
- repz cmpsw ; does it match?
- jnz check_zb1 ; done if not
- ; Use AddMem to add the memory to our pool, even though we
- ; could have just marked the fake block we allocated as UNUSED.
- ; Why? What if some other source (like and EISA BIOS) also
- ; told us about that same memory? We might as well take advantage
- ; of all of the smarts in AddMem to eliminate overlaps.
- mov cx,3e80h ; add memory to pool then
- mov ax,256
- xor dx, dx
- mov bx, dx
- mov di, pAddMem
- push cs
- call call_hi_in_di
- ; Now we've got to fill the damn block, cuz the
- ; parity isn't initialized yet.
- push ds
- pop es
- mov di,offset ZDS_Buffer
- mov cx,256
- xor ax,ax
- rep stosw ; fill 512 byte block with zeros
- push ss ; point es: to stack frame again
- pop es
- mov es:[si].SourceHandle,0 ; move from conventional memory
- pop di
- push di ; get handle from stack
- mov es:[si].DestHandle,di ; to our fake block at 0fa0000h
- mov es:word ptr [si].DestOffset,0 ; move data to base of block
- mov es:word ptr [si].DestOffset+2,0
- mov es:word ptr [si].SourceOffset,offset ZDS_Buffer
- mov es:word ptr [si].SourceOffset+2,cs ; move from ZDS_Buffer
- mov es:word ptr [si].bCount,512 ; move 512 bytes
- mov es:word ptr [si].bCount+2,0
- mov cx,512 ; 256K/512 bytes
- zfill_loop:
- push es
- push si
- push cx
- push cs ; fake far call
- call BlockMove
- pop cx
- pop si
- pop es
- add es:word ptr [si].DestOffset,512
- jnc zfill_skip
- inc es:word ptr [si].DestOffset+2
- zfill_skip:
- loop zfill_loop
- check_zb1:
- ; Release the move structure stack frame
- pop di ; restore temporary handle
- add sp,0fffeh and (1+SIZE MoveExtendedStruc)
- push es
- mov es,hiseg
- assume es:funky
- mov [di].Flags,UNUSEDFLAG ; then handle is free again
- pop es
- assume es:nothing
- mov ss,save_ss
- mov sp,save_sp ; restore normal stack
- ret
- CheckZBim endp
- ; Call MoveIt function in other segment. Make sure we enable A20.
- BlockMove proc near
- ifdef debug_tsr
- jmp MoveIt
- else
- mov di,MoveIt ; get function in funky segment
- jmp call_hi_in_di
- endif
- BlockMove endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* GetInt15Memory - *
- ;* *
- ;* Returns the amount of memory INT 15h, Function 88h says is free *
- ;* *
- ;* ARGS: None *
- ;* RETS: AX = Amount of free extended memory in K-bytes *
- ;* REGS: AX and Flags are clobbered *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- GetInt15Memory proc near
- mov ah,88h ; snag the int 15h memory
- clc
- int 15h ; Is Function 88h around?
- jnc xret_geti15
- xor ax,ax ; No, return 0
- xret_geti15:
- cmp ax,15*1024 ; Limit himem.sys to using 15 meg
- jb @f ; of extended memory for apps
- mov ax,15*1024 ; that don't deal with > 24 bit
- @@: ; addresses
- endif
- ret
- GetInt15Memory endp
- ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* GetBIGMemory - *
- ;* *
- ;* Returns the amount of memory Extended INT 15h, >16 Meg *
- ;* Uses new INT 15 function E801 *
- ;* *
- ;* ARGS: None *
- ;* RETS: None *
- ;* REGS: AX and Flags are clobbered *
- ;* *
- ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- GetBIGMemory proc near
- push dx
- push cx
- push bx
- push si
- push es
- call IsEISAMachine ; Is this an EISA machine ?
- jc short GBM_end ; Y: Ignore parameter
- call Compaq386 ; is it a Compaq system?
- jnz short GBM_end
- mov ax,0E801h ; determine >16M memory
- clc
- int 15h ; Is Function 88h around?
- jc short GBM_end ; No, exit
- mov ax,bx ; DX:AX to = length of block in 1K blocks
- mov dx,64 ; DX should always be zero (16M extra max)
- mul dx
- xor dx, dx
- mov bx, dx
- mov di, pAddMem
- push cs
- call call_hi_in_di ; add that memory to our tables
- les si,dword ptr pInt15Vector ; Save the current INT 15 vector.
- cli
- mov ax,offset ISA15Handler ; Exchange the old vector with
- xchg ax,es:[si][0] ; the new one.
- mov word ptr [PrevISAInt15][0],ax
- mov ax,cs
- xchg ax,es:[si][2]
- mov word ptr [PrevISAInt15][2],ax
- sti
- GBM_end:
- pop es
- pop si
- pop bx
- pop cx
- pop dx
- ret
- GetBIGMemory endp
- ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* IsEISAMachine HARDWARE DEP. *
- ;* *
- ;* Determine if we are on an EISA machine *
- ;* *
- ;* ARGS: None *
- ;* RETS: CY = 1 if we're on a EISA machine *
- ;* = 0 otherwise *
- ;* REGS: Flags clobbered *
- ;* *
- ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- pEISASTRUC equ 0FFD9h ; offset to EISA name in ROM
- pROM equ 0F000h ; ROM segment
- IsEISAMachine proc near ;
- push es ; save registers we'll use
- push bx ; ...
- ;-----------------------------------------
- ; Determine if this is an EISA system by
- ; looking for ROM signature
- ;-----------------------------------------
- mov bx,pROM
- mov es,bx ; ROM segment
- mov bx,pEISASTRUC ; offset to EISA name
- cmp word ptr es:[bx],'IE' ; Q: is this an 'EISA' system
- jne short IEM_NO ; N: set flag and return
- cmp word ptr es:[bx+2],'AS' ;
- je short IEM_YES ; Y: set flag and return
- clc ; Not an EISA machine...
- jmp short IEM_Done
- stc ; Yes, it is an EISA box
- IEM_Done:
- pop bx
- pop es
- ret
- IsEISAMachine endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* GetParms - *
- ;* *
- ;* Get any parameters off of the HIMEM command line *
- ;* *
- ;* ARGS: None *
- ;* RETS: None *
- ;* REGS: AX, BX, CX, DX, DI, SI, ES and Flags clobbered *
- ;* *
- ;* Side Effects: cHandles and MinHMASize may be changed *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- GPArgPtr dd ?
- GPRegSave dw ?
- public GetParms
- GetParms proc near
- cld ; better safe than sorry
- push ds
- ifdef debug_tsr ;-------------------------------
- lds si,lpCmdLine
- else ;-------------------------------
- les di,[pReqHdr] ; Running as a device driver
- lds si,es:[di].pCmdLine ; DS:SI points to first char
- ; after "DEVICE="
- @@: call GPGetChar ; Skip over driver name, up to
- jc GPDatsAll ; first blank or / or eol
- jz GPNextArg
- cmp al,'/'
- jnz @b
- dec si ; Backup to get / again
- endif ;-------------------------------
- assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
- ; Scan until we see a non-blank or the end of line.
- GPNextArg:
- call GPGetChar
- jc GPDatsAll ; eol
- jz GPNextArg ; blank
- mov word ptr cs:[GPArgPtr], si ; save ptr to start of arg
- mov word ptr cs:[GPArgPtr+2], ds ; incase we want to complain
- dec word ptr cs:[GPArgPtr] ; (GPGetChar points at next)
- cmp al,'/' ; better be a / or not a valid arg
- jz GPGotOne
- ; Detected invalid parameter or value, complain to user
- GPBadParm:
- mov ah,9 ; tell'm something isn't right
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov dx, offset BadArgMsg
- call DispErrMsg
- lds si,cs:[GPArgPtr] ; backup to last parameter
- GPBadDisp:
- call GPGetChar ; disp arg up to space or eol
- jc GPDatsAll ; skips over bad arg while we're at it
- jz GPNextArg
- cmp al,'/' ; start of next arg?
- jnz @f
- dec si ; maybe yes, maybe no--might
- cmp si,word ptr cs:[GPArgPtr] ; be same arg
- jnz GPNextArg ; next, go process new arg
- inc si ; same, keep displaying
- @@:
- mov dl,al
- call DispInfoChar
- jmp short GPBadDisp
- ; Finished, we're outta here...
- GPDatsAll:
- jmp GPExit
- ; Save what we found and try to process as parameter without argument
- GPGotOne:
- lodsb
- mov cs:[GPRegSave],ax
- mov bx, offset ParmTbl1 ; Process parameters with no arguments
- call GPCheckParm
- jc GPNeedParm ; CY means it wasn't processed
- GPSkip2Next: ; Parameter was processed, skip
- call GPGetChar ; over any remaining text in the
- jc GPDatsAll ; parameter name
- jz GPNextArg
- cmp al,'/'
- jnz GPSkip2Next
- dec si ; backup to get / again
- jmp GPNextArg
- ; Must need an argument -- scan for a number, EOL, or a space.
- GPNeedParm:
- call GPGetChar
- jc GPBadParm
- jz GPBadParm ; blank
- cmp al,':' ; start of string arg
- je GPString
- cmp al,'='
- jne GPNeedParm
- ; Read the number at DS:SI into DX
- GPNeedNum:
- call GPGetChar
- jc GPDatsAll
- cmp al,'0'
- jb GPNeedNum
- cmp al,'9'
- ja GPNeedNum
- xor dx,dx
- GPNumLoop:
- sub al,'0'
- cbw
- add dx,ax
- call GPGetChar
- jc GPNumDone
- jz GPNumDone
- cmp al,'0'
- jb GPBadParm
- cmp al,'9'
- ja GPBadParm
- shl dx,1 ; Stupid multiply DX by 10
- mov bx,dx
- shl dx,1
- shl dx,1
- add dx,bx
- jmp short GPNumLoop
- ; Move the string arg from ds:si to StringParm
- GPString:
- mov cx,(SIZE StringParm) - 1
- push cs
- pop es
- mov di,offset _text:StringParm
- GPStrLoop:
- call GPGetChar
- jc GPStrDone
- jz GPStrDone
- stosb
- loop GPStrLoop
- GPStrDone:
- mov byte ptr es:[di],0 ; Null terminate the string
- mov dx,-1 ; In case parm expects a num, give'm
- ; a likely invalid one
- ; Which parameter are we dealing with here?
- GPNumDone:
- xchg ax,cs:[GPRegSave]
- mov bx, offset ParmTbl2 ; parameters with arguments
- call GPCheckParm ; process it valid
- jnc GPNextParm
- jmp GPBadParm
- GPNextParm:
- mov ax,cs:[GPRegSave] ; are we at the end of the line?
- cmp al,13 ; may not be needed any longer...
- je GPExit
- cmp al,10
- je GPExit
- jmp GPNextArg
- GPExit:
- call GPPrintInfo ; Display user messages
- pop ds
- ret
- GetParms endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ; In: AL = 1st character of parameter
- ; BX -> Parameter table to use
- ; Out: CY set if parameter not matched
- ; CY clear if parameter matched, and routine will be called
- GPCheckParm proc near
- GPCP_loop:
- cmp cs:[bx].cParmChar, 0 ; end of table?
- je GPCP_failed
- cmp cs:[bx].cParmChar, al ; match?
- je GPCP_match
- add bx, SIZE ParmEntry
- jmp short GPCP_loop
- GPCP_match:
- clc ; got it, call routine to process
- call cs:[bx].pParmRtn ; (handler returns with CY clr or set)
- ret
- GPCP_failed:
- stc ; no match
- ret
- GPCheckParm endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ; Routines to process specific command line parameters
- GPDoParameters proc near
- ;---------------------------------------
- mov fEISA, 0FFh
- ret ; (CY already clear)
- GPGotVerbose: ; /VERBOSE
- mov fQuiet, 0
- ret ; (CY already clear)
- GPGotBigMem: ; /NOABOVE16
- cmp byte ptr [si], 'O' ; /NOABOVE16 & /NUMHANDLES= both start
- jne GPBadParmRet ; with 'N', make sure only /NOABOVE16
- ; is processed here.
- mov fBigMem, 0
- ret ; (CY already clear)
- ; The /Z switch is for compatibility with pervious version of himem.
- ; By default, himem will now call it's own XMMControl entry point to
- ; enable/disable A20 around calls to himem code in the HMA. The
- ; external calls allow XMS hookers (like EMM386) to see the A20
- ; changes. The previous behavior of calling internal A20 routines
- ; can be selected with the /Z switch in case the external (recursive)
- ; calls cause compatibility problems with other software.
- GPZSwitch: ; /Z switch
- mov cs:[pfnEnabA20], offset _text:LocalEnableA20
- mov cs:[pfnDisabA20], offset _text:LocalDisableA20
- ret ; (CY already clear)
- ;---------------------------------------
- ; Process /A20CONTROL: parameter
- GPGotA20Control:
- mov ax,word ptr [StringParm]
- or ax,2020h
- mov bl,0FFh
- cmp ax,'no' ; ON ? - means we take control
- jz GPSetA20
- inc bl
- cmp ax,'fo' ; OFF ? - means we leave alone if on
- jz GPSetA20
- GPBadParmRet: ; common failure exit
- stc
- ret
- GPSetA20:
- mov fA20Control,bl ; Z if A20 should be left alone if
- ; it's already on when we're loaded
- GPGoodParmRet: ; common success exit
- clc
- ret
- ;---------------------------------------
- ; Process /MACHINE: parameter.
- GPGotMachine:
- push si ; save current location
- push ds ; in param string
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov di,offset _text:MachineName ; es:di -> MachineName
- GPNextTbl:
- xor bx,bx
- GPNextName:
- mov si,offset _text:StringParm ; ds:si -> StringParm
- GPChkNext:
- cmp byte ptr es:[di],0FFh ; end of name table?
- jz GPNoName
- lodsb ; char from StringParm
- cmp al,'A' ; force to lower case for match
- jb @f ; (might be numeric, so don't just OR)
- cmp al,'Z'
- ja @f
- or al,20h
- @@:
- cmp al,es:[di] ; match so far?
- jnz GPFlushName
- or al,al ; finished if matched up to & incl NULL
- jz GPFoundName
- inc di ; still matches, check next char
- jmp short GPChkNext
- GPFlushName:
- inc bx
- GPFN2:
- inc di
- cmp byte ptr es:[di],0FFh
- jz GPNoName
- cmp byte ptr es:[di],0
- jnz GPFN2
- inc di
- jmp short GPNextName
- GPFoundName:
- mov cs:[MachineNum],bx ; found a match, remember which entry
- jmp short GPNameDone ; it is for later
- GPNoName:
- cmp di,offset _text:AltNameTbl
- ja GPBadName
- mov di,offset _text:AltNameTbl
- jmp short GPNextTbl
- GPNameDone:
- pop ds ; recover parm line pointer
- pop si
- jmp GPGoodParmRet
- GPBadName:
- pop ds ; clear stack and error out...
- pop si
- jmp GPBadParmRet
- ;---------------------------------------
- ; Process /NUMHANDLES= parameter.
- GPGotHands:
- jna @f
- jmp GPBadParmRet
- @@:
- or dx,dx ; Zero?
- jnz @f
- jmp GPBadParmRet
- @@:
- push es
- mov es,hiseg
- assume es:funky
- mov [cHandles],dx ; Store it
- pop es
- assume es:nothing
- mov fNumHandSet, 0FFh
- jmp GPGoodParmRet
- ;---------------------------------------
- ; Process /HMAMIN= parameter
- GPGotMin:
- cmp dx,64
- jna @f
- jmp GPBadParmRet
- @@:
- mov cl,10 ; Convert from K to bytes
- shl dx,cl
- mov cs:[MinHMASize],dx
- mov fHMAminSet, 0FFh
- jmp GPGoodParmRet
- ;---------------------------------------
- ; Process /SHADOWRAM: parameter
- GPGotShadow:
- mov ax,word ptr [StringParm]
- or ax,2020h
- xor bl,bl
- cmp ax,'no' ; ON ? - means we leave it alone
- jz GPSetShadow
- inc bl
- cmp ax,'fo' ; OFF ? - means we turn it off
- jz GPSetShadow
- jmp GPBadParmRet
- GPSetShadow:
- mov fShadowOff,bl ; NZ if Shadow RAM should be turned off
- jmp GPGoodParmRet
- ;---------------------------------------
- ; Process /CPUCLOCK: parameter
- GPGotCPUClock:
- mov ax,word ptr [StringParm]
- or ax,2020h
- xor bl,bl
- cmp ax,'fo' ; OFF ? - means we don't worry about it
- jz GPSetClock
- inc bl
- cmp ax,'no' ; ON ? - means we preserve CPU clock
- jz GPSetClock ; rate
- jmp GPBadParmRet
- GPSetClock:
- mov fCPUClock,bl ; NZ if clock rate preserved
- jmp GPGoodParmRet
- ;---------------------------------------
- ; Process /INT15= parameter
- GPGotInt15:
- cmp dx, 64 ; atleast 64K
- jae @f
- jmp GPBadParmRet
- @@: call GetInt15Memory
- cmp ax, dx ; enuf Ext Mem ?
- jae @f
- jmp GPBadParmRet
- @@: mov [Int15MemSize], dx
- jmp GPGoodParmRet
- GPDoParameters endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ; Get the next character from DS:SI, set CY if it's an EOL (CR, LF), set
- ; Z if it's a space
- GPOffEOL dw -1
- public GPGetChar
- GPGetChar proc near
- cmp si,cs:[GPOffEOL] ; are we already at EOL?
- jnb GPAtEOL
- lodsb ; no, get next char
- cmp al,10 ; is this the EOL?
- je GPHitEOL
- cmp al,13
- je GPHitEOL
- cmp al,' ' ; set Z if blank
- clc
- ret
- mov cs:[GPOffEOL],si ; save EOL offset once
- stc
- ret
- GPGetChar endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ; Print user msgs now instead of while processing so they can be
- ; suppressed if /V (verbose) doesn't appear on command line.
- GPPrintInfo proc near
- cmp fNumHandSet, 0
- je GPPI_HMAMin
- mov dx,offset StartMsg ; display descriptive message
- call GPPrintIt
- push es
- mov es,hiseg
- mov ax,es:[cHandles]
- pop es
- call GPPrintAX
- mov dx,offset HandlesMsg
- call GPPrintIt
- ; /HMAMIN=
- cmp fHMAminSet, 0
- je GPPI_exit
- mov dx,offset HMAMINMsg ; print a descriptive message
- call GPPrintIt
- mov ax,cs:[MinHMASize]
- mov cl, 10 ; convert from bytes to k
- shr ax, cl
- call GPPrintAX
- mov dx,offset KMsg
- call GPPrintIt
- GPPI_exit:
- ret
- GPPrintInfo endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- GPPrintIt proc near
- push ds ; Save current DS
- push cs ; Set DS=CS
- pop ds
- call DispInfoMsg
- pop ds ; Restore DS
- ret
- GPPrintIt endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- GPPrintAX proc near
- mov cx,10
- xor dx,dx
- div cx
- or ax,ax
- jz GPAPrint
- push dx
- call GPPrintAX
- pop dx
- GPAPrint:
- add dl,'0'
- call DispInfoChar
- ret
- GPPrintAX endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* InitHandles - *
- ;* *
- ;* Initialize the Extended Memory Handle Table *
- ;* *
- ;* ARGS: None *
- ;* RETS: None *
- ;* REGS: AX, BX, CX, and Flags are clobbered *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- assume ds:_text
- public InitHandles
- InitHandles proc near
- push es
- mov es,hiseg
- assume es:funky
- mov cx,[cHandles]
- ; Init the Handle table.
- mov bx,[KiddValley]
- xor ax,ax
- IHTabLoop:
- mov [bx].Flags,UNUSEDFLAG
- mov [bx].cLock,al
- mov [bx].Base.lo,ax
- mov [bx].Base.hi,ax
- mov [bx].Len.lo,ax
- mov [bx].Len.hi,ax
- if keep_cs
- mov [bx].Acs,ax
- endif
- add bx,SIZE Handle
- loop IHTabLoop
- mov [KiddValleyTop],bx ; save top for handle validation
- pop es
- assume es:nothing
- ret
- InitHandles endp
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- ;* *
- ;* ScanEISA - poll any EISA devices through the BIOS's Int15(0d8h) *
- ;* and add any memory we find out about to our free memory table. *
- ;* Note: this code (including a big buffer) gets thrown out after *
- ;* completion of the initialization sequence. *
- ;* *
- ;* Note: The COMPAQ BIOS uses up 1.5K of stack during int15(d80x) *
- ;* so we'll set up a separate stack while we're here *
- ;* *
- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- save_ss dw 0
- save_sp dw 0
- public ScanEISA
- ScanEISA proc near
- assume ds:_text
- mov save_ss,ss
- mov save_sp,sp
- push cs
- pop ss
- mov sp,offset EISA_stack
- xor cl,cl ; start with slot zero
- SEISA_01:
- push cx ; save slot number
- mov ax,0d800h ; get summary of configuration
- int 15h
- pop cx ; restore slot number
- jc SEISA_09 ; skip if any kind of error
- test dl,2 ; does that slot have any memory?
- jz SEISA_09 ; skip if not
- cmp dh,0 ; zero functions would be an
- jz SEISA_09 ; error condition
- mov ch,dh ; copy function number to ch
- ; Now we've found a valid slot with some memory. Let's find out
- ; what kind of memory it is, where its located, and how much there is.
- SEISA_02:
- push cx ; save slot and function
- mov ax,0d801h ; read function information
- lea si,EISABuffer ; pass pointer to our buffer
- int 15h
- jc SEISA_04 ; brif any error
- ; Now look into buffer for memory information
- test byte ptr EISA_FncInfo,80h ; function disabled?
- jnz SEISA_04 ; brif so
- test byte ptr EISA_FncInfo,2 ; memory information follows?
- jz SEISA_04 ; done if not
- lea si,EISA_MemConfig ; point to memory information
- SEISA_03:
- ; M007
- mov al, ds:byte ptr [si]
- and al, 079h
- cmp al, 1 ; Make sure that Reserved bit = 0
- ; Shared bit = 0
- ; memory type = SYSTEM
- ; Read/Write = TRUE
- jne SEISA_03a ; (See EISA spec for bit definitions)
- ; M007
- mov cx,ds:word ptr 2[si] ; get base address in 256 bytes
- mov bl,ds:byte ptr 4[si] ; get highest byte
- xor bh, bh
- mov al,cl ; save lowest bits for later
- shr bl,1 ; convert to our internal 1k format
- rcr cx,1
- shr bl,1
- rcr cx,1
- test al,3 ; was base not on a 1k boundary?
- mov ax,ds:word ptr 5[si] ; get length in k
- jz SEISA_03b ; brif base was on 1k boundary
- dec ax ; sacrifice the partial k
- add cx,1 ; and bump base to first complete k
- adc bx,0
- SEISA_03b:
- xor dx, dx
- or ax, ax
- jnz @f
- inc dx
- @@:
- push si
- cmp cx,1024 ; is it below a meg?
- jb seisa_0xx ; ignore it if so
- ifdef WIN30COMPATIBLE ;M005
- or bx, bx
- jnz seisa_0xx
- cmp cx,1024*16 ; is it above 16 meg?
- jae seisa_0xx ; ignore it if so
- endif ;M005
- mov di, pAddMem
- push cs
- call call_hi_in_di ; add that memory to our tables
- seisa_0xx:
- pop si
- SEISA_03a:
- add si,7 ; next entry
- test ds:byte ptr -7[si],80h ; was that the last one?
- jnz SEISA_03 ; loop if not
- SEISA_04:
- pop cx ; restore slot and function
- dec ch ; next lower function
- jnl SEISA_02 ; valid functions are 0..n
- SEISA_09:
- inc cl ; next slot
- cmp cl,16
- jae @f
- jmp SEISA_01
- @@:
- ; Now check for EISA memory and Int 15h/88h overlap. In the default case
- ; we'll ignore any EISA blocks starting at 1Meg under the assumption that
- ; this memory will be claimed later via the Int 15h hook. If the Int 15h/88h
- ; call indicates less memory than the EISA scan, it may be that an Int 15h
- ; allocator has been loaded before us, and if we just grabbed all EISA
- ; memory starting at 1Meg, we would stomp all over them. On the other hand,
- ; a number of BIOS' never return > 15 (16?) meg of extended memory via Int 15h
- ; (even if there is much more memory installed), so we provide the /EISA
- ; command line parameter to override this default and allow himem to steal
- ; all EISA memory. If the /EISA switch is used, there better not be any
- ; Int 15h allocators loaded before himem!
- ; Locate a free memory block in the handle table at 1 Meg (1024k)
- push es
- mov es,hiseg
- assume es:funky
- mov bx,[KiddValley]
- mov cx,[cHandles] ; Loop through the handle table
- SEISA_09a:
- cmp [bx].Flags,FREEFLAG ; is this a valid free memory block?
- jnz SEISA_09b ; branch if not
- cmp [bx].Base.hi, 0
- jnz SEISA_09b
- cmp [bx].Base.lo,1024 ; based at 1Meg?
- jz SEISA_09c ; yup...
- SEISA_09b:
- add bx,SIZE Handle
- loop SEISA_09a
- jmp short SEISA_09e
- SEISA_09c:
- cmp fEISA, 0 ; want all EISA memory, regardless?
- jz SEISA_default ; no...
- ifdef WIN30COMPATIBLE ;GetInt15Memory has an ifdef WIN30COMPATIBLE
- .err ; that would be silly to use with the
- endif ; following code
- call GetInt15Memory ; yes, start EISA block above current
- add [bx].Base.lo, ax ; Int 15h/88h line. The Int 15h mem
- adc [bx].Base.hi, 0 ; will be added when Int 15h hooked.
- sub [bx].Len.lo, ax ; Existing hook and /INT15= code
- sbb [bx].Len.hi, 0 ; will work as before.
- jc SEISA_09d ; (just for safeties sake)
- mov ax, [bx].Len.lo ; Len will be 0 if Int 15h covers
- or ax, [bx].Len.hi ; entire EISA block
- jz SEISA_09d
- jmp short SEISA_09e
- SEISA_default:
- cmp [bx].Len.hi, 0 ; If the length is > 64 Meg (which is
- jz SEISA_09d ; the max that Int 15h/88h could
- inc [bx].Base.hi ; return), keep the memory above
- dec [bx].Len.hi ; that for XMS
- jmp short SEISA_09e
- SEISA_09d:
- mov [bx].Flags,UNUSEDFLAG ; free the block at 1024
- SEISA_09e:
- pop es
- assume es:nothing
- SEISA_exit:
- mov ss,save_ss
- mov sp,save_sp ; restore normal stack
- ret
- assume ds:nothing
- ScanEISA endp
- ; The buffer for scanning EISA devices is big, but disposable
- ZDS_Buffer label byte ; also use for Zenith memory check
- EISABuffer db 22h dup (0)
- EISA_FncInfo db (73h-22h) dup (0)
- EISA_MemConfig db (320-73h) dup (0)
- db (512-320) dup (0) ; make it 512 for Zenith
- db 2000 dup (?)
- EISA_Stack:
- _text ends
- ifdef debug_tsr ;-------------------------------
- EndStmt equ <end ExeStart>
- STACK segment stack 'STACK'
- db 1024 dup (?)
- STACK ends
- else
- EndStmt equ <end>
- endif ;-------------------------------
- EndStmt