资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;/*
- ; * Microsoft Confidential
- ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1988 - 1991
- ; * All Rights Reserved.
- ; */
- ;
- ; EMM386.ASM
- ;
- ; fIsPooled() - Returns version if pooling is in effect, else 0
- ;
- include rombios.inc
- ;
- ;emm defines
- ;
- EMM_POOLED_VER EQU 42Dh ; emm386 pooled version is 4.45
- EMM_DEV_NAME EQU "EMMXXXX0",0 ; Name for EMM driver IOCTL open.
- EMM_DEV_NOEMS EQU '$' ; M000: Replacement for first
- ; char. of EMM_DEV_NAME when
- ; "device=EMM386 NOEMS".
- EMM_DEV_VCPI EQU "EMMQXXX0",0 ; M002: Name for EMM driver when
- ; VCPI but not EMS support.
- EMM386_SIG EQU "MICROSOFT" ; M001: EMM386 Signature.
- ; M001: Offset from device base.
- EMM386_SIG_OFFSET EQU (0ah + EMM_DEV_NAME_LEN - 1 + 2)
- ; Structure of the data returned on the IOCTL call to the EMM driver
- EMM_STRUC struc
- EMM_Version_Maj db ? ; Internal revision number
- EMM_Version_Min db ?
- EMM_STRUC ends
- Version EQU (-((SIZE EMM_STRUC) - EMM_Version_Maj))
- Function EQU (-(SIZE EMM_STRUC))
- DevName db 'EMMXXXX0'
- DeviceName db EMM_DEV_NAME ; Name for EMM IOCTL opens.
- EMM_DEV_NAME_LEN EQU ($-DeviceName) ; M001: Length of DeviceName string.
- EMM386Sig db EMM386_SIG ; M001: Signature for EMM386 device.
- EMM386_SIG_LEN EQU ($-EMM386Sig) ; M001: Signature length.
- ;M002
- VCPIDevName db EMM_DEV_VCPI ; Name for EMM VCPI IOCTL opens.
- _MaxMin dw 2 dup (0)
- public _MaxMin
- public _fIsPooled
- _fIsPooled proc near
- push ES
- push SI
- push DI
- pushf ; M001: Save flags due to CLD below.
- push BP
- mov BP,SP
- ;M000
- xor ax, ax
- mov [_MaxMin], ax
- mov [_MaxMin+2], ax ; First, we initialize the buffer.
- mov DX,OFFSET DeviceName ; DS:DX pointer to emm name
- mov AX,3d02h ; Try to open the device
- int 21h
- jnc GEV40 ; Jump if device opens.
- mov DeviceName,EMM_DEV_NOEMS ; DS:DX -> NOEMS emm name
- mov AX,3d02h ; Try to open the device
- int 21h
- jnc GEV40 ; Jump if device opens.
- ;M002
- mov DX,OFFSET VCPIDevName ; DS:DX pointer to VCPI emm name
- mov AX,3d02h ; Try to open the device
- int 21h
- jc GEV60 ; Jump if device not found.
- ; M001: Validate "MICROSOFT" signature.
- GEV40: push AX ; Save EMM device handle.
- mov AX,(35h SHL 8) OR EMM_INT_VECT
- int 21h ; ES:BX -> EMM device handler.
- ; ES:0000 -> EMM device base.
- mov DI,EMM386_SIG_OFFSET ; ES:DI -> EMM Signature.
- mov SI,OFFSET EMM386Sig ; DS:SI -> EMM386 Signature.
- mov CX,EMM386_SIG_LEN ; CX = Signature length.
- cld
- repz cmpsb ; Signature match?
- jz GEV80 ; Yes, jump.
- ; No, fall thru and exit.
- GEV60: xor AX,AX ; return code = 0.
- jmp SHORT FunctExit ; Go fix stack and exit.
- GEV80: pop BX ; BX = device handle.
- ;M000
- mov AX,4400h ; IOCTL get device information.
- int 21h
- jc SHORT ErrorClose ; Carry indicates call unsuccesful
- test DX,0080h ; Test if clock device.
- jz SHORT ErrorClose ; if not, we can't steal memory.
- test DX,4000h ; Are IOCTL's 02h and 03h supported
- jz SHORT ErrorClose ; if not we cannot steal memory.
- push DS
- mov AX,SS
- mov DS,AX
- mov DX,BP ; DS:DX == SS:BP
- mov CX,SIZE EMM_STRUC ; CX == size of the ctrl string
- sub DX,CX ; DS:DX --> Start of data struct
- mov BYTE PTR [BP].Function,EMM_GET_VER
- mov AX,4402h ; Read control device string function
- int 21h
- pop DS
- jc SHORT ErrorClose ; Carry indicates call unsuccesful
- cmp AX,CX ; If ax != cx we did not get the
- jne SHORT ErrorClose ; number of bytes we requested !
- mov AX,WORD PTR [BP].Version ; Have good version #
- xchg AH,AL ; Put major ver. in AH & minor in AL
- cmp AX,EMM_POOLED_VER ; if emm386 ver 4.45 continue
- jl SHORT ErrorClose ; else return 0
- mov cx, 4
- mov dx, offset _MaxMin ; offset of emm386 max allocated and min allocated buffer
- mov byte ptr [_MaxMin], 3 ; set function code for IOCTL
- mov ax, 4402h ; read control data from char device
- int 21h ; get max-min allocated for emm386
- jmp SHORT CloseHandle
- ErrorClose:
- xor AX,AX ; Invalid EMM386 version #
- CloseHandle:
- push AX
- mov AX,3E00h ; Close device, handle in BX.
- int 21h ; Call DOS
- pop AX
- FunctExit:
- mov SP,BP
- pop BP
- popf ; M001
- pop DI
- pop SI
- pop ES
- ret ; return to caller.
- _fIsPooled endp
- end