资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- Revision tags for FORMAT directory
- ----------------------------------
- M000 09/19/90 PYS PHASE1.ASM 2763: /4 (and /1 /8) overwrites
- the format on disk.
- M001 09/20/90 PYS PHASE1.ASM 2952: if format on disk and
- the format specified by the
- switches and default for the
- drive differ, the user
- specifications has the priority.
- M002 09/28/90 PYS FORMAT.ASM 3217: errorlevel=0 for no problem.
- M003 10/03/90 PYS FORMAT.ASM 2816: small change in the decimals
- shown by format for the size of
- the disk.
- M004 10/03/90 PYS FORMAT.ASM 3315: even if a fatal error occured,
- prompt for a new disk.
- M005 10/08/90 PYS FORMAT.ASM 3154: format not detecting write
- MIR_MAIN.ASM protect until writing boot sectors
- M006 10/11/90 PYS FORMAT.ASM 3470: Not ready and Write Protect
- PHASE1.ASM were not returning errorlevel 4
- M007 10/11/90 PYS FORMAT.ASM 3467: if size is to be 1.096M, we
- FORMSG.INC would show 1.96M. Fix required a
- dirty hook to change the number
- of decimal to display.
- M008 10/31/90 PYS MSFOR.ASM 3878: test for volume label not
- done anymore
- M009 11/02/90 PYS FORINIT.ASM 3944: /V:"" means no label. Since
- FORLABEL.ASM /V and /V:"" are parse the same way
- I did a dirty check of rescanning
- for a :. If found and teh string
- is empty, I assume it is /V:""
- (/V: is illegal).
- M010 11/04/90 PYS MSFOR.ASM 3844: if /n and /t, format writes
- PHASE1.ASM F0 as media descriptor. Changed:
- if /n /t, check against all BPBs
- if one we know, supply BPB media
- descriptor, otherwise F0.
- M011 11/19/90 PYS GLBLINIT.ASM 3585, 4317: Format is in hard loop
- SWITCH_S.ASM if BootDrive=DefaultDrive<>A.
- M012 11/20/90 PYS SWITCH_S.ASM 4339: Format /s fails with long
- comspec and in other cases too.
- M013 11/23/90 PYS FORMAT.ASM 4368: Reworked error message handling
- MSFOR.ASM in WriteDiskInfo.
- M014 11/23/90 PYS MSFOR.ASM 4244: FatalExit if CheckSwitches
- failed.
- M015 11/26/90 PYS FORMAT.ASM 4269: Divide Overflow with large number
- DSKFRMT.ASM of clusters.
- M016 11/28/90 PYS PHASE1.ASM 4457: Speed enhancement by doing only
- 1 int 25 in DetermineExistingFormat
- M017 11/29/90 PYS PHASE1.ASM 4465: QuickFormat did not support
- DSKFRMT.ASM non-512 BytesPerSectors disks. Also
- added a couple of sanity checks
- M018 12/04/90 PYS FORMAT.ASM 4075: Format and disk with tracks*
- DSKFRMT.ASM heads greater than a word
- M019 12/12/90 PYS PHASE1.ASM Tony's Bug: format a: /8, then format
- /4, disk has still old boot.
- M020 01/07/91 SMR PHASE1.ASM Looked for EXT_BOOT_SIG before assum
- ing that the BPB in boot sector is
- extended. Bug #4946
- M021 01/07/91 SMR FORMAT.ASM Assume Media Formatted if QUERY BLOCK
- IOCTL not supported. Bug #4801
- M022 01/16/91 MD MIR_MSG.INC Minor text changes - not marked
- M023 01/21/91 SMR FORLABEL.ASM Bug #5253. get volume label function
- checks for carry flag after doing a
- input flush call. But this function
- call does not return aything in the
- carry flag.
- M024 02/01/91 SMR FORMAT.ASM B#5495. Added "Insufficient Memory"
- FORINIT.ASM message when format fails to allocate
- GLBLINIT.ASM buffer space for FAT & directory.
- M025 02/05/91 MD FORMAT.ASM Removed obsolete IBMCOPYRIGHT conditional
- M026 02/08/91 SMR FILESIZE.INC B#5794. Updated MSDOS.SYS size
- MIR_MAIN.ASM directory; eliminate local copies.
- M028 02/25/91 SMR FORMSG.INC B#6073. Changed the "Attempting to.."
- FORMAT.SKL message to "Trying to ..." and
- USA-MS.MSG changed the cluster field width to
- 5 from 8 for proper erasure of
- "Trying to ..." message by "xx% complete"
- message.
- M029 04/01/91 SMR SWITCH_S.ASM Bug 6755. Remove the assumption that
- COMSPEC= has an absolute path name.
- And build the file name (COMMAND.COM) in a
- different buffer other than the buffer
- in which COMSPEC was stored.
- M030 05/23/91 MD FORINIT.ASM Refuse to allow /S switch when running
- under ROM version.
- M031 06/05/91 PYS FORINIT.ASM Memory card support, or at least
- FORMAT.ASM hacked support.
- M032 07/09/91 PYS FORMAT.ASM DOS500 binary if not ROMDOS.
- MAKEFILE (psdata includes version)
- M033 08/06/91 PYS FORMAT.ASM DOS500a will have support for the
- FORINIT.ASM memory cards (removed the else part
- of M032) and change CMCDD detection
- method to support SRAM cards.
- M034 08/29/91 PYS FORMAT.ASM Do not do a restore savedparams if