资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;M074 - ptime.asm added, containing clock/time routines for power.asm.
- ;
- ; 09/11/91 SMR M077: B#2669. Registered POWER's 2f channels in
- ;
- ; 09/25/91 NSM M090: B#2729. Try to update our time from CMOS under
- ; WIN ENH mode once in 1024 I1c ticks.
- ; (approx. once in a minute)
- ; This update happens only if DOS calls us for time and
- ; does not exactly happen once in a minute.
- ;
- ; (this is changed to 20 secs from 1 minute)
- ;
- ; 11/26/91 NSM M101: We lose date sometimes under windows. To fix this
- ; do Int 1a's to get tick count instead of looking at 40:
- ; 6ch and if we get rollover, then go & update date
- ; and time from CMOS.
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ;
- .xlist
- include ; set build flags
- IFDEF POWER ; generate code only if power management
- ; is enabled
- IFNDEF POWERALONE ; segment declarations for resident version
- include ; establish bios segment structure
- ELSE ; segment declarations for standalonde version
- .SEQ
- Bios_Code segment word public 'Bios_Code'
- Bios_Code ends
- Bios_Data segment word public 'Bios_Data'
- Bios_Data ends
- SysInitSeg segment word public 'system_init'
- SysInitSeg ends
- ; following segment definitions used by transient part of code
- include
- include
- include
- include
- include ; M077
- include
- include ; M001
- break macro
- endm
- include
- .list
- include ; define Bios_Data segment
- extrn month_table:word
- IFDEF POWERALONE ; standalone device driver version
- Bios_Res dw Bios_Code ; Our code segment address
- ELSE ; resident BIOS version
- extrn Bios_Res:word ; Code segment address supplied externally
- extrn ttticks:dword ; far ptr to time_to_ticks routine
- extrn bintobcd:dword ; ptr to bin_to_bcd routine
- extrn Check_and_Init_APM_Ptr:dword ; ptr to APM init routine
- extrn P_UpdFromCMOS_Ptr:dword ; ptr to CMOS clock read ; M081
- extrn daycnt:word ; extrns for both resident and stand-alone
- extrn daycnt2:word ; versions
- extrn base_century:byte
- extrn base_year:byte
- extrn month_tab:byte
- extrn bin_date_time:byte
- extrn CMOSUpdFlg:byte
- extrn CMOSPollCount:word
- tocode
- IFDEF POWERALONE ; stand alone version
- Bios_Data_Word dw Bios_Data ; Our data segment
- bintobcd proc near ;for real time clock support
- ;convert a binary input in al (less than 63h or 99 decimal)
- ;into a bcd value in al. ah destroyed.
- push cx
- aam ; M048
- mov cl, 4 ; M048
- shl ah, cl ; M048
- or al, ah ; M048
- pop cx
- ret
- bintobcd endp
- ELSE ; resident version
- extrn Bios_Data_word:word
- public tim_read
- public tim_writ
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; tim_writ sets the current time
- ;
- ; on entry es:[di] has the current time:
- ;
- ; number of days since 1-1-80 (word)
- ; minutes (0-59) (byte)
- ; hours (0-23) (byte)
- ; hundredths of seconds (0-99) (byte)
- ; seconds (0-59) (byte)
- ;
- ; each number has been checked for the correct range.
- ;
- tim_writ proc near
- assume ds:Bios_Data
- mov ax,word ptr es:[di]
- push ax ;daycnt. we need to set this at the very
- ; end to avoid tick windows.
- ; Set hardware clock time.
- mov al,es:[di+3] ;get binary hours
- call bintobcd ;convert to bcd
- mov ch,al ;ch = bcd hours
- mov al,es:[di+2] ;get binary minutes
- call bintobcd ;convert to bcd
- mov cl,al ;cl = bcd minutes
- mov al,es:[di+5] ;get binary seconds
- call bintobcd ;convert to bcd
- mov dh,al ;dh = bcd seconds
- mov dl,0 ;dl = 0 (st) or 1 (dst)
- cli ;turn off timer
- mov ah,03h ;set rtc time
- int 1ah ;call rom bios clock routine
- sti
- mov cx,word ptr es:[di+2]
- mov dx,word ptr es:[di+4]
- call time_to_ticks
- call ttticks
- ;cx:dx now has time in ticks
- cli ; turn off timer
- mov ah, 1 ; command is set time in clock
- int 1ah ; call rom-bios clock routines
- pop [daycnt]
- sti
- call daycnttoday ; convert to bcd format
- cli ; turn off timer
- mov ah,05h ; set rtc date
- int 1ah ; call rom-bios clock routines
- sti
- clc
- ret
- tim_writ endp
- ;
- ; gettime reads date and time
- ; and returns the following information:
- ; es:[di] =count of days since 1-1-80
- ; es:[di+2]=hours
- ; es:[di+3]=minutes
- ; es:[di+4]=seconds
- ; es:[di+5]=hundredths of seconds
- tim_read proc near
- ; M090 BEGIN - See if we have to update our time from CMOS before
- ; returning date and time to caller.
- cmp [CMOSUpdFlg],0 ; M090 do we need to update from CMOS
- je tr_NoCMOSUpdate ;
- tr_CMOSUpd: ; M101
- call far ptr P_UpdFromCMOS
- call P_UpdFromCMOS_ptr ; M074 update our date and time
- ; from CMOS RTC
- mov [CMOSUpdFlg],0 ;
- ; M090 END
- tr_NoCMOSUpdate:
- ; M101 - BEGIN - get tick count through 1a instead of looking at 40:6ch
- ; and check for rollover
- mov ax,0 ; get tick count
- int 1ah ; cx:dx = tick count
- or al,al ; al != 0 if midnight passed
- jnz tr_CMOSUpd ; rollover; update date and time
- ; M101 - END
- mov si,[daycnt]
- ; we now need to convert the time in tick to the time in 100th of
- ; seconds. the relation between tick and seconds is:
- ;
- ; 65536 seconds
- ; ----------------
- ; 1,193,180 tick
- ;
- ; to get to 100th of second we need to multiply by 100. the equation is:
- ;
- ; ticks from clock * 65536 * 100
- ; --------------------------------- = time in 100th of seconds
- ; 1,193,180
- ;
- ; fortunately this fromula simplifies to:
- ;
- ; ticks from clock * 5 * 65,536
- ; --------------------------------- = time in 100th of seconds
- ; 59,659
- ;
- ; the calculation is done by first multipling tick by 5. next we divide by
- ; 59,659. in this division we multiply by 65,536 by shifting the dividend
- ; my 16 bits to the left.
- ;
- ; start with ticks in cx:dx
- ; multiply by 5
- mov ax,cx
- mov bx,dx
- shl dx,1
- rcl cx,1 ;times 2
- shl dx,1
- rcl cx,1 ;times 4
- add dx,bx
- adc ax,cx ;times 5
- xchg ax,dx
- ; now have ticks * 5 in dx:ax
- ; we now need to multiply by 65,536 and divide by 59659 d.
- mov cx,59659 ; get divisor
- div cx
- ; dx now has remainder
- ; ax has high word of final quotient
- mov bx,ax ; put high work if safe place
- xor ax,ax ; this is the multiply by 65536
- div cx ; bx:ax now has time in 100th of seconds
- ;rounding based on the remainder may be added here
- ;the result in bx:ax is time in 1/100 second.
- mov dx,bx
- mov cx,200 ;extract 1/100's
- ;division by 200 is necessary to ensure no overflow--max result
- ;is number of seconds in a day/2 = 43200.
- div cx
- cmp dl,100 ;remainder over 100?
- jb noadj
- sub dl,100 ;keep 1/100's less than 100
- noadj:
- cmc ;if we subtracted 100, carry is now set
- mov bl,dl ;save 1/100's
- ;to compensate for dividing by 200 instead of 100, we now multiply
- ;by two, shifting a one in if the remainder had exceeded 100.
- rcl ax,1
- mov dl,0
- rcl dx,1
- mov cx,60 ;divide out seconds
- div cx
- mov bh,dl ;save the seconds
- div cl ;break into hours and minutes
- xchg al,ah
- ;time is now in ax:bx (hours, minutes, seconds, 1/100 sec)
- push ax
- mov ax,si ; daycnt
- stosw
- pop ax
- stosw
- mov ax,bx
- stosw
- clc
- ret
- tim_read endp
- assume es:nothing
- ; the following routine is executed at resume time when the system
- ; powered on after suspension. it reads the real time clock and
- ; resets the system time and date
- ;
- ; This can be patched to be the INT6C vector so that this can be
- ; used by other people to update DOS time from CMOS (after taking
- ; care for IRET)
- public P_UpdFromCMOS
- P_UpdFromCMOS proc far
- assume ds:nothing
- push ds
- mov ds,cs:Bios_Data_Word
- assume ds:Bios_Data
- call read_real_date ; get the date from the clock
- PUFC_UpdDate: ; M101
- mov ds:daycnt,si ; update our copy of date
- call read_real_time ; get the time from the rtc
- cli
- mov ah,01h ; command to set the time
- int 1ah ; call rom-bios time routine
- sti
- ; M101 BEGIN - check back to see if date changed when we were reading the
- ; time; if so, update date and time all over again ( Paranoid?)
- call read_real_date ; get the date from the clock
- ; BUGBUG- nagara - Store the ret.value of date from int 1a in this
- ; procedure read_real_date so that at the end we don't really have to
- ; call read_real_date again; we just need to call int 1a and compare the
- ; date registers against the stored values of these registers.
- cmp si,ds:daycnt ; is the date changed ?
- jne PUFC_UpdDate ; yes, go back and set the new date
- ; M101 END
- pop ds
- ret
- P_UpdFromCMOS endp
- ;************************************************************************
- ;
- ; read_real_date reads real-time clock for date and returns the number
- ; of days elapsed since 1-1-80 in si
- ;
- read_real_date proc near
- assume ds:Bios_Data,es:nothing
- push ax
- push cx
- push dx
- xor ah,ah ; throw away clock roll over
- int 1ah
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop ax ; cas - bad code!
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- mov daycnt2,1 ; real time clock error flag (+1 day)
- mov ah,4 ; read date function code
- int 1ah ; read real-time clock
- jnc read_ok ; jmp success
- jmp r_d_ret ; jmp error
- read_ok: ; ******* get bcd values in binary *****
- mov word ptr bin_date_time+0,cx ; store as hex value
- mov word ptr bin_date_time+2,dx ; ...
- mov daycnt2,2 ; read of r-t clock successful
- call bcd_verify ; verify bcd values in range
- jc r_d_ret ; jmp some value out of range
- mov daycnt2,3 ; read of r-t clock successful
- call date_verify ; verify date values in range
- jc r_d_ret ; jmp some value out of range
- mov daycnt2,0 ; verify successful
- call in_bin ; convert date to binary
- ; ******* years since 1-1-80 *********
- mov al,byte ptr bin_date_time ; get years into century
- cbw ;
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+1,20 ; 20th century?
- jnz century_19 ; jmp no
- add ax,100 ; add in a century
- century_19: ;
- sub ax,80 ; subtract off 1-1-80
- mov cl,4 ; leap year every 4
- div cl ; al= # leap year blocks, ah= remainder
- mov bl,ah ; save odd years
- cbw ; zero ah
- mov cx,366+3*365 ; # of days in leap year blocks
- mul cx ; dx:ax is result
- mov daycnt2,ax ; save count of days
- mov al,bl ; get odd years count
- cbw ;
- or ax,ax ; is ax= 0?
- jz leap_year ; jmp if none
- mov cx,365 ; days in year
- mul cx ; dx:ax is result
- add daycnt2,ax ; add on days in odd years
- jmp short leap_adjustment ; account for leap year
- leap_year: ; possibly account for a leap day
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+3,2 ; is month february
- jbe no_leap_adjustment ; jan or feb. no leap day yet.
- leap_adjustment: ; account for leap day
- inc daycnt2
- no_leap_adjustment: ; ******* get days of month *******
- mov cl,byte ptr bin_date_time+2
- xor ch,ch
- dec cx ; because of offset from day 1, not day 0
- add daycnt2,cx ; ******* get days in months preceeing *****
- mov cl,byte ptr bin_date_time+3 ; get month
- xor ch,ch
- dec cx ; january starts at offset 0
- shl cx,1 ; word offset
- mov si,offset month_table ; beginning of month_table
- add si,cx ; point into month table
- mov ax,word ptr [si]; get # days in previous months
- add daycnt2,ax
- r_d_ret:
- mov si,daycnt2 ; result in si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- ret
- r_t_retj:
- xor cx,cx
- xor dx,dx
- jmp short r_t_ret
- read_real_date endp
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; read_real_time reads the time from the rtc. on exit, it has the number of
- ; ticks (at 18.2 ticks per sec.) in cx:dx.
- read_real_time proc near
- assume ds:Bios_Data,es:nothing
- mov ah,2
- int 1ah
- jc r_t_retj
- oktime:
- mov word ptr bin_date_time,cx ; hours + minutes
- mov byte ptr bin_date_time+3,dh ; seconds
- mov byte ptr bin_date_time+2,0 ; unused for time
- call bcd_verify
- jc r_t_retj
- call time_verify
- jc r_t_retj
- call in_bin
- mov cx,word ptr bin_date_time
- mov dx,word ptr bin_date_time+2
- ; get time in ticks in cx:dx
- call time_to_ticks
- call ttticks
- r_t_ret:
- ret
- read_real_time endp
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; in_bin converts bin_date_time values from bcd to bin
- in_bin proc near
- assume ds:Bios_Data,es:nothing
- mov al,byte ptr bin_date_time+0 ; years or minutes
- call bcd_to_bin
- mov byte ptr bin_date_time+0,al
- mov al,byte ptr bin_date_time+1 ;century or hours
- call bcd_to_bin
- mov byte ptr bin_date_time+1,al
- mov al,byte ptr bin_date_time+2 ; days (not used for time)
- call bcd_to_bin
- mov byte ptr bin_date_time+2,al
- mov al,byte ptr bin_date_time+3 ; months or seconds
- call bcd_to_bin
- mov byte ptr bin_date_time+3,al
- ret
- in_bin endp
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; bcd_to_bin converts two bcd nibbles in al (value <= 99.) to
- ; a binary representation in al
- ; ah is destroyed
- bcd_to_bin proc near
- assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
- mov ah, al ; M048
- and al, 0fh ; M048
- mov cl, 4 ; M048
- shr ah, cl ; M048
- aad ; M048
- ret
- bcd_to_bin endp
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; date_verify loosely checks bcd date values to be in range in bin_date_time
- date_verify proc near
- assume ds:Bios_Data,es:nothing
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+1,20h ; century check
- ja date_error ; error
- jz century_20 ; jmp in 20th century
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+1,19h ; century check
- jb date_error ; error
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+0,80h ; year check
- jb date_error ; error
- century_20:
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+0,99h ; year check
- ja date_error ; error
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+3,12h ; month check
- ja date_error ; error
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+3,00h ; month check
- jbe date_error ; error
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+2,31h ; day check
- ja date_error ; error
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+2,00h ; day check
- jbe date_error ; error
- clc ; set success flag
- ret
- date_error:
- stc ; set error flag
- ret
- date_verify endp
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; time_verify very loosely checks bcd date values to be in range in bin_date_time
- time_verify proc near
- assume ds:Bios_Data,es:nothing
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+1,24h
- ja time_error
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+0,59h
- ja time_error
- cmp byte ptr bin_date_time+3,59h
- ja time_error
- clc
- ret
- time_error:
- stc
- ret
- time_verify endp
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; bcd_verify checks values in bin_date_time to be valid
- ; bcd numerals. carry set if any nibble out of range
- bcd_verify proc near
- assume ds:Bios_Data,es:nothing
- mov cx,4 ; 4 bytes to check
- mov bx,offset bin_date_time
- bv_loop:
- mov al,[bx] ; get a bcd number (0..99)
- mov ah,al
- and ax,0f00fh ; 10's place in high ah, 1's in al
- cmp al,10 ; is 1's place in range?
- ja bv_error ; jmp out of range
- shr ah,1 ; swap nibbles
- shr ah,1
- shr ah,1
- shr ah,1
- and ah,0fh ; get rid of any erroneous bits
- cmp ah,10 ; is 10's place in range
- ja bv_error ; jmp out of range
- inc bx ; next byte
- dec cx
- jnz bv_loop
- clc ; set success flag
- ret
- bv_error:
- stc ; set error flag
- ret
- bcd_verify endp
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- daycnttoday proc near ; for real time clock support
- ;entry: [daycnt] = number of days since 1-1-80
- ;
- ;return: ch - centry in bcd
- ; cl - year in bcd
- ; dh - month in bcd
- ; dl - day in bcd
- push di
- mov di,daycnt
- cmp di,(365*20+(20/4)) ;# of days from 1-1-1980 to 1-1-2000
- jae century20
- mov base_century,19
- mov base_year,80
- jmp short years
- century20: ;20th century
- mov base_century,20
- mov base_year,0
- sub di,(365*20+(20/4)) ;adjust daycnt
- years:
- xor dx,dx
- mov ax,di
- mov bx,(366+365*3) ;# of days in a leap year block
- div bx ;ax = # of leap block, dx = daycnt
- mov di,dx ;save daycnt left
- mov bl,4
- mul bl ;ax = # of years. less than 100 years!
- add base_year,al ;so, ah = 0. adjust year accordingly.
- inc di ;set daycnt to 1 base
- cmp di,366 ;the daycnt here is the remainder of the leap year block.
- jbe leapyear ;so, it should within 366+355+355+355 days.
- inc base_year ;first if daycnt <= 366, then leap year
- sub di,366 ;else daycnt--, base_year++;
- ;and the next three years are regular years.
- mov cx,3
- regularyear:
- cmp di,365 ;for(i=1; i>3 or daycnt <=365;i++)
- jbe yeardone ;{if (daycnt > 365)
- inc base_year ; { daycnt -= 365
- sub di,365 ; }
- loop regularyear ;}
- ; should never fall through loop
- leapyear:
- mov byte ptr month_tab+1,29 ;leap year. change the month table.
- yeardone:
- xor bx,bx
- xor dx,dx
- mov ax,di
- mov si,offset month_tab
- mov cx,12
- months:
- inc bl
- mov dl,byte ptr ds:[si] ;compare daycnt for each month until fits
- cmp ax,dx ;dh=0.
- jbe month_done
- inc si ;next month
- sub ax,dx ;adjust daycnt
- loop months
- ; should never fall through loop
- month_done:
- mov byte ptr month_tab+1,28 ;restore month table value
- mov dl,bl
- mov dh,base_year
- mov cl,base_century ;now, al=day, dl=month,dh=year,cl=century
- call bintobcd ;oh my!!! to save 15 bytes, bin_to_bcd proc
- ;was relocated seperately from daycnt_to_day proc.
- xchg dl,al ;dl = bcd day, al = month
- call bintobcd
- xchg dh,al ;dh = bcd month, al = year
- call bintobcd
- xchg cl,al ;cl = bcd year, al = century
- call bintobcd
- mov ch,al ;ch = bcd century
- pop di ;restore original value
- ret
- daycnttoday endp
- IFDEF POWERALONE ; needed only for standalone version
- ; for resident version use the one in
- ; mschar.asm
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; convert time to ticks
- ; input : time in cx and dx
- ; ticks returned in cx:dx
- time_to_ticks proc near
- ; first convert from hour,min,sec,hund. to
- ; total number of 100th of seconds
- mov al,60
- mul ch ;hours to minutes
- mov ch,0
- add ax,cx ;total minutes
- mov cx,6000 ;60*100
- mov bx,dx ;get out of the way of the multiply
- mul cx ;convert to 1/100 sec
- mov cx,ax
- mov al,100
- mul bh ;convert seconds to 1/100 sec
- add cx,ax ;combine seconds with hours and min.
- adc dx,0 ;ripple carry
- mov bh,0
- add cx,bx ;combine 1/100 sec
- adc dx,0
- ; dx:cx is time in 1/100 sec
- xchg ax,dx
- xchg ax,cx ;now time is in cx:ax
- mov bx,59659
- mul bx ;multiply low half
- xchg dx,cx
- xchg ax,dx ;cx->ax, ax->dx, dx->cx
- mul bx ;multiply high half
- add ax,cx ;combine overlapping products
- adc dx,0
- xchg ax,dx ;ax:dx=time*59659
- mov bx,5
- div bl ;divide high half by 5
- mov cl,al
- mov ch,0
- mov al,ah ;remainder of divide-by-5
- cbw
- xchg ax,dx ;use it to extend low half
- div bx ;divde low half by 5
- mov dx,ax
- ; cx:dx is now number of ticks in time
- ret
- time_to_ticks endp
- Bios_Code ends