资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* fexpunge.c - remove all deleted objects from the index
- *
- *
- * ??-???-???? ?? Original Version
- * 06-Sep-1988 bw Issue error is directory removal fails
- * 20-Dec-1989 SB Change for new Index file format, added NOTES
- *
- * NOTES:
- * The old-format index file was composed of elements of size RM_RECLEN having
- * the following syntax :-
- *
- * <element> := <valid-element> | <deleted-element>
- * <valid-element> := <8.3filename> <padding>
- * <deleted-element> := <padding>
- * where,
- * <padding> is series of (RM_RECLEN - sizeof(8.3filename) 0x00's
- *
- * If the first RM_RECLEN bytes of the index file match the new index file
- * header then the index file has new-format.
- *
- * The new-format index file is composed of elements of size (n * RM_RECLEN)
- * having the following syntax :-
- *
- * <header> := <0x00> <magic> <version> <0x00> <first-padding>
- * <valid-element> := <longfilename> <padding>
- * <deleted-element> := <padding>
- * where,
- * <padding> is a series is 0x00 to round off to RM_RECLEN length
- * <magic> is RM_MAGIC (currently IX)
- * <version> is RM_VERSION (currently 1.01)
- * When <longfilename> is a multiple of RM_RECLEN then an extra padding record
- * is added to make it a NULL terminated string.
- *
- */
- #if defined (OS2)
- #include <os2.h>
- #endif
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <systypes.h>
- #include <sysstat.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include "..htools.h"
- #include "..hrm.h"
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <direct.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- /* we open the index corresponding to the named directory and release all
- * the deleted files present. At the end, we remove the index and the deleted
- * directory */
- long fexpunge (pDir, list)
- char *pDir;
- FILE *list;
- {
- int fhidx;
- char *dir; /* deleted dir */
- char *szRec; /* name of file deleted */
- char *idx; /* name of index */
- char *file;
- long totbytes;
- struct stat statbuf;
- totbytes = 0L;
- dir = idx = file = NULL;
- if ((dir = (*tools_alloc) (MAXPATHLEN)) == NULL ||
- (idx = (*tools_alloc) (MAXPATHLEN)) == NULL ||
- (file = (*tools_alloc) (MAXPATHLEN)) == NULL ||
- (szRec = (*tools_alloc) (MAXPATHLEN)) == NULL) {
- if (list)
- fprintf (list, "Unable to allocate internal storagen");
- goto done;
- }
- /* generate deleted directory name from dir */
- strcpy (dir, pDir);
- pathcat (dir, RM_DIR);
- /* generate index name from deleted directory */
- strcpy (idx, dir);
- pathcat (idx, RM_IDX);
- /* try to open index. If it fails, no problem */
- if ((fhidx = open (idx, O_RDWR | O_BINARY)) != -1) {
- if (list)
- fprintf (list, "Expunging files in %sn", pDir);
- readIdxRec (fhidx, szRec);
- if (fIdxHdr (szRec))
- if (!readNewIdxRec (fhidx, szRec, MAXPATHLEN))
- goto done;
- do {
- /* For each file that was RMed and not UNDELed */
- if (szRec[0] != ' ') {
- /* The name starts earlier than current position in the index
- * file. The deleted file index is derived from the current
- * offset and the length of the string.
- */
- sprintf (file, "%s\deleted.%03x", dir, (lseek (fhidx, 0L, SEEK_CUR)
- - strlen (szRec)) / RM_RECLEN);
- if (stat (file, &statbuf) == -1) {
- if (list)
- fprintf (list, " (%s - %s)n", file, error ());
- }
- else {
- unlink (file);
- totbytes += statbuf.st_size;
- if (list) {
- char *pTime = ctime (&statbuf.st_mtime);
- /* ctime() returns a string which has a n at
- * fixed offset of 24. [ANSI draft]. We don't need
- * it because we put the File Name before n
- */
- *(pTime + 24) = ' ';
- upd (dir, szRec, file);
- fprintf (list, "%8ld %s %sn", statbuf.st_size, pTime,
- file);
- fflush (list);
- }
- }
- }
- } while (readNewIdxRec (fhidx, szRec, MAXPATHLEN));
- close (fhidx);
- unlink (idx);
- if (rmdir (dir))
- fprintf (list, "ERROR: Unable to remove directory %s - %sn", dir, error ());
- if (list)
- fprintf (list, "%ld bytes freedn", totbytes);
- }
- else
- if (!stat (dir, &statbuf))
- fprintf (list, "Warning: Cannot open %s - %sn", idx, error ());
- done:
- if (dir)
- free (dir);
- if (idx)
- free (idx);
- if (file)
- free (file);
- if (szRec)
- free (szRec);
- return totbytes;
- }