资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;
- ; blindingly fast assembly help for Z
- ;
- .xlist
- include
- ifdef OS2
- include
- if1
- %out ! OS2 module
- endif
- endif
- .list
- sBegin data
- assumes ds,data
- bufstart dd ?
- staticW bufsrc,?
- staticW buflen,?
- staticW buflength,?
- staticW buffh,?
- globalB fGetlCR,?
- bufpos dd ?
- sEnd
- sBegin code
- assumes cs,code
- ;
- ; getlpos returns current seek position in file
- ;
- cProc getlpos,<PUBLIC>
- cBegin
- mov dx,word ptr bufpos+2
- mov ax,word ptr bufpos
- cEnd
- ;
- ; getlinit (buf, len, fh) initializes the getl routine for buffer buf and fh fh
- ;
- cProc getlinit,<PUBLIC>
- parmD buf
- parmW len
- parmW fh
- cBegin
- mov ax,off_buf
- mov word ptr bufstart,ax
- mov ax,seg_buf
- mov word ptr bufstart+2,ax
- mov ax,fh
- mov buffh,ax
- mov ax,len
- mov buflength,ax
- mov buflen,0
- mov word ptr bufpos,0
- mov word ptr bufpos+2,0
- mov fGetlCR,0
- cEnd
- ;
- ; getl (dst, len) returns TRUE if a line was read.
- ;
- cProc getl,<PUBLIC>,<DS,SI,DI>
- parmW dst
- parmW dstlen
- ifdef OS2
- localW BytesRead
- endif
- cBegin
- assumes ss,data
- cld
- push ds
- pop es
- mov ds,word ptr bufstart+2
- assumes ds,nothing
- mov si,bufsrc
- mov di,dst
- mov cx,buflen
- mov dx,dstlen
- dec dx ; room for NUL at end
- jcxz fill
- movc: lodsb ; get a byte
- cmp al,13 ; is it special?
- jbe spec ; yes, go handle special case
- stoc: stosb ; put character in buffer
- dec dx ; one less space in buffer
- endl: loopnz movc ; go back for more characters
- jnz fill ; no more characters => go fill buffer
- ; cx = 0, buflen = length moved
- fin: dec cx
- fin1: xor ax,ax
- stosb
- mov bufsrc,si ; length moved = buflen - cx
- xchg buflen,cx
- sub cx,buflen
- add word ptr bufpos,cx
- adc word ptr bufpos+2,0
- not ax
- jmp short getldone
- fill:
- mov cx, buflen ; add length moved to bufpos
- add word ptr bufpos,cx
- adc word ptr bufpos+2,0
- ifdef OS2
- push buffh
- push word ptr bufstart + 2
- push word ptr bufstart
- push buflength
- push ss
- lea ax, BytesRead
- push ax
- call DOSREAD
- mov cx, BytesRead
- mov buflen, cx
- mov si, word ptr bufstart
- or cx, cx
- jnz movc
- else
- push dx
- mov dx,word ptr bufstart
- mov cx,buflength
- mov bx,buffh
- mov ah,3Fh
- int 21h
- mov cx,ax
- mov buflen,ax
- mov si,dx
- pop dx
- or ax,ax
- jnz movc
- endif
- ; if we've stored chars then terminate line else return with 0
- cmp di,dst
- jnz fin1
- jmp short getldone
- spec: jz setnz
- cmp al,10
- jz fin
- cmp al,9
- jnz stoc
- push cx
- mov ax,di
- sub ax,dst
- and ax,7
- mov cx,8
- sub cx,ax
- cmp cx,dx
- jbe ok
- mov cx,dx
- ok: sub dx,cx
- mov al," "
- rep stosb
- pop cx
- jmp endl
- setnz: or al,1
- mov fGetlCR,-1 ; indicate we've seen a CR
- jmp endl
- getldone:
- cEnd
- sEnd
- end