资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- SUMMARY pathopen findpath
- #include <tools.h>
- flagType findpath(pstrFile, pbuf, fNew)
- char *pstrFile;
- char *pbuf;
- flagType fNew;
- FILE *pathopen(pstrName, pbuf, pmode)
- char *pstrName;
- char *pbuf;
- char *pmode;
- findpath tries to find the file specified by pstrFile. If pstrFile is of
- the form $FOO:BAR where FOO is an environment variable each directory in the
- environment variable is searched else the current directory is searched.
- If the file is found and pbuf is filled in with the expanded path name and
- nonzero is returned.
- If the file is not found and fnew is FALSE, zero is returned
- If the file is not found and fnew is TRUE pbuf is filled in with the filename
- suitable for creating a new file and nonzero is returned, i.e. if pstrFile
- is of the form $FOO:BAR, the first directory in the environment variable FOO
- is used to create the filename.
- E.g.
- if
- findpath("$PATH:BAR", buf, TRUE);
- returns nonzero if BAR exists in C:BIN or C:MYBIN and buf contains either
- C:BINBAR or C:BINBAR; returns zero if BAR does not exist in either and
- contents of bar are undefined.
- findpath("$PATH:BAR", buf, FALSE);
- always returns nonzero, buf is equal to C:BINBAR or C:BINBAR if it exists
- or C:BINBAR if it doesn't exist in both. (Note: stat(buf, pstatBuf) can
- be used to determine if the file exists.)
- pathopen expands pstrName to pbuf using findpath with fnew == TRUE and if
- it succeeds calls the C library routine fopen with pbuf and mode and returns
- the value returned by fopen. If the call to findpath fails NULL is returned
- by pathopen.
- See above.
- SEE ALSO fopen (C runtime)
- In findpath, pbuf must point to a buffer large enough to hold the expanded
- pathname, e.g. buf[MAXPATHLEN].
- #include <tools.h>
- main(c, argv)
- int c;
- char *argv[];
- {
- char str[MAXPATHLEN];
- flagType f;
- f = findpath("$USER:\tools.ini", str, TRUE ); printf("%d %sn", f, str);
- f = findpath("$USER:\tools.tmp", str, TRUE ); printf("%d %sn", f, str);
- f = findpath("$USER:\tools.tmp", str, FALSE); printf("%d %sn", f, str);
- f = findpath("test.c", str, TRUE ); printf("%d %sn", f, str);
- }
- give the output assuming SET USER=C:DANL and TOOLS.INI does exist, TOOLS.TMP
- does not exist in C:DANL and TEST.C exists in current directory.
- -1 c:danltools.ini
- -1 c:danltools.tmp
- 0 c:danltools.tmp
- -1 test.c