资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*********************************************************************
- * Microsoft Diagnostics Version 2.0
- *
- * A diagnostic utility to detect as much useful information about a
- * customer's computer system as is possible.
- *
- * Microsoft Diagnostics: We detect the World.
- *
- * SHOWINFO.C - Source file for displaying information
- ********************************************************************/
- /* Include Files */
- #include "msd.h"
- #ifdef CW_INCLUDED
- /********************************************************************
- * ShowInfo - Displays the appropriate record in the info window.
- *
- * wRecordType - Record to display
- *
- * Returns: PWND of the info window, NULL if an error condition
- * occured.
- ********************************************************************/
- PWND ShowInfo (WORD wRecordType)
- {
- VOID *pStructForInfo = NULL; /* Pointer to structure with data */
- WORD wStructSize; /* Stores memory requirements for */
- /* GetInfo record */
- QSZ *pqszStrings; /* Array of strings to print */
- BOOL fReturnValue; /* Stores return value from GetInfo */
- PWND pwndInfo = NULL; /* Info Window's PWND */
- /* Determine the memory required to store the record */
- wStructSize = GetInfoSize (wRecordType, 0);
- if (wStructSize == 0)
- {
- CHAR chBuff1[80]; /* String for error message */
- sprintf (chBuff1, "%s, line %dn", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- ShowError (MB_BEEP | MB_OK | 0x8000, "Invalid Record Type", "", "");
- #endif
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Allocate memory for the structure */
- pStructForInfo = malloc (wStructSize);
- HeapCheck ("In ShowInfo, After malloc (wStructSize)");
- #endif
- if (pStructForInfo == NULL)
- {
- OutOfMemory();
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Zero out the structure */
- memset (pStructForInfo, ' ', wStructSize);
- /* If /I was used, set the flag stating that this information */
- /* is now available for reporting. */
- rgfReportItemFlag[wRecordType] = TRUE;
- rgfReportItemFlag[IDI_SUMMARY_SCREEN] = TRUE;
- /* Fill it with the GetInfo data */
- fReturnValue = GetInfo (wRecordType,
- pStructForInfo,
- FALSE, /* Do not obtain minimum info */
- FALSE, /* No include header record */
- TRUE); /* We are doing a report */
- HeapCheck ("In ShowInfo, After GetInfo()");
- #endif
- if (fReturnValue)
- {
- free (pStructForInfo);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Get the information into displayable strings */
- pqszStrings = SprintInfo (wRecordType,
- pStructForInfo,
- FALSE); /* We are not doing a report */
- HeapCheck ("In ShowInfo, After SprintInfo()");
- #endif
- /* Update the summary strings */
- SprintInfo (wRecordType, pStructForInfo,
- &(pSum->szSumStrings[wRecordType * 2]), TRUE);
- HeapCheck ("In ShowInfo, After update of summary strings");
- #endif
- /* PostMessage (pwndMainFrame, WM_PAINT, NULL, NULL); */
- /* Display the strings in the window */
- if (pqszStrings != NULL)
- pwndInfo = CreateInfoWnd (paszButtonNames[wRecordType],
- pqszStrings,
- HeapCheck ("In ShowInfo, After CreateInfoWnd()");
- #endif
- free (pStructForInfo);
- HeapCheck ("In ShowInfo, After free (pStructForInfo)");
- #endif
- return (pwndInfo);
- }
- BOOL fVisibleFlag; /* Set if scroll bar should be visible */
- /*********************************************************************
- * CreateInfoWnd - Procedure to create the info provider window.
- *
- * pwndParent - Parent window for this window.
- * pszWindowTitle - Title for the info window.
- * pqszStrings - Strings to be displayed in the info window.
- * fKeepFocus - TRUE if this window should keep the focus.
- *
- * Returns: PWND if creating Info Window was successful, NULL if an
- * error occured.
- *********************************************************************/
- STATIC PWND CreateInfoWnd (PSZ pszWindowTitle,
- QSZ *pqszStrings,
- BOOL fKeepFocus)
- {
- PWND pwndInfoFrame = NULL; /* Handle to the info window's frame */
- PWND pwndInfoTxt = NULL; /* Text window handle */
- PWND pwndScrollBar = NULL; /* Handle to the scroll bar */
- WORD wNmbrLines; /* Number of lines in this string array */
- WORD wLongestLine = 0; /* The length of the longest line */
- WORD wLength; /* The length of the current line */
- AX axRight; /* Coordinates for the upper left corner */
- AY ayTop; /* of the info window. */
- AX axWidth; /* Size of the info window */
- AY ayHeight;
- PSZ pszNewWindowTitle; /* New location (malloc'ed) for the title */
- /* Determine the number of lines and the length of the longest line */
- for (wNmbrLines = 0; pqszStrings[wNmbrLines] != NULL; ++wNmbrLines)
- {
- if ((wLength = DisplayLen (pqszStrings[wNmbrLines])) > wLongestLine)
- wLongestLine = wLength;
- }
- /* Calculate the size of the window */
- if (wNmbrLines > (WORD) ayMac - 7)
- {
- ayHeight = ayMac - (AY) 2;
- axWidth = (wLongestLine + 5> (WORD) axMac - 6) ?
- axMac - (AX) 2 : (AX) wLongestLine + (AX) 5;
- fVisibleFlag = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- ayHeight = (AY) wNmbrLines + (AY) 5;
- axWidth = (wLongestLine + 4> (WORD) axMac - 6) ?
- axMac - (AX) 2 : (AX) wLongestLine + (AX) 4;
- fVisibleFlag = FALSE;
- }
- /* Calculate the coordinates of the info window */
- axRight = (AX) ((axMac / 2) - (axWidth / 2));
- ayTop = (AY) ((ayMac / 2) - (ayHeight / 2));
- /* Copy the window title */
- pszNewWindowTitle = malloc (strlen (pszWindowTitle) + 1);
- if (pszNewWindowTitle == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- strcpy (pszNewWindowTitle, pszWindowTitle);
- /* Create the window */
- pwndInfoFrame = (PWND) CreateWindow (InfoWndCallID,
- axRight,
- ayTop,
- axWidth,
- ayHeight,
- (HWND) pwndMainFrame,
- 1);
- if (pwndInfoFrame == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* Get the Info Text window's window handle */
- pwndInfoTxt = GetDlgItem (pwndInfoFrame, InfoTxtID);
- /* Set the pointer to the button's name */
- SetWindowWord (pwndInfoFrame, WEB_WINDOW_TITLE, (WORD) pszNewWindowTitle);
- /* Set the scroll bar's minimum value in the extra bytes */
- SetWindowWord (pwndInfoTxt, WEB_MIN_SCROLL, 0);
- /* Set the scroll bar's maximum value in the extra bytes */
- SetWindowWord (pwndInfoTxt, WEB_MAX_SCROLL, wNmbrLines - (ayHeight - 5));
- /* Set the total number of lines in this string array */
- SetWindowWord (pwndInfoTxt, WEB_NMBR_LINES, wNmbrLines);
- /* Set the number of scrollable lines in the window */
- SetWindowWord (pwndInfoTxt, WEB_SCROLLABLE_LINES, (WORD) ayHeight - 5);
- /* Set the pointer to the text to display */
- SetWindowWord (pwndInfoTxt, WEB_PQSZ_TEXT, (WORD) pqszStrings);
- /* Set the flag on wether this window should keep the focus or not */
- SetWindowWord (pwndInfoTxt, WEB_KEEP_FOCUS, (WORD) fKeepFocus);
- /* Set the ranges for the scroll bar */
- pwndScrollBar = GetDlgItem (pwndInfoTxt, InfoScrollID);
- SetScrollRange (pwndScrollBar, /* Handle to scroll bar */
- 0, /* Minimum scroll value */
- wNmbrLines - (ayHeight - 5), /* Maximum scroll value */
- FALSE); /* Redraws when TRUE */
- SetScrollPos (pwndScrollBar, /* Handle to scroll bar */
- 0, /* New scroll bar position */
- FALSE); /* Redraws when TRUE */
- EnableWindow (pwndInfoFrame, TRUE);
- ShowWindow (pwndInfoFrame, SW_VISIBLE, TRUE);
- /* Hide the scroll bar if it is not necessary */
- if (fVisibleFlag == FALSE)
- ShowWindow (pwndScrollBar, SW_INVISIBLE, TRUE);
- /* Set the focus to the OK button */
- SetFocus (pwndInfoFrame);
- return (pwndInfoFrame);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * InfoWndProc - Procedure for handling the "Information Provider"
- * window.
- *********************************************************************/
- WORD message,
- WORD wParam,
- DWORD lParam)
- {
- switch (message)
- {
- case WM_CREATE:
- CreateInfoChildWindows (pwnd);
- break;
- #if 0
- {
- PWND pwndInfoTxt = NULL; /* Handle to the text window */
- /* Get the window handles */
- pwndInfoTxt = GetDlgItem (pwnd, InfoTxtWndCallID);
- if (GetWindowWord (pwndInfoTxt, WEB_KEEP_FOCUS))
- return (rspActiveDecline);
- else
- return (rspActiveLive);
- break;
- }
- #endif
- case WM_COMMAND:
- /* Close window when OK button clicked */
- if (HIWORD (lParam) == BN_CLICKED && wParam == OkButtonID)
- PostMessage (pwnd, WM_CLOSE, NULL, NULL);
- break;
- case WM_CLOSE:
- {
- _heapset ('W');
- #endif
- /* Free up the window title */
- free ((PSZ) GetWindowWord (pwnd, WEB_WINDOW_TITLE));
- _heapset ('X');
- #endif
- /* Inform the summary window that we are shutting down */
- SendMessage (pwnd->pwndParent, WM_INFO_WND_CLOSED, (WORD) pwnd,
- NULL);
- /* Destroy this info window */
- DestroyWindow (pwnd);
- break;
- }
- {
- RRC rrc; /* Relative rectangle of window */
- GetClientRrc (pwnd, &rrc);
- DrawBorderAlign (pwnd,
- pboxInfoBox,
- isaInfoActiveBorder,
- isaInfoActiveBorder,
- (PSZ) GetWindowWord (pwnd, WEB_WINDOW_TITLE),
- TRUE);
- if (FIsTopWindow(pwnd))
- DrawOverlapShadow (pwnd);
- CharOutBorder (pwnd,
- 0,
- (RY) (rrc.ryBottom - 2),
- '