资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*********************************************************************
- * Microsoft Diagnostics Version 2.0
- *
- * A diagnostic utility to detect as much useful information about a
- * customer's computer system as is possible.
- *
- * Microsoft Diagnostics: We detect the World.
- *
- * SHOWINFO.C - Source file for displaying information
- ********************************************************************/
- /* Include Files */
- #include "msd.h"
- #ifdef CW_INCLUDED
- /********
- // the rgmpvkeyid is a list of accelerators
- // don't use F1 -- reserved for HELP
- // list must end with a 0,0 entry
- MPVKEYID rgmpvkeyid[]=
- {
- {0, 0},
- {VK_F2, midNew},
- {VK_F3, midOpen},
- {VK_F4, midSave},
- {'C'-'@' | KK_CONTROL, midColorChange1},
- {VK_F5, midQuit},
- {VK_F7 | KK_ALT, midOverlapMove},
- {VK_F7 | KK_SHIFT, midOverlapSize},
- {VK_F7, midOverlapPop},
- {'B'-'@' | KK_CONTROL, midTimeBltRrc},
- {'F'-'@' | KK_CONTROL, midTimeFillArc},
- {'T'-'@' | KK_CONTROL, midTimeTextOut},
- {VK_F10, midMode},
- {'L'-'@' | KK_CONTROL, midColorLoad},
- {'S'-'@' | KK_CONTROL, midColorSave},
- {VK_F2 | KK_SHIFT, midOtherFlush},
- {'Q', midQuit},
- {0,0}
- };
- MPVKEYID *prgmpvkeyid = &rgmpvkeyid[0];
- ********/
- // -- respond to a menu command (i.e. WM_COMMAND)
- MenuCommand(pwnd, mid)
- PWND pwnd;
- WORD mid;
- {
- Unreferenced(pwnd);
- switch (mid)
- {
- case midFind:
- {
- WORD wReturnValue; /* Return value from DialogBox */
- QSZ * pqszStrings; /* String array */
- wReturnValue = DialogBox (&dlgFindFile1, FindFileDlg1);
- if (wReturnValue == IDD_USER + 11 ||
- wReturnValue == IDOK)
- {
- BYTE * pVer = NULL; /* Version information */
- /* Get the version information */
- pVer = GetFileVersion (pszBrowseTitle, FALSE);
- if (pVer == NULL && wReturnValue != IDOK)
- {
- MessageBox ("Version information for",
- pszBrowseTitle,
- "is not available",
- MB_OK | 0x8000);
- break;
- }
- if (pVer != NULL)
- {
- /* Put the version information into strings */
- pqszStrings = SprintFileVersion (pVer);
- if (pqszStrings == NULL)
- break;
- /* Display the version information */
- CreateInfoWnd (pszBrowseTitle, pqszStrings, TRUE);
- wReturnValue = IDD_USER + 11;
- }
- }
- if (wReturnValue == IDD_USER + 10 ||
- wReturnValue == IDOK)
- {
- /* Read the file */
- pqszStrings = ViewFile (pszBrowseTitle, FALSE);
- if (pqszStrings != NULL &&
- pqszStrings[0] != NULL &&
- pqszStrings[0][0] != ' ')
- {
- /* Display the strings in an Info Window */
- CreateInfoWnd (pszBrowseTitle, pqszStrings, TRUE);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case midReport:
- if (DialogBox (&dlgReport, ReportDlg) == IDOK)
- ReportFromCW();
- break;
- case midAutoexecBat:
- FindAndViewFile (rgszSystemFiles[0], rgwSystemFiles[0], FALSE);
- break;
- case midConfigSys:
- FindAndViewFile (rgszSystemFiles[1], rgwSystemFiles[1], FALSE);
- break;
- case midSystemIni:
- FindAndViewFile (rgszSystemFiles[2], rgwSystemFiles[2], FALSE);
- break;
- case midWinIni:
- FindAndViewFile (rgszSystemFiles[3], rgwSystemFiles[3], FALSE);
- break;
- case midMsmailIni:
- FindAndViewFile (rgszSystemFiles[4], rgwSystemFiles[4], FALSE);
- break;
- case midProtocolIni:
- FindAndViewFile (rgszSystemFiles[5], rgwSystemFiles[5], FALSE);
- break;
- case midDblSpaceIni:
- FindAndViewFile (rgszSystemFiles[6], rgwSystemFiles[6], FALSE);
- break;
- case midMemMakerSts:
- FindAndViewFile (rgszSystemFiles[7], rgwSystemFiles[7], FALSE);
- break;
- case midQuit:
- Exit(0);
- break;
- case midBrowser:
- if (DialogBox (&dlgMemoryBrowser, MemoryBrowserDlg) == IDOK)
- {
- if (pqszBrowseStrings != NULL &&
- pqszBrowseStrings[0] != NULL &&
- pqszBrowseStrings[0][0] != ' ')
- {
- /* Display the strings in an Info Window */
- CreateInfoWnd (pszBrowseTitle, pqszBrowseStrings, TRUE);
- }
- else
- MessageBox ("Search text not found", NULL, NULL, MB_OK | 0x8000);
- }
- break;
- case midBlockDisplay:
- DialogBox (&dlgMemoryBlockDisplay, MemoryBlockDisplayDlg);
- break;
- case midInsert:
- InsertCommand();
- break;
- case midPrtTst:
- if (DialogBox (&dlgTestPrinter, TestPrinterDlg) == IDOK)
- TestPrinter (tpValue.fPostscript,
- tpValue.f8BitTest,
- tpValue.fSerialTest,
- tpValue.wPort);
- break;
- case midBlackWhite:
- SetIsaColors (fBlackWhite = !fBlackWhite);
- break;
- case midAbout:
- DialogBox (&dlgAbout, AboutDlg);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- /**********
- // -- put in names when they are asked for
- SzFromSid(sid)
- WORD sid;
- {
- static CHAR aszIsa[cchIsaMax+5];
- if (sid >= midIsaList)
- {
- aszIsa[0] = '~';
- strcpy(&aszIsa[1], rgszIsa[sid-midIsaList]);
- return(&aszIsa[0]);
- }
- else
- return ((CHAR *) sid);
- }
- // -- Keep running track of the colour change menus as they open
- ColourChange3(mid)
- WORD mid;
- {
- static ISA isa;
- static WORD coFore;
- static WORD fHilite;
- static WORD coBack;
- static WORD fBlink;
- static WORD midLastColour = midCh3Black;
- static BOOL fForeground = FALSE;
- if (mid >= midIsaList)
- {
- isa = (ISA) (mid - midIsaList);
- }
- else if (mid == midCh3Foreground || mid == midCh3Background)
- {
- fForeground = mid & 1;
- GetColor(isa, &coFore, &fHilite, &coBack, &fBlink);
- CheckMenuItem(midLastColour, FALSE);
- if (fForeground)
- {
- CheckMenuItem(midCh3Hilight, fHilite);
- midLastColour = midCh3Black + coFore;
- CheckMenuItem(midLastColour, TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- CheckMenuItem(midCh3Hilight, fBlink);
- midLastColour = midCh3Black + coBack;
- CheckMenuItem(midLastColour, TRUE);
- }
- }
- else if (mid == midCh3Hilight)
- {
- if (fForeground)
- {
- SetThisColor(isa, coFore, !fHilite, coBack, fBlink);
- }
- else
- {
- SetThisColor(isa, coFore, fHilite, coBack, !fBlink);
- }
- }
- else if (mid >= midCh3Black)
- {
- if (fForeground)
- {
- SetThisColor(isa, mid-midCh3Black, fHilite, coBack,
- fBlink);
- }
- else
- {
- SetThisColor(isa, coFore, fHilite, mid-midCh3Black,
- fBlink);
- }
- }
- }
- **********/
- #endif /* CW_INCLUDED */