资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*********************************************************************
- * Microsoft Diagnostics Version 2.0
- *
- * A diagnostic utility to detect as much useful information about a
- * customer's computer system as is possible.
- *
- * Microsoft Diagnostics: We detect the World.
- *
- * MEMINFO.C - Source file for obtaining memory information.
- ********************************************************************/
- /* Include Files */
- #include "msd.h"
- /*********************************************************************
- * GetMemInfo - Gets the memory information.
- *
- * pMem - Pointer to memory information structure.
- * fMinimumInfo - TRUE if minimum info is requested.
- *
- * Returns: TRUE if an error occured.
- *********************************************************************/
- BOOL GetMemInfo (MEMORY_STRUCT *pMem, BOOL fMinimumInfo)
- {
- BOOL fReturnValue = FALSE; /* Return value from various GetInfo calls */
- WORD wSize; /* Size, in bytes, to store the data */
- COMPUTER_STRUCT *pComputer = NULL; /* Computer info structure pointer */
- WORD wProcessor; /* Stores the processor type */
- WORD wBusType; /* Stores the computer's bus type */
- if (wSize == 0)
- return (TRUE);
- pComputer = malloc (wSize);
- if (pComputer == NULL)
- {
- OutOfMemory();
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /* Zero out the structure */
- memset (pComputer, ' ', wSize);
- fReturnValue = GetComputerIrqInfo (pComputer);
- if (fReturnValue)
- {
- free (pComputer);
- return (fReturnValue);
- }
- wProcessor = pComputer->wProcessor;
- wBusType = pComputer->wBusType;
- free (pComputer);
- /* Initialize the memory info structures */
- MInitialize ((MEMORY_STRUCT FAR *) pMem);
- /* Get conventional memory size */
- Get_Conv_Mem_Info ((MEMORY_STRUCT FAR *) pMem);
- if (wProcessor >= _80286)
- {
- /* Get installed extended according to CMOS */
- GetCMOSExtended ((MEMORY_STRUCT FAR *) pMem);
- /* Get non-XMS extended memory size */
- Get_Ext_Mem_Info ((MEMORY_STRUCT FAR *) pMem);
- /* Get XMS extended memory info */
- Get_Xmm_Info ((MEMORY_STRUCT FAR *) pMem, wProcessor);
- /* Make sure we're on at least a 386 for DPMI information */
- if (wProcessor != _80286)
- }
- /* Check for an EMM driver */
- Test_For_Emm ((MEMORY_STRUCT FAR *) pMem);
- if (pMem->iEmm_Is_There)
- {
- /* Get expanded memory info */
- Get_Emm_Info ((MEMORY_STRUCT FAR *) pMem);
- /* If on a 386 or greater */
- if (/* !(pMem->iDPMIPresent) && */ wProcessor >= _80386)
- {
- /* check for and get VCPI info */
- }
- }
- if (fMinimumInfo)
- return (FALSE);
- /* Get the visual memory map */
- Get_VisualMemMap ((MEMORY_STRUCT FAR *) pMem, wBusType);
- /* Fill the visual memory map overlay with EMS page frame and UMBs */
- VisualMapOverlay ((MEMORY_STRUCT FAR *) pMem);
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- *
- * Function MInitialize()
- *
- * This function initializes fields in the Mem_Info_St structure to
- * zero values.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- int MInitialize (MEMORY_STRUCT FAR * pMem_Info)
- {
- /* Initialize the fields in the Mem_Info_St structure */
- _fmemset (pMem_Info, ' ', sizeof (MEMORY_STRUCT));
- return (0);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * Function Get_Conv_Mem_Info()
- *
- * This function gets the amount of conventional memory in bytes and the
- * amount of free conventional memory in bytes. It uses a call to BIOS
- * function Int 12H. *
- *
- *
- * Mem_Info_St Fields Set
- * ----------------------
- *
- * lConv_Mem = The amount of conventional memory in bytes
- * lFree_Conv_Mem = The amount of free conventional memory in bytes
- *
- *
- * Local Variables Used
- *
- * --------------------
- *
- *
- * inregs, outregs : Used for reading and writing the general purpose
- * registers.
- * segment_prefix : Used to hold the segment address of the program
- * segment prefix.
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- int Get_Conv_Mem_Info (MEMORY_STRUCT FAR * pMem_Info)
- {
- union REGS inregs, outregs;
- long segment_prefix;
- int86(0x12, &inregs, &outregs);
- pMem_Info->lConv_Mem = * 1024L;
- segment_prefix = 0L;
- segment_prefix = segment_prefix + ((long)(_psp) * 0x10);
- pMem_Info->lFree_Conv_Mem = pMem_Info->lConv_Mem - segment_prefix;
- return (0);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * Function Get_Ext_Mem_Info()
- *
- * This function gets the amount of extended memory in bytes. It uses a
- * call to BIOS function Int 15H, subfunction 88H.
- *
- *
- * Mem_Info_St Fields Set
- * ----------------------
- *
- * lExt_Mem = The amount of extended memory in bytes
- *
- *
- * Local Variables Used
- * --------------------
- *
- * inregs, outregs : Used for reading and writing the general purpose
- * registers.
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- int Get_Ext_Mem_Info (MEMORY_STRUCT FAR * pMem_Info)
- {
- union REGS inregs, outregs;
- static int iFirstTime = 1;
- /* Check to see if this is the first time this routine was called.
- We do this because of the XMS memory routine which is called
- after this. In the XMS memory routine, if an XMS driver is found,
- the driver hooks into INT 15 calls. Subsequent calls to INT 15
- to get the amount of extended memory then return 0K. By calling
- this routine first and then never checking it again, we are able
- to get a valid value for extended memory at least the first time
- we are run on the machine */
- if (iFirstTime)
- {
- inregs.h.ah = 0x88;
- int86(0x15, &inregs, &outregs);
- pMem_Info->iExt_Mem =;
- iFirstTime = 0;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * Function GetCMOSExtended ()
- *
- * This function gets the amount of installed extended memory according to
- * the CMOS.
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- int GetCMOSExtended (MEMORY_STRUCT FAR * pMem_Info)
- {
- int iHighByte, iLowByte, iTotalMemory;
- int iLoop;
- outp (0x70, 0x17);
- for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < 100; iLoop++)
- ;
- iLowByte = inp (0x71);
- outp (0x70, 0x18);
- for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < 100; iLoop++)
- ;
- iHighByte = inp (0x71);
- iTotalMemory = (iHighByte << 8) + iLowByte;
- pMem_Info->iCMOSExtended = iTotalMemory;
- return (0);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * Function Test_For_Emm()
- *
- * This function tests for the existence of an EMM driver. It makes a call
- * to Int 21H Function 35H to get the address of the interrupt handler for
- * the EMM driver. It then looks at offset 0AH of the device header to
- * check for the guaranteed name of the EMM driver, EMMXXXX0. If the
- * guaranteed name is found, there is an EMM driver installed and the value
- * True is put in the iEmm_Is_There field of the Mem_Info_St structure.
- * If the guaranteed name is not found, a value of False is put in the
- * iEmm_Is_There field of the Mem_Info_St structure.
- *
- *
- * Mem_Info_St Fields Set
- * ----------------------
- *
- * iEmm_IS_There = 1 if an EMM driver is found, 0 if not
- *
- *
- * Local Variables Used
- * --------------------
- *
- * inregs, outregs: For loading and reading the general purpose regs.
- * segments : For loading and reading the segment regs.
- * addr_of_emm : The base address of the EMM driver, if it is there.
- * ptr_to_emm : A pointer to the base address of the EMM driver
- * name_field : An array to hold the string found at the name field of
- * device header of the EMM driver.
- * test_name : An array to hold the guaranteed name of the EMM
- * driver, EMMXXXX0.
- * index : Used for loop control.
- * True, False : Used for Boolean testing.
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- int Test_For_Emm (MEMORY_STRUCT FAR * pMem_Info)
- {
- union REGS inregs, outregs;
- struct SREGS segments;
- unsigned long addr_of_emm;
- char far *ptr_to_emm = NULL;
- char name_field[9];
- char test_name[9] = {
- 'E', 'M', 'M', 'X',
- 'X', 'X', 'X', '0', ' '
- };
- int index;
- int True = 1;
- int False = 0;
- /* load AL with the EMM int vector of 67H and prepare
- to call Int 21H, Function 35H */
- = 0x67;
- inregs.h.ah = 0x35;
- /* After this call, the ES reg will contain the EMM handler address
- if it is there */
- int86x(0x21, &inregs, &outregs, &segments);
- segread(&segments);
- addr_of_emm = 0L;
- /* Load addr_of_emm with address in the ES reg, then shift it left
- 16 bits to get it into the high order word */
- addr_of_emm = (addr_of_emm | <<16;
- /* Add the offset of 0AH to make ptr_to_emm point to the name field
- in the device header of the EMM driver */
- ptr_to_emm = (unsigned char far *)addr_of_emm + 0x0A;
- /* Load the the first 8 characters beginning at the address pointed
- to by the pointer ptr_to_emm, then add a terminating