资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*********************************************************************
- * Microsoft Diagnostics Version 2.0
- *
- * A diagnostic utility to detect as much useful information about a
- * customer's computer system as is possible.
- *
- * Microsoft Diagnostics: We detect the World.
- *
- * LPTINFO.C - Source file for parallel printer port detection code.
- ********************************************************************/
- /* Include Files */
- #include "msd.h"
- /*********************************************************************
- * GetLptInfo - Gets the LPT port information.
- *
- * Returns: TRUE if an error occured.
- *********************************************************************/
- BOOL GetLptInfo (LPT_STRUCT *pLpt, BOOL fMinimumInfo)
- {
- WORD i; /* Looping variable */
- WORD wLptStatus[MAX_LPT_PORTS]; /* Printer port status */
- {
- /* Zero out the count of LPT ports */
- pLpt->wNmbrLptPorts = 0;
- /* Count the number of LPT ports in the system */
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_LPT_PORTS; i++)
- {
- wLptStatus[i] = _bios_printer (_PRINTER_STATUS, i, 0);
- if (!(wLptStatus[i] & 6))
- ++(pLpt->wNmbrLptPorts);
- }
- if (fMinimumInfo)
- return (FALSE);
- }
- {
- /* Set the values in the structure for each port */
- /* 40:8 is the port address of the first valid LPT port */
- WORD FAR * fwPortAddress = (WORD FAR *) 0x00400008;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_LPT_PORTS; i++)
- {
- pLpt->LptxInfo[i].fLptPortDetected
- = (wLptStatus[i] & 0x06) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- pLpt->LptxInfo[i].wPortAddress
- = *(fwPortAddress++);
- pLpt->LptxInfo[i].fOnLine = (wLptStatus[i] & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- pLpt->LptxInfo[i].fPaperOut = (wLptStatus[i] & 0x20) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- pLpt->LptxInfo[i].fIoError = (wLptStatus[i] & 0x08) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- pLpt->LptxInfo[i].fTimeOut = (wLptStatus[i] & 0x01) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- pLpt->LptxInfo[i].fBusy = (wLptStatus[i] & 0x80) ? FALSE : TRUE;
- pLpt->LptxInfo[i].fAck = (wLptStatus[i] & 0x40) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- }
- }
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * SprintLptInfo - Put LPT port information into a set of strings to
- * be printed or displayed.
- *
- * Returns: NULL if an error occured.
- *********************************************************************/
- QSZ * SprintLptInfo (LPT_STRUCT *pLpt,
- CHAR szSumStrings[][MAX_SUMM_INFO + 5])
- {
- WORD wNmbrStrings; /* Number of strings */
- WORD wNmbrChars; /* Number of characters in the strings */
- WORD wUnderlineLength; /* Length of the underline string */
- WORD wLptIndex; /* Index to the structure of LPT data */
- WORD i; /* Looping variables */
- QSZ *pqszStrings = NULL; /* Location for storing string pointers */
- /* Summary information */
- if (szSumStrings != NULL)
- {
- sprintf (szSumStrings[0], "%d", pLpt->wNmbrLptPorts);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Calculate the amount of space required for the strings */
- wUnderlineLength = strlen (pszLptUnderline);
- wNmbrChars = strlen (pszLptHeader1) + 1 +
- strlen (pszLptHeader2) + 1 +
- wUnderlineLength + 1 +
- (MAX_LPT_PORTS * (wUnderlineLength + 1));
- /* The underline string is expected to be as long as a line of */
- /* LPT port info. */
- wNmbrStrings = MAX_LPT_PORTS + 4;
- /* "+ 4" is for the 2 header lines, the underline, and the NULL */
- /* pointer at the end of the array. */
- /* Allocate space for the pointer area and string area */
- pqszStrings = AllocStringSpace (wNmbrStrings, wNmbrChars);
- if (pqszStrings == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* Put the first three strings in place */
- Qstrcpy (pqszStrings[0], pszLptHeader1);
- pqszStrings[1] = pqszStrings[0] + Qstrlen (pqszStrings[0]) + 1;
- Qstrcpy (pqszStrings[1], pszLptHeader2);
- pqszStrings[2] = pqszStrings[1] + Qstrlen (pqszStrings[1]) + 1;
- Qstrcpy (pqszStrings[2], pszLptUnderline);
- pqszStrings[3] = pqszStrings[2] + wUnderlineLength + 1;
- /* Put the LPT port information in place */
- for (i = 3, wLptIndex = 0; wLptIndex < MAX_LPT_PORTS;
- ++i, ++wLptIndex)
- {
- WORD wLength; /* Current length of string */
- CHAR chBuffer[80]; /* Buffer for string data */
- /* Clear out the string */
- Qmemset (pqszStrings[i], ' ', wUnderlineLength);
- /* Port */
- wLength = sprintf (chBuffer, "LPT%d:", wLptIndex + 1);
- Qstrncpy (&pqszStrings[i][LPT_PORT_COL], chBuffer, wLength);
- if (pLpt->LptxInfo[wLptIndex].fLptPortDetected)
- {
- PSZ pszString = NULL; /* Pointer to a string */
- /* Port Address */
- wLength = sprintf (chBuffer, "%04XH",
- pLpt->LptxInfo[wLptIndex].wPortAddress);
- Qstrncpy (&pqszStrings[i][LPT_PORT_ADDR_COL], chBuffer, wLength);
- /* Online */
- pszString = (pLpt->LptxInfo[wLptIndex].fOnLine) ?
- pszYes : pszNo_;
- Qstrncpy (&pqszStrings[i][LPT_ON_LINE_COL], pszString,
- Qstrlen (pszString));
- /* Paper Out */
- pszString = (pLpt->LptxInfo[wLptIndex].fPaperOut) ?
- pszYes : pszNo_;
- Qstrncpy (&pqszStrings[i][LPT_PAPER_OUT_COL], pszString,
- Qstrlen (pszString));
- /* I/O Error */
- pszString = (pLpt->LptxInfo[wLptIndex].fIoError) ?
- pszYes : pszNo_;
- Qstrncpy (&pqszStrings[i][LPT_I_O_ERROR_COL], pszString,
- Qstrlen (pszString));
- /* Time Out */
- pszString = (pLpt->LptxInfo[wLptIndex].fTimeOut) ?
- pszYes : pszNo_;
- Qstrncpy (&pqszStrings[i][LPT_TIME_OUT_COL], pszString,
- Qstrlen (pszString));
- /* Busy */
- pszString = (pLpt->LptxInfo[wLptIndex].fBusy) ?
- pszYes : pszNo_;
- Qstrncpy (&pqszStrings[i][LPT_BUSY_COL], pszString,
- Qstrlen (pszString));
- /* ACK */
- pszString = (pLpt->LptxInfo[wLptIndex].fAck) ?
- pszYes : pszNo;
- Qstrcpy (&pqszStrings[i][LPT_ACK_COL], pszString);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Not a valid port, fill with dashes */
- pqszStrings[i][LPT_PORT_ADDR_COL + 2] = '-';
- pqszStrings[i][LPT_ON_LINE_COL + 1] = '-';
- pqszStrings[i][LPT_PAPER_OUT_COL + 1] = '-';
- pqszStrings[i][LPT_I_O_ERROR_COL + 1] = '-';
- pqszStrings[i][LPT_TIME_OUT_COL + 1] = '-';
- pqszStrings[i][LPT_BUSY_COL + 1] = '-';
- pqszStrings[i][LPT_ACK_COL + 1] = '-';
- pqszStrings[i][LPT_ACK_COL + 2] = ' ';
- }
- /* Set the pointer for the next string */
- pqszStrings[i + 1] = pqszStrings[i] + Qstrlen (pqszStrings[i]) + 1;
- }
- /* Set the last pointer to a NULL */
- pqszStrings[i] = NULL;
- /* Return the pointer to pqszStrings */
- return (pqszStrings);
- }