资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* TS = none */
- /*
- ** SUTKDECO.C -- general decompression routines for
- ** Setup Toolkits. Handles all header manipulation.
- */
- #include <io.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include "sutkcomp.h"
- /* global header info variables and default values */
- extern SHORT vwAlgType;
- extern LONG vlcbSrcLength;
- extern BOOL vfChecksum;
- extern USHORT vusChecksum;
- extern USHORT vcbArgs;
- extern BYTE * vrgbArgs;
- extern CHAR vszBaseName[9];
- extern CHAR vszExtension[4];
- extern SZ vszText;
- extern USHORT vcbText;
- #ifdef EAS
- extern CHAR *vrgbEAs;
- extern CHAR far *vfrgbEAs;
- extern USHORT vuscbEAs;
- #endif /* EAS */
- #ifdef WIN2_VER
- extern HANDLE vhRgbArgs;
- extern HANDLE vhSzText;
- #endif /* WIN2_VER */
- /* forward declarations of local routines */
- extern SHORT far WReadHeaderInfo(int fhSrc);
- extern BOOL FReadNBytes(int fh, BYTE *pb, int n);
- extern BOOL FReadUs(int fh, USHORT *pw);
- extern BOOL FReadUl(int fh, ULONG *pul);
- /* This is the magic value for non-split Zeck files. Since we can't handle
- Zeck split files, we don't try to understand that form of header. */
- #define rgbZeckMagicValue "x53x5ax20x88xf0x27x33xd1"
- BOOL vfZeckFormat = FALSE;
- #endif /* ZECKFORMAT */
- /*
- ** SHORT far WReadHeaderInfo(int fhSrc)
- **
- ** Determine whether the given file has a header in our format, and if
- ** so, extract the information from it into globals. If the 8 magic bytes
- ** at the beginning of the file are correct, we assume it's a compressed
- ** file and we give errors if something is wrong with the rest of the
- ** header (eg the agorithm is not a known type, or something is wrong with
- ** the format of the rest of the header.) If the 8 magic bytes don't match,
- ** we assume it's uncompressed.
- ** (Notice that the file could also be uncompressed but still have a
- ** header. The wAlgType in the header would be wAlgTypeNoCompress.)
- ** Hitting EOF in reading the magic bytes is not an error, but premature
- ** EOF while reading any of the rest of the header is an error.
- **
- ** Returns the algorithm type used to compress the file, or a return code
- ** indicating an error. If the header is read sucessfully, this procedure
- ** may allocate memory to store some of the header information; the caller
- ** should always call FFreeHeaderInfo() after the decompression has finished.
- ** WReadHeaderInfo calls FFreeHeaderInfo before reading and on errors, so
- ** the headers of any number of files can be read and FFreeHeaderInfo need
- ** only be called after the last file is read.
- **
- ** Seeks fhSrc to the byte after the header, if there was a header.
- ** If there was no header, resets fhSrc to its original value.
- */
- SHORT far WReadHeaderInfo(int fhSrc)
- {
- USHORT us;
- USHORT cbHeader;
- USHORT usFlags;
- SHORT rcError;
- LONG libSav;
- BYTE b;
- BYTE rgb[8];
- FFreeHeaderInfo();
- if (fhSrc == -1)
- return(rcReadError);
- if ((libSav = tell(fhSrc)) == NIL)
- return(rcReadSeekError);
- /* read first 8 required bytes */
- if (!FReadNBytes(fhSrc, rgb, 8))
- {
- rcError = rcNoHeader;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- /* check magic number */
- for (us = 0; us < cbMagic; us++)
- {
- if (rgb[us] != (BYTE)(*(rgbMagicValue + us)))
- break;
- }
- if (us != cbMagic) /* magic bytes didn't match */
- {
- for (us = 0; us < cbMagic; us++) /* check Zeck magic bytes */
- {
- if (rgb[us] != (BYTE)(*(rgbZeckMagicValue + us)))
- break;
- }
- if (us == cbMagic - 1) /* only last byte is different -- split file */
- {
- /* Zeck split file */
- rcError = rcZeckSplitFile;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- if (us == cbMagic && FReadUl(fhSrc, &vlcbSrcLength))
- {
- vfZeckFormat = (BOOL)TRUE;
- vwAlgType = wAlgTypeZK1;
- return(vwAlgType);
- }
- #endif /* ZECKFORMAT */
- /* must be an uncompressed file with no header */
- rcError = rcNoHeader;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- /* read next 6 required bytes */
- if (!FReadNBytes(fhSrc, rgb, 6))
- goto ReadErrorReturn;
- /* get algorithm type */
- us = rgb[0] + (rgb[1] << 8);
- /* REVIEW: this sleazy thing checks to make sure we have a valid alg type
- for the flags that are currently turned on. REWRITE THIS. */
- if (FALSE
- #ifdef ZK1
- || (us == wAlgTypeZK1)
- #endif /* ZK1 */
- #ifdef JJJ1
- || (us == wAlgTypeJJJ1)
- #endif /* JJJ1 */
- #ifdef NC_XOR1
- || (us == wAlgTypeNoCompress)
- || (us == wAlgTypeXOR1)
- #endif /* NC_XOR1 */
- )
- vwAlgType = us;
- else
- {
- rcError = rcUnknownAlgType;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- /* get size of header; save for later Seek */
- cbHeader = rgb[2] + (rgb[3] << 8);
- /* get first flag word */
- usFlags = rgb[4] + (rgb[5] << 8);
- /* then read the optional components that had their flags set */
- if (usFlags & bmSrcLength)
- {
- if (!FReadUl(fhSrc, &vlcbSrcLength))
- goto ReadErrorReturn;
- }
- if (usFlags & bmChecksum)
- {
- vfChecksum = (BOOL)TRUE;
- if (!FReadUs(fhSrc, &vusChecksum))
- goto ReadErrorReturn;
- }
- if (usFlags & bmArgs)
- {
- if (!FReadUs(fhSrc, &vcbArgs))
- goto ReadErrorReturn;
- if (vcbArgs == 0)
- {
- rcError = rcBadHeader;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- #ifndef WIN2_VER
- vrgbArgs = (BYTE *)malloc(vcbArgs * sizeof(BYTE));
- #else /* WIN2_VER */
- if ((vhRgbArgs = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, vcbArgs * sizeof(BYTE)))
- != NULL)
- if ((vszText = (BYTE *)LocalLock(vhRgbArgs)) == NULL)
- {
- LocalFree(vhRgbArgs);
- vhRgbArgs = NULL;
- }
- #endif /* WIN2_VER */
- if (vrgbArgs == NULL)
- {
- rcError = rcOutOfMemory;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- if (!FReadNBytes(fhSrc, (BYTE *)vrgbArgs, vcbArgs))
- goto ReadErrorReturn;
- }
- /* handle filename strings */
- if (usFlags & bmBaseName)
- {
- us = 0;
- b = 'Z';
- while (FReadByte(fhSrc, &b) && ((vszBaseName[us] = b) != ' '))
- {
- if (us < 8)
- us++;
- else
- {
- rcError = rcFilenamesTooLong;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- }
- if (b != ' ')
- goto ReadErrorReturn;
- }
- if (usFlags & bmExtension)
- {
- us = 0;
- b = 'Z';
- while (FReadByte(fhSrc, &b) && ((vszExtension[us] = b) != ' '))
- {
- if (us < 3)
- us++;
- else
- {
- rcError = rcFilenamesTooLong;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- }
- if (b != ' ')
- goto ReadErrorReturn;
- }
- if (usFlags & bmText)
- {
- if (!FReadUs(fhSrc, &vcbText))
- goto ReadErrorReturn;
- if (vcbText == 0)
- {
- rcError = rcBadHeader;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- #ifndef WIN2_VER
- vszText = (SZ)malloc(vcbText * sizeof(CHAR));
- #else /* WIN2_VER */
- if ((vhSzText = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, vcbText * sizeof(CHAR))) != NULL)
- if ((vszText = (SZ)LocalLock(vhSzText)) == NULL)
- {
- LocalFree(vhSzText);
- vhSzText = NULL;
- }
- #endif /* WIN2_VER */
- if (vszText == NULL)
- {
- rcError = rcOutOfMemory;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- if (!FReadNBytes(fhSrc, (BYTE *)vszText, vcbText))
- goto ReadErrorReturn;
- }
- #ifdef EAS
- if (usFlags & bmEAs)
- {
- if (!FReadNBytes(fhSrc, (BYTE *) &vuscbEAs, sizeof(USHORT)))
- goto ReadErrorReturn;
- #ifdef OS2_VER
- vfrgbEAs = _fmalloc(vuscbEAs);
- if (!vfrgbEAs)
- {
- if (lseek(fhSrc, (LONG)vuscbEAs, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
- {
- rcError = rcReadSeekError;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- USHORT cbRead;
- if (DosRead(fhSrc, vfrgbEAs, vuscbEAs, &cbRead))
- {
- _ffree(vfrgbEAs);
- vfrgbEAs = NULL;
- vuscbEAs = 0;
- goto ReadErrorReturn;
- }
- }
- #else
- if (lseek(fhSrc, (LONG)vuscbEAs, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
- {
- rcError = rcReadSeekError;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- #endif /* OS2_VER */
- }
- #endif /* EAS */
- /* skip any remaining header components that we don't grok */
- if (lseek(fhSrc, (LONG)cbHeader, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- {
- rcError = rcReadSeekError;
- goto ErrorReturn;
- }
- return(vwAlgType);
- /* errors that cause jumps to here have a trashed header (ie magic
- bytes were correct but something else was bad) or a read failure,
- but it is not an error if header is missing entirely */
- ReadErrorReturn:
- if (eof(fhSrc))
- rcError = rcBadHeader;
- else
- rcError = rcReadError;
- ErrorReturn:
- FFreeHeaderInfo();
- lseek(fhSrc, libSav, SEEK_SET);
- return(rcError);
- }
- /*
- ** BOOL FReadNBytes(int fh, BYTE * pb, int n)
- **
- ** Reads n bytes from file handle fh into buffer pointed to by pb.
- ** Returns TRUE if read was sucessful, FALSE if not (or if EOF.)
- */
- BOOL FReadNBytes(int fh, BYTE * pb, int n)
- {
- if (read(fh, pb, n) == n)
- return((BOOL)TRUE);
- else
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /*
- ** BOOL FReadUs(int fh, USHORT * pw)
- **
- ** Reads a short word from file handle fh into word pointed to by pw.
- ** Returns TRUE if read was sucessful, FALSE if not (or if EOF.)
- */
- BOOL FReadUs(int fh, USHORT * pw)
- {
- BYTE rgb[2];
- if (FReadNBytes(fh, rgb, 2))
- {
- *pw = rgb[0] + (rgb[1] << 8);
- return((BOOL)TRUE);
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /*
- ** BOOL FReadUl(int fh, ULONG * pul)
- **
- ** Reads a long from file handle fh into the long pointed to by pul.
- ** Returns TRUE if read was sucessful, FALSE if not (or if EOF.)
- */
- BOOL FReadUl(int fh, ULONG * pul)
- {
- BYTE rgb[4];
- ULONG ul;
- ULONG ulShift;
- if (!FReadNBytes(fh, rgb, 4))
- return(FALSE);
- ul = rgb[0];
- ulShift = rgb[1];
- ul = (ulShift << 8) + ul;
- ulShift = rgb[2];
- ul = (ulShift << 16) + ul;
- ulShift = rgb[3];
- ul = (ulShift << 24) + ul;
- *pul = ul;
- return((BOOL)TRUE);
- }