资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* TS = none */
- /* REVIEW - we could save some space by not repeating some strings */
- #define szError " Error -- "
- #define szWarning "n Warning -- "
- #define szNoChecksum szWarning "Checksum not currently supportedn"
- #define szNoQWithS szWarning "'-q' flag causes Compress to ignore '-s' flagn"
- #define szNoDestWith$ szWarning "'-$' flag causes Compress to ignore output filenamen"
- #define szCantOpenInput szError "cannot open input file: %snn"
- #define szCantOpenOutput szError "cannot open output file: %snn"
- #define szFileExists szWarning "the file '%s' exists.n"
- #define szAppendQ " Should I append to that file? Yes or No? "
- #define szOverwriteYN " Should I try to overwrite it? Yes or No? "
- #define szCantOverwrite szWarning "unable to overwrite '%s'n"
- #define szAlreadyCompressed szWarning "the file '%s' may already be compressed.ntShould I proceed? Yes or No? "
- #define szFilenameTooLongSz szError "filename '%s.%s' is too longnn"
- #define szBytesCompressed " %1ld bytes compresses to %1ld bytes, "
- #define szPercentSavings "Savings: %1d percentn"
- #define szNoSavings "No Savingsn"
- #define szWroteBytes " Wrote %6ld bytes to output file '%s'n"
- #define szNoOutputNames szError "ran out of output file names (Max == 10)nn"
- #define szDecompSize "Decompression would result in a file of %1ld bytes.n"
- #define szNoDestInHeader szError "no destination file name in source file header.nnttYou need to supply one on the command line.n"
- #define szSrcDestDifferent szError "source and destination files must be different.nn"
- #define szTailBytes "n Writing the remaining %1ld source bytes to the file '%s'n"
- #define szDestDirWild "Destination must be a directory in a wildcard compress.n"
- #define szDestDirTree "Destination must be a directory in a treecopy compress.n"
- #define szTotals "nTotals: "
- #define szEnterSrcName "nn Enter the name and/or path for the compressed file: "
- #define szGetsFailure szError "gets() failed.n"
- #define szEnterDestName " Enter the name and/or path for the decompressed file: "
- #define szNoSrcFile "No Source file foundn"
- /* These strings match up with error return codes in retcodes.h */
- #define szYorN "Please enter Y or N "
- #define szInternalError "Internal errorn"
- #define szNoHeader "No header in file (file might not be compressed)n"
- #define szUnknownAlgType "Unknown compression algorithmn"
- #define szBadHeader "Bad header in filen"
- #define szFilenameTooLong "File name too longn"
- #define szReadError "Read errorn"
- #define szReadSeekError "Error seeking for readn"
- #define szWriteError "Write errorn"
- #define szWriteSeekError "Error seeking for writen"
- #define szDestPatchError "Cannot patch header in output filen"
- #define szCompChecksumBad "Compression checksums do not matchn"
- #define szDecompChecksumBad "Decompression checksums do not matchn"
- #define szCompLengthBad "Compressed file length mismatchn"
- #define szDecompLengthBad "Decompressed file length mismatchn"
- #define szGenericCompError "Internal error during compressionn"
- #define szGenericDecompError "Internal error during decompressionn"
- #define szSplitSizeTooSmall "Split size is too small to hold headern"
- #define szOutOfMemory "Out of memoryn"
- #define szZeckSplitFile "Cannot recombine old format split files; only first file decompressedn"
- #define szCompCopyright1 "Microsoft (R) Compression Utility - "
- #define szDecompCopyright1 "Microsoft (R) Decompression Utility - "
- #define szCopyright2 "Version 1.11n"
- #define szCopyright3 "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1989 - 1992. All rights reserved.nn"
- #define szCompUsage1 "Usage: compress [-aAlg -bceflq$ -sSize -tText -zSize] srcArg [destArg]n"
- #define szCompUsage2 " -a -- Choices for compression algorithm are: [default = %1d]n"
- #define szCompUsage3 " %2d - Straight Copying with Header attached.n"
- #define szCompUsage4 " %2d - Copying while XORing each byte with 0xff.n"
- #define szCompUsage5 " %2d - the Steven Zeck algorithm.n"
- #define szCompUsageJJJ1 " %2d - Jeff Johnson's algorithm (LZSS + Huffman).n"
- #define szCompUsage6 " -be will include each file basename/extension in the header.n"
- #define szCompUsageX " -c will include a checksum of each file in the header.n"
- #define szCompUsage7 " -f will force overwriting and recompression of files.n"
- #define szCompUsage8 " -l will NOT include each file length in the header.n"
- #define szCompUsage9 " -q will compute compressed file lengths (no output) (ignores -sz flags).n"
- #define szCompUsage10 " -s will split output into Size x 512 byte pieces naming each piecen"
- #define szCompUsage11 " with a sequentially higher numerical base name.n"
- #define szCompUsage12 " -t will include following Text in the header.n"
- #define szCompUsage13 " Text that includes spaces should be double-quoted.n"
- #define szCompUsage14 " -z will split off and compress just one piece, and leave then"
- #define szCompUsage15 " remainder uncompressed in a second file.n"
- #define szCompUsage16 " -$ will turn OFF underscore renaming. Specific destArg will override.n"
- #define szCompUsage17 "n srcArg can be a filename, a wildcard pattern, or a directory. Then"
- #define szCompUsage18 " latter will cause a tree walk operation. destArg can be a directory,n"
- #define szCompUsage19 " a specific filebase, or omitted in which case digits are appended.n"
- #define szCompUsage20 " -x excludes OS/2 EAs from the header of the compressed file.n"
- #ifdef COMPLEX
- #define szDecompUsage1 "Usage: decomp [-afq] [srcArg [destArg]]n"
- #else /* !COMPLEX */
- #define szDecompUsage1 "Usage: decomp [-a] srcArg destArgn"
- #endif /* !COMPLEX */
- #define szDecompUsage2 " -a will append to the destination file, if it exists.n"
- #define szDecompUsage3 " -f will force overwriting if destination file exists.n"
- #define szDecompUsage4 " (Files cannot be decompressed in place.)n"
- #define szDecompUsage5 " -q will calculate size of uncompressed file (no output).nn"
- #define szDecompUsage6 " srcArg can be a specific file or a wildcard pattern. Either can ben"
- #define szDecompUsage7 " preceeded by a path. destArg can be a specific file, a directory,n"
- #define szDecompUsage8 " or omitted. In the last two cases, decomp will try to create an"
- #define szDecompUsage9 " destination filename using information in the src file headern"
- #define szDecompUsage10 " or the src filename itself if the header is missing information.n"