资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- ** JJJ1DECO.C -- Jeff Johnson Decompression module - first implementation
- */
- /* This code was written by modifying the Zeck compression code
- ** and adding a triple huffman compressor. The results are much
- ** smaller. This was done by Jeff Johnson, 10/15/90 to accomodate
- ** Microsoft Excel 3.0.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include "..sutkcomp.h"
- #ifdef OS2SU
- #include <doscalls.h>
- #endif
- #include "jjj1.h"
- #include "setjmp.h"
- extern BOOL vfUserCancel;
- extern PFNWFROMW vpfnYield;
- extern BOOL fJmpEnvSet;
- extern jmp_buf jmpEnv;
- /* forward declarations */
- BOOL UnpackJJJ1(void);
- /*
- ** LONG Lcb_JJJ1_DecompressToFile(int fhSrc, int fhDest, LONG lcbDestMax,
- ** LONG libStart, BYTE far * fpbBuf, LONG lcbBuf)
- */
- LONG Lcb_JJJ1_DecompressToFile(int fhSrc, int fhDest, LONG lcbDestMax,
- LONG libStart, BYTE far * fpbBuf, LONG lcbBuf)
- {
- int iJmpReturn;
- if (lcbDestMax != NIL)
- return((LONG)rcGenericDecompError);
- if (!FAllocateJJJGlobals((lcbDestMax == NIL) ? NIL : (libStart +lcbDestMax),
- return((LONG)rcOutOfMemory);
- if ((iJmpReturn = setjmp(jmpEnv)) != 0)
- {
- fJmpEnvSet = FALSE;
- FreeJJJGlobals();
- return((LONG)iJmpReturn);
- }
- fJmpEnvSet = TRUE;
- /* lcbDestStop == libStart + lcbDestMax */
- if (lcbDestMax != NIL && (LONG)(fpbOutBufEnd - fpbOutBuf) > lcbDestStop)
- fpbOutBufEnd = fpbOutBuf + (SHORT)lcbDestStop;
- fhDestGlobal = fhDest;
- fhSrcGlobal = fhSrc;
- lcbSkipOut = libStart;
- fpbBufDest = NULL;
- if (!UnpackJJJ1())
- {
- fJmpEnvSet = FALSE;
- FreeJJJGlobals();
- return((LONG)rcGenericDecompError);
- }
- fJmpEnvSet = FALSE;
- FreeJJJGlobals();
- if (fWriteError)
- return((LONG)rcWriteError);
- else
- return(lcbDest - libStart);
- }
- #ifdef COMPLEX
- /*
- ** LONG Lcb_JJJ1_DecompressToBuffer(int fhSrc, BYTE far * fpbBuf, LONG lcbBuf,
- ** LONG libStart)
- */
- LONG Lcb_JJJ1_DecompressToBuffer(int fhSrc, BYTE far * fpbBuf, LONG lcbBuf,
- LONG libStart)
- {
- int iJmpReturn;
- if (lcbBuf <= 0L)
- return((LONG)rcGenericDecompError);
- if (!FAllocateJJJGlobals(libStart + lcbBuf, FALSE))
- return((LONG)rcOutOfMemory);
- if ((iJmpReturn = setjmp(jmpEnv)) != 0)
- {
- fJmpEnvSet = FALSE;
- fpbBufDest = NULL;
- FreeJJJGlobals();
- return((LONG)iJmpReturn);
- }
- fJmpEnvSet = TRUE;
- /* lcbDestStop == libStart + lcbBuf */
- if ((LONG)(fpbOutBufEnd - fpbOutBuf) > lcbDestStop)
- fpbOutBufEnd = fpbOutBuf + (SHORT)lcbDestStop;
- lcbSkipOut = libStart;
- fpbBufDest = fpbBuf;
- fhDestGlobal = -1;
- fhSrcGlobal = fhSrc;
- if (!UnpackJJJ1())
- {
- fJmpEnvSet = FALSE;
- fpbBufDest = NULL;
- FreeJJJGlobals();
- return((LONG)rcGenericDecompError);
- }
- fJmpEnvSet = FALSE;
- fpbBufDest = NULL;
- FreeJJJGlobals();
- if (fWriteError)
- return((LONG)rcWriteError);
- else
- return(lcbDest - libStart);
- }
- #endif /* COMPLEX */
- USHORT usIHold = 0, cbIHold = 0;
- int ReadHuffman(CODETABLE far *fpct, BYTE far *fpbLookup)
- {
- USHORT b, ndx, ent;
- if (cbIHold < 8)
- {
- if (!fHitEOF)
- {
- if ((b = ReadByte(fhSrcGlobal)) == EOF)
- {
- ent = fpbLookup[((usIHold << (8 - cbIHold)) & 255)];
- if (cbIHold >= fpct[ent].cbCode)
- {
- cbIHold -= fpct[ent].cbCode;
- return(ent);
- }
- return(EOF);
- }
- usIHold = (usIHold << 8) | b;
- cbIHold += 8;
- }
- else
- {
- ent = fpbLookup[((usIHold << (8 - cbIHold)) & 255)];
- if (cbIHold >= fpct[ent].cbCode)
- {
- cbIHold -= fpct[ent].cbCode;
- return(ent);
- }
- return(EOF);
- }
- }
- ndx = usIHold >> (cbIHold - 8);
- ent = fpbLookup[ndx & 255];
- if (fpct[ent].cbCode <= 8)
- {
- cbIHold -= fpct[ent].cbCode;
- return(ent);
- }
- // We have to walk the linked list
- cbIHold -= 8;
- if ((b = ReadByte(fhSrcGlobal)) == EOF)
- else
- {
- usIHold = (usIHold << 8) | b;
- cbIHold += 8;
- }
- while(1)
- {
- if (cbIHold + 8 < fpct[ent].cbCode)
- return(EOF);
- ndx = fpct[ent].cbCode - 8;
- if (((usIHold >> (cbIHold - ndx)) & iPowers[ndx]) ==
- (fpct[ent].usCode&iPowers[ndx]))
- {
- cbIHold -= ndx;
- return(ent);
- }
- ent = fpct[ent].nextCode;
- }
- }
- int ReadBits(int bitcnt)
- {
- int b;
- if ((int) cbIHold < bitcnt)
- if (!fHitEOF)
- {
- if ((b = ReadByte(fhSrcGlobal)) == EOF)
- {
- return(EOF);
- }
- usIHold = (usIHold<<8) | b;
- cbIHold += 8;
- }
- else
- return(EOF);
- cbIHold -= bitcnt;
- return((usIHold >> cbIHold) & iPowers[bitcnt]);
- }
- void ReadHTable(CODETABLE far *fpct, int usct, int Method)
- {
- int cnt, b;
- BYTE byte;
- switch (Method)
- {
- case NOTABLE: // Build an evensized huffman table
- b = 0;
- cnt = usct;
- while (cnt >>= 1)
- b++;
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < usct; cnt++)
- fpct[cnt].cbCode = (BYTE) b;
- break;
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < usct; cnt += 2)
- {
- b = ReadBits(8);
- fpct[cnt ].cbCode = (BYTE) ((int) b>>4);
- fpct[cnt+1].cbCode = (BYTE) ((int) b&15);
- }
- break;
- fpct[0].cbCode = byte = (BYTE) ReadBits(4);
- for (cnt = 1; cnt < usct; cnt++)
- {
- if (!ReadBits(1))
- fpct[cnt].cbCode = byte;
- else if (!ReadBits(1))
- fpct[cnt].cbCode = ++byte;
- else
- fpct[cnt].cbCode = byte = (BYTE) ReadBits(4);
- }
- break;
- fpct[0].cbCode = byte = (BYTE) ReadBits(4);
- for (cnt = 1; cnt < usct; cnt++)
- {
- if ((b=ReadBits(2)) != 3)
- fpct[cnt].cbCode = byte += (b-1);
- else
- fpct[cnt].cbCode = byte = (BYTE) ReadBits(4);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- void BuildHLookup(CODETABLE far *fpct, BYTE far *fpbLookup, int usct)
- {
- int usLookup = 0, cnt = 0, bCurNdx;
- int bCurCode = 0, bCurLen = 100;
- int iTemp; // HACK!!! bug in C600x requires expr to be broken down!
- // Otherwise it uses a WORD PTR instead of a BYTE PTR and
- // this GP faults as the 2nd byte often hangs off the edge
- // of a segment!!!
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < usct; cnt++)
- {
- if ((fpct[cnt].cbCode < (BYTE)bCurLen) && fpct[cnt].cbCode)
- {
- bCurLen = fpct[cnt].cbCode;
- bCurNdx = cnt;
- }
- }
- bCurCode = fpct[bCurNdx].usCode;
- if (bCurLen > 8)
- {
- bCurCode >>= (bCurLen - 8);
- bCurLen = 8;
- }
- cnt = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- while (((cnt>>(8-bCurLen)) == bCurCode) && cnt < 256)
- fpbLookup[cnt++] = (BYTE) bCurNdx;
- iTemp = fpct[bCurNdx].nextCode;
- if (cnt == 256)
- break;
- if (fpct[iTemp].cbCode <= 8)
- bCurNdx = fpct[bCurNdx].nextCode;
- else
- {
- while (1)
- {
- bCurNdx = fpct[bCurNdx].nextCode;
- if ((fpct[bCurNdx].usCode>>(fpct[bCurNdx].cbCode-8)) !=
- (BYTE) bCurCode)
- break;
- }
- }
- bCurCode= fpct[bCurNdx].usCode;
- if ((bCurLen = fpct[bCurNdx].cbCode) > 8)
- {
- bCurCode >>= (bCurLen-8);
- bCurLen = 8;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- ** BOOL UnpackJJJ1(void)
- */
- BOOL UnpackJJJ1(void)
- {
- int i, cb, oStart, ibBufCur;
- USHORT b, cnt, in;
- USHORT usFlags;
- LONG lcbOut;
- int cType;
- int b8Bit, b6Bit, b4aBit, b4bBit, b5Bit;
- int isPtr = FALSE;
- USHORT cCyclesUntilBreak = 1;
- vfUserCancel = FALSE;
- ibBufCur = cbBufMax - cbStrMax;
- usFlags = 0;
- lcbOut = 0;
- // Get the code table compression info
- b4aBit = b4bBit = ReadByte(fhSrcGlobal);
- b5Bit = b6Bit = ReadByte(fhSrcGlobal);
- b8Bit = ReadByte(fhSrcGlobal);
- b4aBit >>= 4;
- b5Bit >>= 4;
- b8Bit >>= 4;
- b4bBit &= 15;
- b6Bit &= 15;
- _fmemset(ringBuf, ' ', cbBufMax - cbStrMax);
- cbIHold = 0; //Reset globals
- fHitEOF = FALSE;
- ReadHTable(fpct4a, 16, b4aBit);
- BuildCodeTable(fpct4a, 16);
- BuildHLookup(fpct4a, fpbLookup4a, 16);
- ReadHTable(fpct4b, 16, b4bBit);
- BuildCodeTable(fpct4b, 16);
- BuildHLookup(fpct4b, fpbLookup4b, 16);
- ReadHTable(fpct5, 32, b5Bit);
- BuildCodeTable(fpct5, 32);
- BuildHLookup(fpct5, fpbLookup5, 32);
- ReadHTable(fpct6, 64, b6Bit);
- BuildCodeTable(fpct6, 64);
- BuildHLookup(fpct6, fpbLookup6, 64);
- ReadHTable(fpct8, 256, b8Bit);
- BuildCodeTable(fpct8, 256);
- BuildHLookup(fpct8, fpbLookup8, 256);
- while (TRUE)
- {
- if (--cCyclesUntilBreak == 0)
- {
- if (vpfnYield != NULL)
- {
- cCyclesUntilBreak = 300;
- (*vpfnYield)(0);
- }
- else
- cCyclesUntilBreak = 30000;
- if (vfUserCancel)
- {
- if (fJmpEnvSet)
- longjmp(jmpEnv, rcGenericDecompError);
- else
- return((BOOL)FALSE);
- }
- }
- if (isPtr)
- {
- if ((cType = ReadHuffman(fpct4b, fpbLookup4b)) == EOF)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((cType = ReadHuffman(fpct4a, fpbLookup4a)) == EOF)
- break;
- }
- if (cType) // It's a pointer
- {
- isPtr = FALSE;
- /* extract the buffer offset and count to unpack */
- if ((oStart = ReadHuffman(fpct6, fpbLookup6)) == EOF)
- break;
- if ((i = ReadBits(6)) == EOF)
- break;
- oStart = (oStart << 6) | i;
- oStart = (ibBufCur - oStart + cbBufMax) & (cbBufMax - 1);
- cb = cType + cbIndex - 1;
- for (i = 0; i <= cb; i++)
- {
- WriteByte((BYTE)(b = ringBuf[(oStart + i) & (cbBufMax - 1)]));
- if (fDestFull)
- return((BOOL)TRUE);
- lcbOut++;
- ringBuf[ibBufCur++] = (BYTE)b;
- ibBufCur &= cbBufMax - 1;
- }
- }
- else // It's a literal count
- {
- if ((b = ReadHuffman(fpct5, fpbLookup5) + 1) == cbLitMax)
- isPtr = FALSE;
- else
- isPtr = TRUE;
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < b; cnt++)
- {
- if ((in = ReadHuffman(fpct8, fpbLookup8)) == EOF)
- break;
- WriteByte((BYTE)in);
- if (fDestFull)
- return((BOOL)TRUE);
- lcbOut++;
- ringBuf[ibBufCur++] = (BYTE)in;
- ibBufCur &= cbBufMax - 1;
- }
- if (cnt != b)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!eof(fhSrcGlobal))
- return((BOOL)TRUE); // not an error condition if splitting file
- WriteOutBuff((BYTE)' ');
- return((BOOL)TRUE);
- }