


Visual C++

  1. # VERSION_NUM is the version number shown on the screen
  2. # MAJOR_VERSION is the internal major version number
  3. # MINOR_VERSION is the internal minor version number
  4. VERSION_NUM = 1.00
  5. MAJOR_VER   = 1
  6. MINOR_VER   = 00
  7. VERSION     ="Version $(VERSION_NUM)"
  8. C_FLAGS    = -Osleazrg -Gs
  9. LINK_FLAGS = /exepack/f/packcode/map
  10. FLAGS      =-ML -Dlanguage=PASCAL -Dmemmodel=SMALL
  12. incs    =paragoninclude
  13. inct    =fxlib
  14. ################## International Changes ################################
  15. # *.h handling is different for LANG builds because cl fails - too long 
  16. # command line
  17. MSG_DIR=$(LANG_SRC)$(COUNTRY)c6ersinterlnk
  18. ##########################################################################
  19. extcsw  =-I$(incs) -I$(inct) $(FLAGS2) $(C_FLAGS)
  20. extasw  =-I$(incs) -I$(inct) $(FLAGS)
  21. libs       =paragonlibplibs.lib fxlibfastlynx.lib
  22. LINKFLAGS = /stack:20000/noe$(LINK_FLAGS)
  23. bins = ....binaries
  24. cprs = ....compress
  25. dest = intersvr.exe
  26. cpr  = intersvr.ex_
  27. #
  28. ########################## Dependencies Begin Here ##########################
  29. !IFNDEF         BUILDER
  30. all: $(dest) 
  31. !ELSE
  32. all: $(dest) $(bins)$(dest) $(cprs)$(cpr) 
  33. $(bins)$(dest): $(dest)
  34.             copy $(dest) $(bins)
  35. $(cprs)$(cpr):  $(cpr)
  36.             copy $(cpr) $(cprs)
  37. $(cpr):          $(dest)
  38.                  $(compress) $(dest) $(cpr)
  39. !ENDIF         
  40. paragonlibplibs.lib:
  41.                 cd paragonlib
  42.                 $(MAKE)
  43.                 cd ....
  44. fxlibfastlynx.lib:
  45.                 cd fxlib
  46.                 $(MAKE)
  47.                 cd ..
  48. bell.obj:       bell.asm                
  49.                 makefile
  50. calldvr.obj:    calldvr.asm             
  51.                 makefile
  52. crctab.obj:     crctab.asm              
  53.                 makefile
  54. ctype.obj:      ctype.asm               
  55.                 makefile
  56. getprog.obj:    getprog.asm             
  57.                 makefile
  58. int2f.obj:      int2f.asm               
  59.                 makefile
  60. longtoa.obj:    longtoa.asm             
  61.                 makefile
  62. percent.obj:    percent.asm             
  63.                 makefile
  64. setcerr.obj:    setcerr.asm             
  65.                 makefile
  66. switcher.obj:   switcher.asm            
  67.                 makefile
  68. version.obj:    version.c               
  69.                 makefile
  70.                 cl -c -DVERSION="$(VERSION)" version.c
  71. handler.obj:    handler.c               
  72.                 $(inct)fastlynx.h      
  73.                 $(inct)server.h        
  74.                 dc.h                    
  75.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  76.                 $(incs)umfunc.h        
  77.                 drivers.h               
  78.                 packets.h               
  79.                 boxfunc.h               
  80.                 cwuser.h                
  81.                 userform.h              
  82.                 str.h                   
  83.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  84.                 $(incs)bioskybd.h      
  85.                 $(incs)screen.h        
  86.                 cwfunc.h                
  87.                 makefile
  88. clone.obj:      clone.c                 
  89.                 $(inct)fastlynx.h      
  90.                 $(inct)server.h        
  91.                 dc.h                    
  92.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  93.                 $(incs)umfunc.h        
  94.                 drivers.h               
  95.                 packets.h               
  96.                 boxfunc.h               
  97.                 cwuser.h                
  98.                 userform.h              
  99.                 str.h                   
  100.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  101.                 $(incs)bioskybd.h      
  102.                 $(incs)screen.h        
  103.                 cwfunc.h                
  104.                 makefile
  105. criterr.obj:    criterr.c               
  106.                 dc.h                    
  107.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  108.                 $(incs)umfunc.h        
  109.                 drivers.h               
  110.                 packets.h               
  111.                 boxfunc.h               
  112.                 cwuser.h                
  113.                 userform.h              
  114.                 str.h                   
  115.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  116.                 $(incs)bioskybd.h      
  117.                 $(incs)screen.h        
  118.                 cwfunc.h                
  119.                 makefile
  120. devinfo.obj:    devinfo.c               
  121.                 dc.h                    
  122.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  123.                 $(incs)umfunc.h        
  124.                 drivers.h               
  125.                 packets.h               
  126.                 boxfunc.h               
  127.                 cwuser.h                
  128.                 userform.h              
  129.                 str.h                   
  130.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  131.                 $(incs)bioskybd.h      
  132.                 $(incs)screen.h        
  133.                 cwfunc.h                
  134.                 makefile
  135. drivinfo.obj:   drivinfo.c              
  136.                 $(inct)fastlynx.h      
  137.                 dc.h                    
  138.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  139.                 $(incs)umfunc.h        
  140.                 drivers.h               
  141.                 packets.h               
  142.                 boxfunc.h               
  143.                 cwuser.h                
  144.                 userform.h              
  145.                 str.h                   
  146.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  147.                 $(incs)bioskybd.h      
  148.                 $(incs)screen.h        
  149.                 cwfunc.h                
  150.                 makefile
  151.                 copy $(MSG_DIR)ipg.h
  152.                 $(CC) -c $(cinc) $(cflags) $*.c
  153.                 del ipg.h
  154. #### Have to copy ipg.h in, otherwise cl fails - too long command line
  155. main.obj:       main.c                  
  156.                 $(inct)fastlynx.h      
  157.                 dc.h                    
  158.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  159.                 $(incs)umfunc.h        
  160.                 drivers.h               
  161.                 packets.h               
  162.                 boxfunc.h               
  163.                 cwuser.h                
  164.                 userform.h              
  165.                 str.h                   
  166.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  167.                 $(incs)bioskybd.h      
  168.                 $(incs)screen.h        
  169.                 cwfunc.h                
  170.                 makefile
  171. print.obj:      print.c                 
  172.                 $(inct)fastlynx.h      
  173.                 dc.h                    
  174.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  175.                 $(incs)umfunc.h        
  176.                 drivers.h               
  177.                 packets.h               
  178.                 boxfunc.h               
  179.                 cwuser.h                
  180.                 userform.h              
  181.                 str.h                   
  182.                 $(incs)osdep.h         
  183.                 $(incs)bioskybd.h      
  184.                 $(incs)screen.h        
  185.                 cwfunc.h                
  186.                 makefile
  187. ############################ International Changes #######################
  188. # Have to copy str.c in, otherwise cl fails - too long command line
  189. str.obj:        $(MSG_DIR)str.c
  190.                 copy $(MSG_DIR)str.c
  191.                 $(CC) -c $(cinc) $(cflags) str.c
  192.                 del str.c
  193. ##########################################################################
  194. intersvr.exe:   bell.obj                
  195.                 calldvr.obj             
  196.                 crctab.obj              
  197.                 ctype.obj               
  198.                 getprog.obj             
  199.                 int2f.obj               
  200.                 longtoa.obj             
  201.                 percent.obj             
  202.                 setcerr.obj             
  203.                 switcher.obj            
  204.                 clone.obj               
  205.                 criterr.obj             
  206.                 devinfo.obj             
  207.                 drivinfo.obj            
  208.                 handler.obj             
  209.                 main.obj                
  210.                 print.obj               
  211.                 str.obj                 
  212.                 version.obj             
  213.                 intersvr.lnk            
  214.                 $(libs)
  215.                 link $(LINKFLAGS) @intersvr.lnk