资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /***
- * $Workfile: handler.c $
- * $Revision: 1.5 $
- * $Author: Dave Sewell $
- * $Date: 04 May 1990 9:12:48 $
- ***/
- /* handler.c : Alan Butt : February 1, 1989 : Expansion Box Project
- This routine contains the main slave loop.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "fastlynx.h"
- #include "server.h"
- #include "dc.h"
- byte dos5_switcher = FALSE; // Set in switcher.asm
- static long server_id;
- static long last_client_id;
- void make_server_id(void) // Called once at system init time
- {
- long id_value; // Start with random stack value
- long _far *bios_data = (long _far *) 0x00400000L;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
- id_value ^= *bios_data++;
- }
- *((unsigned *)&id_value) ^= fread_ticks();
- *((unsigned *)&id_value + 1) ^= fread_ticks();
- if (id_value == 0L)
- id_value++;
- server_id = id_value;
- }
- int server_info_handler(word count)
- {
- struct server_info_req request;
- struct server_info_ans answer;
- if ( !FxReceive(&request, sizeof(request)) )
- return FALSE;
- memset(&answer, ' ', sizeof(answer)); // Unused fields must be zero
- answer.os_type = OS_MSDOS;
- answer.developer = DEV_SEWELL;
- answer.product = PRODUCT_DOSLINK;
- answer.version = PRODUCT_VERSION;
- answer.device_server = TRUE; // Device server supported
- answer.agreed_caps.checksum = FALSE; // Can't support checksum
- answer.agreed_caps.crc = TRUE; // Must use CRC
- fx_max_serial_block = min(request.client_caps.max_serial_block, FxSettings.max_serial_block);
- answer.agreed_caps.max_serial_block = fx_max_serial_block;
- answer.last_client_id = last_client_id;
- answer.server_id = server_id;
- // If new master ID code, then master system must have rebooted.
- // Save the new ID code and clear all auxiliary driver information
- if (request.client_id != last_client_id ||
- request.last_server_id != server_id) {
- last_client_id = request.client_id;
- reset_disk();
- setup_block_devices();
- }
- return FxSend(&answer, sizeof(answer) -
- (request.want_packets_supported ? 0 : sizeof(answer.packets_supported)) );
- }
- int unknown_handler(word count)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* An init packet request sends information about the block devices on this
- system.
- */
- int init_handler(word count)
- {
- register int i;
- byte sp;
- byte mp;
- byte desired_prn_map[3];
- byte desired_mapping[MAX_DEVICES];
- byte avail_lpt[3];
- extern byte win386_enh_mode;
- config.master_dos_version = packet.init_packet_r.ipr_dos_version;
- config.master_max_devices = packet.init_packet_r.ipr_max_devices;
- config.master_first_unit = packet.init_packet_r.ipr_first_unit;
- memcpy(desired_prn_map, packet.init_packet_r.ipr_prn_map, 3);
- memcpy(desired_mapping, packet.init_packet_r.ipr_mapping, MAX_DEVICES);
- // Build initial response packet
- packet.init_packet_a.ipa_devices = (byte) slave_block_devices;
- packet.init_packet_a.ipa_major_version = MAJOR_VERSION;
- packet.init_packet_a.ipa_minor_version = MINOR_VERSION;
- packet.init_packet_a.ipa_multitasker = win386_enh_mode | desqview | dos5_switcher;
- packet.init_packet_a.ipa_dos_version = slave_dos_version;
- make_printer_map();
- memset(actual_prn_map, UNASSIGNED, 3);
- memset(avail_lpt, FALSE, 3);
- for (sp = 0; sp < (byte) num_lpt; sp++) {
- if (printers[sp].enabled)
- avail_lpt[sp] = TRUE;
- }
- for (mp = 0; mp < 3; mp++) { // First do hard-coded assignments
- sp = desired_prn_map[mp];
- if (sp < 3 && avail_lpt[sp]) {
- actual_prn_map[mp] = sp;
- avail_lpt[sp] = FALSE;
- }
- }
- for (mp = 0; mp < 3; mp++) { // Then pick up the DON'T CAREs
- if (desired_prn_map[mp] == DONT_CARE) {
- for (sp = 0; sp < (byte) num_lpt; sp++) {
- if (avail_lpt[sp]) {
- actual_prn_map[mp] = sp;
- avail_lpt[sp] = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- memcpy(packet.init_packet_a.ipa_prn_map, actual_prn_map, 3);
- generate_drive_mappings(packet.init_packet_a.ipa_mapping,
- config.master_max_devices, desired_mapping);
- for (i = 0; i < slave_block_devices; i++) {
- packet.init_packet_a.ipa_attributes[i] = devices[i].attribute;
- }
- if ( !FxSend(&packet, sizeof(struct init_packet_a)) ) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- show_drive_mappings(packet.init_packet_a.ipa_mapping, TRUE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Media Check Handler. This routine handles a media check for a given
- drive.
- If this is DOS 3.0+, the driver has the OCRM bit set in its attribute word,
- and the media has changed, then the driver will (should) return the volume
- label. This volume label will be send on to the master.
- */
- int media_check_handler(word count)
- {
- int device;
- int volume_copied = FALSE;
- memset(&rhp, ' ', sizeof(rhp)); // Start with clean RHP
- device = (int) packet.media_check_r.mcr_unit;
- if (device >= slave_block_devices) {
- rhp.media_check_ans.media_changed = MEDIA_DONT_KNOW;
- rhp.s.rhp_status = STATUS_ERROR | STATUS_DONE | ERR_UNK_UNIT;
- }
- else {
- rhp.media_check_req.s.rhp_length = 15;
- rhp.media_check_req.s.rhp_unit = devices[device].unit;
- rhp.media_check_req.s.rhp_command = MEDIA_CHECK;
- rhp.media_check_req.media_id = packet.media_check_r.mcr_media_id;
- call_driver((void far *) &rhp, devices[device].header);
- if ((rhp.media_check_ans.media_changed == MEDIA_CHANGED) && _osmajor >= 3) {
- volume_copied = TRUE;
- memcpyf(packet.media_check_a.mca_volume, rhp.media_check_ans.media_label, MAX_VOLUME);
- }
- }
- // Build response packet
- if (!volume_copied) {
- memcpyf(packet.media_check_a.mca_volume,
- devices[device].volume_label, MAX_VOLUME + 4);
- }
- packet.media_check_a.mca_status = rhp.s.rhp_status;
- packet.media_check_a.mca_changed = rhp.media_check_ans.media_changed;
- // Send response packet
- return FxSend(&packet, sizeof(struct media_check_a));
- }
- static void server_change_fail(void)
- {
- rhp.s.rhp_status = STATUS_ERROR | STATUS_DONE | ERR_FAILURE;
- }
- static int read_first_fat_sector(int device, byte media_id)
- {
- word sector;
- if (device >= slave_block_devices) {
- rhp.s.rhp_status = STATUS_ERROR | STATUS_DONE | ERR_UNK_UNIT;
- rhp.io_ans.io_transfered = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- rhp.io_req.s.rhp_length = sizeof(struct io_req);
- rhp.io_req.s.rhp_unit = devices[device].unit;
- rhp.io_req.s.rhp_command = READ;
- rhp.io_req.media_id = media_id;
- rhp.io_req.io_data = buffer;
- rhp.io_req.io_requested = 1; // Read one sector
- sector = 1; // Read sector one
- if (slave_dos_version < DOS_VERSION(3, 31) ||
- (devices[device].attribute & ATT_HUGE) == 0)
- rhp.io_req.io_start = sector;
- else if (slave_dos_version == DOS_VERSION(3, 31)) {
- rhp.io_req.s.rhp_length =
- (byte) ((byte *) &rhp.io_req.reserved - (byte *) &rhp);
- *((dword *) &rhp.io_req.io_start) = (dword) sector;
- }
- else { // Else huge and > DOS 3.31
- rhp.io_req.io_start = 0xFFFF;
- rhp.io_req.io_huge_start = (dword) sector;
- }
- call_driver((void far *) &rhp, devices[device].header);
- return rhp.s.rhp_status & STATUS_ERROR ? FALSE : TRUE;
- }
- /* Build BPB hander. This routine handles a build bpb request for a given
- driver and drive.
- Note: We need to save the sector size of the device.
- */
- int build_bpb_handler(word count)
- {
- word length;
- int device;
- count;
- device = (int) packet.build_bpb_r.bbr_unit;
- if (device >= slave_block_devices) {
- rhp.s.rhp_status = STATUS_ERROR | STATUS_DONE | ERR_UNK_UNIT;
- }
- else {
- if ( (devices[device].attribute & ATT_NON_IBM) ||
- read_first_fat_sector(device, packet.build_bpb_r.bbr_media_id) )
- { // not ibm format or no error reading fat
- // Note: Length needs to be 22 (length of answer).
- rhp.build_bpb_req.s.rhp_length = sizeof(struct build_bpb_ans);
- rhp.build_bpb_req.s.rhp_unit = devices[device].unit;
- rhp.build_bpb_req.s.rhp_command = BUILD_BPB;
- rhp.build_bpb_req.media_id = packet.build_bpb_r.bbr_media_id;
- rhp.build_bpb_req.bpb_fat = buffer;
- call_driver((void far *) &rhp, devices[device].header);
- }
- }
- // Build response packet
- packet.build_bpb_a.bba_status = rhp.s.rhp_status;
- if ( !(rhp.s.rhp_status & STATUS_ERROR) ) { // No error building BPB
- packet.build_bpb_a.bba_bpb = *rhp.build_bpb_ans.bpb_bpb;
- devices[device].bytes_per_sector =
- rhp.build_bpb_ans.bpb_bpb->bytes_per_sector;
- length = sizeof(struct build_bpb_a);
- // If media is removeable, read the volume label
- if (devices[device].non_removable == FALSE) {
- reset_disk();
- read_volume_label(device);
- }
- }
- else { // Else error getting BPB
- length = (char *) &packet.build_bpb_a.bba_bpb - (char *) &packet;
- }
- // Send Response Packet
- if ( !FxSend(&packet, length) ) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- devices[device].invalid = FALSE; // Clear invalid flag after we've
- // successfully build a BPB
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Read request Handler. This routine handles a read request for a given
- device driver and drive.
- If this is DOS 3.0+ and error ERR_DISK_CHANGE (0FH) is returned, the driver
- will (should) return the volume label.
- */
- int read_handler(word count)
- {
- word volume_length;
- int device;
- count;
- device = (int) packet.io_r.ior_unit;
- if (device >= slave_block_devices) {
- rhp.s.rhp_status = STATUS_ERROR | STATUS_DONE | ERR_UNK_UNIT;
- }
- else {
- rhp.io_req.s.rhp_length = 22;
- rhp.io_req.s.rhp_unit = devices[device].unit;
- rhp.io_req.s.rhp_command = READ;
- rhp.io_req.media_id = packet.io_r.ior_media_id;
- rhp.io_req.io_data = buffer;
- rhp.io_req.io_requested = packet.io_r.ior_requested;
- if (slave_dos_version != DOS_VERSION(3, 31)) {
- rhp.io_req.io_start = packet.io_r.ior_start;
- rhp.io_req.io_huge_start = packet.io_r.ior_huge_start;
- }
- else { // else MS-DOS 3.31
- rhp.io_req.s.rhp_length =
- (byte) ((byte *) &rhp.io_req.reserved - (byte *) &rhp);
- *((dword *) &rhp.io_req.io_start) = packet.io_r.ior_huge_start;
- }
- call_driver((void far *) &rhp, devices[device].header);
- }
- // build response packet
- packet.io_a.ioa_status = rhp.s.rhp_status;
- if (rhp.s.rhp_status & STATUS_ERROR)
- packet.io_a.ioa_transfered = 0;
- else
- packet.io_a.ioa_transfered = rhp.io_ans.io_transfered;
- packet.io_a.ioa_volume[0] = ' ';
- packet.io_a.ioa_serial_number = 0;
- volume_length = 0;
- if ((rhp.s.rhp_status & 0xff) == ERR_DISK_CHANGE && _osmajor >= 3) {
- memcpyf(packet.io_a.ioa_volume, rhp.io_ans.io_label, MAX_VOLUME);
- volume_length = MAX_VOLUME + 4;
- }
- // send response packet
- if ( !FxSend(&packet, (packet.io_a.ioa_volume
- - (char *) &packet) + volume_length) ) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // send data
- if (rhp.io_ans.io_transfered) {
- if ( !FxSend(buffer, rhp.io_ans.io_transfered *
- devices[device].bytes_per_sector) ) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Write request Handler. This routine handles a write request for a given
- device driver and drive.
- If this is DOS 3.0+ and error ERR_DISK_CHANGE (0FH) is returned, the driver
- will (should) return the volume label.
- */
- int write_handler(word count)
- {
- int device;
- word bufsiz;
- word volume_length;
- byte command;
- count;
- if (packet.packet_type == WRITE_REQ) {
- command = WRITE;
- }
- else {
- command = WRITE_VERIFY;
- }
- // get data to be written
- bufsiz = FxReceive(buffer, (word) sizeof(buffer));
- if (fx_errno) { // NOTE: have to check fx_errno because bufsize can be zero
- return FALSE;
- }
- device = (int) packet.io_r.ior_unit;
- if (device >= slave_block_devices) {
- rhp.s.rhp_status = STATUS_ERROR | STATUS_DONE | ERR_UNK_UNIT;
- rhp.io_ans.io_transfered = 0;
- }
- else if (bufsiz != packet.io_r.ior_requested *
- devices[device].bytes_per_sector) {
- rhp.io_ans.io_transfered = 0;
- }
- else {
- rhp.io_req.s.rhp_length = 22;
- rhp.io_req.s.rhp_unit = devices[device].unit;
- rhp.io_req.s.rhp_command = command;
- rhp.io_req.media_id = packet.io_r.ior_media_id;
- rhp.io_req.io_data = buffer;
- rhp.io_req.io_requested = packet.io_r.ior_requested;
- rhp.io_req.io_start = packet.io_r.ior_start;
- rhp.io_req.io_huge_start = packet.io_r.ior_huge_start;
- if (slave_dos_version == DOS_VERSION(3, 31)) {
- rhp.io_req.s.rhp_length =
- (byte) ((byte *) &rhp.io_req.reserved - (byte *) &rhp);
- *((dword *) &rhp.io_req.io_start) = packet.io_r.ior_huge_start;
- }
- call_driver((void far *) &rhp, devices[device].header);
- }
- // build response packet
- packet.io_a.ioa_status = rhp.s.rhp_status;
- packet.io_a.ioa_transfered = rhp.io_ans.io_transfered;
- packet.io_a.ioa_volume[0] = ' ';
- packet.io_a.ioa_serial_number = 0;
- volume_length = 0;
- if ((rhp.s.rhp_status & 0xff) == ERR_DISK_CHANGE && _osmajor >= 3) {
- memcpyf(packet.io_a.ioa_volume, rhp.io_ans.io_label, MAX_VOLUME);
- volume_length = MAX_VOLUME + 4;
- }
- return FxSend(&packet, (packet.io_a.ioa_volume
- - (char *) &packet) + volume_length);
- }
- /* Error Handler. No longer used. */
- int error_handler(word count)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- int ocrm_handler(word count)
- {
- int device;
- byte command;
- count;
- if (packet.packet_type == DEV_OPEN_REQ) {
- command = DEVICE_OPEN;
- }
- else {
- command = DEVICE_CLOSE;
- }
- device = (int) packet.ocrm_r.ocr_unit;
- if (device >= slave_block_devices) {
- rhp.s.rhp_status = STATUS_ERROR | STATUS_DONE | ERR_UNK_UNIT;
- }
- else {
- rhp.s.rhp_length = sizeof(struct static_rhp);
- rhp.s.rhp_unit = (byte) device;
- rhp.s.rhp_command = command;
- call_driver((void far *) &rhp, devices[device].header);
- }
- // build response packet
- packet.ocrm_a.oca_status = rhp.s.rhp_status;
- // 4) send response packet
- return FxSend(&packet, sizeof(struct ocrm_a));
- }
- int gen_ioctl_handler(word count)
- {
- int device;
- struct media_id_buffer media_id_buffer;
- byte function = 0;
- device = (int) packet.gen_ioctl_r.gir_unit;
- if (device >= slave_block_devices) {
- rhp.s.rhp_status = STATUS_ERROR | STATUS_DONE | ERR_UNK_UNIT;
- }
- else {
- function = packet.gen_ioctl_r.gir_function;
- if (function == 0x46) {
- if ( !FxReceive(&media_id_buffer, sizeof(media_id_buffer)) ) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- rhp.s.rhp_length = sizeof(struct gen_ioctl_req);
- rhp.s.rhp_unit = (byte) device;
- rhp.s.rhp_command = GENERIC_IOCTL;
- rhp.gen_ioctl_req.gen_category = packet.gen_ioctl_r.gir_category;
- rhp.gen_ioctl_req.gen_function = packet.gen_ioctl_r.gir_function;
- rhp.gen_ioctl_req.gen_data = &media_id_buffer;
- call_driver((void far *) &rhp, devices[device].header);
- }
- // build response packet
- packet.gen_ioctl_a.gia_status = rhp.s.rhp_status;
- // 4) send response packet
- if ( !FxSend(&packet, sizeof(struct gen_ioctl_a)) ) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ( (rhp.s.rhp_status & STATUS_ERROR) == 0 ) {
- if (function == 0x66)
- return FxSend(&media_id_buffer, sizeof(media_id_buffer));
- }
- return TRUE;
- }