资源名称:DOS系统的源代码.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /***
- * $Workfile: dc.h $
- * $Revision: 1.8 $
- * $Author: Dave Sewell $
- * $Date: 22 Oct 1990 14:59:36 $
- ***/
- /* ebox.h : Alan Butt : December 19, 1988 : Expansion Box Project
- This file contains macros/constants/definitions for the slave program.
- */
- #include "osdep.h" // Include Paragon Library files
- #include "umfunc.h"
- #include "drivers.h" // Include ebox files
- #include "packets.h"
- #include "boxfunc.h"
- #include "cwuser.h" // Include C-Worthy Library files
- #include "userform.h"
- #include "str.h"
- /* DOS_VERSION() takes two arguments. The first is placed into the high byte
- of an integer and the second into the low byte. It is used to build
- numbers to be compared with master_dos_version and slave_dos_version.
- */
- #define DOS_VERSION(x, y) (((x) << 8) | (y))
- #define MAX_SLAVE_DEVICES 26 // Max number of logical block devices
- // on the slave system
- typedef void (pascal *PVF)(void); // Pointer to Void Function type.
- typedef int (*PIF)(void); // Pointer to Integer Function type.
- typedef int (*PIFW)(word); // Pointer to Int Function/word argument
- struct device {
- struct device_header far *header; // Pointer to device driver header
- void far *dpb; // Pointer to units DPB
- word attribute; // Device driver attribute word
- word bytes_per_sector; // Bytes per sector on device
- byte drive; // Drive # (0 = A, 1 = B, ...)
- byte unit; // Unit number within driver
- byte invalid; // Media invalid flag
- byte media_descriptor; // Media descriptor byte (0 if unknown)
- unsigned long data_size; // Size of data area in bytes.
- byte number_of_fats; // Number of FAT table copies.
- byte sectors_per_cluster; // Number of sectors per cluster.
- byte non_removable; // TRUE if known to be non-removable
- char volume_label[12]; // Volume label.
- unsigned long serial_number; // Volume serial number (0 if unknown)
- byte is_floppy; // TRUE if A: or B: floppy disk
- };
- struct char_device { // Auxiliary device driver names
- char master_name[DEVICE_NAME_SIZE]; // Name of device on master system
- char slave_name[DEVICE_NAME_SIZE]; // Name of device on slave system
- }; // *master_name[] <= ' ' means invalid
- /*** The following bit is OR'ed into the baud rate if 7-wire mode is OK ***/
- #define PORT_LIST_SIZE 30
- struct config {
- enum baud baud; // Baud rate for serial communication
- char port_list[PORT_LIST_SIZE]; // Serial/Parallel ports to use
- // Block driver init inforation
- word master_dos_version; // DOS version of master (WORD format)
- word master_code; // ID code of master driver
- byte master_max_devices; // Max number of ebox devices on master
- byte master_first_unit; // First drive number in master driver
- };
- enum connection_state { No_connection, Serial_connection, Parallel_connection,
- No_connection_repaint };
- extern char cdecl version[]; // Version number string
- /* If EXTERN is not defined, the following declarations will be defined
- as external. If EXTERN is defined, they will be the real declarations.
- EXTERN should only be defined in one module that includes this file.
- */
- #ifdef EXTERN
- #undef EXTERN
- #define EXTERN /* Insure EXTERN is "" */
- #define __INITIALIZERS
- #else
- #define EXTERN extern
- #endif
- byte actual_prn_map[3] = { UNASSIGNED, UNASSIGNED, UNASSIGNED };
- #else
- EXTERN byte actual_prn_map[3];
- #endif
- EXTERN int num_server_floppies; // Number of floppy drives on server.
- EXTERN int slave_block_devices; // Count of block devices on slave
- EXTERN struct device devices[MAX_SLAVE_DEVICES];
- EXTERN struct device_header far *lpt_drivers[3]; // Points to LPT1, LPT2, LPT3
- EXTERN word slave_dos_version; // DOS version of slave (WORD format)
- // The bytes in _osversion are backwords
- EXTERN byte drive_priority[26];
- EXTERN int num_drives;
- /* Buffer for packet information */
- EXTERN union {
- byte packet_type;
- struct init_packet_r init_packet_r;
- struct init_packet_a init_packet_a;
- struct media_check_r media_check_r;
- struct media_check_a media_check_a;
- struct build_bpb_r build_bpb_r;
- struct build_bpb_a build_bpb_a;
- struct io_r io_r;
- struct io_a io_a;
- struct error_r error_r;
- struct ocrm_r ocrm_r;
- struct ocrm_a ocrm_a;
- struct bios_r bios_r;
- struct bios_a bios_a;
- struct drive_info_r drive_info_r;
- struct gen_ioctl_r gen_ioctl_r;
- struct gen_ioctl_a gen_ioctl_a;
- struct lpt_o_r lpt_o_r;
- struct lpt_o_a lpt_o_a;
- struct lpt_cmd_r lpt_cmd_r;
- struct lpt_cmd_a lpt_cmd_a;
- // Note: drive_info_a packet might be too big to put in here.
- } packet;
- /* Device driver request header packets */
- EXTERN union {
- struct static_rhp s;
- struct init_req init_req;
- struct init_ans init_ans;
- struct media_check_req media_check_req;
- struct media_check_ans media_check_ans;
- struct build_bpb_req build_bpb_req;
- struct build_bpb_ans build_bpb_ans;
- struct io_req io_req;
- struct io_ans io_ans;
- struct nd_read_ans nd_read_ans;
- struct gen_ioctl_req gen_ioctl_req;
- } rhp;
- /* Configuration Structure */
- struct config config = {
- BAUD_38400, // Default starting baud rate
- "LPT*,COM* bcdefghijklmnopqrst",
- // Below is block device configuration information
- DOS_VERSION(1, 0), // master DOS version
- 0, // Master ID code
- MAX_DEVICES, // Masters Max # of block devices
- 3 // First drive #
- };
- #else
- EXTERN struct config config;
- #endif
- byte max_baud_server = 0xFF;
- #else
- EXTERN byte max_baud_server;
- #endif
- /* Global Strings */
- char block_fingerprint[] = "INTERLNK";
- #else
- extern char block_fingerprint[];
- #endif
- EXTERN char far buffer[65536]; // A large buffer for I/O
- struct printer {
- word address;
- byte exported;
- byte enabled;
- };
- EXTERN struct printer printers[3];
- EXTERN int num_lpt;
- #endif
- #define S_SCANNING 0
- #define S_WAITING 1
- #define S_SENDING 2
- #define S_RECEIVING 3
- #define SDP_INACTIVE 0
- #define SDP_READING 1
- #define SDP_WRITING 2
- #define SDP_PRINTING 3
- #define ALT_F4 0x16b