资源名称:GPRS开发包.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // GPRS_SMM.h : main header file for the GPRS_SMM DLL
- // Edited by xie hong sheng , 2002-11 ,CopyRight hongdian
- #ifndef __COMM_SMS_H
- #define __COMM_SMS_H
- #ifndef DSCDLLAPI
- #define DSCDLLAPI extern "C"
- #endif
- #ifndef HDCALL
- #define HDCALL __stdcall
- #endif
- /*************************************************************/
- // Interface to DSC
- /*
- int SMMInit(char *DSCIpAddr,int DSCSrvPort,
- char *SerialCom,DCB *dcb,
- char *SMSCNumber,char *SMMNumber,int WorkMode);
- 1,DSCIpAddr:DSC ip address;
- 2,DSCSrvPort:DSC server port;
- 3,SerialCom:the serial comm than connect gprs modem;
- 4,dcb:information that config comm,containing baudrate,bytesize,stopbits,pairty;
- 5,SMSCNumber:SMSC phone number;
- 6,SMMNumber:the gprs modem phone number;
- 7,WorkMode:if 0,the dsc ip and port is not changed,1,changed;
- result:
- 0: success;
- -10: argument error;
- -1: DSCIpAddr or DSCSrvPort error;
- -2: open serial comm error;
- -3: open socket error;
- -4: create mutex error;
- -5: configSMM error;
- -6: SetTimer error;
- */
- DSCDLLAPI int HDCALL SMMInit(char *,int,char *,DCB *,char *,char *,int);
- /*
- if you call SMMInit,then you must call SMMFree to free
- the resource that got in the SMMInit;
- */
- /*
- int SMMSetting(char *DSCIpAddr,int DSCSrvPort)
- Set the dsc ip address and dsc server port to smminfo struct;
- DSCIpAddr:dsc ip address;
- DSCSrvPort:dsc server port;
- result:
- 0:success;
- -1:failed;
- */
- DSCDLLAPI int HDCALL SMMSetting(char *,int);
- /*
- int MakeDTUOnLine(int Changed,char *DTUNumber)
- Changed:0-not changed,1-changed;
- DTUNumber:DTU phone number which you want make on line;
- result:
- 0-success;
- -1:failed;
- */
- DSCDLLAPI int HDCALL MakeDTUOnLine(int,char *);
- /*
- int SendDataToDTUBySM(char *DTUNumber,char *szData,int nDataLen,int nProtoType)
- send data to DTU by sm,this mode is used if the gprs service doesn't work;
- DTUNumber:the DTU phone number that you want to send data to;
- szData:the data that you want to send to DTU;
- nDataLen:the length of szData;
- nProtoType:data type,0-configure data,1-user data
- result:
- 0:success;
- -1:failed;
- */
- DSCDLLAPI int HDCALL SendDataToDTUBySM(char *,char *,int,int);
- /*
- *Add by SEA on Oct 27,2003
- *Setup Modem type
- *if use CDMA modem,set 1
- *if use GPRS modem,set 0
- *default value 0
- */
- DSCDLLAPI void HDCALL SetModemType(int nModemType);
- #endif