资源名称:winskin.rar [点击查看]
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Include file to determine which compiler is currently being used to build the project/component.
- // This file uses ideas from Brad Stowers file (
- //
- // Portions created by Mike Lischke are Copyright
- // (C) 1999-2002 Dipl. Ing. Mike Lischke. All Rights Reserved.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The following symbols are defined:
- //
- // COMPILER_1 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 1.x is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_1_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 1.x or higher is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_2 : Kylix/Delphi 2.x or BCB 1.x is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_2_UP : Kylix/Delphi 2.x or higher, or BCB 1.x or higher is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_3 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 3.x is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_3_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 3.x or higher is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_4 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 4.x is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_4_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 4.x or higher is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_5 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 5.x is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_5_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 5.x or higher is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_6 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 6.x is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_6_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 6.x or higher is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_7 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 7.x is the compiler.
- // COMPILER_7_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 7.x or higher is the compiler.
- //
- // Only defined if Windows is the target:
- // CPPB : Any version of BCB is being used.
- // CPPB_1 : BCB v1.x is being used.
- // CPPB_3 : BCB v3.x is being used.
- // CPPB_3_UP : BCB v3.x or higher is being used.
- // CPPB_4 : BCB v4.x is being used.
- // CPPB_4_UP : BCB v4.x or higher is being used.
- // CPPB_5 : BCB v5.x is being used.
- // CPPB_5_UP : BCB v5.x or higher is being used.
- // CPPB_6 : BCB v6.x is being used.
- // CPPB_6_UP : BCB v6.x or higher is being used.
- //
- // Only defined if Windows is the target:
- // DELPHI : Any version of Delphi is being used.
- // DELPHI_1 : Delphi v1.x is being used.
- // DELPHI_2 : Delphi v2.x is being used.
- // DELPHI_2_UP : Delphi v2.x or higher is being used.
- // DELPHI_3 : Delphi v3.x is being used.
- // DELPHI_3_UP : Delphi v3.x or higher is being used.
- // DELPHI_4 : Delphi v4.x is being used.
- // DELPHI_4_UP : Delphi v4.x or higher is being used.
- // DELPHI_5 : Delphi v5.x is being used.
- // DELPHI_5_UP : Delphi v5.x or higher is being used.
- // DELPHI_6 : Delphi v6.x is being used.
- // DELPHI_6_UP : Delphi v6.x or higher is being used.
- // DELPHI_7 : Delphi v7.x is being used.
- // DELPHI_7_UP : Delphi v7.x or higher is being used.
- //
- // Only defined if Linux is the target:
- // KYLIX : Any version of Kylix is being used.
- // KYLIX_1 : Kylix 1.x is being used.
- // KYLIX_1_UP : Kylix 1.x or higher is being used.
- // KYLIX_2 : Kylix 2.x is being used.
- // KYLIX_2_UP : Kylix 2.x or higher is being used.
- // KYLIX_3 : Kylix 3.x is being used.
- // KYLIX_3_UP : Kylix 3.x or higher is being used.
- //
- // Only defined if Linux is the target:
- // QT_CLX : Trolltech's QT library is being used.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {$ifdef Win32}
- {$ifdef VER150}
- {$define COMPILER_7}
- {$define DELPHI}
- {$define DELPHI_7}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef VER140}
- {$define COMPILER_6}
- {$ifdef BCB}
- {$define CPPB}
- {$define CPPB_6}
- {$else}
- {$define DELPHI}
- {$define DELPHI_6}
- {$endif}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef VER130}
- {$define COMPILER_5}
- {$ifdef BCB}
- {$define CPPB}
- {$define CPPB_5}
- {$else}
- {$define DELPHI}
- {$define DELPHI_5}
- {$endif}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef VER125}
- {$define COMPILER_4}
- {$define CPPB}
- {$define CPPB_4}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef VER120}
- {$define COMPILER_4}
- {$define DELPHI}
- {$define DELPHI_4}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef VER110}
- {$define COMPILER_3}
- {$define CPPB}
- {$define CPPB_3}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef VER100}
- {$define COMPILER_3}
- {$define DELPHI}
- {$define DELPHI_3}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef VER93}
- {$define COMPILER_2} // BCB v1 compiler is really v2
- {$define CPPB}
- {$define CPPB_1}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef VER90}
- {$define COMPILER_2}
- {$define DELPHI}
- {$define DELPHI_2}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef VER80}
- {$define COMPILER_1}
- {$define DELPHI}
- {$define DELPHI_1}
- {$endif}
- {$else (not Windows)}
- // Linux is the target
- {$define QT_CLX}
- {$ifdef VER150}
- {$define COMPILER_7}
- {$ifdef BCB}
- please tell it works, then delete this line
- {$define KYLIXC}
- {$define KYLIXC_2}
- {$else}
- {$define KYLIX}
- {$define KYLIX_2}
- {$endif}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef VER140}
- {$define COMPILER_6}
- {$ifdef BCB}
- please tell it works, then delete this line
- {$define KYLIXC}
- {$define KYLIXC_1}
- {$else}
- {$define KYLIX}
- {$define KYLIX_1}
- {$endif}
- {$endif}
- {$endif (Win32)}
- {$ifdef COMPILER_1}
- {$define COMPILER_1_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef COMPILER_2}
- {$define COMPILER_1_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_2_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef COMPILER_3}
- {$define COMPILER_1_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_2_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_3_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef COMPILER_4}
- {$define COMPILER_1_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_2_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_3_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_4_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef COMPILER_5}
- {$define COMPILER_1_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_2_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_3_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_4_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_5_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef COMPILER_6}
- {$define COMPILER_1_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_2_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_3_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_4_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_5_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_6_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef COMPILER_7}
- {$define COMPILER_1_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_2_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_3_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_4_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_5_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_6_UP}
- {$define COMPILER_7_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef DELPHI_2}
- {$define DELPHI_2_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef DELPHI_3}
- {$define DELPHI_2_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_3_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef DELPHI_4}
- {$define DELPHI_2_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_3_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_4_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef DELPHI_5}
- {$define DELPHI_2_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_3_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_4_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_5_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef DELPHI_6}
- {$define DELPHI_2_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_3_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_4_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_5_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_6_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef DELPHI_7}
- {$define DELPHI_2_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_3_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_4_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_5_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_6_UP}
- {$define DELPHI_7_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef CPPB_3}
- {$define CPPB_3_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef CPPB_4}
- {$define CPPB_3_UP}
- {$define CPPB_4_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef CPPB_5}
- {$define CPPB_3_UP}
- {$define CPPB_4_UP}
- {$define CPPB_5_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef CPPB_6}
- {$define CPPB_3_UP}
- {$define CPPB_4_UP}
- {$define CPPB_5_UP}
- {$define CPPB_6_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef KYLIX_1}
- {$define KYLIX_1_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef KYLIX_2}
- {$define KYLIX_1_UP}
- {$define KYLIX_2_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef KYLIXC_1}
- {$define KYLIXC_1_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef KYLIXC_2}
- {$define KYLIXC_1_UP}
- {$define KYLIXC_2_UP}
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef CPPB_3_UP}
- // C++ Builder requires this if you use Delphi components in run-time packages.
- {$ObjExportAll On}
- {$endif}
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------