- /*
* uC/GUI
* Universal graphic software for embedded applications
* (c) Copyright 2002, Micrium Inc., Weston, FL
* (c) Copyright 2002, SEGGER Microcontroller Systeme GmbH
* 礐/GUI is protected by international copyright laws. Knowledge of the
* source code may not be used to write a similar product. This file may
* only be used in accordance with a license and should not be redistributed
* in any way. We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
- File : GUIValF.C
- Purpose : Displaying floating point values
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version-Date---Author-Explanation
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.00.00 990322 RS First release
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Known problems or limitations with current version
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- None.
- ---------------------------END-OF-HEADER------------------------------
- */
- #include "GUI_Protected.H"
- #include "math.h"
- /*
- *******************************************
- * *
- * Helper functions *
- * *
- *******************************************
- */
- static void _DispFloatFix(float f, char Len, char Decs, int DrawPlusSign) {
- f *= GUI_Pow10[Decs];
- f += 0.5;
- f = (float) floor (f);
- if (DrawPlusSign)
- GUI_DispSDecShift((long)f, Len, Decs);
- else
- GUI_DispDecShift((long)f, Len, Decs);
- }
- /*
- *******************************************
- * *
- * optional sign display routines *
- * *
- *******************************************
- */
- void GUI_DispFloatFix(float f, char Len, char Decs) {
- _DispFloatFix(f, Len, Decs, 0);
- }
- void GUI_DispFloatMin(float f, char Fract) {
- char Len;
- Len = GUI_Long2Len((long)f);
- _DispFloatFix(f, (char)(Len+Fract+1), (char)Fract, 0);
- }
- void GUI_DispFloat(float f, char Len) {
- int Decs;
- Decs = Len - GUI_Long2Len((long)f)-1;
- if (Decs<0)
- Decs =0;
- _DispFloatFix(f, Len, (char)Decs, 0);
- }
- /*
- *******************************************
- * *
- * Signed display routines *
- * *
- *******************************************
- */
- void GUI_DispSFloatFix(float f, char Len, char Fract) {
- _DispFloatFix (f, Len, Fract, 1);
- }
- void GUI_DispSFloatMin(float f, char Fract) {
- char Len;
- Len = GUI_Long2Len((long)f);
- if (f>0)
- Len++;
- _DispFloatFix(f, (char)(Len+Fract+1), (char)Fract, 1);
- }