- // Result.cpp: implementation of the CResult class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Result.h"
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "..\Utility\Utility.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CResult::CResult()
- {
- //malloc buffer
- for(int i=0;i<MAX_SEGMENT_NUM;i++)
- {
- m_pResult[i]=new WORD_RESULT[MAX_WORDS];
- }
- m_dictCore.Load("data\coreDict.dct");
- m_POSTagger.LoadContext("data\lexical.ctx");
- /*
- m_dictCore.Load("data\Dict.dct");
- m_POSTagger.LoadContext("data\trainTest.ctx");
- */
- /*
- m_dictCore.AddItem("十分",'d'*256,500);
- m_dictCore.AddItem("十分",'m'*256,-500);
- m_dictCore.Save("data\coreDict.dct");
- */
- m_POSTagger.SetTagType();
- m_Person.Configure("data\Person",TT_PERSON);
- //Set the person recognition configure
- m_Transliteration.Configure("data\Trans",TT_TRANS);
- //Set the transliteration recognition configure
- m_Place.Configure("data\Place",TT_PLACE);
- //Set the place recognition configure
- m_nOperateType=2;//0:Only Segment;1: First Tag; 2:Second Type
- m_nOutputFormat=0;//0:PKU criterion;1:973 criterion; 2: XML criterion
- }
- CResult::~CResult()
- {
- //free buffer
- for(int i=0;i<MAX_SEGMENT_NUM;i++)
- {
- delete [] m_pResult[i];
- }
- delete m_pResult;
- }
- bool CResult::Output(PWORD_RESULT pItem, char *sResult,bool bFirstWordIgnore)
- {
- int i=0;
- char sTempBuffer[WORD_MAXLENGTH],sPOS[3];
- sPOS[2]=0;
- sResult[0]=0;
- if(bFirstWordIgnore)//Ignore first valid
- i=1;
- while(pItem[i].sWord[0]!=0&&pItem[i].nHandle!=CT_SENTENCE_END)//Not sentence ending flag
- {
- //Get the POS string
- if(m_nOutputFormat!=0)//Not PKU format
- PKU2973POS(pItem[i].nHandle,sPOS);
- else//PKU format
- {
- sPOS[0]=pItem[i].nHandle/256;
- sPOS[1]=pItem[i].nHandle%256;
- }
- sPOS[m_nOperateType]=0;//Set the sPOS with operate type
- if(m_nOutputFormat==0)//PKU format
- {
- sprintf(sTempBuffer,"%s",pItem[i].sWord);
- strcat(sResult,sTempBuffer);
- if(sPOS[0]!=0)//need POS
- {
- sprintf(sTempBuffer,"/%s",sPOS);
- strcat(sResult,sTempBuffer);
- }
- strcat(sResult," ");
- }
- else if(m_nOutputFormat==1)//973 format
- {
- sprintf(sTempBuffer,"%s\",pItem[i].sWord);
- strcat(sResult,sTempBuffer);
- if(sPOS[0]!=0)//need POS
- {
- sprintf(sTempBuffer,"[%s]",sPOS);
- strcat(sResult,sTempBuffer);
- }
- }
- else if(m_nOutputFormat==2)//XML format
- {
- if(sPOS[0]!=0)//POS
- {
- sprintf(sTempBuffer,"<any type= 42%s 42>",sPOS);
- strcat(sResult,sTempBuffer);
- }
- sprintf(sTempBuffer,"<src>%s</src>",pItem[i].sWord);
- strcat(sResult,sTempBuffer);
- if(sPOS[0]!=0)
- {
- strcat(sResult,"</any>");
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool CResult::Processing(char *sSentence,unsigned int nCount)
- {
- int nIndex;
- #if _ICT_DEBUG
- char *sSegment;
- sSegment=new char[MAX_SENTENCE_LEN*2];
- #endif
- m_Seg.Segment(sSentence,m_dictCore,nCount);
- m_nResultCount=m_Seg.m_nSegmentCount;
- //Record the number of result
- for(nIndex=0;nIndex<m_Seg.m_nSegmentCount;nIndex++)
- {
- m_POSTagger.POSTagging(m_Seg.m_pWordSeg[nIndex],m_dictCore,m_dictCore);
- #if _ICT_DEBUG
- Output(m_Seg.m_pWordSeg[nIndex],sSegment);
- printf("POS Tag%d:%sn",nIndex+1,sSegment);
- #endif
- m_Person.Recognition(m_Seg.m_pWordSeg[nIndex],m_Seg.m_graphOptimum,m_Seg.m_graphSeg,m_dictCore);
- m_Transliteration.Recognition(m_Seg.m_pWordSeg[nIndex],m_Seg.m_graphOptimum,m_Seg.m_graphSeg,m_dictCore);
- m_Place.Recognition(m_Seg.m_pWordSeg[nIndex],m_Seg.m_graphOptimum,m_Seg.m_graphSeg,m_dictCore);
- }
- //m_Person.Recognition(m_Seg.m_WordSeg[0],m_Seg.m_graphOptimum,m_Seg.m_graphSeg,m_dictCore);
- //Person Recognition
- #if _ICT_DEBUG
- printf("After person recognition.n");
- #endif
- m_Seg.OptimumSegmet(nCount);
- for(nIndex=0;nIndex<m_Seg.m_nSegmentCount;nIndex++)
- {
- m_POSTagger.POSTagging(m_Seg.m_pWordSeg[nIndex],m_dictCore,m_dictCore);
- #if _ICT_DEBUG
- Output(m_Seg.m_pWordSeg[nIndex],sSegment);
- printf("POS Tag%d:%sn",nIndex+1,sSegment);
- #endif
- }
- #if _ICT_DEBUG
- printf("After Sorting.n");
- #endif
- Sort();//Sort the ending
- #if _ICT_DEBUG
- for(nIndex=0;nIndex<m_Seg.m_nSegmentCount;nIndex++)
- {
- Output(m_pResult[nIndex],sSegment);
- printf("POS Tag%d(P=Exp(%f)):%sn",nIndex+1,m_dResultPossibility[nIndex],sSegment);
- }
- delete [] sSegment;
- #endif
- return true;
- }
- //Sort the segmentation and POS result according its possibility
- bool CResult::Sort()
- {
- int nIndex[MAX_SEGMENT_NUM],nTemp;//Index
- memset(dPossibility,0,sizeof(dPossibility));
- //Init the possibility
- for(int i=0;i<m_Seg.m_nSegmentCount;i++)
- {//Computing the possibility
- dPossibility[i]=ComputePossibility(m_Seg.m_pWordSeg[i]);
- nIndex[i]=i;//Record the index
- }
- //Sort with Bubble sort algorithm
- for(i=0;i<m_Seg.m_nSegmentCount;i++)
- for(int j=i+1;j<m_Seg.m_nSegmentCount;j++)
- {
- if(dPossibility[i]<dPossibility[j])
- {//Swap the possition and value
- nTemp=nIndex[i];
- dTemp=dPossibility[i];
- nIndex[i]=nIndex[j];
- dPossibility[i]=dPossibility[j];
- nIndex[j]=nTemp;
- dPossibility[j]=dTemp;
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i<m_Seg.m_nSegmentCount;i++)
- {//Adjust the segmentation and POS result and store them in the final result array
- //Store them according their possibility ascendly
- Adjust(m_Seg.m_pWordSeg[nIndex[i]],m_pResult[i]);
- m_dResultPossibility[i]=dPossibility[i];
- }
- return true;
- }
- //Compute the possibility of current segmentation and POS result
- ELEMENT_TYPE CResult::ComputePossibility(PWORD_RESULT pItem)
- {
- int i=0;
- ELEMENT_TYPE dResultPossibility=0;
- while(pItem[i].sWord[0]!=0)
- {
- dResultPossibility+=pItem[i].dValue;
- //Compute the possibility of logP(Wi|Ti)
- if(pItem[i+1].sWord[0]!=0)//Not the last one
- {//Compute the possibility of logP(Ti|Ti-1)
- dResultPossibility+=log((double)(m_POSTagger.m_context.GetContextPossibility(0,pItem[i].nHandle,pItem[i+1].nHandle)+1));
- dResultPossibility-=log((double)(m_POSTagger.m_context.GetFrequency(0,pItem[i].nHandle)+1));
- }
- i++;
- }
- return dResultPossibility;
- }
- //Adjust the result with some rules
- bool CResult::Adjust(PWORD_RESULT pItem,PWORD_RESULT pItemRet)
- {
- int i=0,j=0;
- unsigned int nLen;
- char sSurName[10],sSurName2[10],sGivenName[10];
- bool bProcessed=false;//Have been processed
- while(pItem[i].sWord[0]!=0)
- {
- nLen=strlen(pItem[i].sWord);
- bProcessed=false;
- //Rule1: adjust person name
- if(pItem[i].nHandle==28274&&ChineseNameSplit(pItem[i].sWord,sSurName,sSurName2,sGivenName,m_Person.m_dict)&&strcmp(pItem[i].sWord,"叶利钦")!=0)//'nr'
- {//Divide name into surname and given name
- if(sSurName[0])
- {
- strcpy(pItemRet[j].sWord,sSurName);
- pItemRet[j++].nHandle=28274;
- }
- if(sSurName2[0])
- {
- strcpy(pItemRet[j].sWord,sSurName2);
- pItemRet[j++].nHandle=28274;
- }
- if(sGivenName[0])
- {
- strcpy(pItemRet[j].sWord,sGivenName);
- pItemRet[j++].nHandle=28274;
- }
- bProcessed=true;
- }
- //Rule2 for overlap words ABB 一段段、一片片
- else if(pItem[i].nHandle==256*'m'&&pItem[i+1].nHandle/256=='q'&&strcmp(pItem[i+1].sWord,pItem[i+2].sWord)==0)
- {
- strcpy(pItemRet[j].sWord,pItem[i].sWord);
- strcat(pItemRet[j].sWord,pItem[i+1].sWord);
- strcat(pItemRet[j].sWord,pItem[i+2].sWord);
- pItemRet[j].nHandle=256*'m';
- j+=1;
- i+=2;
- bProcessed=true;
- }
- //Rule3 for overlap words AA or AABB
- else if(nLen==2&&strcmp(pItem[i].sWord,pItem[i+1].sWord)==0)
- {
- strcpy(pItemRet[j].sWord,pItem[i].sWord);
- strcat(pItemRet[j].sWord,pItem[i+1].sWord);
- //24832=='a'*256
- pItemRet[j].nHandle=24832;//a
- if(pItem[i].nHandle/256=='v'||pItem[i+1].nHandle/256=='v')//30208='v'8256
- {
- pItemRet[j].nHandle=30208;
- }
- if(pItem[i].nHandle/256=='n'||pItem[i+1].nHandle/256=='n')//30208='v'8256
- {
- pItemRet[j].nHandle='n'*256;
- }
- i+=1;
- if(strlen(pItem[i+1].sWord)==2)
- {//AAB:洗/洗/脸、蒙蒙亮
- if((pItemRet[j].nHandle==30208&&pItem[i+1].nHandle/256=='n')||
- (pItemRet[j].nHandle==24832&&pItem[i+1].nHandle/256=='a')
- )
- {
- strcat(pItemRet[j].sWord,pItem[i+1].sWord);
- i+=1;
- }
- }
- j+=1;
- bProcessed=true;
- }
- //Rule 4: AAB 洗/洗澡
- else if(nLen==2&&strncmp(pItem[i].sWord,pItem[i+1].sWord,2)==0&&strlen(pItem[i+1].sWord)==4&&(pItem[i].nHandle/256=='v'||pItem[i].nHandle/256=='a'))
- {
- strcpy(pItemRet[j].sWord,pItem[i].sWord);
- strcat(pItemRet[j].sWord,pItem[i+1].sWord);
- //24832=='a'*256
- pItemRet[j].nHandle=24832;//'a'
- if(pItem[i].nHandle/256=='v'||pItem[i+1].nHandle/256=='v')//30208='v'8256
- {
- pItemRet[j].nHandle=30208;
- }
- i+=1;
- j+=1;
- bProcessed=true;
- }
- else if(pItem[i].nHandle/256=='u'&&pItem[i].nHandle%256)//uj,ud,uv,uz,ul,ug->u
- pItem[i].nHandle='u'*256;
- else if(pItem[i].nHandle/256=='s'&&pItem[i].nHandle%256=='s')//ss->nx
- pItem[i].nHandle='n'*256+'x';
- else if(pItem[i].nHandle==28275&&m_Transliteration.m_dict.IsExist(pItem[i+1].sWord,30))
- {
- strcpy(pItemRet[j].sWord,pItem[i].sWord);
- strcat(pItemRet[j].sWord,pItem[i+1].sWord);
- pItemRet[j].nHandle=28275;
- i+=1;
- j+=1;
- bProcessed=true;
- }
- if(!bProcessed)
- {//If not processed,that's mean: not need to adjust;
- //just copy to the final result
- strcpy(pItemRet[j].sWord,pItem[i].sWord);
- pItemRet[j++].nHandle=pItem[i].nHandle;
- }
- i++;
- }
- pItemRet[j].sWord[0]=0;//Set ending
- return true;
- }
- //Paragraph Segment and POS Tagging
- bool CResult::ParagraphProcessing(char *sParagraph,char *sResult)
- {
- char *sSentence,sChar[3];
- char *sSentenceResult;
- unsigned int nLen=strlen(sParagraph)+13;
- sSentence=new char[nLen];//malloc buffer
- sSentenceResult=new char[nLen*3];//malloc buffer
- sSentence[0]=0;
- unsigned int nPosIndex=0,nParagraphLen=strlen(sParagraph),nSentenceIndex=0;
- sChar[2]=0;
- sResult[0]=0;//Init the result
- bool bFirstIgnore=true;
- strcpy(sSentence,SENTENCE_BEGIN);//Add a sentence begin flag
- while(nPosIndex<nParagraphLen)
- {//Find a whole sentence which separated by ! . n r
- sChar[0]=sParagraph[nPosIndex];//Get a char
- sChar[1]=0;
- if(sParagraph[nPosIndex]<0)
- {//double byte char
- nPosIndex+=1;
- sChar[1]=sParagraph[nPosIndex];
- }
- nPosIndex+=1;
- /*
- #define SEPERATOR_C_SENTENCE "。!?:;…"
- #define SEPERATOR_C_SUB_SENTENCE "、,()“”‘’"
- #define SEPERATOR_E_SENTENCE "!?:;"
- #define SEPERATOR_E_SUB_SENTENCE ",() 42'"
- #define SEPERATOR_LINK "nr "
- */
- {//Reach end of a sentence.Get a whole sentence
- if(!strstr(SEPERATOR_LINK,sChar))//Not link seperator
- {
- strcat(sSentence,sChar);
- }
- if(sSentence[0]!=0)
- {
- strcat(sSentence,SENTENCE_END);//Add sentence ending flag
- Processing(sSentence,1);//Processing and output the result of current sentence.
- Output(m_pResult[0],sSentenceResult,bFirstIgnore);//Output to the imediate result
- //bFirstIgnore=true;
- strcat(sResult,sSentenceResult);//Store in the result buffer
- }
- if(strstr(SEPERATOR_LINK,sChar))//Link the result with the SEPERATOR_LINK
- {
- strcat(sResult,sChar);
- strcpy(sSentence,SENTENCE_BEGIN);//Add a sentence begin flag
- //sSentence[0]=0;//New sentence, and begin new segmentation
- //bFirstIgnore=false;
- }
- else if(strstr(SEPERATOR_C_SENTENCE,sChar)||strstr(SEPERATOR_E_SENTENCE,sChar))
- {
- strcpy(sSentence,SENTENCE_BEGIN);//Add a sentence begin flag
- //sSentence[0]=0;//New sentence, and begin new segmentation
- //bFirstIgnore=false;
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(sSentence,sChar);//reset current sentence, and add the previous end at begin position
- }
- }
- else //Other chars and store in the sentence buffer
- strcat(sSentence,sChar);
- }
- if(sSentence[0]!=0&&strcmp(sSentence,SENTENCE_BEGIN)!=0)
- {
- strcat(sSentence,SENTENCE_END);//Add sentence ending flag
- Processing(sSentence,1);//Processing and output the result of current sentence.
- Output(m_pResult[0],sSentenceResult,bFirstIgnore);//Output to the imediate result
- strcat(sResult,sSentenceResult);//Store in the result buffer
- }
- delete [] sSentence;//FREE sentence buffer
- delete [] sSentenceResult;//free buffer
- return true;
- }
- bool CResult::FileProcessing(char *sSourceFile,char *sResultFile)
- {
- FILE *fpSource,*fpResult;//The file pointer of read and write
- char *sParagraph,*sParagraphResult;
- sParagraph=new char[4*1024];
- sParagraphResult=new char[8*1024];
- if((fpSource=fopen(sSourceFile,"rt"))==NULL)
- return false;//Cannot open the source file to read
- if((fpResult=fopen(sResultFile,"wt"))==NULL)
- return false;//Cannot open the result file to write
- if(m_nOutputFormat==2)//XML format
- fprintf(fpResult,"<?xml version= 42 1.0 42 encoding= 42gb2312 42?><result>");
- while(!feof(fpSource))
- {
- if(fgets(sParagraph,4*1024,fpSource)==0)//Get a paragrah
- continue;
- ParagraphProcessing(sParagraph,sParagraphResult);
- fprintf(fpResult,"%s",sParagraphResult);
- }
- delete [] sParagraph;
- delete [] sParagraphResult;
- fclose(fpSource);
- if(m_nOutputFormat==2)//XML format
- fprintf(fpResult,"</result>");
- fclose(fpResult);
- return true;
- }
- bool CResult::PKU2973POS(int nHandle, char *sPOS973)
- {
- int nHandleSet[46]={24832,24932,24935,24942,25088,25344,25600,25703,25856,26112,26368,26624,26880,27136,27392,27648,27904,28160,28263,28274,28275,28276,28280,28282,28416,28672,28928,29184,29440,29696,29799,29952,30052,30055,30058,30060,30070,30074,30208,30308,30311,30318,30464,30720,30976,31232};
- // "a", "ad","ag","an","b", "c", "d", "dg","e", "f","g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "ng","nr","ns","nt","nx","nz","o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "tg","u", "ud","ug","uj","ul","uv","uz","v", "vd","vg","vn","w", "x", "y", "z"
- char sPOSRelated[46][3]={"a", "ad","ga","an","f", "c", "d", "d", "e","nd","g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "gn","nh","ns","ni","ws", "nz","o", "p", "q", "r", "nl","nt","gt","u", "ud","ug","uj","ul","uv","uz","v", "vd","gv","vn","w", "x", "u", "a"};
- /* "Bg","gf",
- "Rg","gr",
- "Mg","gm",
- "Yg","u",
- "Ug","u",
- "Qg","q",
- */
- int nIndex=BinarySearch(nHandle,nHandleSet,46);
- if(nIndex==-1)
- strcpy(sPOS973,"@");
- else
- strcpy(sPOS973,sPOSRelated[nIndex]);
- return true;
- }
- bool CResult::ChineseNameSplit(char *sPersonName, char *sSurname, char *sSurname2, char *sGivenName, CDictionary &personDict)
- {
- int nSurNameLen=4,nLen=strlen(sPersonName),nFreq,i=0,nCharType;
- char sTemp[3];
- if(nLen<3||nLen>8)//Not a traditional Chinese person name
- return false;
- while(i<nLen)//No Including non-CHinese char
- {
- nCharType=charType((unsigned char*)sPersonName+i);
- if(nCharType!=CT_CHINESE&&nCharType!=CT_OTHER)
- return false;
- i+=2;
- }
- sSurname2[0]=0;//init
- strncpy(sSurname,sPersonName,nSurNameLen);
- sSurname[nSurNameLen]=0;
- if(!personDict.IsExist(sSurname,1))
- {
- nSurNameLen=2;
- sSurname[nSurNameLen]=0;
- if(!personDict.IsExist(sSurname,1))
- {
- nSurNameLen=0;
- sSurname[nSurNameLen]=0;
- }
- }
- strcpy(sGivenName,sPersonName+nSurNameLen);
- if(nLen>6)
- {
- strncpy(sTemp,sPersonName+nSurNameLen,2);
- sTemp[2]=0;//Get the second possible surname
- if(personDict.IsExist(sTemp,1))
- {//Hongkong women's name: Surname+surname+given name
- strcpy(sSurname2,sTemp);
- strcpy(sGivenName,sPersonName+nSurNameLen+2);
- }
- }
- nFreq=personDict.GetFrequency(sSurname,1);
- if(nSurNameLen!=4&&((nSurNameLen==0&&nLen>4)||strlen(sGivenName)>4||(GetForeignCharCount(sPersonName)==3&&nFreq<personDict.GetFrequency("张",1)/4)||(nFreq<10&&GetForeignCharCount(sGivenName)==(nLen-nSurNameLen)/2)))
- return false;
- if(nLen==4&&m_Person.IsGivenName(sPersonName))
- {//Single Surname+given name
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }