- #include "stdafx.h"
- extern HWND g_hStatusBar;
- extern SOCKET g_ssock;
- extern SOCKET g_csock;
- extern HANDLE g_hIOCP;
- CWHDynamicArray<CSessionInfo> g_UserInfoArray;
- CWHQueue g_SendToServerQ;
- void UpdateStatusBar(BOOL fGrow)
- {
- static long nNumOfCurrSession = 0;
- TCHAR szText[20];
- (fGrow ? InterlockedIncrement(&nNumOfCurrSession) : InterlockedDecrement(&nNumOfCurrSession));
- wsprintf(szText, _TEXT("%d Sessions"), nNumOfCurrSession);
- SendMessage(g_hStatusBar, SB_SETTEXT, MAKEWORD(3, 0), (LPARAM)szText);
- }
- void SendSocketMsgS (_LPTMSGHEADER lpMsg, int nLen1, char *pszData1, int nLen2, char *pszData2)
- {
- char szBuf[1024];
- DWORD dwSendBytes;
- memmove(szBuf, lpMsg, sizeof(_TMSGHEADER));
- if (pszData1)
- memmove(&szBuf[sizeof(_TMSGHEADER)], pszData1, nLen1);
- if (pszData2)
- memmove(&szBuf[sizeof(_TMSGHEADER) + nLen1], pszData2, nLen2);
- szBuf[sizeof(_TMSGHEADER) + nLen1 + nLen2] = ' ';
- Buf.len = sizeof(_TMSGHEADER) + nLen1 + nLen2;
- Buf.buf = szBuf;
- WSASend(g_csock, &Buf, 1, &dwSendBytes, 0, NULL, NULL);
- // send(g_csock, szBuf, sizeof(_TMSGHEADER) + nLen1 + nLen2, 0);
- //#ifdef _DEBUG
- // _RPT4(_CRT_WARN, "SS:%d %d %d %dt", lpMsg->wUserGateIndex, lpMsg->wIdent, lpMsg->wUserListIndex, lpMsg->nLength);
- // _RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "%sn", szBuf);
- //#endif
- }
- void SendSocketMsgS (int nIdent, WORD wIndex, int nSocket, WORD wSrvIndex, int nLen, char *pszData)
- {
- char szBuf[1024];
- DWORD dwSendBytes;
- msg.nCode = 0xAA55AA55;
- msg.nSocket = nSocket;
- msg.wUserGateIndex = wIndex;
- msg.wIdent = (WORD)nIdent;
- msg.wUserListIndex = wSrvIndex;
- msg.nLength = nLen;
- memmove(szBuf, &msg, sizeof(_TMSGHEADER));
- if (pszData)
- memmove(&szBuf[sizeof(_TMSGHEADER)], pszData, nLen);
- szBuf[sizeof(_TMSGHEADER) + nLen] = ' ';
- Buf.len = sizeof(_TMSGHEADER) + nLen;
- Buf.buf = szBuf;
- WSASend(g_csock, &Buf, 1, &dwSendBytes, 0, NULL, NULL);
- // send(g_csock, szBuf, sizeof(_TMSGHEADER) + nLen, 0);
- //#ifdef _DEBUG
- // _RPT4(_CRT_WARN, "SS:%d %d %d %d t", msg.wUserGateIndex, msg.wIdent, msg.wUserListIndex, msg.nLength);
- // _RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "%sn", szBuf);
- //#endif
- }
- //UINT WINAPI AcceptThread(LPVOID lpParameter)
- DWORD WINAPI AcceptThread(LPVOID lpParameter)
- {
- int nLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN);
- char szMsg[64];
- TCHAR szAddress[24];
- int nCvtLen;
- SOCKET Accept;
- SOCKADDR_IN Address;
- // DWORD dwRecvBytes;
- // DWORD dwFlags;
- while (TRUE)
- {
- Accept = accept(g_ssock, (struct sockaddr FAR *)&Address, &nLen);
- if (g_fTerminated)
- return 0;
- int nIndex = g_UserInfoArray.GetAvailablePosition();
- if (nIndex >= 0)
- {
- CSessionInfo* pNewSessionInfo = g_UserInfoArray.GetEmptyElement(nIndex);
- pNewSessionInfo->sock = Accept;
- pNewSessionInfo->nGateIndex = nIndex;
- // Initializing Session Information
- pNewSessionInfo->nCrackWarningLevel = 0;
- pNewSessionInfo->fLoginCode = TRUE;
- pNewSessionInfo->nSendBufferLen = 0;
- CreateIoCompletionPort((HANDLE)Accept, g_hIOCP, (DWORD)pNewSessionInfo, 0);
- pNewSessionInfo->Recv();
- UpdateStatusBar(TRUE);
- // Make packet and send to login server.
- wsprintf(szAddress, _TEXT("%d.%d.%d.%d"), Address.sin_addr.s_net, Address.sin_addr.s_host,
- Address.sin_addr.s_lh, Address.sin_addr.s_impno);
- nCvtLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szAddress, -1, szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), NULL, NULL);
- SendSocketMsgS(GM_OPEN, pNewSessionInfo->nGateIndex, (int)pNewSessionInfo->sock, 0, nCvtLen + 1, szMsg);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void CloseSession(CSessionInfo* pSessionInfo)
- {
- g_UserInfoArray.SetEmptyElement(pSessionInfo->nGateIndex, pSessionInfo);
- closesocket(pSessionInfo->sock);
- UpdateStatusBar(FALSE);
- }
- DWORD WINAPI ServerWorkerThread(LPVOID CompletionPortID)
- {
- DWORD dwBytesTransferred;
- // DWORD dwFlags;
- // DWORD dwRecvBytes;
- // DWORD dwSendBytes;
- CSessionInfo* pSessionInfo;
- LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped;
- // char *pszFirst, *pszEnd;
- // CHAR szBuff[DATA_BUFSIZE + 1];
- // INT nBuffLen;
- while (TRUE)
- {
- GetQueuedCompletionStatus((HANDLE)CompletionPortID, &dwBytesTransferred, (LPDWORD)&pSessionInfo,
- (LPOVERLAPPED *)&lpOverlapped, INFINITE);
- if (dwBytesTransferred == 0)
- {
- SendSocketMsgS(GM_CLOSE, pSessionInfo->nGateIndex, pSessionInfo->sock, pSessionInfo->nServerUserIndex, 0, NULL);
- CloseSession(pSessionInfo);
- continue;
- }
- if (pSessionInfo->nOvFlag == OVERLAPPED_RECV)
- {
- pSessionInfo->bufLen += dwBytesTransferred;
- while ( pSessionInfo->HasCompletionPacket() )
- {
- if ( !pSendData )
- break;
- pSendData->sock = pSessionInfo->sock;
- pSendData->nGateIndex = pSessionInfo->nGateIndex;
- *(pSessionInfo->ExtractPacket( pSendData->szData )) = ' ';
- g_SendToServerQ.Lock();
- if ( !g_SendToServerQ.PushQ( (BYTE *) pSendData ) )
- {
- InsertLogMsg( _TEXT("PushQ() failed") );
- delete pSendData;
- }
- g_SendToServerQ.Unlock();
- }
- if ( pSessionInfo->Recv() == SOCKET_ERROR && WSAGetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING )
- {
- InsertLogMsg(_TEXT("WSARecv() failed"));
- CloseSession(pSessionInfo);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0L;
- }