- /* Mesh
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2004, Alexander Zaprjagaev <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #include "mesh.h"
- Mesh::Mesh() : num_surfaces(0) {
- min = vec3(1000000,1000000,1000000);
- max = vec3(-1000000,-1000000,-1000000);
- center = vec3(0,0,0);
- radius = 1000000;
- }
- Mesh::Mesh(const char *name) : num_surfaces(0) {
- load(name);
- }
- Mesh::Mesh(const Mesh *mesh) : num_surfaces(0) {
- min = mesh->min;
- max = mesh->max;
- center = mesh->center;
- radius = mesh->radius;
- for(int i = 0; i < mesh->num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = new Surface;
- memcpy(s,mesh->surfaces[i],sizeof(Surface));
- s->vertex = new Vertex[s->num_vertex];
- memcpy(s->vertex,mesh->surfaces[i]->vertex,sizeof(Vertex) * s->num_vertex);
- if(mesh->surfaces[i]->edges) {
- s->edges = new Edge[s->num_edges];
- memcpy(s->edges,mesh->surfaces[i]->edges,sizeof(Edge) * s->num_edges);
- }
- if(mesh->surfaces[i]->triangles) {
- s->triangles = new Triangle[s->num_triangles];
- memcpy(s->triangles,mesh->surfaces[i]->triangles,sizeof(Triangle) * s->num_triangles);
- }
- if(mesh->surfaces[i]->indices) {
- s->indices = new int[s->num_indices];
- memcpy(s->indices,mesh->surfaces[i]->indices,sizeof(int) * s->num_indices);
- }
- if(mesh->surfaces[i]->silhouettes[0].vertex) {
- for(int j = 0; j < NUM_SILHOUETTES; j++) {
- s->silhouettes[j].vertex = new vec4[s->num_edges * 4];
- s->silhouettes[j].flags = new char[s->num_triangles];
- }
- }
- if(num_surfaces == NUM_SURFACES) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::Mesh(): many surfacesn");
- num_surfaces--;
- }
- surfaces[num_surfaces++] = s;
- }
- }
- Mesh::~Mesh() {
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = surfaces[i];
- if(s->vertex) delete s->vertex;
- if(s->indices) delete s->indices;
- if(s->edges) delete s->edges;
- if(s->triangles) delete s->triangles;
- if(s->silhouettes[0].vertex) {
- for(int j = 0; j < NUM_SILHOUETTES; j++) {
- delete s->silhouettes[j].vertex;
- delete s->silhouettes[j].flags;
- }
- }
- delete s;
- }
- num_surfaces = 0;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* render */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /*
- */
- int Mesh::render(int,int) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::render()n");
- return 0;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* stencil shadows */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /*
- */
- void Mesh::findSilhouette(const vec4 &light,int s) {
- if(s < 0) {
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = surfaces[i];
- for(int j = 0; j < NUM_SILHOUETTES; j++) {
- if(s->silhouettes[j].light == light) {
- s->silhouette = &s->silhouettes[j];
- continue;
- }
- }
- s->silhouette = &s->silhouettes[s->last_silhouette++];
- if(s->last_silhouette == NUM_SILHOUETTES) s->last_silhouette = 0;
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_edges; j++) s->edges[j].flag = -1;
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_triangles; j++) {
- if(s->triangles[j].plane * light > 0.0) {
- s->silhouette->flags[j] = 1;
- Triangle *t = &s->triangles[j];
- s->edges[t->e[0]].reverse = t->reverse[0];
- s->edges[t->e[1]].reverse = t->reverse[1];
- s->edges[t->e[2]].reverse = t->reverse[2];
- s->edges[t->e[0]].flag++;
- s->edges[t->e[1]].flag++;
- s->edges[t->e[2]].flag++;
- } else s->silhouette->flags[j] = 0;
- }
- s->silhouette->light = light;
- s->silhouette->num_vertex = 0;
- vec4 *vertex = s->silhouette->vertex;
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_edges; j++) {
- if(s->edges[j].flag != 0) continue;
- Edge *e = &s->edges[j];
- if(e->reverse) {
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[0],1);
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[1],1);
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[1],0);
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[0],0);
- } else {
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[1],1);
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[0],1);
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[0],0);
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[1],0);
- }
- s->silhouette->num_vertex += 4;
- }
- }
- } else {
- Surface *surface = surfaces[s];
- Surface *s = surface; // :)
- for(int i = 0; i < NUM_SILHOUETTES; i++) {
- if(s->silhouettes[i].light == light) {
- s->silhouette = &s->silhouettes[i];
- return;
- }
- }
- s->silhouette = &s->silhouettes[s->last_silhouette++];
- if(s->last_silhouette == NUM_SILHOUETTES) s->last_silhouette = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < s->num_edges; i++) s->edges[i].flag = -1;
- for(int i = 0; i < s->num_triangles; i++) {
- if(s->triangles[i].plane * light > 0.0) {
- s->silhouette->flags[i] = 1;
- Triangle *t = &s->triangles[i];
- s->edges[t->e[0]].reverse = t->reverse[0];
- s->edges[t->e[1]].reverse = t->reverse[1];
- s->edges[t->e[2]].reverse = t->reverse[2];
- s->edges[t->e[0]].flag++;
- s->edges[t->e[1]].flag++;
- s->edges[t->e[2]].flag++;
- } else s->silhouette->flags[i] = 0;;
- }
- s->silhouette->light = light;
- s->silhouette->num_vertex = 0;
- vec4 *vertex = s->silhouette->vertex;
- for(int i = 0; i < s->num_edges; i++) {
- if(s->edges[i].flag != 0) continue;
- Edge *e = &s->edges[i];
- if(e->reverse) {
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[0],1);
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[1],1);
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[1],0);
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[0],0);
- } else {
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[1],1);
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[0],1);
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[0],0);
- *vertex++ = vec4(e->v[1],0);
- }
- s->silhouette->num_vertex += 4;
- }
- }
- }
- int Mesh::getNumIntersections(const vec3 &line0,const vec3 &line1,int s) {
- int num_intersections = 0;
- if(s < 0) {
- vec3 dir = line1 - line0;
- float dot = (dir * center - dir * line0) / (dir * dir);
- if(dot < 0.0 && (line0 - center).length() > radius) return 0;
- else if(dot > 1.0 && (line1 - center).length() > radius) return 0;
- else if((line0 + dir * dot - center).length() > radius) return 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = surfaces[i];
- float dot = (dir * s->center - dir * line0) / (dir * dir);
- if(dot < 0.0 && (line0 - s->center).length() > s->radius) continue;
- else if(dot > 1.0 && (line1 - s->center).length() > s->radius) continue;
- else if((line0 + dir * dot - s->center).length() > s->radius) continue;
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_triangles; j++) {
- if(s->silhouette->flags[j] == 0) continue;
- Triangle *t = &s->triangles[j];
- float dot = -(t->plane * vec4(line0,1)) / (vec3(t->plane) * dir);
- if(dot < 0.0 || dot > 1.0) continue;
- vec3 p = line0 + dir * dot;
- if(p * t->c[0] > 0.0 && p * t->c[1] > 0.0 && p * t->c[2] > 0.0) num_intersections++;
- }
- }
- return num_intersections;
- } else {
- Surface *surface = surfaces[s];
- Surface *s = surface;
- vec3 dir = line1 - line0;
- float dot = (dir * s->center - dir * line0) / (dir * dir);
- if(dot < 0.0 && (line0 - s->center).length() > s->radius) return 0;
- else if(dot > 1.0 && (line1 - s->center).length() > s->radius) return 0;
- else if((line0 + dir * dot - s->center).length() > s->radius) return 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < s->num_triangles; i++) {
- if(s->silhouette->flags[i] == 0) continue;
- Triangle *t = &s->triangles[i];
- float dot = -(t->plane * vec4(line0,1)) / (vec3(t->plane) * dir);
- if(dot < 0.0 || dot > 1.0) continue;
- vec3 p = line0 + dir * dot;
- if(p * t->c[0] > 0.0 && p * t->c[1] > 0.0 && p * t->c[2] > 0.0) num_intersections++;
- }
- return num_intersections;
- }
- }
- int Mesh::renderShadowVolume(int) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::renderShadowVolume()n");
- return 0;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* line inersection */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- int Mesh::intersection(const vec3 &line0,const vec3 &line1,vec3 &point,vec3 &normal,int s) {
- float nearest = 2.0;
- if(s < 0) {
- vec3 dir = line1 - line0;
- float dot = (dir * center - dir * line0) / (dir * dir);
- if(dot < 0.0 && (line0 - center).length() > radius) return 0;
- else if(dot > 1.0 && (line1 - center).length() > radius) return 0;
- else if((line0 + dir * dot - center).length() > radius) return 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = surfaces[i];
- float dot = (dir * s->center - dir * line0) / (dir * dir);
- if(dot < 0.0 && (line0 - s->center).length() > s->radius) continue;
- else if(dot > 1.0 && (line1 - s->center).length() > s->radius) continue;
- else if((line0 + dir * dot - s->center).length() > s->radius) continue;
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_triangles; j++) {
- Triangle *t = &s->triangles[j];
- float dot = -(t->plane * vec4(line0,1)) / (vec3(t->plane) * dir);
- if(dot < 0.0 || dot > 1.0) continue;
- vec3 p = line0 + dir * dot;
- if(nearest > dot && p * t->c[0] > 0.0 && p * t->c[1] > 0.0 && p * t->c[2] > 0.0) {
- nearest = dot;
- point = p;
- normal = t->plane;
- }
- }
- }
- return nearest < 2.0 ? 1 : 0;
- } else {
- Surface *surface = surfaces[s];
- Surface *s = surface;
- vec3 dir = line1 - line0;
- float dot = (dir * s->center - dir * line0) / (dir * dir);
- if(dot < 0.0 && (line0 - s->center).length() > s->radius) return 0;
- else if(dot > 1.0 && (line1 - s->center).length() > s->radius) return 0;
- else if((line0 + dir * dot - s->center).length() > s->radius) return 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < s->num_triangles; i++) {
- Triangle *t = &s->triangles[i];
- float dot = -(t->plane * vec4(line0,1)) / (vec3(t->plane) * dir);
- if(dot < 0.0 || dot > 1.0) continue;
- vec3 p = line0 + dir * dot;
- if(nearest > dot && p * t->c[0] > 0.0 && p * t->c[1] > 0.0 && p * t->c[2] > 0.0) {
- nearest = dot;
- point = p;
- normal = t->plane;
- }
- }
- return nearest < 2.0 ? 1 : 0;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* transform */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- void Mesh::transform(const mat4 &m,int s) {
- mat4 r = m.rotation();
- if(s < 0) {
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = surfaces[i];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex; j++) {
- Vertex *v = &s->vertex[j];
- v->xyz = m * v->xyz;
- v->normal = r * v->normal;
- v->normal.normalize();
- v->tangent = r * v->tangent;
- v->tangent.normalize();
- v->binormal = r * v->binormal;
- v->binormal.normalize();
- }
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_edges; j++) {
- Edge *e = &s->edges[j];
- e->v[0] = m * e->v[0];
- e->v[1] = m * e->v[1];
- }
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_triangles; j++) {
- Triangle *t = &s->triangles[j];
- t->v[0] = m * t->v[0];
- t->v[1] = m * t->v[1];
- t->v[2] = m * t->v[2];
- vec3 normal;
- normal.cross(t->v[1] - t->v[0],t->v[2] - t->v[0]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->plane = vec4(normal,-t->v[0] * normal);
- normal.cross(t->plane,t->v[0] - t->v[2]); // fast point in traingle
- normal.normalize();
- t->c[0] = vec4(normal,-t->v[0] * normal);
- normal.cross(t->plane,t->v[1] - t->v[0]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->c[1] = vec4(normal,-t->v[1] * normal);
- normal.cross(t->plane,t->v[2] - t->v[1]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->c[2] = vec4(normal,-t->v[2] * normal);
- }
- }
- } else {
- Surface *surface = surfaces[s];
- Surface *s = surface;
- for(int i = 0; i < s->num_vertex; i++) {
- Vertex *v = &s->vertex[i];
- v->xyz = m * v->xyz;
- v->normal = r * v->normal;
- v->normal.normalize();
- v->tangent = r * v->tangent;
- v->tangent.normalize();
- v->binormal = r * v->binormal;
- v->binormal.normalize();
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < s->num_edges; i++) {
- Edge *e = &s->edges[i];
- e->v[0] = m * e->v[0];
- e->v[1] = m * e->v[1];
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < s->num_triangles; i++) {
- Triangle *t = &s->triangles[i];
- t->v[0] = m * t->v[0];
- t->v[1] = m * t->v[1];
- t->v[2] = m * t->v[2];
- vec3 normal;
- normal.cross(t->v[1] - t->v[0],t->v[2] - t->v[0]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->plane = vec4(normal,-t->v[0] * normal);
- normal.cross(t->plane,t->v[0] - t->v[2]); // fast point in traingle
- normal.normalize();
- t->c[0] = vec4(normal,-t->v[0] * normal);
- normal.cross(t->plane,t->v[1] - t->v[0]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->c[1] = vec4(normal,-t->v[1] * normal);
- normal.cross(t->plane,t->v[2] - t->v[1]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->c[2] = vec4(normal,-t->v[2] * normal);
- }
- }
- calculate_bounds();
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* IO functions */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /*
- */
- int Mesh::getNumSurfaces() {
- return num_surfaces;
- }
- const char *Mesh::getSurfaceName(int s) {
- return surfaces[s]->name;
- }
- int Mesh::getSurface(const char *name) {
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) if(!strcmp(name,surfaces[i]->name)) return i;
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::getSurface(): can`t find "%s" surfacen",name);
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- */
- int Mesh::getNumVertex(int s) {
- return surfaces[s]->num_vertex;
- }
- Mesh::Vertex *Mesh::getVertex(int s) {
- return surfaces[s]->vertex;
- }
- int Mesh::getNumStrips(int s) {
- return surfaces[s]->num_strips;
- }
- int *Mesh::getIndices(int s) {
- return surfaces[s]->indices;
- }
- int Mesh::getNumEdges(int s) {
- return surfaces[s]->num_edges;
- }
- Mesh::Edge *Mesh::getEdges(int s) {
- return surfaces[s]->edges;
- }
- int Mesh::getNumTriangles(int s) {
- return surfaces[s]->num_triangles;
- }
- Mesh::Triangle *Mesh::getTriangles(int s) {
- return surfaces[s]->triangles;
- }
- /*
- */
- const vec3 &Mesh::getMin(int s) {
- if(s < 0) return min;
- return surfaces[s]->min;
- }
- const vec3 &Mesh::getMax(int s) {
- if(s < 0) return max;
- return surfaces[s]->max;
- }
- const vec3 &Mesh::getCenter(int s) {
- if(s < 0) return center;
- return surfaces[s]->center;
- }
- float Mesh::getRadius(int s) {
- if(s < 0) return radius;
- return surfaces[s]->radius;
- }
- /* add surface
- */
- void Mesh::addSurface(Mesh *mesh,int surface) {
- Surface *s = new Surface;
- memcpy(s,mesh->surfaces[surface],sizeof(Surface));
- s->vertex = new Vertex[s->num_vertex];
- memcpy(s->vertex,mesh->surfaces[surface]->vertex,sizeof(Vertex) * s->num_vertex);
- if(mesh->surfaces[surface]->edges) {
- s->edges = new Edge[s->num_edges];
- memcpy(s->edges,mesh->surfaces[surface]->edges,sizeof(Edge) * s->num_edges);
- }
- if(mesh->surfaces[surface]->triangles) {
- s->triangles = new Triangle[s->num_triangles];
- memcpy(s->triangles,mesh->surfaces[surface]->triangles,sizeof(Triangle) * s->num_triangles);
- }
- if(mesh->surfaces[surface]->indices) {
- s->indices = new int[s->num_indices];
- memcpy(s->indices,mesh->surfaces[surface]->indices,sizeof(int) * s->num_indices);
- }
- if(mesh->surfaces[surface]->silhouettes[0].vertex) {
- for(int j = 0; j < NUM_SILHOUETTES; j++) {
- s->silhouettes[j].vertex = new vec4[s->num_edges * 4];
- s->silhouettes[j].flags = new char[s->num_triangles];
- }
- }
- if(num_surfaces == NUM_SURFACES) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::addSurface(): many surfacesn");
- num_surfaces--;
- }
- surfaces[num_surfaces++] = s;
- calculate_bounds();
- }
- void Mesh::addSurface(const char *name,Vertex *vertex,int num_vertex) {
- Surface *s = new Surface;
- memset(s,0,sizeof(Surface));
- strcpy(s->name,name);
- s->num_vertex = num_vertex;
- s->vertex = new Vertex[s->num_vertex];
- memcpy(s->vertex,vertex,sizeof(Vertex) * s->num_vertex);
- if(num_surfaces == NUM_SURFACES) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::addSurface(): many surfacesn");
- num_surfaces--;
- }
- surfaces[num_surfaces++] = s;
- calculate_bounds();
- }
- /* load
- */
- int Mesh::load(const char *name) {
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = surfaces[i];
- if(s->vertex) delete s->vertex;
- if(s->edges) delete s->edges;
- if(s->triangles) delete s->triangles;
- if(s->indices) delete s->indices;
- delete s;
- }
- if(strstr(name,".mesh")) {
- FILE *file = fopen(name,"rb");
- if(!file) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::load(): error open "%s" filen",name);
- return 0;
- }
- int magic;
- fread(&magic,sizeof(int),1,file);
- if(magic == MESH_STRIP_MAGIC) { // load mesh file
- load(file);
- fclose(file);
- return 1;
- }
- fclose(file);
- }
- if(strstr(name,".3ds")) load_3ds(name);
- else if(strstr(name,".mesh")) load_mesh(name);
- if(num_surfaces == 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::load(): error open "%s" filen",name);
- return 0;
- }
- calculate_tangent();
- create_shadow_volumes();
- create_triangle_strips();
- calculate_bounds();
- return 1;
- }
- /* save
- */
- int Mesh::save(const char *name) {
- FILE *file = fopen(name,"wb");
- if(!file) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::load(): error create "%s" filen",name);
- return 0;
- }
- int magic = MESH_STRIP_MAGIC;
- fwrite(&magic,sizeof(int),1,file);
- save(file);
- fclose(file);
- return 1;
- }
- /* strip mesh loader
- */
- void Mesh::load(FILE *file) {
- // number of surfaces
- int num_surfaces;
- fread(&num_surfaces,sizeof(int),1,file);
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = new Surface;
- memset(s,0,sizeof(Surface));
- // name
- fread(s->name,sizeof(s->name),1,file);
- // vertexes
- fread(&s->num_vertex,sizeof(int),1,file);
- s->vertex = new Vertex[s->num_vertex];
- fread(s->vertex,sizeof(Vertex),s->num_vertex,file);
- // edges
- fread(&s->num_edges,sizeof(int),1,file);
- s->edges = new Edge[s->num_edges];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_edges; j++) {
- Edge *e = &s->edges[j];
- fread(e->v,sizeof(vec3),2,file);
- e->reverse = 0;
- e->flag = 0;
- }
- // triangles
- fread(&s->num_triangles,sizeof(int),1,file);
- s->triangles = new Triangle[s->num_triangles];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_triangles; j++) {
- Triangle *t = &s->triangles[j];
- fread(t->v,sizeof(vec3),3,file);
- fread(t->e,sizeof(int),3,file);
- char reverse;
- fread(&reverse,sizeof(char),1,file);
- t->reverse[0] = reverse & (1 << 0);
- t->reverse[1] = reverse & (1 << 1);
- t->reverse[2] = reverse & (1 << 2);
- vec3 normal;
- normal.cross(t->v[1] - t->v[0],t->v[2] - t->v[0]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->plane = vec4(normal,-t->v[0] * normal);
- normal.cross(t->plane,t->v[0] - t->v[2]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->c[0] = vec4(normal,-t->v[0] * normal);
- normal.cross(t->plane,t->v[1] - t->v[0]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->c[1] = vec4(normal,-t->v[1] * normal);
- normal.cross(t->plane,t->v[2] - t->v[1]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->c[2] = vec4(normal,-t->v[2] * normal);
- }
- // indices
- fread(&s->num_indices,sizeof(int),1,file);
- fread(&s->num_strips,sizeof(int),1,file);
- s->indices = new int[s->num_indices];
- if(s->num_indices < 65536) {
- unsigned short *buf = new unsigned short[s->num_indices];
- fread(buf,sizeof(unsigned short),s->num_indices,file);
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_indices; j++) s->indices[j] = buf[j];
- delete buf;
- } else fread(s->indices,sizeof(int),s->num_indices,file);
- // shadow volume vertexes
- for(int j = 0; j < NUM_SILHOUETTES; j++) {
- s->silhouettes[j].vertex = new vec4[s->num_edges * 4];
- s->silhouettes[j].flags = new char[s->num_triangles];
- }
- if(this->num_surfaces == NUM_SURFACES) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::load(): many surfacesn");
- this->num_surfaces--;
- }
- surfaces[this->num_surfaces++] = s;
- }
- calculate_bounds();
- }
- /* strip mesh saver
- */
- void Mesh::save(FILE *file) {
- fwrite(&num_surfaces,sizeof(int),1,file);
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = surfaces[i];
- fwrite(s->name,sizeof(s->name),1,file);
- // vertexes
- fwrite(&s->num_vertex,sizeof(int),1,file);
- fwrite(s->vertex,sizeof(Vertex),s->num_vertex,file);
- // edges
- fwrite(&s->num_edges,sizeof(int),1,file);
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_edges; j++) {
- fwrite(s->edges[j].v,sizeof(vec3),2,file);
- }
- // triangles
- fwrite(&s->num_triangles,sizeof(int),1,file);
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_triangles; j++) {
- fwrite(s->triangles[j].v,sizeof(vec3),3,file);
- fwrite(s->triangles[j].e,sizeof(int),3,file);
- char reverse = (s->triangles[j].reverse[2] << 2) | (s->triangles[j].reverse[1] << 1) | (s->triangles[j].reverse[0] << 0);
- fwrite(&reverse,sizeof(char),1,file);
- }
- // indices
- fwrite(&s->num_indices,sizeof(int),1,file);
- fwrite(&s->num_strips,sizeof(int),1,file);
- if(s->num_indices < 65536) {
- unsigned short *buf = new unsigned short[s->num_indices];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_indices; j++) buf[j] = (unsigned int)s->indices[j];
- fwrite(buf,sizeof(unsigned short),s->num_indices,file);
- delete buf;
- } else fwrite(s->indices,sizeof(int),s->num_indices,file);
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* raw mesh loader */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- struct load_mesh_Vertex {
- vec3 xyz;
- vec3 normal;
- vec2 texcoord;
- };
- int Mesh::load_mesh(const char *name) {
- FILE *file = fopen(name,"rb");
- if(!file) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::load_mesh(): error open "%s" filen",name);
- return 0;
- }
- int magic;
- // mesh magic raw
- fread(&magic,sizeof(int),1,file);
- if(magic != MESH_RAW_MAGIC) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::load_mesh(): wrong magic 0x%04x in "%s" filen",magic,name);
- fclose(file);
- return 0;
- }
- // number of surfaces
- int num_surfaces;
- fread(&num_surfaces,sizeof(int),1,file);
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = new Surface;
- memset(s,0,sizeof(Surface));
- // name
- fread(s->name,sizeof(s->name),1,file);
- // vertexes
- int num_vertex;
- fread(&num_vertex,sizeof(int),1,file);
- load_mesh_Vertex *vertex = new load_mesh_Vertex[num_vertex];
- fread(vertex,sizeof(load_mesh_Vertex),num_vertex,file);
- s->vertex = new Vertex[num_vertex];
- for(int j = 0; j < num_vertex; j += 3) {
- if(vertex[j + 0].xyz == vertex[j + 1].xyz) continue; // skip degenerate triangles
- if(vertex[j + 1].xyz == vertex[j + 2].xyz) continue;
- if(vertex[j + 2].xyz == vertex[j + 0].xyz) continue;
- for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
- s->vertex[s->num_vertex + k].xyz = vertex[j + k].xyz;
- s->vertex[s->num_vertex + k].normal = vertex[j + k].normal;
- s->vertex[s->num_vertex + k].texcoord = vertex[j + k].texcoord;
- }
- s->num_vertex += 3;
- }
- delete vertex;
- if(this->num_surfaces == NUM_SURFACES) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::load_mesh(): many surfacesn");
- this->num_surfaces--;
- }
- surfaces[this->num_surfaces++] = s;
- }
- fclose(file);
- return 1;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* 3ds loader */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- enum {
- LOAD_3DS_CHUNK_MAIN = 0x4d4d,
- };
- struct load_3ds_trimesh {
- vec3 *vertex;
- int num_vertex;
- vec2 *texcoord;
- int num_texcoord;
- int *face;
- int *smoothgroup;
- int num_face;
- vec3 *normal;
- };
- struct load_3ds_objblock {
- char *name;
- load_3ds_trimesh **trimesh;
- int num_trimesh;
- };
- struct load_3ds_mesh {
- load_3ds_objblock **objblock;
- int num_objblock;
- };
- typedef int (*load_3ds_process_chunk)(FILE *file,int type,int size,void *data);
- static int load_3ds_skeep_bytes(FILE *file,int bytes) {
- fseek(file,bytes,SEEK_CUR);
- return bytes;
- }
- static int load_3ds_read_string(FILE *file,char *string) {
- int i = 0;
- char *s = string;
- while((*s++ = fgetc(file)) != ' ') i++;
- return ++i;
- }
- static int load_3ds_read_ushort(FILE *file) {
- unsigned short ret;
- fread(&ret,1,sizeof(unsigned short),file);
- return ret;
- }
- static int load_3ds_read_int(FILE *file) {
- int ret;
- fread(&ret,1,sizeof(int),file);
- return ret;
- }
- static float load_3ds_read_float(FILE *file) {
- float ret;
- fread(&ret,1,sizeof(float),file);
- return ret;
- }
- static int load_3ds_read_chunk(FILE *file,load_3ds_process_chunk func,void *data) {
- int type = load_3ds_read_ushort(file);
- int size = load_3ds_read_int(file);
- if(func(file,type,size - 6,data) == 0) load_3ds_skeep_bytes(file,size - 6);
- return size;
- }
- static int load_3ds_read_chunks(FILE *file,int bytes,load_3ds_process_chunk func,void *data) {
- int bytes_read = 0;
- while(bytes_read < bytes) bytes_read += load_3ds_read_chunk(file,func,data);
- if(bytes_read != bytes) fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::load_3ds(): expected %d bytes but read %dn",bytes,bytes_read);
- return bytes_read;
- }
- static int load_3ds_process_smoothlist(FILE *file,int type,int size,void *data) {
- load_3ds_trimesh *t = (load_3ds_trimesh*)data;
- t->smoothgroup = new int[t->num_face];
- for(int i = 0; i < t->num_face; i++) t->smoothgroup[i] = load_3ds_read_int(file);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int load_3ds_process_trimesh(FILE *file,int type,int size,void *data) {
- load_3ds_trimesh *t = (load_3ds_trimesh*)data;
- if(type == LOAD_3DS_CHUNK_VERTLIST) {
- t->num_vertex = load_3ds_read_ushort(file);
- t->vertex = new vec3[t->num_vertex];
- for(int i = 0; i < t->num_vertex; i++) {
- t->vertex[i].x = load_3ds_read_float(file);
- t->vertex[i].y = load_3ds_read_float(file);
- t->vertex[i].z = load_3ds_read_float(file);
- }
- return 1;
- } else if(type == LOAD_3DS_CHUNK_MAPLIST) {
- t->num_texcoord = load_3ds_read_ushort(file);
- t->texcoord = new vec2[t->num_texcoord];
- for(int i = 0; i < t->num_texcoord; i++) {
- t->texcoord[i].x = load_3ds_read_float(file);
- t->texcoord[i].y = 1.0f - load_3ds_read_float(file);
- }
- return 1;
- } else if(type == LOAD_3DS_CHUNK_FACELIST) {
- int bytes_left;
- t->num_face = load_3ds_read_ushort(file);
- t->face = new int[t->num_face * 3];
- for(int i = 0; i < t->num_face * 3; i += 3) {
- t->face[i + 0] = load_3ds_read_ushort(file);
- t->face[i + 1] = load_3ds_read_ushort(file);
- t->face[i + 2] = load_3ds_read_ushort(file);
- load_3ds_read_ushort(file);
- }
- bytes_left = size - t->num_face * sizeof(unsigned short) * 4 - 2;
- if(bytes_left > 0) load_3ds_read_chunks(file,bytes_left,load_3ds_process_smoothlist,t);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int load_3ds_process_objblock(FILE *file,int type,int size,void *data) {
- if(type == LOAD_3DS_CHUNK_TRIMESH) {
- load_3ds_objblock *o = (load_3ds_objblock*)data;
- o->num_trimesh++;
- o->trimesh = (load_3ds_trimesh**)realloc(o->trimesh,sizeof(load_3ds_trimesh) * o->num_trimesh);
- o->trimesh[o->num_trimesh - 1] = new load_3ds_trimesh;
- load_3ds_trimesh *t = o->trimesh[o->num_trimesh - 1];
- memset(t,0,sizeof(load_3ds_trimesh));
- load_3ds_read_chunks(file,size,load_3ds_process_trimesh,t);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int load_3ds_process_objmesh(FILE *file,int type,int size,void *data) {
- if(type == LOAD_3DS_CHUNK_OBJBLOCK) {
- char name[256];
- size -= load_3ds_read_string(file,name);
- load_3ds_mesh *m = (load_3ds_mesh*)data;
- m->num_objblock++;
- m->objblock = (load_3ds_objblock**)realloc(m->objblock,sizeof(load_3ds_objblock) * m->num_objblock);
- m->objblock[m->num_objblock - 1] = new load_3ds_objblock;
- load_3ds_objblock *o = m->objblock[m->num_objblock - 1];
- memset(o,0,sizeof(load_3ds_objblock));
- o->name = strdup(name);
- load_3ds_read_chunks(file,size,load_3ds_process_objblock,o);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int load_3ds_process_main(FILE *file,int type,int size,void *data) {
- if(type == LOAD_3DS_CHUNK_OBJMESH) {
- load_3ds_read_chunks(file,size,load_3ds_process_objmesh,data);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void load_3ds_trimesh_calculate_normals(load_3ds_trimesh *t) {
- vec3 *normal_face = new vec3[t->num_face];
- int *vertex_count = new int[t->num_vertex];
- memset(vertex_count,0,sizeof(int) * t->num_vertex);
- int **vertex_face = new int*[t->num_vertex];
- t->normal = new vec3[t->num_face * 3];
- memset(t->normal,0,sizeof(vec3) * t->num_face * 3);
- if(t->texcoord == NULL) {
- t->num_texcoord = t->num_vertex;
- t->texcoord = new vec2[t->num_vertex];
- memset(t->texcoord,0,sizeof(vec2) * t->num_vertex);
- }
- for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < t->num_face; i++, j += 3) {
- int v0 = t->face[j + 0];
- int v1 = t->face[j + 1];
- int v2 = t->face[j + 2];
- vertex_count[v0]++;
- vertex_count[v1]++;
- vertex_count[v2]++;
- normal_face[i].cross(t->vertex[v1] - t->vertex[v0],t->vertex[v2] - t->vertex[v0]);
- normal_face[i].normalize();
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < t->num_vertex; i++) {
- vertex_face[i] = new int[vertex_count[i] + 1];
- vertex_face[i][0] = vertex_count[i];
- }
- for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < t->num_face; i++, j += 3) {
- int v0 = t->face[j + 0];
- int v1 = t->face[j + 1];
- int v2 = t->face[j + 2];
- vertex_face[v0][vertex_count[v0]--] = i;
- vertex_face[v1][vertex_count[v1]--] = i;
- vertex_face[v2][vertex_count[v2]--] = i;
- }
- for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < t->num_face; i++, j += 3) {
- int v0 = t->face[j + 0];
- int v1 = t->face[j + 1];
- int v2 = t->face[j + 2];
- for(int k = 1; k <= vertex_face[v0][0]; k++) {
- int l = vertex_face[v0][k];
- if(l == i || (t->smoothgroup && t->smoothgroup[i] & t->smoothgroup[l])) t->normal[j + 0] += normal_face[l];
- }
- for(int k = 1; k <= vertex_face[v1][0]; k++) {
- int l = vertex_face[v1][k];
- if(l == i || (t->smoothgroup && t->smoothgroup[i] & t->smoothgroup[l])) t->normal[j + 1] += normal_face[l];
- }
- for(int k = 1; k <= vertex_face[v2][0]; k++) {
- int l = vertex_face[v2][k];
- if(l == i || (t->smoothgroup && t->smoothgroup[i] & t->smoothgroup[l])) t->normal[j + 2] += normal_face[l];
- }
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < t->num_face * 3; i++) t->normal[i].normalize();
- for(int i = 0; i < t->num_vertex; i++) delete vertex_face[i];
- delete vertex_face;
- delete vertex_count;
- delete normal_face;
- }
- /*
- */
- int Mesh::load_3ds(const char *name) {
- FILE *file;
- file = fopen(name,"rb");
- if(!file) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::load_3ds(): error open "%s" filen",name);
- return 0;
- }
- int type = load_3ds_read_ushort(file);
- int size = load_3ds_read_int(file);
- if(type != LOAD_3DS_CHUNK_MAIN) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::load_3ds(): wrong main chunk in "%s" filen",name);
- fclose(file);
- return 0;
- }
- load_3ds_mesh *m = new load_3ds_mesh;
- memset(m,0,sizeof(load_3ds_mesh));
- load_3ds_read_chunks(file,size - 6,load_3ds_process_main,m);
- fclose(file);
- for(int i = 0; i < m->num_objblock; i++) {
- load_3ds_objblock *o = m->objblock[i];
- Surface *s = new Surface;
- memset(s,0,sizeof(Surface));
- // name
- strcpy(s->name,m->objblock[i]->name);
- free(m->objblock[i]->name);
- // calculate number of vertexes
- int num_objblock_vertex = 0;
- for(int j = 0; j < o->num_trimesh; j++) {
- num_objblock_vertex += o->trimesh[j]->num_face * 3;
- load_3ds_trimesh_calculate_normals(o->trimesh[j]);
- }
- s->num_vertex = num_objblock_vertex;
- s->vertex = new Vertex[s->num_vertex];
- // copy vertexes
- num_objblock_vertex = 0;
- for(int j = 0; j < o->num_trimesh; j++) {
- load_3ds_trimesh *t = o->trimesh[j];
- for(int k = 0, l = 0; k < t->num_face; k++, l += 3) {
- Vertex *v = s->vertex + num_objblock_vertex + l;
- v[0].xyz = t->vertex[t->face[l + 0]];
- v[1].xyz = t->vertex[t->face[l + 1]];
- v[2].xyz = t->vertex[t->face[l + 2]];
- v[0].texcoord = t->texcoord[t->face[l + 0]];
- v[1].texcoord = t->texcoord[t->face[l + 1]];
- v[2].texcoord = t->texcoord[t->face[l + 2]];
- v[0].normal = t->normal[l + 0];
- v[1].normal = t->normal[l + 1];
- v[2].normal = t->normal[l + 2];
- }
- num_objblock_vertex += t->num_face * 3;
- delete t->vertex;
- delete t->texcoord;
- delete t->face;
- if(t->smoothgroup) delete t->smoothgroup;
- delete t->normal;
- delete t;
- }
- free(o->trimesh);
- delete o;
- if(num_surfaces == NUM_SURFACES) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Mesh::load_3ds(): many surfacesn");
- num_surfaces--;
- }
- surfaces[num_surfaces++] = s;
- }
- free(m->objblock);
- delete m;
- return 1;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* calculate tangent */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- void Mesh::calculate_tangent() {
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = surfaces[i];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex; j += 3) {
- Vertex *v0 = &s->vertex[j + 0];
- Vertex *v1 = &s->vertex[j + 1];
- Vertex *v2 = &s->vertex[j + 2];
- vec3 normal,tangent,binormal;
- vec3 e0 = vec3(0,v1->texcoord.x - v0->texcoord.x,v1->texcoord.y - v0->texcoord.y);
- vec3 e1 = vec3(0,v2->texcoord.x - v0->texcoord.x,v2->texcoord.y - v0->texcoord.y);
- for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
- e0.x = v1->xyz[k] - v0->xyz[k];
- e1.x = v2->xyz[k] - v0->xyz[k];
- vec3 v;
- v.cross(e0,e1);
- if(fabs(v[0]) > EPSILON) {
- tangent[k] = -v[1] / v[0];
- binormal[k] = -v[2] / v[0];
- } else {
- tangent[k] = 0;
- binormal[k] = 0;
- }
- }
- tangent.normalize();
- binormal.normalize();
- normal.cross(tangent,binormal);
- normal.normalize();
- v0->binormal.cross(v0->normal,tangent);
- v0->binormal.normalize();
- v0->tangent.cross(v0->binormal,v0->normal);
- if(normal * v0->normal < 0) v0->binormal = -v0->binormal;
- v1->binormal.cross(v1->normal,tangent);
- v1->binormal.normalize();
- v1->tangent.cross(v1->binormal,v1->normal);
- if(normal * v1->normal < 0) v1->binormal = -v1->binormal;
- v2->binormal.cross(v2->normal,tangent);
- v2->binormal.normalize();
- v2->tangent.cross(v2->binormal,v2->normal);
- if(normal * v2->normal < 0) v2->binormal = -v2->binormal;
- }
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* calculate bounds */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- void Mesh::calculate_bounds() {
- min = vec3(1000000,1000000,1000000);
- max = vec3(-1000000,-1000000,-1000000);
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = surfaces[i];
- s->min = vec3(1000000,1000000,1000000);
- s->max = vec3(-1000000,-1000000,-1000000);
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex; j++) {
- if(s->max.x < s->vertex[j].xyz.x) s->max.x = s->vertex[j].xyz.x;
- if(s->min.x > s->vertex[j].xyz.x) s->min.x = s->vertex[j].xyz.x;
- if(s->max.y < s->vertex[j].xyz.y) s->max.y = s->vertex[j].xyz.y;
- if(s->min.y > s->vertex[j].xyz.y) s->min.y = s->vertex[j].xyz.y;
- if(s->max.z < s->vertex[j].xyz.z) s->max.z = s->vertex[j].xyz.z;
- if(s->min.z > s->vertex[j].xyz.z) s->min.z = s->vertex[j].xyz.z;
- }
- s->center = (s->min + s->max) / 2.0f;
- s->radius = 0;
- if(max.x < s->max.x) max.x = s->max.x;
- if(min.x > s->min.x) min.x = s->min.x;
- if(max.y < s->max.y) max.y = s->max.y;
- if(min.y > s->min.y) min.y = s->min.y;
- if(max.z < s->max.z) max.z = s->max.z;
- if(min.z > s->min.z) min.z = s->min.z;
- }
- center = (min + max) / 2.0f;
- radius = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = surfaces[i];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex; j++) {
- float r = (s->center - s->vertex[j].xyz).length();
- if(r > s->radius) s->radius = r;
- r = (center - s->vertex[j].xyz).length();
- if(r > radius) radius = r;
- }
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* create shadow volume */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- struct csv_Vertex {
- vec3 xyz;
- int id;
- };
- struct csv_Edge {
- int v[2];
- int id;
- };
- static int csv_vertex_cmp(const void *a,const void *b) {
- csv_Vertex *v0 = (csv_Vertex*)a;
- csv_Vertex *v1 = (csv_Vertex*)b;
- float d;
- d = v0->xyz[0] - v1->xyz[0];
- if(d > EPSILON) return 1;
- if(d < -EPSILON) return -1;
- d = v0->xyz[1] - v1->xyz[1];
- if(d > EPSILON) return 1;
- if(d < -EPSILON) return -1;
- d = v0->xyz[2] - v1->xyz[2];
- if(d > EPSILON) return 1;
- if(d < -EPSILON) return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- static int csv_edge_cmp(const void *a,const void *b) {
- csv_Edge *e0 = (csv_Edge*)a;
- csv_Edge *e1 = (csv_Edge*)b;
- int v[2][2];
- if(e0->v[0] < e0->v[1]) { v[0][0] = e0->v[0]; v[0][1] = e0->v[1]; }
- else { v[0][0] = e0->v[1]; v[0][1] = e0->v[0]; }
- if(e1->v[0] < e1->v[1]) { v[1][0] = e1->v[0]; v[1][1] = e1->v[1]; }
- else { v[1][0] = e1->v[1]; v[1][1] = e1->v[0]; }
- if(v[0][0] > v[1][0]) return 1;
- if(v[0][0] < v[1][0]) return -1;
- if(v[0][1] > v[1][1]) return 1;
- if(v[0][1] < v[1][1]) return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- void Mesh::create_shadow_volumes() {
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = surfaces[i];
- s->num_edges = s->num_vertex;
- s->num_triangles = s->num_vertex / 3;
- // cerate vertexes
- csv_Vertex *v = new csv_Vertex[s->num_vertex];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex; j++) {
- v[j].xyz = s->vertex[j].xyz;
- v[j].id = j;
- }
- qsort(v,s->num_vertex,sizeof(csv_Vertex),csv_vertex_cmp);
- int num_optimized_vertex = 0;
- int *vbuf = new int[s->num_vertex];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex; j++) {
- if(j == 0 || csv_vertex_cmp(&v[num_optimized_vertex - 1],&v[j])) v[num_optimized_vertex++] = v[j];
- vbuf[v[j].id] = num_optimized_vertex - 1;
- }
- // create edges
- csv_Edge *e = new csv_Edge[s->num_edges];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_edges; j += 3) {
- e[j + 0].v[0] = vbuf[j + 0];
- e[j + 0].v[1] = vbuf[j + 1];
- e[j + 1].v[0] = vbuf[j + 1];
- e[j + 1].v[1] = vbuf[j + 2];
- e[j + 2].v[0] = vbuf[j + 2];
- e[j + 2].v[1] = vbuf[j + 0];
- e[j + 0].id = j + 0;
- e[j + 1].id = j + 1;
- e[j + 2].id = j + 2;
- }
- qsort(e,s->num_edges,sizeof(csv_Edge),csv_edge_cmp);
- int num_optimized_edges = 0;
- int *ebuf = new int[s->num_edges];
- int *rbuf = new int[s->num_edges];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_edges; j++) {
- if(j == 0 || csv_edge_cmp(&e[num_optimized_edges - 1],&e[j])) e[num_optimized_edges++] = e[j];
- ebuf[e[j].id] = num_optimized_edges - 1;
- rbuf[e[j].id] = e[num_optimized_edges - 1].v[0] != e[j].v[0];
- }
- // final
- s->num_edges = num_optimized_edges;
- s->edges = new Edge[s->num_edges];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_edges; j++) {
- s->edges[j].v[0] = v[e[j].v[0]].xyz;
- s->edges[j].v[1] = v[e[j].v[1]].xyz;
- s->edges[j].reverse = 0;
- s->edges[j].flag = 0;
- }
- // triangles
- s->triangles = new Triangle[s->num_triangles];
- for(int j = 0, k = 0; j < s->num_triangles; j++, k += 3) {
- Triangle *t = &s->triangles[j];
- t->v[0] = v[vbuf[k + 0]].xyz;
- t->v[1] = v[vbuf[k + 1]].xyz;
- t->v[2] = v[vbuf[k + 2]].xyz;
- t->e[0] = ebuf[k + 0];
- t->e[1] = ebuf[k + 1];
- t->e[2] = ebuf[k + 2];
- t->reverse[0] = rbuf[k + 0];
- t->reverse[1] = rbuf[k + 1];
- t->reverse[2] = rbuf[k + 2];
- vec3 normal;
- normal.cross(t->v[1] - t->v[0],t->v[2] - t->v[0]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->plane = vec4(normal,-t->v[0] * normal);
- normal.cross(t->plane,t->v[0] - t->v[2]); // fast point in traingle
- normal.normalize();
- t->c[0] = vec4(normal,-t->v[0] * normal);
- normal.cross(t->plane,t->v[1] - t->v[0]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->c[1] = vec4(normal,-t->v[1] * normal);
- normal.cross(t->plane,t->v[2] - t->v[1]);
- normal.normalize();
- t->c[2] = vec4(normal,-t->v[2] * normal);
- }
- // shadow volume vertexes
- for(int j = 0; j < NUM_SILHOUETTES; j++) {
- s->silhouettes[j].vertex = new vec4[s->num_edges * 4];
- s->silhouettes[j].flags = new char[s->num_triangles];
- }
- delete rbuf;
- delete ebuf;
- delete e;
- delete v;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* create triangle strips */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- struct cts_Vertex {
- Mesh::Vertex v;
- int face;
- int num;
- int id;
- };
- struct cts_Edge {
- int v[2];
- int face;
- int num;
- };
- struct cts_Triangle {
- int v[3];
- int env[3];
- int flag;
- };
- static int cts_vertex_cmp(const void *a,const void *b) {
- cts_Vertex *ctsv0 = (cts_Vertex*)a;
- cts_Vertex *ctsv1 = (cts_Vertex*)b;
- Mesh::Vertex *v0 = &ctsv0->v;
- Mesh::Vertex *v1 = &ctsv1->v;
- float d;
- #define CMP(a,b,e) {
- d = (a)[0] - (b)[0];
- if(d > e) return 1;
- if(d < -e) return -1;
- d = (a)[1] - (b)[1];
- if(d > e) return 1;
- if(d < -e) return -1;
- d = (a)[2] - (b)[2];
- if(d > e) return 1;
- if(d < -e) return -1;
- }
- CMP(v0->xyz,v1->xyz,EPSILON)
- CMP(v0->normal,v1->normal,EPSILON)
- //CMP(v0->tangent,v1->tangent,0.1)
- //CMP(v0->binormal,v1->binormal,0.1)
- #undef CMP
- d = v0->texcoord[0] - v1->texcoord[0];
- if(d > EPSILON) return 1;
- if(d < -EPSILON) return -1;
- d = v0->texcoord[1] - v1->texcoord[1];
- if(d > EPSILON) return 1;
- if(d < -EPSILON) return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- static int cts_edge_cmp(const void *a,const void *b) {
- cts_Edge *e0 = (cts_Edge*)a;
- cts_Edge *e1 = (cts_Edge*)b;
- int v[2][2];
- if(e0->v[0] < e0->v[1]) { v[0][0] = e0->v[0]; v[0][1] = e0->v[1]; }
- else { v[0][0] = e0->v[1]; v[0][1] = e0->v[0]; }
- if(e1->v[0] < e1->v[1]) { v[1][0] = e1->v[0]; v[1][1] = e1->v[1]; }
- else { v[1][0] = e1->v[1]; v[1][1] = e1->v[0]; }
- if(v[0][0] > v[1][0]) return 1;
- if(v[0][0] < v[1][0]) return -1;
- if(v[0][1] > v[1][1]) return 1;
- if(v[0][1] < v[1][1]) return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- void Mesh::create_triangle_strips() {
- for(int i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) {
- Surface *s = surfaces[i];
- s->num_indices = 0; // already is zero
- s->num_strips = 0;
- s->indices = new int[s->num_vertex * 4 / 3];
- cts_Vertex *v = new cts_Vertex[s->num_vertex];
- cts_Edge *e = new cts_Edge[s->num_vertex];
- cts_Triangle *t = new cts_Triangle[s->num_vertex / 3];
- // create vertexes
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex; j++) {
- v[j].v = s->vertex[j];
- v[j].face = j / 3;
- v[j].num = j % 3;
- v[j].id = j;
- }
- qsort(v,s->num_vertex,sizeof(cts_Vertex),cts_vertex_cmp);
- int num_optimized_vertex = 0;
- int *vbuf = new int[s->num_vertex];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex; j++) {
- if(j == 0 || cts_vertex_cmp(&v[num_optimized_vertex - 1],&v[j])) v[num_optimized_vertex++] = v[j];
- t[v[j].face].v[v[j].num] = num_optimized_vertex - 1;
- vbuf[v[j].id] = num_optimized_vertex - 1;
- }
- // create edges
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex; j += 3) {
- e[j + 0].v[0] = vbuf[j + 1];
- e[j + 0].v[1] = vbuf[j + 2];
- e[j + 1].v[0] = vbuf[j + 0];
- e[j + 1].v[1] = vbuf[j + 2];
- e[j + 2].v[0] = vbuf[j + 0];
- e[j + 2].v[1] = vbuf[j + 1];
- e[j + 0].face = e[j + 1].face = e[j + 2].face = j / 3;
- e[j + 0].num = 0;
- e[j + 1].num = 1;
- e[j + 2].num = 2;
- }
- delete vbuf;
- qsort(e,s->num_vertex,sizeof(cts_Edge),cts_edge_cmp);
- // create triangles
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex / 3; j++) {
- t[j].env[0] = t[j].env[1] = t[j].env[2] = -1;
- t[j].flag = 0;
- }
- // find triangle environment
- for(int j = 0, k = 0; j < s->num_vertex; j++) {
- if(j == 0 || cts_edge_cmp(&e[k],&e[j])) k = j;
- if(j != k) {
- t[e[j].face].env[e[j].num] = e[k].face;
- t[e[k].face].env[e[k].num] = e[j].face;
- }
- }
- delete e;
- // create triangle strips
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex / 3; j++) {
- if(t[j].v[0] == t[j].v[1] || t[j].v[1] == t[j].v[2] || t[j].v[2] == t[j].v[0]) t[j].flag = 1;
- }
- int *indices = s->indices;
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex / 3; j++) {
- if(!t[j].flag) {
- s->num_strips++;
- int env;
- for(env = 0; env < 3; env++) if(t[j].env[env] != -1 && t[t[j].env[env]].flag == 0) break;
- int *strip_length = indices++;
- *strip_length = 3;
- *indices++ = t[j].v[(0 + env) % 3];
- *indices++ = t[j].v[(1 + env) % 3];
- *indices++ = t[j].v[(2 + env) % 3];
- t[j].flag = 1;
- int k = j;
- while(1) {
- for(env = 0; env < 3; env++) {
- if(t[k].env[env] != -1 && t[t[k].env[env]].flag == 0) {
- int *v = t[t[k].env[env]].v;
- if(*(indices - 3) != v[0] && ((*(indices - 2) == v[2] && *(indices - 1) == v[1]) || (*(indices - 2) == v[1] && *(indices - 1) == v[2]))) {
- *indices++ = v[0];
- break;
- }
- if(*(indices - 3) != v[2] && ((*(indices - 2) == v[1] && *(indices - 1) == v[0]) || (*(indices - 2) == v[0] && *(indices - 1) == v[1]))) {
- *indices++ = v[2];
- break;
- }
- if(*(indices - 3) != v[1] && ((*(indices - 2) == v[0] && *(indices - 1) == v[2]) || (*(indices - 2) == v[2] && *(indices - 1) == v[0]))) {
- *indices++ = v[1];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(env == 3) break;
- vec3 normal;
- normal.cross(v[*(indices - 3)] - v[*(indices - 2)],v[*(indices - 4)] - v[*(indices - 2)];
- normal.cross(normal,v[*(indices - 3)] - v[*(indices - 2)];
- vec4 plane(normal,-(v[*(indices - 2)] * normal));
- if((plane * v[*(indices - 4)] * (plane * v[*(indices - 1)] > 0.0) {
- indices--;
- break;
- };
- k = t[k].env[env];
- t[k].flag = 1;
- (*strip_length)++;
- }
- s->num_indices += (*strip_length) + 1;
- }
- }
- delete t;
- delete s->vertex;
- s->num_vertex = num_optimized_vertex;
- s->vertex = new Vertex[s->num_vertex];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_vertex; j++) s->vertex[j] = v[j].v;
- delete v;
- indices = new int[s->num_indices];
- for(int j = 0; j < s->num_indices; j++) indices[j] = s->indices[j];
- delete s->indices;
- s->indices = indices;
- }
- }