- function A = makebasis(X)
- % A = makebase(X)
- %
- % Function that creates the "faces space", i. e. the
- % basis of the space created throught the eigenvectors
- % of the covariance matrix of the population matrix.
- %
- % X = Population matrix (as described in function
- % makepop().
- %
- % A = Orthogonal basis of the face space.
- % Covariance matrix:
- ['Computing the covariance matrix of X (Cx)...']
- Cx = cov(X'); % The matrix X must be transposed because each row
- % of X ia a variable, and each column of X is an
- % observation (face).
- ['Computing the eigenfaces and eigenvalues of Cx...']
- [V,D] = eig(Cx); % D = diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues
- % V = matrix in witch eacj column is the
- % respective eigenfaces:
- % Cx*V = V*D.
- ['Sorting the eigenvectors with respect to the decreasing order of the eigenvalues...']
- eigenvalues = diag(D);
- [eigenvalues, index] = sort(eigenvalues);
- sizeV=size(V,2);
- A=zeros(size(V));
- for c=1:sizeV,
- eigenvalues_sort(c) = eigenvalues(sizeV-c+1);
- A(:,c) = V(:,index(sizeV-c+1)); % A is the eigenvector matrix sorted with respect to the eigenvalues.
- end
- return