- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % PCA Face Recognition Script %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % by Teofilo Emidio de Campos
- % mailto:teo@ime.usp.br
- % http://www.ime.usp.br/~teo
- % ICQ# 6011445
- % Creative Vision Research Group
- % http://www.ime.usp.br/~cesar/creativision
- % Computer Science Department
- % Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
- % Sao Paulo University - Brazil
- % DCC - IME - USP
- %
- % Wed May 17 2000
- % First it is necessary to normalize the size of
- % all the image database.
- % In the nest instructions, you have to
- % set some input variables:
- imageformat = '???'; % ??? = file format of the images on the database
- % (e. g. tif);
- imageheight = ???; % ??? = desirable height (in pixels) for all
- % the images in the database;
- imagewide = ???; % ??? = desirable wide (in pixels) for all the
- % images in the database;
- % Remark: Due to the computational cost,
- % it is recommended to use images smaller than
- % 48*48 pixels.
- people = ???; % ??? = how many people has the database;
- %
- test = ???; % ??? = number of testing images per person.
- %
- neig = ???; % ??? = number of eigenfaces for recognition.
- % if neig==-1, it will be used all the eigenfaces.
- pcadir = pwd;
- path(path, pcadir); % Set the current folder in the path.
- cd ??? % ??? = image database folder's name. It is supposed that
- % the current folder is the one where the pca functions and
- % scripts are in.
- ['Normalizing the size of the images... ']
- resize(imageheight, imagewide, imageformat);
- cd ???x??? % ??? = folder where the function resize() stored the normalized images.
- ['Loading the population...']
- X = loadpop(imageformat);
- save population X % Stores the population matrix X in the file population.mat
- ['Creating the training matrix...'];
- imgpperson = size(X,2)/people; % Calculate the number of images per person.
- rnd=999999;
- elem=rnd*ones(test,1); % I is supposed that the database has less than 999999 images per person.
- for c=1:test
- while find(rnd == elem),
- rnd = floor(1+(10*rand)*(imgpperson-1)/9); % Ramdomly choose testing elements.
- end
- elem(c)=rnd;
- end
- save testelem elem; % Stores the sorted test elents in the file testelem.mat
- % Creanting a new matrix Xbase that has only the trainning images:
- sizetrain = [size(X,1) size(X,2)-people*length(elem)];
- Xbasis=zeros(sizetrain);
- sizetest = [size(X,1) people*length(elem)];
- Xtest =zeros(sizetest);
- d=1;
- e=1;
- for c=1:size(X,2),
- if isempty(find(mod(c,imgpperson)==mod(elem,imgpperson))),
- Xbasis(:,d) = X(:,c);
- d=d+1;
- else
- Xtest(:,e) = X(:,c);
- e=e+1;
- end
- end
- ['Creating the face spaces basis...']
- A=makebasis(Xbasis);
- save basis A % Stores the basis A in the file basis.mat
- ['Creating the faces representation in face space...']
- if neig==-1,
- Ytrain= A'*Xbasis;
- Ytest = A'*Xtest;
- else
- Ytrain= A(:,1:neig)'*Xbasis;
- Ytest = A(:,1:neig)'*Xtest;
- end
- ['Recognizing faces...']
- classification=classif(Ytrain, Ytest);
- ['Recognition rate:']
- success(classification, test, imgpperson-test)