- %UWB_monocycle.m
- %This m-file displays the time waveform for the Gaussian pulse function and the
- %first and second derivatives of the Gaussian pulse function for a 0.5
- %nanosecond pulse width. Other values of pulse widths may be used by
- %changing fs,t,t1. The program uses the actual first and second derivative
- %equations for the Gaussian pulse waveforms. The first derivative is
- %considered to be the monocycle or monopulse as discussed in most papers.
- %The second derivative is the waveform generated from a dipole antenna used in a UWB
- %system in the far field and should be the shape of the templet(unmodulated) used for
- %correlation at the UWB receiver.[2]
- %The transfer function for a dipole is approx.
- %(1/R)*(sqrt(nzero/Rrad))*(sqrt(3/8*pi))*s^2*L*C where s=jW.[1]
- %The frequency domain spectrums can be shown by doing FFT routines on the
- %waveforms. This m file does not require any toolboxes to run. There should
- %be enough infomation here to design and fully simulate a complete modulated UWB
- %system including antennas at any frequency band such as (<960MHz and
- %3.1~10.6GHz).A good demo of a see thru the wall UWB system operating below
- %960MHz is shown at www.UWB.org.
- %[1]S. Wang,"Modeling Omnidirectional Small Antennas for UWB Applications"
- %[2]S. Yoshizumi,"All Digital Transmitter Scheme and Transciever Design for
- %Pulse Based UWB Radio"
- %[3]Larry Fullerton, Patent #'s 4743906,6549567
- %[4]Picosecond Pulse Labs App. Notes 9,14a
- fs=20E9;%sample rate-10 times the highest frequency
- ts=1/fs;%sample period
- t=[(-4E-9-ts):ts:(4E-9-ts)];%vector with sample instants
- t1=.5E-9;%pulse width(0.5 nanoseconds)
- x=(t/t1).*(t/t1);%x=(t^2/t1^2)(square of (t/t1)
- A=1;%positive value gives negative going monopulse;neg value gives
- %positive going monopulse
- y=(1/(sqrt(6.28)*t1))*exp(.5*(-x));%Gaussian pulse function
- figure(1)
- plot(1E9*t,1E-9*y)%multiply t and y to get proper scaling and normalizing
- xlabel('nanoseconds');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Gaussian pulse function')
- grid on
- y=A*(t/t1).*exp(-x);%first derivative of Gaussian pulse function
- figure(2)
- plot(1E9*t,y)%multiply t by 1 nanosec to get nanosec instead of sec
- xlabel('nanoseconds');ylabel('Amplitude');title('First derivative of Gaussianpulse function')
- grid on
- y=A*(1/(sqrt(6.28)*t1))*(1-x).*exp(.5*(-x));%second derivative of Gaussian pulse function
- figure(3)
- plot(1E9*t,1E-9*y)%multiply t by 1 nanosec to get nanosec instead of sec
- xlabel('nanoseconds');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Second derivative of Gaussian pulse function')
- grid on