



  1. Model {
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  198.     }
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  203.       Position       [155, 106, 240, 164]
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  205.       SourceType       "Convolutional Encoder"
  206.       trellis       "poly2trellis(7, [133 171])"
  207.       reset       "None"
  208.     }
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  239. }
  240. Block {
  241.   BlockType   Gain
  242.   Name   "Gain1"
  243.   Position   [150, 30, 180, 60]
  244.   ShowName   off
  245.   Gain   "sqrt(10)"
  246.   Multiplication   "Element-wise(K.*u)"
  247.   SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  248. }
  249. Block {
  250.   BlockType   Math
  251.   Name   "MathnFunction"
  252.   Ports   [1, 1]
  253.   Position   [80, 30, 110, 60]
  254.   ShowName   off
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  256.   OutputSignalType   "auto"
  257. }
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  260.   Name   "  "
  261.   Position   [225, 38, 255, 52]
  262.   Port   "1"
  263.   OutputWhenDisabled   "held"
  264.   InitialOutput   "[]"
  265. }
  266. Line {
  267.   SrcBlock   "   "
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  270.   DstPort   1
  271. }
  272. Line {
  273.   SrcBlock   "MathnFunction"
  274.   SrcPort   1
  275.   DstBlock   "Gain1"
  276.   DstPort   1
  277. }
  278. Line {
  279.   SrcBlock   "Gain1"
  280.   SrcPort   1
  281.   DstBlock   "  "
  282.   DstPort   1
  283. }
  284.       }
  285.     }
  286.     Block {
  287.       BlockType       Reference
  288.       Name       "Discrete-TimenEye and ScatternDiagrams"
  289.       Ports       [1]
  290.       Position       [655, 220, 740, 270]
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  292.       SourceBlock       "commsink2/Discrete-TimenEye and ScatternDiagr"
  293. "ams"
  294.       SourceType       "Discrete-Time Eye and Scatter Diagrams"
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  300.       diagram_type       "Scatter Diagram"
  301.       eye_line       "b-/r-"
  302.       scatter_line       "b."
  303.       sample_time       "4e-6/48"
  304.     }
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  315.     }
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  317.       BlockType       Reference
  318.       Name       "Error Rate Calculation"
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  320.       Position       [195, 217, 280, 268]
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  334.     }
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  344.       elements       "[ 2*floor( [0:191]/2 ) + mod( ([0:191] + 192 - "
  345. "floor( 16*[0:191]/192 ) ) ,2 ) + 1]'"
  346.     }
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  348.       BlockType       Reference
  349.       Name       "General BlocknInterleaver"
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  351.       Position       [535, 108, 615, 162]
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  354.       SourceType       "General Block Interleaver"
  355.       elements       "[ 2*floor( [0:191]/2 ) + mod( ([0:191] + 192 - "
  356. "floor( 16*[0:191]/192 ) ) ,2 ) + 1]'"
  357.     }
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  359.       BlockType       Reference
  360.       Name       "Insert Zero"
  361.       Ports       [1, 1]
  362.       Position       [260, 348, 340, 392]
  363.       Orientation       "left"
  364.       SourceBlock       "commsequence2/Insert Zero"
  365.       SourceType       "Insert Zero"
  366.       insertZeroVector       "[1 1 0 1 0 1]'"
  367.     }
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  378.       Ncols       "12"
  379.     }
  380.     Block {
  381.       BlockType       Reference
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  389.       Ncols       "12"
  390.     }
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  419.   Interpolate   on
  420. }
  421. Block {
  422.   BlockType   Gain
  423.   Name   "Gain1"
  424.   Position   [180, 30, 210, 60]
  425.   ShowName   off
  426.   Gain   "1/sqrt(10)"
  427.   Multiplication   "Element-wise(K.*u)"
  428.   SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  429. }
  430. Block {
  431.   BlockType   Math
  432.   Name   "MathnFunction"
  433.   Ports   [1, 1]
  434.   Position   [105, 30, 135, 60]
  435.   ShowName   off
  436.   Operator   "conj"
  437.   OutputSignalType   "auto"
  438. }
  439. Block {
  440.   BlockType   Outport
  441.   Name   "  "
  442.   Position   [265, 38, 295, 52]
  443.   Port   "1"
  444.   OutputWhenDisabled   "held"
  445.   InitialOutput   "[]"
  446. }
  447. Line {
  448.   SrcBlock   "MathnFunction"
  449.   SrcPort   1
  450.   DstBlock   "Gain1"
  451.   DstPort   1
  452. }
  453. Line {
  454.   SrcBlock   "   "
  455.   SrcPort   1
  456.   DstBlock   "MathnFunction"
  457.   DstPort   1
  458. }
  459. Line {
  460.   SrcBlock   "Gain1"
  461.   SrcPort   1
  462.   DstBlock   "  "
  463.   DstPort   1
  464. }
  465.       }
  466.     }
  467.     Block {
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  471.       Position       [805, 353, 890, 422]
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  479. ",'pilots')"
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  548. "4 48]}"
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  601.   DstPort   1
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  607.   DstPort   1
  608. }
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  613.   DstPort   1
  614. }
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  617.   SrcPort   1
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  640.   DstBlock   "PIlots"
  641.   DstPort   1
  642. }
  643.       }
  644.     }
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  737. "enation"
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  770.   Position   [160, 40, 225, 80]
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  775.   M   "2"
  776.   polarity   "Negative"
  777. }
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  782.   Position   [460, 205, 515, 255]
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  864.     }
  865.   }
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  885.   DstPort   1
  886. }
  887. Line {
  888.   SrcBlock   "Add CyclicnPrefix"
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  897.   DstPort   1
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  906.   }
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  911.       DstPort       4
  912.     }
  913.     Branch {
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  915.       Branch {
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  917. DstPort 8
  918.       }
  919.       Branch {
  920. Points [0, 40]
  921. DstBlock "Gain"
  922. DstPort 1
  923.       }
  924.     }
  925.   }
  926. }
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  931.   DstPort   1
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  985.   DstPort   1
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  987.       }
  988.     }
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  990.       BlockType       Reference
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  996.       punctureVector       "[1 1 0 1 0 1]'"
  997.     }
  998.     Block {
  999.       BlockType       Reference
  1000.       Name       "Rectangular QAMnDemodulatornBaseband"
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  1002.       Position       [635, 344, 710, 396]
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  1005. "seband"
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  1015.       numSamp       "1"
  1016.     }
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  1018.       BlockType       Reference
  1019.       Name       "Rectangular QAMnModulatornBaseband"
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  1021.       Position       [635, 109, 710, 161]
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  1023. "band"
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  1031.       PeakPow       "1"
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  1033.       numSamp       "1"
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  1039.       Position       [815, 285, 850, 335]
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  1042.       LinkData {
  1043. BlockName "OptionalnBuffering/Buffer"
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  1045.   N   "BufferSize"
  1046.   V   "Overlap"
  1047.   ic   "0"
  1048. }
  1049.       }
  1050.       SourceBlock       "dspsnks3/SpectrumnScope"
  1051.       SourceType       "Spectrum Scope"
  1052.       ScopeProperties       off
  1053.       Domain       "Frequency"
  1054.       HorizSpan       "1"
  1055.       UseBuffer       on
  1056.       BufferSize       "80"
  1057.       Overlap       "0"
  1058.       inpFftLenInherit       on
  1059.       FFTlength       "1024"
  1060.       numAvg       "10"
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  1062.       AxisGrid       on
  1063.       Memory       off
  1064.       FrameNumber       on
  1065.       AxisLegend       off
  1066.       AxisZoom       off
  1067.       OpenScopeAtSimStart     on
  1068.       OpenScopeImmediately    off
  1069.       FigPos       "get(0,'defaultfigureposition')"
  1070.       AxisProperties       on
  1071.       XUnits       "Hertz"
  1072.       XRange       "[-Fs/2...Fs/2]"
  1073.       InheritXIncr       on
  1074.       XIncr       "1.0"
  1075.       XLabel       "Samples"
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  1077.       YMin       "-60"
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  1079.       YLabel       "Magnitude, dB"
  1080.       LineProperties       off
  1081.     }
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  1084.       Name       "Terminator"
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  1086.       Orientation       "left"
  1087.       ShowName       off
  1088.     }
  1089.     Block {
  1090.       BlockType       Reference
  1091.       Name       "Unipolar tonBipolarnConverter"
  1092.       Ports       [1, 1]
  1093.       Position       [355, 352, 410, 388]
  1094.       Orientation       "left"
  1095.       ShowName       off
  1096.       FontSize       10
  1097.       SourceBlock       "commutil2/Unipolar tonBipolarnConverter"
  1098.       SourceType       "Unipolar to Bipolar Converter"
  1099.       M       "2"
  1100.       polarity       "Negative"
  1101.     }
  1102.     Block {
  1103.       BlockType       Reference
  1104.       Name       "Viterbi Decoder"
  1105.       Ports       [1, 1]
  1106.       Position       [150, 340, 240, 400]
  1107.       Orientation       "left"
  1108.       SourceBlock       "commcnvcod2/Viterbi Decoder"
  1109.       SourceType       "Viterbi Decoder"
  1110.       trellis       "poly2trellis(7, [133 171])"
  1111.       dectype       "Unquantized"
  1112.       nsdecb       "4"
  1113.       tbdepth       "34"
  1114.       opmode       "Continuous"
  1115.       reset       off
  1116.     }
  1117.     Line {
  1118.       SrcBlock       "Rectangular QAMnModulatornBaseband"
  1119.       SrcPort       1
  1120.       DstBlock       "Normalise"
  1121.       DstPort       1
  1122.     }
  1123.     Line {
  1124.       SrcBlock       "Bernoulli RandomnBinary Generator"
  1125.       SrcPort       1
  1126.       Points       [0, 0; 15, 0]
  1127.       Branch {
  1128. DstBlock "ConvolutionalnEncoder"
  1129. DstPort 1
  1130.       }
  1131.       Branch {
  1132. Points [0, 95]
  1133. DstBlock "Error Rate Calculation"
  1134. DstPort 1
  1135.       }
  1136.     }
  1137.     Line {
  1138.       SrcBlock       "OFDM Transmitter"
  1139.       SrcPort       1
  1140.       Points       [20, 0]
  1141.       DstBlock       "AWGNnChannel"
  1142.       DstPort       1
  1143.     }
  1144.     Line {
  1145.       SrcBlock       "Viterbi Decoder"
  1146.       SrcPort       1
  1147.       Points       [-10, 0; 0, -115]
  1148.       DstBlock       "Error Rate Calculation"
  1149.       DstPort       2
  1150.     }
  1151.     Line {
  1152.       SrcBlock       "P2 Puncture"
  1153.       SrcPort       1
  1154.       DstBlock       "MatrixnInterleaver"
  1155.       DstPort       1
  1156.     }
  1157.     Line {
  1158.       SrcBlock       "General BlocknInterleaver"
  1159.       SrcPort       1
  1160.       DstBlock       "Rectangular QAMnModulatornBaseband"
  1161.       DstPort       1
  1162.     }
  1163.     Line {
  1164.       SrcBlock       "General BlocknDeinterleaver"
  1165.       SrcPort       1
  1166.       DstBlock       "MatrixnDeinterleaver"
  1167.       DstPort       1
  1168.     }
  1169.     Line {
  1170.       SrcBlock       "ConvolutionalnEncoder"
  1171.       SrcPort       1
  1172.       DstBlock       "P2 Puncture"
  1173.       DstPort       1
  1174.     }
  1175.     Line {
  1176.       SrcBlock       "Insert Zero"
  1177.       SrcPort       1
  1178.       DstBlock       "Viterbi Decoder"
  1179.       DstPort       1
  1180.     }
  1181.     Line {
  1182.       SrcBlock       "MatrixnDeinterleaver"
  1183.       SrcPort       1
  1184.       DstBlock       "Unipolar tonBipolarnConverter"
  1185.       DstPort       1
  1186.     }
  1187.     Line {
  1188.       SrcBlock       "Rectangular QAMnDemodulatornBaseband"
  1189.       SrcPort       1
  1190.       DstBlock       "General BlocknDeinterleaver"
  1191.       DstPort       1
  1192.     }
  1193.     Line {
  1194.       SrcBlock       "Normalise"
  1195.       SrcPort       1
  1196.       DstBlock       "OFDM Transmitter"
  1197.       DstPort       1
  1198.     }
  1199.     Line {
  1200.       SrcBlock       "Denormalise"
  1201.       SrcPort       1
  1202.       DstBlock       "Rectangular QAMnDemodulatornBaseband"
  1203.       DstPort       1
  1204.     }
  1205.     Line {
  1206.       SrcBlock       "Unipolar tonBipolarnConverter"
  1207.       SrcPort       1
  1208.       DstBlock       "Insert Zero"
  1209.       DstPort       1
  1210.     }
  1211.     Line {
  1212.       SrcBlock       "OFDM Receiver"
  1213.       SrcPort       1
  1214.       Points       [0, 0; -5, 0]
  1215.       Branch {
  1216. DstBlock "Denormalise"
  1217. DstPort 1
  1218.       }
  1219.       Branch {
  1220. Points [0, -125]
  1221. DstBlock "Discrete-TimenEye and ScatternDiagrams"
  1222. DstPort 1
  1223.       }
  1224.     }
  1225.     Line {
  1226.       SrcBlock       "Error Rate Calculation"
  1227.       SrcPort       1
  1228.       DstBlock       "Display"
  1229.       DstPort       1
  1230.     }
  1231.     Line {
  1232.       SrcBlock       "OFDM Receiver"
  1233.       SrcPort       2
  1234.       Points       [-10, 0]
  1235.       DstBlock       "Terminator"
  1236.       DstPort       1
  1237.     }
  1238.     Line {
  1239.       SrcBlock       "AWGNnChannel"
  1240.       SrcPort       1
  1241.       Points       [0, 0; 0, 35]
  1242.       Branch {
  1243. Points [0, 80]
  1244. DstBlock "OFDM Receiver"
  1245. DstPort 1
  1246.       }
  1247.       Branch {
  1248. DstBlock "SpectrumnScope"
  1249. DstPort 1
  1250.       }
  1251.     }
  1252.     Line {
  1253.       SrcBlock       "MatrixnInterleaver"
  1254.       SrcPort       1
  1255.       DstBlock       "General BlocknInterleaver"
  1256.       DstPort       1
  1257.     }
  1258.     Annotation {
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  1260.       BackgroundColor       "[0.960784, 0.960784, 0.980392, 1.000000]"
  1261.       Text       "HiperLAN/2  - 16QAM mode with 3/4 code rate (4/"
  1262. "6 P2 puncturing rate).   "
  1263.       FontName       "Arial"
  1264.       FontSize       16
  1265.       FontWeight       "bold"
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  1270.       BackgroundColor       "[0.960784, 0.960784, 0.980392, 1.000000]"
  1271.       Text       "Error rate nNum ErrorsnNum Bits  "
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  1273.       FontSize       16
  1274.     }
  1275.     Annotation {
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  1278.       BackgroundColor       "[0.960784, 0.960784, 0.980392, 1.000000]"
  1279.       Text       "Note:  the spectrum and constellation plots slo"
  1280. "w down execution due to graphics overhead.   For maximum performance shut the"
  1281. "m off!n        "
  1282.       FontName       "Arial"
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