- %UWB_MONOCYCLE1-Run from editor debug(F5)
- %This m file plots the time and frequency waveforms for the 1st and 2nd derivative
- %equations used in UWB system analysis. Fudge factors are required to
- %correct for inaccuracies in the 1st and 2nd derivative equations.
- %Tail to tail on the time wave forms must be considered as the actual pulse width.
- %7*PW1 has about 99.9% of the signal power. The frequency spreads and center
- %frequencies(fc=center of the spread)are basically correct as you can verify(fc~1/pw1).
- %Change t and fudge factor for other pulse widths and zooming in on the time waveforms.
- %Signal available to test FFT.Another signal is available for notching the frequency spread
- %which could be future direction for adaptive UWB systems or could be used for basic multipath
- %and interference analysis depending on what equation is used.
- pw1=.25e-9;%pulse width in nanosec,change to desired width
- pw=pw1/4.5;%Fudge factor for inaccurate PWs,4-5 for 1st der. and 2-3 for 2nd der.
- Fs=20e9;%sample frequency
- Fn=Fs/2;%Nyquist freq
- t=-3e-9:1/Fs:3e-9;%time vector sampled at Fs hertz
- td=0;%time delay-PPM(pulse position modulation) with td=0 a zero bit and td>0=1 bit
- A=1;%PAM(pulse amplitude modulation) with A=1 a zero bit and A>1=1 bit
- %Phase=+/-180 degrees BPSK-not sure how to do this. Need to put for loops in for
- %many pulses and rates for all three types of modulation
- x =((t-td)/pw).^2;
- %y=A.*exp(0.5.*(-x));%Gaussian pulse function
- y=A*(t/pw).*exp(-x);%1st derivative Gaussian pulse=Gaussian monocycle
- %y =A*(1 - 4*pi.* x).* exp(-2*pi.* x);%2nd derivative Gaussian pulse=doublet(two zero crossings)
- %y=sin(2*pi.*t*2e9);%test signal only-%out 1st and 2nd derivative signals
- %y=y.*sin((2*pi*t*2.e9).^2);%provides spectrum notches for adaptive schemes
- figure(1)
- plot(t,y)%time domain
- title('Time domain');
- xlabel('nanoseconds');ylabel('amplitude')
- grid on
- NFFY=2.^(ceil(log(length(y))/log(2)));
- FFTY=fft(y,NFFY);%pad with zeros
- NumUniquePts=ceil((NFFY+1)/2);
- FFTY=FFTY(1:NumUniquePts);
- MY=abs(FFTY);
- MY=MY*2;
- MY(1)=MY(1)/2;
- MY(length(MY))=MY(length(MY))/2;
- MY=MY/length(y);
- f=(0:NumUniquePts-1)*2*Fn/NFFY;
- figure(2)
- plot(f,MY);
- %plot(f,20*log10(MX));%frequency domain
- title('frequency domain')
- xlabel('Frequency');ylabel('Amplitude')
- %axis([0 .1e9 -60 0])%zoom in
- grid on