- %UWB-Run from editor debug(F5)-PPM(pulse position modulation) of
- %UWB monocycle and doublet waveforms.
- %This m file plots the time and frequency waveforms for PPM 1st and 2nd derivative
- %equations used in UWB system analysis. Fudge factors are required to
- %correct for inaccuracies in the 1st and 2nd derivative equations.
- %Tail to tail on the time wave forms must be considered as the actual pulse width.
- %7*PW1 has about 99.9% of the signal power. The frequency spreads and center
- %frequencies(fc=center of the spread)are correct as you can verify(fc~1/pw1).
- %Change pw(fudge factor)and t for other entered(pw1) pulse widths and
- %zooming in on the waveforms. See SETUP at end of program
- %================================================
- pw1=.5e-9;%pulse width in nanosec,change to desired width
- pw=pw1/2.5;%Fudge factor for inaccurate PWs(approx. 4-5 for 1st der. and
- %approx. 2-3 for 2nd der.)
- Fs=100e9;%sample frequency
- Fn=Fs/2;%Nyquist frequency
- t=-1e-9:1/Fs:1e-9;%time vector sampled at Fs Hertz. zoom in/out using (-1e-9:1/Fs:xxxx)
- A=1;
- %================================================
- %================================================
- %y=A*(t/pw).*exp(-(t/pw).^2);%1st derivative of Gaussian pulse=Gaussian monocycle
- y =A*(1 - 4*pi.*((t)/pw).^2).* exp(-2*pi.*((t)/pw).^2);%2nd derivative of Gaussian
- %pulse=doublet(two zero crossings)
- %================================================
- %This series of pulses sets the pulse recurring frequency(PRF)
- %at 400MHz(waveform repeats every 2.5e-9 sec)and a
- %modulation bit stream(info bit rate=200MHz) of 0 1 0 1 0 (5 pulses,can add more)
- %using 0.2e-9 as the time delay PPM where a delay = a 0 bit and no delay = a 1 bit.
- %One could expand the # of pulses and modulate for a series of
- %000000111111000000111111000000 which would give a lower bit rate. You could just
- %change the PRF also. For loops or some other method could be used to do this but for
- %myself, I would get lost. This is a brute force method and I can easily copy and paste.
- %I will leave that for more energetic souls. Since we basically have the transmitter
- %implemented it's time to move on to the correlation receiver design
- %and and add interference, multipath and noise with BER capability to
- %see if we can demodulate and get 01010 bits out at the 200MHz information bit rate. As
- %someone once said a journey of a thousand miles requires taking a small first step.
- %
- %==================================================
- %==================================================
- %yp=y+ ...
- %A*((t-2.5e-9-.2e-9)/pw).*exp(-((t-2.5e-9-.2e-9)/pw).^2)+A*((t-5e-9)/pw).*exp(-((t-5e-9)/pw).^2)+ ...
- %A*((t-7.5e-9-.2e-9)/pw).*exp(-((t-7.5e-9-.2e-9)/pw).^2)+A*((t-10e-9)/pw).*exp(-((t-10e-9)/pw).^2);
- %==================================================
- %==================================================
- yp=y+ ...
- A*(1-4*pi.*((t-2.5e-9-.2e-9)/pw).^2).*exp(-2*pi.*((t-2.5e-9-.2e-9)/pw).^2)+ ...
- A*(1-4*pi.*((t-5.0e-9)/pw).^2).*exp(-2*pi.*((t-5.0e-9)/pw).^2)+ ...
- A*(1-4*pi.*((t-7.5e-9-.2e-9)/pw).^2).*exp(-2*pi.*((t-7.5e-9-.2e-9)/pw).^2)+ ...
- A*(1-4*pi.*((t-10e-9)/pw).^2).*exp(-2*pi.*((t-10e-9)/pw).^2);
- %==================================================
- % FFT
- %==================================================
- y=yp;
- NFFY=2.^(ceil(log(length(y))/log(2)));
- FFTY=fft(y,NFFY);%pad with zeros
- NumUniquePts=ceil((NFFY+1)/2);
- FFTY=FFTY(1:NumUniquePts);
- MY=abs(FFTY);
- MY=MY*2;
- MY(1)=MY(1)/2;
- MY(length(MY))=MY(length(MY))/2;
- MY=MY/length(y);
- f=(0:NumUniquePts-1)*2*Fn/NFFY;
- %===================================================
- %===================================================
- subplot(2,2,1); plot(t,y);xlabel('TIME');ylabel('AMPLITUDE');
- grid on;
- %axis([-1e-9,4e-9 -1 1])
- subplot(2,2,2); plot(f,MY);xlabel('FREQUENCY');ylabel('AMPLITUDE');
- %axis([0 10e9 0 .1]);%zoom in/out
- grid on;
- subplot(2,2,3); plot(f,20*log10(MY));xlabel('FREQUENCY');ylabel('20LOG10=DB');
- %axis([0 20e9 -120 0]);
- grid on;
- %Enter desired pulse width in pw1(.5e-9).
- %Change t=-1e-9:1/Fs:(xxxx) to 1e-9.
- %Press F5 or run.
- %With waveform in plot 2,2,1, set pulse width with fudge factor to .5e-9
- %using #s corresponding to chosen waveform. Set from tail to tail.
- %Change t=-1e-9:1/Fs:(xxx) to something like 20e-9.Zoom out. I would
- %comment in all plot axis and use them for zooming in and out.
- %Press F5 and observe waveforms. Print waveforms to compare with next set of
- %wave forms.
- %Pick another waveform by commenting out existing waveform and repeat as above.
- %When you compare the waveforms you will see that the second derivative
- %doublet has a center frequency in the spread twice that of the first
- %derivative monocycle.
- %You would expect this on a second derivative. Picking a doublet waveform
- %for transmission (by choice of UWB antenna design) pushes the fc center frequency
- %spread out by (two) allowing relief from the difficult design of narrower pulse
- %generating circuits in transmitters and receivers. If you chose a monocycle, you would
- %need to design your pulse circuits with a much narrower(factor of two)pulse width to
- %meet the tough FCC spectral mask from ~3 to 10GHz at-40 DB. I would guess a
- %pulse width of ~ 0.4 to 0.45 nanosec using a doublet at the proper amplitude(A)
- %would meet the requirements.
- %You can zoom in on the waveforms of plot 2,2,1 to see the PPM
- %delays generating 01010. Use axis on plot 2,,2,1 for better
- %zooming.Comment in the axis.