



  1. Model {
  2.   Name   "sub_bands"
  3.   Version   6.0
  4.   GraphicalInterface {
  5.     NumRootInports     0
  6.     NumRootOutports     0
  7.     ParameterArgumentNames  ""
  8.     ComputedModelVersion    "1.22"
  9.     NumModelReferences     0
  10.     NumTestPointedSignals   0
  11.   }
  12.   SavedCharacterEncoding  "ibm-5348_P100-1997"
  13.   SaveDefaultBlockParams  on
  14.   SampleTimeColors   off
  15.   LibraryLinkDisplay   "none"
  16.   WideLines   on
  17.   ShowLineDimensions   on
  18.   ShowPortDataTypes   off
  19.   ShowLoopsOnError   on
  20.   IgnoreBidirectionalLines off
  21.   ShowStorageClass   off
  22.   ShowTestPointIcons   on
  23.   ShowViewerIcons   on
  24.   SortedOrder   off
  25.   ExecutionContextIcon   off
  26.   ShowLinearizationAnnotations on
  27.   RecordCoverage   off
  28.   CovPath   "/"
  29.   CovSaveName   "covdata"
  30.   CovMetricSettings   "dw"
  31.   CovNameIncrementing   off
  32.   CovHtmlReporting   on
  33.   covSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on
  34.   CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on
  35.   CovCumulativeVarName   "covCumulativeData"
  36.   CovCumulativeReport   off
  37.   CovReportOnPause   on
  38.   ScopeRefreshTime   0.035000
  39.   OverrideScopeRefreshTime on
  40.   DisableAllScopes   off
  41.   DataTypeOverride   "UseLocalSettings"
  42.   MinMaxOverflowLogging   "UseLocalSettings"
  43.   MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite"
  44.   BlockNameDataTip   off
  45.   BlockParametersDataTip  off
  46.   BlockDescriptionStringDataTip off
  47.   ToolBar   on
  48.   StatusBar   on
  49.   BrowserShowLibraryLinks off
  50.   BrowserLookUnderMasks   off
  51.   Created   "Thu Jul 08 15:52:35 2004"
  52.   UpdateHistory   "UpdateHistoryNever"
  53.   ModifiedByFormat   "%<Auto>"
  54.   LastModifiedBy   "cwarwick"
  55.   ModifiedDateFormat   "%<Auto>"
  56.   LastModifiedDate   "Fri Jul 09 15:18:37 2004"
  57.   ModelVersionFormat   "1.%<AutoIncrement:22>"
  58.   ConfigurationManager   "None"
  59.   LinearizationMsg   "none"
  60.   Profile   off
  61.   ParamWorkspaceSource   "MATLABWorkspace"
  62.   AccelSystemTargetFile   "accel.tlc"
  63.   AccelTemplateMakefile   "accel_default_tmf"
  64.   AccelMakeCommand   "make_rtw"
  65.   TryForcingSFcnDF   off
  66.   ExtModeBatchMode   off
  67.   ExtModeEnableFloating   on
  68.   ExtModeTrigType   "manual"
  69.   ExtModeTrigMode   "normal"
  70.   ExtModeTrigPort   "1"
  71.   ExtModeTrigElement   "any"
  72.   ExtModeTrigDuration   1000
  73.   ExtModeTrigDurationFloating "auto"
  74.   ExtModeTrigHoldOff   0
  75.   ExtModeTrigDelay   0
  76.   ExtModeTrigDirection   "rising"
  77.   ExtModeTrigLevel   0
  78.   ExtModeArchiveMode   "off"
  79.   ExtModeAutoIncOneShot   off
  80.   ExtModeIncDirWhenArm   off
  81.   ExtModeAddSuffixToVar   off
  82.   ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off
  83.   ExtModeArmWhenConnect   on
  84.   ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
  85.   ExtModeLogAll   on
  86.   ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on
  87.   BufferReuse   on
  88.   ProdHWDeviceType   "32-bit Generic"
  89.   ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
  90.   ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
  91.   Array {
  92.     Type     "Handle"
  93.     Dimension     1
  94.     Simulink.ConfigSet {
  95.       $ObjectID       1
  96.       Version       "1.0.4"
  97.       Array {
  98. Type "Handle"
  99. Dimension 7
  100. Simulink.SolverCC {
  101.   $ObjectID   2
  102.   Version   "1.0.4"
  103.   StartTime   "0.0"
  104.   StopTime   "inf"
  105.   AbsTol   "auto"
  106.   FixedStep   "auto"
  107.   InitialStep   "auto"
  108.   MaxNumMinSteps   "-1"
  109.   MaxOrder   5
  110.   ExtrapolationOrder   4
  111.   NumberNewtonIterations  1
  112.   MaxStep   "auto"
  113.   MinStep   "auto"
  114.   RelTol   "1e-3"
  115.   SolverMode   "SingleTasking"
  116.   Solver   "FixedStepDiscrete"
  117.   ZeroCrossControl   "UseLocalSettings"
  118.   PositivePriorityOrder   off
  119.   AutoInsertRateTranBlk   off
  120.   SampleTimeConstraint   "Unconstrained"
  121.   RateTranMode   "Deterministic"
  122. }
  123. Simulink.DataIOCC {
  124.   $ObjectID   3
  125.   Version   "1.0.4"
  126.   Decimation   "1"
  127.   ExternalInput   "[t, u]"
  128.   FinalStateName   "xFinal"
  129.   InitialState   "xInitial"
  130.   LimitDataPoints   on
  131.   MaxDataPoints   "1000"
  132.   LoadExternalInput   off
  133.   LoadInitialState   off
  134.   SaveFinalState   off
  135.   SaveFormat   "Array"
  136.   SaveOutput   off
  137.   SaveState   off
  138.   SaveTime   off
  139.   StateSaveName   "xout"
  140.   TimeSaveName   "tout"
  141.   OutputSaveName   "yout"
  142.   SignalLoggingName   "logsout"
  143.   OutputOption   "RefineOutputTimes"
  144.   OutputTimes   "[]"
  145.   Refine   "1"
  146. }
  147. Simulink.OptimizationCC {
  148.   $ObjectID   4
  149.   Array {
  150.     Type     "Cell"
  151.     Dimension     5
  152.     Cell     "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup"
  153.     Cell     "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"
  154.     Cell     "InitFltsAndDblsToZero"
  155.     Cell     "OptimizeModelRefInitCode"
  156.     Cell     "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection"
  157.     PropName     "DisabledProps"
  158.   }
  159.   Version   "1.0.4"
  160.   BlockReduction   on
  161.   BooleanDataType   off
  162.   ConditionallyExecuteInputs on
  163.   ConditionalExecOptimization "on_for_testing"
  164.   InlineParams   on
  165.   InlineInvariantSignals  on
  166.   OptimizeBlockIOStorage  on
  167.   BufferReuse   on
  168.   EnforceIntegerDowncast  on
  169.   ExpressionFolding   on
  170.   FoldNonRolledExpr   on
  171.   LocalBlockOutputs   on
  172.   ParameterPooling   on
  173.   RollThreshold   5
  174.   SystemCodeInlineAuto   off
  175.   StateBitsets   off
  176.   DataBitsets   off
  177.   UseTempVars   off
  178.   ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on
  179.   ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on
  180.   InitFltsAndDblsToZero   on
  181.   NoFixptDivByZeroProtection off
  182.   OptimizeModelRefInitCode off
  183.   LifeSpan   "inf"
  184. }
  185. Simulink.DebuggingCC {
  186.   $ObjectID   5
  187.   Version   "1.0.4"
  188.   ConsistencyChecking   "none"
  189.   ArrayBoundsChecking   "none"
  190.   AlgebraicLoopMsg   "error"
  191.   ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
  192.   CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on
  193.   CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off
  194.   CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg off
  195.   SignalResolutionControl "TryResolveAllWithWarning"
  196.   BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
  197.   MinStepSizeMsg   "warning"
  198.   SolverPrmCheckMsg   "warning"
  199.   InheritedTsInSrcMsg   "none"
  200.   DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning"
  201.   MultiTaskRateTransMsg   "error"
  202.   SingleTaskRateTransMsg  "error"
  203.   TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"
  204.   CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"
  205.   IntegerOverflowMsg   "warning"
  206.   Int32ToFloatConvMsg   "warning"
  207.   ParameterDowncastMsg   "error"
  208.   ParameterOverflowMsg   "error"
  209.   ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"
  210.   UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none"
  211.   UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
  212.   VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"
  213.   InvalidFcnCallConnMsg   "error"
  214.   SignalLabelMismatchMsg  "none"
  215.   UnconnectedInputMsg   "warning"
  216.   UnconnectedOutputMsg   "warning"
  217.   UnconnectedLineMsg   "warning"
  218.   SFcnCompatibilityMsg   "none"
  219.   UniqueDataStoreMsg   "none"
  220.   RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning"
  221.   AssertControl   "UseLocalSettings"
  222.   EnableOverflowDetection off
  223.   ModelReferenceIOMsg   "none"
  224.   ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none"
  225.   ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"
  226.   ModelReferenceCSMismatchMessage "none"
  227.   ModelReferenceSimTargetVerbose off
  228.   UnknownTsInhSupMsg   "warning"
  229.   ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning"
  230.   ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"
  231. }
  232. Simulink.HardwareCC {
  233.   $ObjectID   6
  234.   Version   "1.0.4"
  235.   ProdBitPerChar   8
  236.   ProdBitPerShort   16
  237.   ProdBitPerInt   32
  238.   ProdBitPerLong   32
  239.   ProdIntDivRoundTo   "Undefined"
  240.   ProdEndianess   "Unspecified"
  241.   ProdWordSize   32
  242.   ProdShiftRightIntArith  on
  243.   ProdHWDeviceType   "32-bit Generic"
  244.   TargetBitPerChar   8
  245.   TargetBitPerShort   16
  246.   TargetBitPerInt   32
  247.   TargetBitPerLong   32
  248.   TargetShiftRightIntArith on
  249.   TargetIntDivRoundTo   "Undefined"
  250.   TargetEndianess   "Unspecified"
  251.   TargetWordSize   32
  252.   TargetTypeEmulationWarnSuppressLevel 0
  253.   TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32
  254.   TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32
  255.   TargetHWDeviceType   "Specified"
  256.   TargetUnknown   off
  257.   ProdEqTarget   on
  258. }
  259. Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
  260.   $ObjectID   7
  261.   Version   "1.0.4"
  262.   UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
  263.   CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
  264.   ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi"
  265.   ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on
  266.   ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off
  267. }
  268. Simulink.RTWCC {
  269.   $BackupClass   "Simulink.RTWCC"
  270.   $ObjectID   8
  271.   Array {
  272.     Type     "Cell"
  273.     Dimension     1
  274.     Cell     "IncludeHyperlinkInReport"
  275.     PropName     "DisabledProps"
  276.   }
  277.   Version   "1.0.4"
  278.   SystemTargetFile   "grt.tlc"
  279.   GenCodeOnly   off
  280.   MakeCommand   "make_rtw"
  281.   TemplateMakefile   "grt_default_tmf"
  282.   GenerateReport   off
  283.   SaveLog   off
  284.   RTWVerbose   on
  285.   RetainRTWFile   off
  286.   ProfileTLC   off
  287.   TLCDebug   off
  288.   TLCCoverage   off
  289.   TLCAssert   off
  290.   ProcessScriptMode   "Default"
  291.   ConfigurationMode   "Optimized"
  292.   ConfigAtBuild   off
  293.   IncludeHyperlinkInReport off
  294.   LaunchReport   off
  295.   Array {
  296.     Type     "Handle"
  297.     Dimension     2
  298.     Simulink.CodeAppCC {
  299.       $ObjectID       9
  300.       Array {
  301. Type "Cell"
  302. Dimension 9
  303. Cell "IgnoreCustomStorageClasses"
  304. Cell "InsertBlockDesc"
  305. Cell "SFDataObjDesc"
  306. Cell "SimulinkDataObjDesc"
  307. Cell "DefineNamingRule"
  308. Cell "SignalNamingRule"
  309. Cell "ParamNamingRule"
  310. Cell "InlinedPrmAccess"
  311. Cell "CustomSymbolStr"
  312. PropName "DisabledProps"
  313.       }
  314.       Version       "1.0.4"
  315.       ForceParamTrailComments off
  316.       GenerateComments       on
  317.       IgnoreCustomStorageClasses on
  318.       IncHierarchyInIds       off
  319.       MaxIdLength       31
  320.       PreserveName       off
  321.       PreserveNameWithParent  off
  322.       ShowEliminatedStatement off
  323.       IncAutoGenComments      off
  324.       SimulinkDataObjDesc     off
  325.       SFDataObjDesc       off
  326.       IncDataTypeInIds       off
  327.       PrefixModelToSubsysFcnNames on
  328.       CustomSymbolStr       "$R$N$M"
  329.       MangleLength       1
  330.       DefineNamingRule       "None"
  331.       ParamNamingRule       "None"
  332.       SignalNamingRule       "None"
  333.       InsertBlockDesc       off
  334.       SimulinkBlockComments   on
  335.       EnableCustomComments    off
  336.       InlinedPrmAccess       "Literals"
  337.       ReqsInCode       off
  338.     }
  339.     Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
  340.       $BackupClass       "Simulink.TargetCC"
  341.       $ObjectID       10
  342.       Array {
  343. Type "Cell"
  344. Dimension 12
  345. Cell "IncludeMdlTerminateFcn"
  346. Cell "CombineOutputUpdateFcns"
  347. Cell "SuppressErrorStatus"
  348. Cell "ERTCustomFileBanners"
  349. Cell "GenerateSampleERTMain"
  350. Cell "MultiInstanceERTCode"
  351. Cell "PurelyIntegerCode"
  352. Cell "SupportNonFinite"
  353. Cell "SupportComplex"
  354. Cell "SupportAbsoluteTime"
  355. Cell "SupportContinuousTime"
  356. Cell "SupportNonInlinedSFcns"
  357. PropName "DisabledProps"
  358.       }
  359.       Version       "1.0.4"
  360.       TargetFcnLib       "ansi_tfl_tmw.mat"
  361.       GenFloatMathFcnCalls    "ANSI_C"
  362.       UtilityFuncGeneration   "Auto"
  363.       GenerateFullHeader      on
  364.       GenerateSampleERTMain   off
  365.       IsPILTarget       off
  366.       ModelReferenceCompliant on
  367.       IncludeMdlTerminateFcn  on
  368.       CombineOutputUpdateFcns off
  369.       SuppressErrorStatus     off
  370.       IncludeFileDelimiter    "Auto"
  371.       ERTCustomFileBanners    off
  372.       SupportAbsoluteTime     on
  373.       LogVarNameModifier      "rt_"
  374.       MatFileLogging       on
  375.       MultiInstanceERTCode    off
  376.       SupportNonFinite       on
  377.       SupportComplex       on
  378.       PurelyIntegerCode       off
  379.       SupportContinuousTime   on
  380.       SupportNonInlinedSFcns  on
  381.       ExtMode       off
  382.       ExtModeStaticAlloc      off
  383.       ExtModeTesting       off
  384.       ExtModeStaticAllocSize  1000000
  385.       ExtModeTransport       0
  386.       ExtModeMexFile       "ext_comm"
  387.       RTWCAPISignals       off
  388.       RTWCAPIParams       off
  389.       RTWCAPIStates       off
  390.       GenerateASAP2       off
  391.     }
  392.     PropName     "Components"
  393.   }
  394. }
  395. PropName "Components"
  396.       }
  397.       Name       "Configuration"
  398.       SimulationMode       "normal"
  399.       CurrentDlgPage       "Solver"
  400.     }
  401.     PropName     "ConfigurationSets"
  402.   }
  403.   Simulink.ConfigSet {
  404.     $PropName     "ActiveConfigurationSet"
  405.     $ObjectID     1
  406.   }
  407.   WSMdlFileData   "DataTag0"
  408.   BlockDefaults {
  409.     Orientation     "right"
  410.     ForegroundColor     "black"
  411.     BackgroundColor     "white"
  412.     DropShadow     off
  413.     NamePlacement     "normal"
  414.     FontName     "Courier New"
  415.     FontSize     10
  416.     FontWeight     "normal"
  417.     FontAngle     "normal"
  418.     ShowName     on
  419.   }
  420.   BlockParameterDefaults {
  421.     Block {
  422.       BlockType       ActionPort
  423.       InitializeStates       "held"
  424.       ActionType       "unset"
  425.     }
  426.     Block {
  427.       BlockType       Actuator
  428.       SubClassName       "unknown"
  429.       PortType       "blob"
  430.     }
  431.     Block {
  432.       BlockType       SwitchCase
  433.       CaseConditions       "{1}"
  434.       CaseShowDefault       on
  435.       ZeroCross       on
  436.       SampleTime       "-1"
  437.     }
  438.     Block {
  439.       BlockType       ComplexToMagnitudeAngle
  440.       Output       "Magnitude and angle"
  441.       SampleTime       "-1"
  442.     }
  443.     Block {
  444.       BlockType       ComplexToRealImag
  445.       Output       "Real and imag"
  446.       SampleTime       "-1"
  447.     }
  448.     Block {
  449.       BlockType       Constant
  450.       Value       "1"
  451.       VectorParams1D       on
  452.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit from 'Constant value'"
  453.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  454.       ConRadixGroup       "Use specified scaling"
  455.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  456.       SampleTime       "inf"
  457.     }
  458.     Block {
  459.       BlockType       DataTypeConversion
  460.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via back propagation"
  461.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  462.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  463.       LockScale       off
  464.       ConvertRealWorld       "Real World Value (RWV)"
  465.       RndMeth       "Zero"
  466.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  467.       SampleTime       "-1"
  468.     }
  469.     Block {
  470.       BlockType       Display
  471.       Format       "short"
  472.       Decimation       "10"
  473.       Floating       off
  474.       SampleTime       "-1"
  475.     }
  476.     Block {
  477.       BlockType       From
  478.       IconDisplay       "Tag"
  479.     }
  480.     Block {
  481.       BlockType       Gain
  482.       Gain       "1"
  483.       Multiplication       "Element-wise(K.*u)"
  484.       ParameterDataTypeMode   "Same as input"
  485.       ParameterDataType       "sfix(16)"
  486.       ParameterScalingMode    "Best Precision: Matrix-wise"
  487.       ParameterScaling       "2^0"
  488.       OutDataTypeMode       "Same as input"
  489.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  490.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  491.       LockScale       off
  492.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  493.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  494.       SampleTime       "-1"
  495.     }
  496.     Block {
  497.       BlockType       Goto
  498.       IconDisplay       "Tag"
  499.     }
  500.     Block {
  501.       BlockType       Ground
  502.     }
  503.     Block {
  504.       BlockType       Inport
  505.       BusObject       "BusObject"
  506.       BusOutputAsStruct       off
  507.       PortDimensions       "-1"
  508.       SampleTime       "-1"
  509.       DataType       "auto"
  510.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  511.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  512.       SignalType       "auto"
  513.       SamplingMode       "auto"
  514.       Interpolate       on
  515.     }
  516.     Block {
  517.       BlockType       Lookup
  518.       InputValues       "[-4:5]"
  519.       OutputValues       " rand(1,10)-0.5"
  520.       LookUpMeth       "Interpolation-Extrapolation"
  521.       OutDataTypeMode       "Same as input"
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  618.     }
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  632.     }
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  637.     }
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  1015.   BlockType   Reference
  1016.   Name   "Unbuffer"
  1017.   Ports   [1, 1]
  1018.   Position   [85, 86, 135, 134]
  1019.   SourceBlock   "dspbuff3/Unbuffer"
  1020.   SourceType   "Unbuffer"
  1021.   ic   "0"
  1022. }
  1023. Block {
  1024.   BlockType   Constant
  1025.   Name   "millesecond"
  1026.   Position   [165, 35, 195, 65]
  1027.   Value   "1e-6"
  1028. }
  1029. Block {
  1030.   BlockType   Product
  1031.   Name   "s=>us"
  1032.   Ports   [2, 1]
  1033.   Position   [440, 171, 485, 204]
  1034.   InputSameDT   off
  1035.   RndMeth   "Floor"
  1036. }
  1037. Block {
  1038.   BlockType   Display
  1039.   Name   "us"
  1040.   Ports   [1]
  1041.   Position   [520, 175, 610, 205]
  1042.   Format   "bank"
  1043.   Decimation   "1"
  1044. }
  1045. Block {
  1046.   BlockType   Constant
  1047.   Name   "usconv"
  1048.   Position   [325, 180, 355, 210]
  1049.   Value   "1e6"
  1050. }
  1051. Block {
  1052.   BlockType   Outport
  1053.   Name   "MHz"
  1054.   Position   [510, 73, 540, 87]
  1055.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  1056. }
  1057. Line {
  1058.   SrcBlock   "Probe"
  1059.   SrcPort   1
  1060.   DstBlock   "Selector"
  1061.   DstPort   1
  1062. }
  1063. Line {
  1064.   SrcBlock   "millesecond"
  1065.   SrcPort   1
  1066.   DstBlock   "1ms/Tf"
  1067.   DstPort   1
  1068. }
  1069. Line {
  1070.   SrcBlock   "Ts"
  1071.   SrcPort   1
  1072.   DstBlock   "Unbuffer"
  1073.   DstPort   1
  1074. }
  1075. Line {
  1076.   SrcBlock   "1ms/Tf"
  1077.   SrcPort   1
  1078.   DstBlock   "MHz"
  1079.   DstPort   1
  1080. }
  1081. Line {
  1082.   SrcBlock   "Selector"
  1083.   SrcPort   1
  1084.   Points   [0, 0; 15, 0]
  1085.   Branch {
  1086.     DstBlock     "1ms/Tf"
  1087.     DstPort     2
  1088.   }
  1089.   Branch {
  1090.     Points     [0, 70]
  1091.     DstBlock     "s=>us"
  1092.     DstPort     1
  1093.   }
  1094. }
  1095. Line {
  1096.   SrcBlock   "s=>us"
  1097.   SrcPort   1
  1098.   DstBlock   "us"
  1099.   DstPort   1
  1100. }
  1101. Line {
  1102.   SrcBlock   "usconv"
  1103.   SrcPort   1
  1104.   DstBlock   "s=>us"
  1105.   DstPort   2
  1106. }
  1107. Line {
  1108.   SrcBlock   "Unbuffer"
  1109.   SrcPort   1
  1110.   DstBlock   "Probe"
  1111.   DstPort   1
  1112. }
  1113.       }
  1114.     }
  1115.     Block {
  1116.       BlockType       Reference
  1117.       Name       "SpectrumnScope"
  1118.       Ports       [1]
  1119.       Position       [425, 20, 460, 70]
  1120.       FontName       "Arial"
  1121.       FontSize       12
  1122.       SourceBlock       "dspsnks4/SpectrumnScope"
  1123.       SourceType       "Spectrum Scope"
  1124.       ShowPortLabels       off
  1125.       ScopeProperties       on
  1126.       Domain       "Frequency"
  1127.       HorizSpan       "1"
  1128.       UseBuffer       off
  1129.       BufferSize       "128"
  1130.       Overlap       "64"
  1131.       inpFftLenInherit       off
  1132.       FFTlength       "128"
  1133.       numAvg       "2"
  1134.       DisplayProperties       off
  1135.       AxisGrid       on
  1136.       Memory       off
  1137.       FrameNumber       on
  1138.       AxisLegend       off
  1139.       AxisZoom       off
  1140.       OpenScopeAtSimStart     on
  1141.       OpenScopeImmediately    off
  1142.       FigPos       "get(0,'defaultfigureposition')"
  1143.       AxisProperties       off
  1144.       XUnits       "Hertz"
  1145.       XRange       "[-Fs/2...Fs/2]"
  1146.       InheritXIncr       on
  1147.       XIncr       "1.0"
  1148.       XLabel       "Samples"
  1149.       YUnits       "dB"
  1150.       YMin       "-16.3156816052169"
  1151.       YMax       "6.6195203748735"
  1152.       YLabel       "Magnitude, dB"
  1153.       LineProperties       off
  1154.       LineMarkers       "x"
  1155.     }
  1156.     Block {
  1157.       BlockType       Display
  1158.       Name       "Sub band MHz"
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  1160.       Position       [190, 113, 295, 137]
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  1165.     Line {
  1166.       SrcBlock       "RandomnSource"
  1167.       SrcPort       1
  1168.       Points       [20, 0]
  1169.       Branch {
  1170. DstBlock "Input Port"
  1171. DstPort 1
  1172.       }
  1173.       Branch {
  1174. Points [0, 80]
  1175. Branch {
  1176.   DstBlock   "Frame time to MHz"
  1177.   DstPort   1
  1178. }
  1179. Branch {
  1180.   Points   [0, 65]
  1181.   DstBlock   "Sample time to MHz"
  1182.   DstPort   1
  1183. }
  1184.       }
  1185.     }
  1186.     Line {
  1187.       SrcBlock       "Output Port"
  1188.       SrcPort       1
  1189.       DstBlock       "SpectrumnScope"
  1190.       DstPort       1
  1191.     }
  1192.     Line {
  1193.       LineType       "Connection"
  1194.       SrcBlock       "Input Port"
  1195.       SrcPort       RConn1
  1196.       DstBlock       "S-ParametersnAmplifier"
  1197.       DstPort       LConn1
  1198.     }
  1199.     Line {
  1200.       LineType       "Connection"
  1201.       SrcBlock       "S-ParametersnAmplifier"
  1202.       SrcPort       RConn1
  1203.       DstBlock       "Output Port"
  1204.       DstPort       LConn1
  1205.     }
  1206.     Line {
  1207.       SrcBlock       "Frame time to MHz"
  1208.       SrcPort       1
  1209.       DstBlock       "Sub band MHz"
  1210.       DstPort       1
  1211.     }
  1212.     Line {
  1213.       SrcBlock       "Sample time to MHz"
  1214.       SrcPort       1
  1215.       DstBlock       "Double-sidednBandwidth MHz"
  1216.       DstPort       1
  1217.     }
  1218.     Annotation {
  1219.       Name       "Illustrates the relationships...nlength of imp"
  1220. "ulse response = number of sub bandsntotal bandwidth = 1/sample time,nsub ba"
  1221. "nd bandwidth = total bandwidth / number of sub bandsnSelect View=>Model Expl"
  1222. "orer on the Simulink menunto view and change n_sub_bands and bandwidth param"
  1223. "eters in thenModel Workspace"
  1224.       Position       [321, 171]
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  1230.   }
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  1232. MatData {
  1233.   NumRecords   2
  1234.   DataRecord {
  1235.     Tag     DataTag1
  1236.     Data     "  %)30     .    V     8    (     @         %    "
  1237. ""     $    !     0         %  0 "0    $    2    4V5E9       4V5E9$9L86<    "
  1238. "     #@   #@    &    "     0         !0    @    !    !0    $         $     4"
  1239. "    T-#0W,     X   !     !@    @    $          4    (     0    T    !        "
  1240. " !     -    1&].;W13879E4V5E9     "
  1241.   }
  1242.   DataRecord {
  1243.     Tag     DataTag0
  1244.     Data     "  %)30     .    J!0   8    (     @         %    "
  1245. ""     $    $     0         %  0 !@    $    ,    3F%M90  5F%L=64       X   ! "
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  1247. "'1H          X   #0!   !@    @    1          $          0    8   !H86YD;&4   "
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