- Model {
- Name "ds_ss_rake"
- Version 4.00
- Description "Simulation for a single code and multiple user down"
- "link
nwithout coding. Major blocks are from block library umts_blks.
- SampleTimeColors on
- LibraryLinkDisplay "none"
- WideLines off
- ShowLineDimensions on
- ShowPortDataTypes off
- ShowStorageClass off
- ExecutionOrder off
- RecordCoverage off
- CovPath "/"
- CovSaveName "covdata"
- CovMetricSettings "dw"
- CovNameIncrementing off
- CovHtmlReporting on
- BlockNameDataTip off
- BlockParametersDataTip on
- BlockDescriptionStringDataTip off
- ToolBar on
- StatusBar off
- BrowserShowLibraryLinks on
- BrowserLookUnderMasks on
- PreLoadFcn "Tb=0.0001;PG=16;Tc=Tb/PG;fd=50;db=20;qpsk_phase_off"
- "set=pi/4;Drake=2;M=4;PathDelay=[0 1 2 3];PathProfile=[0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25];"
- Created "Wed Mar 24 13:16:54 1999"
- Creator "Panson Poon"
- UpdateHistory "UpdateHistoryNever"
- ModifiedByFormat "%<Auto>"
- LastModifiedBy "ckpoon"
- ModifiedDateFormat "%<Auto>"
- LastModifiedDate "Fri Jan 25 09:45:54 2002"
- ModelVersionFormat "1.%<AutoIncrement:40>"
- ConfigurationManager "none"
- SimParamPage "RTW"
- StartTime "0.0"
- StopTime "9999999999999999999"
- SolverMode "SingleTasking"
- Solver "FixedStepDiscrete"
- RelTol "1e-3"
- AbsTol "auto"
- Refine "1"
- MaxStep "auto"
- MinStep "auto"
- MaxNumMinSteps "-1"
- InitialStep "auto"
- FixedStep "auto"
- MaxOrder 5
- OutputOption "RefineOutputTimes"
- OutputTimes "[]"
- LoadExternalInput off
- ExternalInput "[t, u]"
- SaveTime off
- TimeSaveName "tout"
- SaveState off
- StateSaveName "xout"
- SaveOutput off
- OutputSaveName "yout"
- LoadInitialState off
- InitialState "xInitial"
- SaveFinalState off
- FinalStateName "xFinal"
- SaveFormat "Array"
- LimitDataPoints off
- MaxDataPoints "1000"
- Decimation "1"
- AlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
- MinStepSizeMsg "warning"
- UnconnectedInputMsg "warning"
- UnconnectedOutputMsg "warning"
- UnconnectedLineMsg "warning"
- InheritedTsInSrcMsg "warning"
- SingleTaskRateTransMsg "none"
- MultiTaskRateTransMsg "error"
- IntegerOverflowMsg "warning"
- CheckForMatrixSingularity "none"
- UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
- Int32ToFloatConvMsg "warning"
- InvalidFcnCallConnMsg "error"
- SignalLabelMismatchMsg "none"
- LinearizationMsg "none"
- VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"
- SfunCompatibilityCheckMsg "none"
- BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
- ArrayBoundsChecking "none"
- ConsistencyChecking "none"
- ZeroCross on
- Profile off
- SimulationMode "normal"
- RTWSystemTargetFile "rsim.tlc"
- RTWOptions " -aEnforceIntegerDowncast=0 -aFoldNonRolledExpr=0 -"
- "aForceParamTrailComments=0 -aGenerateComments=1 -aIncHierarchyInIds=0 -aInlin"
- "eInvariantSignals=0 -aInlineParameters=0 -aLocalBlockOutputs=0 -aRTWVerbose=1"
- " -aRollThreshold=5 -aShowEliminatedStatements=1"
- RTWInlineParameters off
- RTWRetainRTWFile off
- RTWTemplateMakefile "rsim_default_tmf"
- RTWMakeCommand "make_rtw"
- RTWGenerateCodeOnly off
- TLCProfiler off
- TLCDebug off
- TLCCoverage off
- AccelSystemTargetFile "accel.tlc"
- AccelTemplateMakefile "accel_default_tmf"
- AccelMakeCommand "make_rtw"
- TryForcingSFcnDF off
- ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm"
- ExtModeBatchMode off
- ExtModeTrigType "manual"
- ExtModeTrigMode "oneshot"
- ExtModeTrigPort "1"
- ExtModeTrigElement "any"
- ExtModeTrigDuration 1000
- ExtModeTrigHoldOff 0
- ExtModeTrigDelay 0
- ExtModeTrigDirection "rising"
- ExtModeTrigLevel 0
- ExtModeArchiveMode "off"
- ExtModeAutoIncOneShot off
- ExtModeIncDirWhenArm off
- ExtModeAddSuffixToVar off
- ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off
- ExtModeArmWhenConnect off
- ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
- ExtModeLogAll on
- ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on
- OptimizeBlockIOStorage off
- BufferReuse on
- ParameterPooling on
- BlockReductionOpt off
- RTWExpressionDepthLimit 5
- BooleanDataType off
- BlockDefaults {
- Orientation "right"
- ForegroundColor "black"
- BackgroundColor "white"
- DropShadow off
- NamePlacement "normal"
- FontName "Helvetica"
- FontSize 10
- FontWeight "normal"
- FontAngle "normal"
- ShowName on
- }
- AnnotationDefaults {
- HorizontalAlignment "center"
- VerticalAlignment "middle"
- ForegroundColor "black"
- BackgroundColor "white"
- DropShadow off
- FontName "Helvetica"
- FontSize 10
- FontWeight "normal"
- FontAngle "normal"
- }
- LineDefaults {
- FontName "Helvetica"
- FontSize 9
- FontWeight "normal"
- FontAngle "normal"
- }
- System {
- Name "ds_ss_rake"
- Location [149, 118, 1166, 710]
- Open on
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 212
- ScreenColor "automatic"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "a4letter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- ReportName "simulink-default.rpt"
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "AWGN generation"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [20, 106, 80, 154]
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- System {
- Name "AWGN generation"
- Location [418, 146, 867, 280]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility on
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "automatic"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "AWGNnChannel"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [180, 29, 260, 71]
- SourceBlock "commchan2/AWGNnChannel"
- SourceType "AWGN Channel"
- seed "12312431"
- noiseMode "Signal to noise ratio (Es/No)"
- EsNodB "0"
- SNRdB "10"
- Ps "1"
- Tsym "Tb"
- variance "1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Constant
- Name "Constant"
- Position [25, 38, 55, 62]
- ShowName off
- Value "zeros(M,1)"
- VectorParams1D on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "Gain"
- Position [290, 35, 320, 65]
- Gain "sqrt(10^(-db/10))"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType RealImagToComplex
- Name "Real-Imag tonComplex1"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [75, 36, 115, 64]
- ShowName off
- Input "Real"
- ConstantPart "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType ZeroOrderHold
- Name "Zero-OrdernHold1"
- Position [140, 37, 160, 63]
- ShowName off
- SampleTime "Tb"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "Out1"
- Position [355, 43, 385, 57]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Zero-OrdernHold1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "AWGNnChannel"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Zero-OrdernHold1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Constant"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "AWGNnChannel"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Gain"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Gain"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Out1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "Decoding"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [705, 66, 750, 94]
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- ShowName off
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- System {
- Name "Decoding"
- Location [467, 497, 865, 675]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "automatic"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "In1"
- Position [15, 58, 45, 72]
- Port "1"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Frame StatusnConversion"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [175, 50, 235, 80]
- SourceBlock "dspsigattribs/Frame StatusnConversion"
- SourceType "Frame Status Conversion"
- growRefPort off
- outframe "Frame-based"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "QPSKnDemodulatornBaseband"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [75, 40, 150, 90]
- SourceBlock "commdigbbndpm2/QPSKnDemodulatornBaseband"
- SourceType "QPSK Demodulator Baseband"
- OutType "Bit"
- Dec "Gray"
- Ph "qpsk_phase_offset"
- numSamp "1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Unbuffer"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [270, 41, 320, 89]
- SourceBlock "dspbuff3/Unbuffer"
- SourceType "Unbuffer"
- ic "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "Out1"
- Position [350, 58, 380, 72]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Frame StatusnConversion"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Unbuffer"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Unbuffer"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Out1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "QPSKnDemodulatornBaseband"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Frame StatusnConversion"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "In1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "QPSKnDemodulatornBaseband"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Display
- Name "Display6"
- Ports [1]
- Position [775, 100, 865, 160]
- Orientation "left"
- ShowName off
- Format "short"
- Decimation "1"
- Floating off
- SampleTime "-1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "EquivalentnRake meMRC1"
- Ports [4, 1]
- Position [545, 28, 685, 127]
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- ShowName off
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- MaskType "Rake receiver (chip-spaced sampling)"
- MaskDescription "This Rake receiver is used for simulation with "
- "one sample per chip. The delay of the Rake receiver is equal to two symbol du"
- "rations, one for timing adjustment and the other due to symbol match filterin"
- "g."
- MaskHelp "file:///u:/ckpoon/mymatlab/mylib/rakeeqrx.html"
- MaskPromptString "Number of fingers :|Total delay (#Tc) :|Path de"
- "lay (#Tc) :|Processing gain :|Symbol time :|Chip time (sample time) :"
- MaskStyleString "edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit"
- MaskTunableValueString "on,on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskCallbackString "|||||"
- MaskEnableString "on,on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskVisibilityString "on,on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskToolTipString "on,on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskVariables "M=@1;TD=@2;D=@3;PG=@4;Tb=@5;Tc=@6;"
- MaskInitialization "TD=TD-PG; M; D = D(1:M);"
- MaskDisplay "disp('Rake\nReceiver\n(complex spreading)')"
- MaskIconFrame on
- MaskIconOpaque off
- MaskIconRotate "none"
- MaskIconUnits "autoscale"
- MaskValueString "M|(Drake)*PG|PathDelay|PG|Tb|Tc"
- MaskVariableAliases ",,,,,"
- System {
- Name "EquivalentnRake meMRC1"
- Location [511, 204, 1116, 439]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "white"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "RxSig"
- Position [15, 44, 45, 56]
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- Port "1"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "SC"
- Position [15, 83, 45, 97]
- Port "2"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "noise"
- Position [450, 18, 480, 32]
- Orientation "left"
- Port "3"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "Weight"
- Position [160, 138, 190, 152]
- Port "4"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "Fingers"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [320, 36, 405, 89]
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- MaskType "Finger for Rake receiver"
- MaskPromptString "Total delay :|Path delay (#Tc) :|Processing"
- " gain :|Symbol time :|Chip time :"
- MaskStyleString "edit,edit,edit,edit,edit"
- MaskTunableValueString "on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskCallbackString "||||"
- MaskEnableString "on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskVisibilityString "on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskToolTipString "on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskVariables "TD=@1;D=@2;PG=@3;Tb=@4;Tc=@5;"
- MaskDisplay "disp('Finger')"
- MaskIconFrame on
- MaskIconOpaque off
- MaskIconRotate "none"
- MaskIconUnits "autoscale"
- MaskValueString "TD|D|PG|Tb|Tc"
- MaskVariableAliases ",,,,"
- System {
- Name "Fingers"
- Location [172, 267, 642, 465]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "white"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "In"
- Position [20, 78, 50, 92]
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- Port "1"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "SC"
- Position [20, 93, 50, 107]
- Port "2"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Integer Delay"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [185, 76, 260, 114]
- ShowName off
- SourceBlock "dspbdsp2/Integer Delay"
- SourceType "Integer Delay"
- delay "TD-D"
- ic "0"
- frame off
- df on
- numChans "1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Product
- Name "Product2"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [100, 77, 130, 108]
- ShowName off
- Inputs "2"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(.*)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "SMF"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [285, 68, 375, 122]
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- MaskType "Symbol-matched filter for DS-SS"
- MaskPromptString "Symbol time :|Chip time :"
- MaskStyleString "edit,edit"
- MaskTunableValueString "on,on"
- MaskCallbackString "|"
- MaskEnableString "on,on"
- MaskVisibilityString "on,on"
- MaskToolTipString "on,on"
- MaskVariables "Tb=@1;Tc=@2;"
- MaskDisplay "disp('Symbol-Matched\nFilter')"
- MaskIconFrame on
- MaskIconOpaque on
- MaskIconRotate "none"
- MaskIconUnits "autoscale"
- MaskValueString "Tb|Tc"
- MaskVariableAliases ","
- System {
- Name "SMF"
- Location [63, 705, 550, 882]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "white"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "*In"
- Position [15, 88, 45, 102]
- Port "1"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType ComplexToRealImag
- Name "Complex tonReal-Imag"
- Ports [1, 2]
- Position [125, 78, 155, 107]
- ShowName off
- Output "RealAndImag"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "Gain"
- Position [70, 80, 100, 110]
- ShowName off
- Gain "1/Tb"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Integrate and Dump"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [180, 48, 260, 92]
- ShowName off
- SourceBlock "comminteg2/Integrate and Dump"
- SourceType "Integrate and Dump"
- limit "inf"
- td "Tb"
- ts "Tc"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Integrate and Dump1"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [180, 98, 260, 142]
- ShowName off
- SourceBlock "comminteg2/Integrate and Dump"
- SourceType "Integrate and Dump"
- limit "inf"
- td "Tb"
- ts "Tc"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType RealImagToComplex
- Name "Real-Imag tonComplex"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [350, 78, 380, 107]
- ShowName off
- Input "RealAndImag"
- ConstantPart "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType ZeroOrderHold
- Name "Zero-OrdernHold"
- Position [290, 55, 320, 85]
- ShowName off
- SampleTime "Tb"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType ZeroOrderHold
- Name "Zero-OrdernHold1"
- Position [290, 105, 320, 135]
- ShowName off
- SampleTime "Tb"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "*Out"
- Position [415, 88, 445, 102]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "*In"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Gain"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Gain"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Complex tonReal-Imag"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Integrate and Dump"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Zero-OrdernHold"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Complex tonReal-Imag"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [5, 0]
- DstBlock "Integrate and Dump"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Integrate and Dump1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Zero-OrdernHold1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Zero-OrdernHold"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [10, 0]
- DstBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Zero-OrdernHold1"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [10, 0]
- DstBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "*Out"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Complex tonReal-Imag"
- SrcPort 2
- Points [5, 0]
- DstBlock "Integrate and Dump1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "Out"
- Position [400, 88, 430, 102]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Integer Delay"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "SMF"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "SMF"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Out"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Product2"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Integer Delay"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "In"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Product2"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "SC"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Product2"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [276, 145]
- Text "compensate for the delay of CMF (1Tc) a"
- "nd path"
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType From
- Name "From16"
- Position [160, 174, 215, 196]
- ShowName off
- CloseFcn "tagdialog Close"
- GotoTag "Fingers"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Goto
- Name "Goto4"
- Position [505, 50, 560, 70]
- ShowName off
- GotoTag "Fingers"
- TagVisibility "local"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Math
- Name "MathnFunction16"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [245, 134, 265, 156]
- ShowName off
- Operator "conj"
- OutputSignalType "auto"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Product
- Name "Produt16"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [285, 137, 315, 168]
- ShowName off
- Inputs "2"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(.*)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "Subsystem1"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [205, 75, 250, 105]
- ShowName off
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- System {
- Name "Subsystem1"
- Location [197, 630, 505, 809]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "automatic"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "In1"
- Position [25, 43, 55, 57]
- Port "1"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "DSPnConstant"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [40, 99, 75, 131]
- SourceBlock "dspsrcs3/DSPnConstant"
- SourceType "DSP Constant"
- Value "ones(M,1)"
- InterpretAs1D "on"
- SampleMode "Discrete"
- Ts "Tc"
- FramebasedOutput "off"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Integer Delay3"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [180, 45, 210, 75]
- ShowName off
- SourceBlock "dspsigops/Integer Delay"
- SourceType "Integer Delay"
- delay "D"
- ic "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Product
- Name "Product"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [105, 44, 130, 71]
- ShowName off
- Inputs "2"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(.*)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "Out1"
- Position [235, 53, 265, 67]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "DSPnConstant"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [10, 0]
- DstBlock "Product"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "In1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Product"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Product"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Integer Delay3"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Integer Delay3"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Out1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Sum
- Name "Sum8"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [455, 48, 475, 72]
- ShowName off
- IconShape "rectangular"
- Inputs "++"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Sum
- Name "Sum9"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [335, 143, 355, 167]
- ShowName off
- IconShape "rectangular"
- Inputs "+"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "Out"
- Position [380, 148, 410, 162]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "0"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "RxSig"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Fingers"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Produt16"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Sum9"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Sum9"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Out"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "MathnFunction16"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Produt16"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Fingers"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Sum8"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "noise"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [-25, 0; 0, 30]
- DstBlock "Sum8"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Sum8"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Goto4"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Weight"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "MathnFunction16"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "From16"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [50, 0]
- DstBlock "Produt16"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Subsystem1"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [50, 0]
- DstBlock "Fingers"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "SC"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Subsystem1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Error Rate Calculation"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [780, 44, 855, 91]
- ShowName off
- SourceBlock "commsink2/Error Rate Calculation"
- SourceType "Error Rate Calculation"
- N "2*Drake+2"
- st_delay "2*Drake+2"
- cp_mode "Entire frame"
- subframe "[]"
- PMode "Port"
- WsName "ErrorVec"
- RsMode2 off
- stop off
- numErr "100"
- maxBits "1e6"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType From
- Name "From16"
- Position [390, 32, 430, 48]
- ShowName off
- CloseFcn "tagdialog Close"
- GotoTag "RxSig1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType From
- Name "From17"
- Position [390, 57, 430, 73]
- ShowName off
- CloseFcn "tagdialog Close"
- GotoTag "SC"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType From
- Name "From18"
- Position [155, 252, 240, 268]
- Orientation "left"
- ShowName off
- CloseFcn "tagdialog Close"
- GotoTag "BER_MRC"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType From
- Name "From28"
- Position [390, 82, 450, 98]
- ShowName off
- CloseFcn "tagdialog Close"
- GotoTag "NoiseVect"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType From
- Name "From4"
- Position [390, 107, 455, 123]
- ShowName off
- CloseFcn "tagdialog Close"
- GotoTag "w_MRC1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType From
- Name "From40"
- Position [885, 122, 970, 138]
- Orientation "left"
- ShowName off
- CloseFcn "tagdialog Close"
- GotoTag "BER_MRC"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType From
- Name "From6"
- Position [705, 47, 755, 63]
- ShowName off
- CloseFcn "tagdialog Close"
- GotoTag "TxData"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Goto
- Name "Goto11"
- Position [105, 121, 175, 139]
- ShowName off
- GotoTag "NoiseVect"
- TagVisibility "local"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Goto
- Name "Goto2"
- Position [310, 48, 365, 62]
- ShowName off
- GotoTag "w_MRC1"
- TagVisibility "local"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Goto
- Name "Goto5"
- Position [320, 22, 365, 38]
- ShowName off
- GotoTag "RxSig1"
- TagVisibility "local"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Goto
- Name "Goto6"
- Position [885, 62, 960, 78]
- ShowName off
- GotoTag "BER_MRC"
- TagVisibility "local"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Integer Delay"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [475, 102, 530, 128]
- ShowName off
- SourceBlock "dspbdsp2/Integer Delay"
- SourceType "Integer Delay"
- delay "Drake"
- ic "0"
- frame off
- df on
- numChans "1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Math
- Name "MathnFunction16"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [475, 54, 495, 76]
- ShowName off
- Operator "conj"
- OutputSignalType "auto"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "Multipath Channel"
- Ports [1, 2]
- Position [110, 16, 195, 69]
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- MaskType "Multipath Channel (Jakes model)"
- MaskPromptString "Profile|Delay :|Number of generator :|Seed :|Do"
- "ppler frequency (Hz) :|Sample time :"
- MaskStyleString "edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit"
- MaskTunableValueString "on,on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskCallbackString "|||||"
- MaskEnableString "on,on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskVisibilityString "on,on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskToolTipString "on,on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskVariables "P=@1;D=@2;No=@3;seed=@4;fd=@5;Ts=@6;"
- MaskIconFrame on
- MaskIconOpaque on
- MaskIconRotate "none"
- MaskIconUnits "autoscale"
- MaskValueString "PathProfile|PathDelay|length(PathProfile)|1:len"
- "gth(PathProfile)|fd|Tc"
- MaskVariableAliases ",,,,,"
- System {
- Name "Multipath Channel"
- Location [365, 491, 835, 688]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "automatic"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "In1"
- Position [25, 28, 55, 42]
- Port "1"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "DSPnConstant"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [70, 65, 130, 85]
- SourceBlock "dspsrcs3/DSPnConstant"
- SourceType "DSP Constant"
- Value "ones(length(D),1)"
- InterpretAs1D off
- SampleMode "Discrete"
- Ts "Ts"
- FramebasedOutput off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Integer Delay1"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [230, 27, 275, 63]
- SourceBlock "dspsigops/Integer Delay"
- SourceType "Integer Delay"
- delay "D"
- ic "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Product
- Name "Product"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [155, 26, 200, 59]
- Inputs "2"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(.*)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Product
- Name "Product1"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [305, 36, 350, 69]
- Inputs "2"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(.*)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "Rayleigh Fading"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [25, 98, 80, 142]
- AncestorBlock "umts_blks/Multipath Channel/Rayleigh Fading"
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- MaskType "Complex Rayleigh Fading Generator (Jakes mo"
- "del)"
- MaskPromptString "Power :|Seed :|Number of generators :|Doppl"
- "er frequency :|Sample time :"
- MaskStyleString "edit,edit,edit,edit,edit"
- MaskTunableValueString "on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskCallbackString "||||"
- MaskEnableString "on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskVisibilityString "on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskToolTipString "on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskVariables "P=@1;N=@2;No=@3;fd=@4;Ts=@5;"
- MaskIconFrame on
- MaskIconOpaque on
- MaskIconRotate "none"
- MaskIconUnits "autoscale"
- MaskValueString "P|seed|No|fd|Ts"
- MaskVariableAliases ",,,,"
- System {
- Name "Rayleigh Fading"
- Location [146, 505, 476, 660]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility on
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "automatic"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "Rayliegh Fading"
- Ports [0, 2]
- Position [25, 27, 100, 58]
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- MaskType "Complex Fading Channel Simulator"
- MaskDescription "Using multiple (No+1) sinusoidal genera"
- "tors to approximate a complex Gaussian random process with Doppler spectrum s"
- "hape. This mobel can be used to generate upto No independent Gaussian process"
- "es for simulating a multipath fading channel."
- MaskPromptString "Path Nummber (<= No) :|Sample Time :|Qu"
- "adrature phase Power :|In-phase Power :|Number of Generators (No) :|Doppler F"
- "requency (rad/sec) :"
- MaskStyleString "edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit"
- MaskTunableValueString "on,on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskCallbackString "|||||"
- MaskEnableString "on,on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskVisibilityString "on,on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskToolTipString "on,on,on,on,on,on"
- MaskVariables "N=@1;Ts=@2;Pq=@3;Pi=@4;No=@5;Wd=@6;"
- MaskInitialization "x=[];nfor n=1:length(N);x=[x; pi/2+((2"
- "*pi*(N(n)-1)*(1:No)./(No+1))+(pi*(1:No)./(No+1)))];endn"
- MaskIconFrame on
- MaskIconOpaque on
- MaskIconRotate "none"
- MaskIconUnits "autoscale"
- MaskValueString "N|Ts|0.5*P|0.5*P|No|2*pi*fd"
- MaskVariableAliases ",,,,,"
- System {
- Name "Rayliegh Fading"
- Location [96, 94, 781, 385]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility on
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "white"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType Sin
- Name "Cosine1"
- Position [15, 95, 45, 125]
- SineType "Time-based"
- Amplitude "1"
- Bias "0"
- Frequency "ones(length(N),1)*Wd*cos( (2*pi*(1:"
- "No)) ./ (2*(2*No+1)) )"
- Phase "x"
- Samples "10"
- Offset "0"
- SampleTime "Ts"
- VectorParams1D off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Sin
- Name "Cosine2"
- Position [90, 95, 120, 125]
- SineType "Time-based"
- Amplitude "0.7071"
- Bias "0"
- Frequency "ones(length(N),1)*Wd"
- Phase "pi/2"
- Samples "10"
- Offset "0"
- SampleTime "Ts"
- VectorParams1D off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "DSPnConstant"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [200, 210, 295, 230]
- ShowName off
- SourceBlock "dspsrcs3/DSPnConstant"
- SourceType "DSP Constant"
- Value "ones(No+1,1)"
- InterpretAs1D off
- SampleMode "Discrete"
- Ts "Ts"
- FramebasedOutput off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "Gain"
- Position [460, 65, 490, 95]
- Gain "sqrt(Pi(:)/No)"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "Gain1"
- Position [105, 30, 135, 60]
- Gain "ones(length(N),1)*2*cos((pi*(1:No))"
- "./(No+1))"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "Gain2"
- Position [105, 165, 135, 195]
- Gain "ones(length(N),1)*2*sin((pi*(1:No))"
- "./(No+1))"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "Gain3"
- Position [160, 65, 190, 95]
- Gain "2*cos(0)"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "Gain4"
- Position [160, 125, 190, 155]
- Gain "2*sin(0)"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "Gain5"
- Position [460, 145, 490, 175]
- Gain "sqrt(Pq(:)/(No+1))"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "MatrixnConcatenation"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [220, 49, 275, 91]
- SourceBlock "simulink3/Signalsn& Systems/Matrix"
- "nConcatenation"
- SourceType "Matrix Concatenation"
- numInports "2"
- catMethod "Horizontal"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "MatrixnConcatenation1"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [220, 129, 275, 171]
- SourceBlock "simulink3/Signalsn& Systems/Matrix"
- "nConcatenation"
- SourceType "Matrix Concatenation"
- numInports "2"
- catMethod "Horizontal"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Matrix Multiply"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [355, 61, 410, 99]
- SourceBlock "dspmtrx3/Matrix Multiply"
- SourceType "Matrix Multiply"
- numInputPorts "2"
- OptimizationLevel "None"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Matrix Multiply1"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [355, 141, 410, 179]
- SourceBlock "dspmtrx3/Matrix Multiply"
- SourceType "Matrix Multiply"
- numInputPorts "2"
- OptimizationLevel "None"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "I Ch"
- Position [530, 70, 550, 90]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "Q Ch"
- Position [530, 150, 550, 170]
- Port "2"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "0"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "DSPnConstant"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [25, 0; 0, -50]
- Branch {
- DstBlock "Matrix Multiply1"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, -80]
- DstBlock "Matrix Multiply"
- DstPort 2
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "MatrixnConcatenation1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Matrix Multiply1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "MatrixnConcatenation"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Matrix Multiply"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Gain2"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [65, 0]
- DstBlock "MatrixnConcatenation1"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Gain1"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [65, 0]
- DstBlock "MatrixnConcatenation"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Gain3"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "MatrixnConcatenation"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Gain4"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "MatrixnConcatenation1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Cosine1"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [0, 0; 25, 0]
- Branch {
- Points [0, -65]
- DstBlock "Gain1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, 70]
- DstBlock "Gain2"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Cosine2"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [0, 0; 15, 0]
- Branch {
- Points [0, -30]
- DstBlock "Gain3"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, 30]
- DstBlock "Gain4"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Gain5"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Q Ch"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Gain"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "I Ch"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Matrix Multiply"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Gain"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Matrix Multiply1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Gain5"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType RealImagToComplex
- Name "Real-Imag tonComplex"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [140, 28, 170, 57]
- Input "RealAndImag"
- ConstantPart "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "Out1"
- Position [215, 38, 245, 52]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Out1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Rayliegh Fading"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Rayliegh Fading"
- SrcPort 2
- DstBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex"
- DstPort 2
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Sum
- Name "Sum"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [370, 45, 390, 65]
- ShowName off
- IconShape "rectangular"
- Inputs "+"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "Out1"
- Position [415, 48, 445, 62]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "CIR"
- Position [415, 113, 445, 127]
- Port "2"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Rayleigh Fading"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [205, 0]
- Branch {
- DstBlock "CIR"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- DstBlock "Product1"
- DstPort 2
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Sum"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Out1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "In1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Product"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Product1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Sum"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "DSPnConstant"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [0, -25]
- DstBlock "Product"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Product"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Integer Delay1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Integer Delay1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Product1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "SMF"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [225, 42, 285, 68]
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- MaskType "Symbol-matched filter for DS-SS"
- MaskPromptString "Symbol time :|Chip time :"
- MaskStyleString "edit,edit"
- MaskTunableValueString "on,on"
- MaskCallbackString "|"
- MaskEnableString "on,on"
- MaskVisibilityString "on,on"
- MaskToolTipString "on,on"
- MaskVariables "Tb=@1;Tc=@2;"
- MaskDisplay "disp('Symbol-Matched\nFilter')"
- MaskIconFrame on
- MaskIconOpaque on
- MaskIconRotate "none"
- MaskIconUnits "autoscale"
- MaskValueString "Tb|Tc"
- MaskVariableAliases ","
- System {
- Name "SMF"
- Location [63, 705, 550, 882]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "white"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "*In"
- Position [15, 88, 45, 102]
- Port "1"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType ComplexToRealImag
- Name "Complex tonReal-Imag"
- Ports [1, 2]
- Position [125, 78, 155, 107]
- ShowName off
- Output "RealAndImag"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Gain
- Name "Gain"
- Position [70, 80, 100, 110]
- ShowName off
- Gain "1/Tb"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Integrate and Dump"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [180, 48, 260, 92]
- ShowName off
- SourceBlock "comminteg2/Integrate and Dump"
- SourceType "Integrate and Dump"
- limit "inf"
- td "Tb"
- ts "Tc"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Integrate and Dump1"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [180, 98, 260, 142]
- ShowName off
- SourceBlock "comminteg2/Integrate and Dump"
- SourceType "Integrate and Dump"
- limit "inf"
- td "Tb"
- ts "Tc"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType RealImagToComplex
- Name "Real-Imag tonComplex"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [350, 78, 380, 107]
- ShowName off
- Input "RealAndImag"
- ConstantPart "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType ZeroOrderHold
- Name "Zero-OrdernHold"
- Position [290, 55, 320, 85]
- ShowName off
- SampleTime "Tb"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType ZeroOrderHold
- Name "Zero-OrdernHold1"
- Position [290, 105, 320, 135]
- ShowName off
- SampleTime "Tb"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "*Out"
- Position [415, 88, 445, 102]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Complex tonReal-Imag"
- SrcPort 2
- Points [5, 0]
- DstBlock "Integrate and Dump1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "*Out"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Zero-OrdernHold1"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [10, 0]
- DstBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Zero-OrdernHold"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [10, 0]
- DstBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Integrate and Dump1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Zero-OrdernHold1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Complex tonReal-Imag"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [5, 0]
- DstBlock "Integrate and Dump"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Integrate and Dump"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Zero-OrdernHold"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Gain"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Complex tonReal-Imag"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "*In"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Gain"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "Stop Control"
- Ports [1]
- Position [15, 189, 120, 231]
- Orientation "left"
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- MaskType "Stop Control for BER Simulations"
- MaskPromptString "Maximum number of samples :|Minimum number of e"
- "rrors :|Minimum number of samples :|Sample time (Tsam) :"
- MaskStyleString "edit,edit,edit,edit"
- MaskTunableValueString "on,on,on,on"
- MaskCallbackString "|||"
- MaskEnableString "on,on,on,on"
- MaskVisibilityString "on,on,on,on"
- MaskToolTipString "on,on,on,on"
- MaskVariables "MaxSamples=@1;MinErrors=@2;MinSamples=@3;Tsam=@"
- "4;"
- MaskDisplay "disp(['Simulation Stop\nControl']);"
- MaskIconFrame on
- MaskIconOpaque off
- MaskIconRotate "none"
- MaskIconUnits "autoscale"
- MaskValueString "1e7|200|5e5|Tb/2"
- MaskVariableAliases ",,,"
- System {
- Name "Stop Control"
- Location [384, 590, 923, 663]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "automatic"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "In1"
- Position [30, 43, 60, 57]
- Port "1"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Constant
- Name "Constant"
- Position [25, 83, 100, 107]
- ShowName off
- Value "MinSamples"
- VectorParams1D on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Constant
- Name "Constant1"
- Position [25, 113, 100, 137]
- ShowName off
- Value "MinErrors"
- VectorParams1D on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Constant
- Name "Constant2"
- Position [25, 143, 100, 167]
- ShowName off
- Value "MaxSamples"
- VectorParams1D on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Demux
- Name "Demux"
- Ports [1, 3]
- Position [85, 31, 90, 69]
- BackgroundColor "black"
- ShowName off
- Outputs "3"
- BusSelectionMode off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Logic
- Name "LogicalnOperator"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [440, 127, 470, 158]
- ShowName off
- Operator "OR"
- Inputs "2"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Logic
- Name "LogicalnOperator1"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [305, 82, 335, 113]
- ShowName off
- Operator "AND"
- Inputs "2"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType RelationalOperator
- Name "RelationalnOperator"
- Position [380, 132, 410, 163]
- ShowName off
- Operator ">"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType RelationalOperator
- Name "RelationalnOperator1"
- Position [200, 102, 230, 133]
- ShowName off
- Operator ">"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType RelationalOperator
- Name "RelationalnOperator2"
- Position [250, 72, 280, 103]
- ShowName off
- Operator ">"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Stop
- Name "Stop Simulation"
- Position [495, 127, 530, 163]
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Terminator
- Name "Terminator"
- Position [200, 30, 220, 50]
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- ShowName off
- }
- Block {
- BlockType ZeroOrderHold
- Name "upsampling4"
- Position [120, 144, 145, 166]
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- ShowName off
- SampleTime "Tsam"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType ZeroOrderHold
- Name "upsampling5"
- Position [120, 114, 145, 136]
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- ShowName off
- SampleTime "Tsam"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType ZeroOrderHold
- Name "upsampling6"
- Position [120, 84, 145, 106]
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- ShowName off
- SampleTime "Tsam"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "In1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Demux"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "RelationalnOperator"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "LogicalnOperator"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Demux"
- SrcPort 2
- Points [85, 0; 0, 60]
- DstBlock "RelationalnOperator1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Demux"
- SrcPort 3
- Points [130, 0]
- Branch {
- Points [135, 0; 0, 80]
- DstBlock "RelationalnOperator"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, 20]
- DstBlock "RelationalnOperator2"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "RelationalnOperator2"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "LogicalnOperator1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "RelationalnOperator1"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [55, 0]
- DstBlock "LogicalnOperator1"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "LogicalnOperator"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Stop Simulation"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "LogicalnOperator1"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [80, 0; 0, 35]
- DstBlock "LogicalnOperator"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Demux"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Terminator"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Constant2"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "upsampling4"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "upsampling4"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "RelationalnOperator"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Constant1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "upsampling5"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "upsampling5"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "RelationalnOperator1"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Constant"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "upsampling6"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "upsampling6"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "RelationalnOperator2"
- DstPort 2
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType ToWorkspace
- Name "To Workspace"
- Position [15, 245, 75, 275]
- Orientation "left"
- VariableName "ErrVect"
- MaxDataPoints "1"
- Decimation "1"
- SampleTime "-1"
- SaveFormat "Array"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "Transmitter"
- RequirementInfo "{ }"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [20, 20, 90, 70]
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- System {
- Name "Transmitter"
- Location [187, 151, 588, 447]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "automatic"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "Data generator"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [15, 31, 80, 69]
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- System {
- Name "Data generator"
- Location [323, 141, 755, 301]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "automatic"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Buffer"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [140, 25, 190, 75]
- SourceBlock "dspbuff3/Buffer"
- SourceType "Buffer"
- N "2"
- V "0"
- ic "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Convert 2-D to 1-D"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [280, 32, 340, 68]
- SourceBlock "dspsigattribs/Convert 2-D to 1-D"
- SourceType "Convert 2-D to 1-D"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Frame StatusnConversion"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [210, 34, 260, 66]
- SourceBlock "dspsigattribs/Frame StatusnConversion"
- SourceType "Frame Status Conversion"
- growRefPort "off"
- outframe "Sample-based"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Goto
- Name "Goto4"
- Position [145, 112, 190, 128]
- ShowName off
- GotoTag "TxData"
- TagVisibility "global"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Random-IntegernGenerator"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [15, 28, 95, 72]
- SourceBlock "commsource2/Random-IntegernGenerator"
- SourceType "Random-Integer Generator"
- mul "2"
- seed "24680"
- Ts "Tb/2"
- frameBased "off"
- sampPerFrame "2"
- orient "off"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "Out1"
- Position [365, 43, 395, 57]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Convert 2-D to 1-D"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Out1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Frame StatusnConversion"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Convert 2-D to 1-D"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Buffer"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Frame StatusnConversion"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Random-IntegernGenerator"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [5, 0]
- Branch {
- DstBlock "Buffer"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, 70]
- DstBlock "Goto4"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Goto
- Name "Goto1"
- Position [240, 197, 285, 213]
- ShowName off
- GotoTag "SC"
- TagVisibility "global"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Lookup
- Name "Look-UpnTable1"
- Position [120, 151, 145, 179]
- ShowName off
- InputValues "[0 1]"
- OutputValues "[1 -1]"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Lookup
- Name "Look-UpnTable2"
- Position [120, 221, 145, 249]
- ShowName off
- InputValues "[0 1]"
- OutputValues "[1 -1]"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType RealImagToComplex
- Name "Real-Imag tonComplex1"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [170, 188, 200, 217]
- ShowName off
- Input "RealAndImag"
- ConstantPart "0"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Scrambling code"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [15, 143, 95, 187]
- SourceBlock "commsource2/PN SequencenGenerator"
- SourceType "PN Sequence Generator"
- poly "[0 -7 -10]"
- ini_sta "[1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]"
- Ts "Tc"
- frameBased "off"
- sampPerFrame "1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "Scrambling code1"
- Ports [0, 1]
- Position [15, 213, 95, 257]
- SourceBlock "commsource2/PN SequencenGenerator"
- SourceType "PN Sequence Generator"
- poly "[0 -6 -7 -9 -10]"
- ini_sta "[1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]"
- Ts "Tc"
- frameBased "off"
- sampPerFrame "1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType SubSystem
- Name "Spreading,nscrambling,nmodulation andnpu"
- "lse shaping"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [245, 36, 325, 89]
- ShowPortLabels on
- TreatAsAtomicUnit off
- RTWSystemCode "Auto"
- RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
- RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
- System {
- Name "Spreading,nscrambling,nmodulation andn"
- "pulse shaping"
- Location [20, 187, 573, 396]
- Open off
- ModelBrowserVisibility off
- ModelBrowserWidth 200
- ScreenColor "automatic"
- PaperOrientation "landscape"
- PaperPositionMode "auto"
- PaperType "usletter"
- PaperUnits "inches"
- ZoomFactor "100"
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "Data"
- Position [15, 73, 45, 87]
- Port "1"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Inport
- Name "SC"
- Position [15, 118, 45, 132]
- Port "2"
- LatchInput off
- Interpolate on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Product
- Name "Product2"
- Ports [2, 1]
- Position [305, 73, 335, 97]
- ShowName off
- Inputs "2"
- Multiplication "Element-wise(.*)"
- SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Reference
- Name "QPSKnModulatornBaseband"
- Ports [1, 1]
- Position [150, 56, 225, 104]
- NamePlacement "alternate"
- SourceBlock "commdigbbndpm2/QPSKnModulatornBaseban"
- "d"
- SourceType "QPSK Modulator Baseband"
- InType "Bit"
- Enc "Gray"
- Ph "qpsk_phase_offset"
- numSamp "1"
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "Out1"
- Position [360, 78, 390, 92]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "QPSKnModulatornBaseband"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Product2"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Data"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "QPSKnModulatornBaseband"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Product2"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Out1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "SC"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [210, 0; 0, -35]
- DstBlock "Product2"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [318, 58]
- Text "ComplexnSpreading"
- }
- }
- }
- Block {
- BlockType Outport
- Name "TxSig"
- Position [355, 58, 385, 72]
- Port "1"
- OutputWhenDisabled "held"
- InitialOutput "[]"
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Data generator"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Spreading,nscrambling,nmodulation andnpu"
- "lse shaping"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Spreading,nscrambling,nmodulation andnpu"
- "lse shaping"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "TxSig"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Scrambling code"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Look-UpnTable1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Scrambling code1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Look-UpnTable2"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex1"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [10, 0]
- Branch {
- DstBlock "Goto1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, -130]
- DstBlock "Spreading,nscrambling,nmodulation andn"
- "pulse shaping"
- DstPort 2
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Look-UpnTable2"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [0, -25]
- DstBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex1"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Look-UpnTable1"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [0, 30]
- DstBlock "Real-Imag tonComplex1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "From40"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Display6"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Transmitter"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Multipath Channel"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "EquivalentnRake meMRC1"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Decoding"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Decoding"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Error Rate Calculation"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "From16"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "EquivalentnRake meMRC1"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "From17"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "MathnFunction16"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "From4"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Integer Delay"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "From28"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "EquivalentnRake meMRC1"
- DstPort 3
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Error Rate Calculation"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Goto6"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "AWGN generation"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Goto11"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "From6"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Error Rate Calculation"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "From18"
- SrcPort 1
- Points [0, 0; -10, 0]
- Branch {
- DstBlock "To Workspace"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Branch {
- Points [0, -50]
- DstBlock "Stop Control"
- DstPort 1
- }
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Integer Delay"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "EquivalentnRake meMRC1"
- DstPort 4
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "SMF"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Goto2"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "MathnFunction16"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "EquivalentnRake meMRC1"
- DstPort 2
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Multipath Channel"
- SrcPort 2
- DstBlock "SMF"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Line {
- SrcBlock "Multipath Channel"
- SrcPort 1
- DstBlock "Goto5"
- DstPort 1
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [598, 205]
- Text "restriction: number of channel paths should les"
- "s than PG"
- FontName "Arial"
- FontSize 14
- FontWeight "bold"
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [617, 156]
- Text "QPSK modulation and ncomplex scrambling are us"
- "ed."
- FontName "Arial"
- FontSize 12
- }
- Annotation {
- Position [612, 272]
- Text "Type get_param(bdroot(gcb),'PreLoadFcn') in the"
- " workspace to view initial settings.nTb: symbol duration, PG: processing gai"
- "n, fd: Doppler frequency, nPathDelay: channel delay in chips, PathProfile: c"
- "hannel power profile, Drake: processing delay due to RAKE receivernM: number"
- " of fingers"
- FontName "Arial"
- FontSize 14
- }
- }
- }