- function [sys, x0, str, ts] = my_sfunxy(t,x,u,flag,ax,refresh,style,varargin)
- %SFUNXY S-function that acts as an X-Y scope using MATLAB plotting functions.
- % This M-file is designed to be used in a Simulink S-function block.
- % It draws a line from the previous input point, which is stored using
- % discrete states, and the current point. It then stores the current
- % point for use in the next invocation.
- %
- % See also SFUNXYS, LORENZS.
- % Copyright (c) 1990-1998 by The MathWorks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- % $Revision: 1.34 $
- % Andrew Grace 5-30-91.
- % Revised Wes Wang 4-28-93, 8-17-93, 12-15-93
- % Revised Craig Santos 10-28-96
- switch flag
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Initialization %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- case 0
- [sys,x0,str,ts] = mdlInitializeSizes(ax,refresh,style,varargin{:});
- SetBlockCallbacks(gcbh);
- %%%%%%%%%%
- % Update %
- %%%%%%%%%%
- case 2
- sys = mdlUpdate(t,x,u,flag,ax,refresh,style,varargin{:});
- %%%%%%%%%
- % Start %
- %%%%%%%%%
- case 'Start'
- LocalBlockStartFcn
- %%%%%%%%
- % Stop %
- %%%%%%%%
- case 'Stop'
- LocalBlockStopFcn
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % NameChange %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- case 'NameChange'
- LocalBlockNameChangeFcn
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % CopyBlock, LoadBlock %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- case { 'CopyBlock', 'LoadBlock' }
- LocalBlockLoadCopyFcn
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % DeleteBlock %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- case 'DeleteBlock'
- LocalBlockDeleteFcn
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % DeleteFigure %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- case 'DeleteFigure'
- LocalFigureDeleteFcn
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Unused flags %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- case { 3, 9 }
- sys = [];
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Unexpected flags %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- otherwise
- if ischar(flag),
- errmsg=sprintf('Unhandled flag: ''%s''', flag);
- else
- errmsg=sprintf('Unhandled flag: %d', flag);
- end
- error(errmsg);
- end
- % end sfunxy
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % mdlInitializeSizes
- % Return the sizes, initial conditions, and sample times for the S-function.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function [sys,x0,str,ts] = mdlInitializeSizes(ax,refresh,style,varargin)
- if length (ax)~=4
- error(['Axes limits must be defined.'])
- end
- sizes = simsizes;
- sizes.NumContStates = 0;
- sizes.NumDiscStates = 1;
- sizes.NumOutputs = 0;
- sizes.NumInputs = 2;
- sizes.DirFeedthrough = 0;
- sizes.NumSampleTimes = 1;
- sys = simsizes(sizes);
- x0 = [0];
- str = [];
- %
- % initialize the array of sample times, note that in earlier
- % versions of this scope, a sample time was not one of the input
- % arguments, the varargs checks for this and if not present, assigns
- % the sample time to -1 (inherited)
- %
- if ~isempty(varargin) > 0
- ts = [varargin{1} 0];
- else
- ts = [-1 0];
- end
- % end mdlInitializeSizes
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % mdlUpdate
- % Handle discrete state updates, sample time hits, and major time step
- % requirements.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function sys=mdlUpdate(t,x,u,flag,ax,refresh,style,varargin)
- %
- % always return empty, there are no states...
- %
- sys = x+1;
- %
- % Locate the figure window associated with this block. If it's not a valid
- % handle (it may have been closed by the user), then return.
- %
- FigHandle=GetSfunXYFigure(gcbh);
- if ~ishandle(FigHandle),
- return
- end
- %
- % Get UserData of the figure.
- %
- ud = get(FigHandle,'UserData');
- if isempty(ud.XData),
- x_data = [u(1) u(1)];
- y_data = [u(2) u(2)];
- else
- x_data = [ud.XData(end) u(1)];
- y_data = [ud.YData(end) u(2)];
- end
- % plot the input lines
- set(ud.XYAxes, ...
- 'Visible','on',...
- 'Xlim', ax(1:2),...
- 'Ylim', ax(3:4));
- set(ud.XYLine,...
- 'Xdata',x_data,...
- 'Ydata',y_data,...
- 'LineStyle',style);
- set(ud.XYTitle,'String','X Y Plot');
- set(FigHandle,'Color',get(FigHandle,'Color'));
- %
- % update the X/Y stored data points
- %
- ud.XData(end+1) = u(1);
- ud.YData(end+1) = u(2);
- set(FigHandle,'UserData',ud);
- drawnow;
- if rem(x,refresh)==0
- LocalBlockStartFcn; % refresh over 'refresh' counts
- end
- % end mdlUpdate
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % LocalBlockStartFcn
- % Function that is called when the simulation starts. Initialize the
- % XY Graph scope figure.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function LocalBlockStartFcn
- %
- % get the figure associated with this block, create a figure if it doesn't
- % exist
- %
- FigHandle = GetSfunXYFigure(gcbh);
- if ~ishandle(FigHandle),
- FigHandle = CreateSfunXYFigure;
- end
- ud = get(FigHandle,'UserData');
- set(ud.XYLine,'Erasemode','normal');
- set(ud.XYLine,'XData',[],'YData',[]);
- set(ud.XYLine,'XData',0,'YData',0,'Erasemode','none');
- ud.XData = [];
- ud.YData = [];
- set(FigHandle,'UserData',ud);
- % end LocalBlockStartFcn
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % LocalBlockStopFcn
- % At the end of the simulation, set the line's X and Y data to contain
- % the complete set of points that were acquire during the simulation.
- % Recall that during the simulation, the lines are only small segments from
- % the last time step to the current one.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function LocalBlockStopFcn
- FigHandle=GetSfunXYFigure(gcbh);
- if ishandle(FigHandle),
- %
- % Get UserData of the figure.
- %
- ud = get(FigHandle,'UserData');
- set(ud.XYLine,...
- 'Xdata',ud.XData,...
- 'Ydata',ud.YData,...
- 'LineStyle',style);
- end
- % end LocalBlockStopFcn
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % LocalBlockNameChangeFcn
- % Function that handles name changes on the Graph scope block.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function LocalBlockNameChangeFcn
- %
- % get the figure associated with this block, if it's valid, change
- % the name of the figure
- %
- FigHandle = GetSfunXYFigure(gcbh);
- if ishandle(FigHandle),
- set(FigHandle,'Name',get_param(gcbh,'Name'));
- end
- % end LocalBlockNameChangeFcn
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % LocalBlockLoadCopyFcn
- % This is the XYGraph block's LoadFcn and CopyFcn. Initialize the block's
- % UserData such that a figure is not associated with the block.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function LocalBlockLoadCopyFcn
- SetSfunXYFigure(gcbh,-1);
- % end LocalBlockLoadCopyFcn
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % LocalBlockDeleteFcn
- % This is the XY Graph block'DeleteFcn. Delete the block's figure window,
- % if present, upon deletion of the block.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function LocalBlockDeleteFcn
- %
- % Get the figure handle associated with the block, if it exists, delete
- % the figure.
- %
- FigHandle=GetSfunXYFigure(gcbh);
- if ishandle(FigHandle),
- delete(FigHandle);
- SetSfunXYFigure(gcbh,-1);
- end
- % end LocalBlockDeleteFcn
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % LocalFigureDeleteFcn
- % This is the XY Graph figure window's DeleteFcn. The figure window is
- % being deleted, update the XY Graph block's UserData to reflect the change.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function LocalFigureDeleteFcn
- %
- % Get the block associated with this figure and set it's figure to -1
- %
- ud=get(gcbf,'UserData');
- SetSfunXYFigure(ud.Block,-1)
- % end LocalFigureDeleteFcn
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % GetSfunXYFigure
- % Retrieves the figure window associated with this S-function XY Graph block
- % from the block's parent subsystem's UserData.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function FigHandle=GetSfunXYFigure(block)
- if strcmp(get_param(block,'BlockType'),'S-Function'),
- block=get_param(block,'Parent');
- end
- FigHandle=get_param(block,'UserData');
- if isempty(FigHandle),
- FigHandle=-1;
- end
- % end GetSfunXYFigure
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % SetSfunXYFigure
- % Stores the figure window associated with this S-function XY Graph block
- % in the block's parent subsystem's UserData.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function SetSfunXYFigure(block,FigHandle)
- if strcmp(get_param(bdroot,'BlockDiagramType'),'model'),
- if strcmp(get_param(block,'BlockType'),'S-Function'),
- block=get_param(block,'Parent');
- end
- set_param(block,'UserData',FigHandle);
- end
- % end SetSfunXYFigure
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % CreateSfunXYFigure
- % Creates the figure window associated with this S-function XY Graph block.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function FigHandle=CreateSfunXYFigure
- %
- % the figure doesn't exist, create one
- %
- FigHandle = figure('Units', 'pixel',...
- 'Position', [100 100 400 300],...
- 'Name', get_param(gcbh,'Name'),...
- 'NumberTitle', 'off',...
- 'IntegerHandle', 'off',...
- 'Toolbar', 'none',...
- 'Menubar', 'none',...
- 'DeleteFcn', 'sfunxy([],[],[],''DeleteFigure'')');
- %
- % store the block's handle in the figure's UserData
- %
- ud.Block=gcbh;
- %
- % create various objects in the figure
- %
- ud.XYAxes = axes;
- ud.XYLine = plot(0,0,'EraseMode','None');
- ud.XYXlabel = xlabel('X Axis');
- ud.XYYlabel = ylabel('Y Axis');
- ud.XYTitle = get(ud.XYAxes,'Title');
- ud.XData = [];
- ud.YData = [];
- set(ud.XYAxes,'Visible','off');
- %
- % Associate the figure with the block, and set the figure's UserData.
- %
- SetSfunXYFigure(gcbh,FigHandle);
- set(FigHandle,'HandleVisibility','callback','UserData',ud);
- % end CreateSfunXYFigure
- %
- %=============================================================================
- % SetBlockCallbacks
- % This sets the callbacks of the block if it is not a reference.
- %=============================================================================
- %
- function SetBlockCallbacks(block)
- %
- % the actual source of the block is the parent subsystem
- %
- block=get_param(block,'Parent');
- %
- % if the block isn't linked, issue a warning, and then set the callbacks
- % for the block so that it has the proper operation
- %
- if strcmp(get_param(block,'LinkStatus'),'none'),
- warnmsg=sprintf(['The XY Graph scope ''%s'' should be replaced with a ' ...
- 'new version from the Simulink block library'],...
- block);
- %warning(warnmsg);
- callbacks={
- 'CopyFcn', 'sfunxy([],[],[],''CopyBlock'')' ;
- 'DeleteFcn', 'sfunxy([],[],[],''DeleteBlock'')' ;
- 'LoadFcn', 'sfunxy([],[],[],''LoadBlock'')' ;
- 'StartFcn', 'sfunxy([],[],[],''Start'')' ;
- 'StopFcn' 'sfunxy([],[],[],''Stop'')'
- 'NameChangeFcn', 'sfunxy([],[],[],''NameChange'')' ;
- };
- for i=1:length(callbacks),
- if ~strcmp(get_param(block,callbacks{i,1}),callbacks{i,2}),
- set_param(block,callbacks{i,1},callbacks{i,2})
- end
- end
- end
- % end SetBlockCallbacks