- %***************************** HIMANSHU RAY ************************************************************************%
- % Calculating average fade duration and plotting envelope of Rayleigh distribution for specified value of fm and ro %
- %************************** ****************************************************************************************%
- close all
- clear all
- clc
- N=256; %Number of frequency samples
- M=8192; %Number of time samples
- % Required parameters for INPUT: fm and row (r0)
- fm=input('ENTER THE VALUE OF fm [20 Hz, 200Hz]:')
- r0=input('ENTER THE VALUE OF r0 [1,0.1,0.01]:')
- y=1;
- Afd_p=0; % Average fade duration; practical value
- Nr_p=0; % Number of Zero-crossing level per second
- Rrms_p=0; % Practically calculated R-rms value
- while(y<=1)
- delta_f=2*fm/N; % Frequency resolution
- delta_t=N/(M-1)/2/fm; % Time resolution
- %************************* NOTE **********************************%
- % "If N=M-1, then the time resolution delta_t=1/2*fm, which may not be
- % small so take M >> N. When M > N, we need to pad with zero values
- % before taking IFFT."
- X1(1)=randn(1); % Generating Gaussain Random with N(0,1)
- X1=X1(1);
- Y1(1)=randn(1);
- Y1=Y1(1);
- for m=2:(N/2)+1
- X1(m)=randn(1);
- X2(m)=randn(1);
- Y1(m)=randn(1);
- Y2(m)=randn(1);
- X(m)=X1(m)+i*X2(m);
- Y(m)=Y1(m)+i*Y2(m);
- end
- for m=1:(N/2)+1
- X(M-m+1)=conj(X(m+1));
- Y(M-m+1)=conj(Y(m+1));
- end
- % Sample Se(f) Spectrum
- for jj=1:N/2
- SeF(jj)=1.5/(pi*fm*(sqrt(1-((jj-1)*delta_f/fm)^2)));
- end
- % Calculating Edge Value by extending the slope prior to passband edge to edge
- SeF((N/2)+1)=SeF(N/2)+SeF(N/2)-SeF((N/2)-1);
- for m=1:N/2
- SeF(M-m+1)=SeF(m+1);
- end
- for m=1:M
- X_shaped(m)=X(m)*sqrt(SeF(m));
- Y_shaped(m)=Y(m)*sqrt(SeF(m));
- end
- X_component=real(ifft(X_shaped)); % Only considering the real part
- Y_component=real(ifft(Y_shaped));
- %************* Find R-rms value and envelope of Rayleigh Distribution ***********%
- R=sqrt(X_component.^2+Y_component.^2);
- r=20*log10(R);
- rms=sqrt(mean(R.^2));
- Rrms=20*log10(rms);
- level=20*log10(r0*rms);
- R=r-Rrms;
- figure
- plot(1:8192,R,'r')
- xlabel ('Time Samples, M=8192');
- ylabel ('Instantaneous Power dB');
- title ('Figure(1):Rayleigh fading signal for Specified fm & r0 ');
- % Calculating (Practically) Number of Zero Level Crossing and Average Fade Duration %
- h=1;
- c=0;
- C1=0;
- NUM=0;
- while h<=M
- if r(h)<=level
- i=h;
- while i<=M
- if r(i)>=level
- NUM=NUM+1;
- break;
- end
- i=i+1;
- end
- c=i-h;
- C1=C1+c;
- h=i-1;
- end
- h=h+1;
- end
- Afd_p=Afd_p+(C1/NUM)*delta_t;
- Nr_p=Nr_p+NUM*delta_f;
- Rrms_p=Rrms_p+Rrms;
- y=y+1;
- end
- %************ Theoretical calculation of Number of Zero Level Crossing (Nr) and Average Fade Duration ************* %
- Nr_theoretical=sqrt(2*pi)*fm*r0*exp(-r0^2);
- z1=exp(r0^2)-1;
- z2=r0*fm*sqrt(2*pi);
- Average_fade_duration_theoretical =z1/z2;
- rowdb=10*log10(r0) ;
- Rrms_theoretical=Rrms+rowdb;
- %*********************** Displayiing Calculated values ************************ %
- Nr_practical=(Nr_p);
- Nr_practical
- Nr_theoretical
- Average_fade_duration_Practical=(Afd_p);
- Average_fade_duration_Practical
- Average_fade_duration_theoretical =z1/z2
- Rrms_Practical=Rrms_p
- Rrms_theoretical