



  1. # $Revision: 1.2 $
  2. Model {
  3.   Name   "dspddc_R12p1"
  4.   Version   4.1.1
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  25.   Created   "Tue Feb 19 10:13:38 2002"
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  270.       Position       [245, 15, 285, 55]
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  282.     }
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  287.       Position       [365, 15, 405, 55]
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  299.     }
  300.     Block {
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  312. "ft left):"
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  321. "iftRight;ndstr = ['Vy = Vu'];nif netExponent ~= 0n  dstr = [dstr,' * 2^',n"
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  353. }
  354. Block {
  355.   BlockType   Reference
  356.   Name   "Data TypenPropagation"
  357.   Ports   [3]
  358.   Position   [295, 50, 335, 90]
  359.   SourceBlock   "fixpt_lib_3p1/Data Type/Data Typen"
  360. "Propagation"
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  365.   IfRefSingle   "single"
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  372.   PropScaling   "2^-10"
  373.   ValuesUsedBestPrec   "[5 -7]"
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  378.   BiasMult   "2^netExponent"
  379.   BiasAdd   "0"
  380.   DblOver   off
  381. }
  382. Block {
  383.   BlockType   Reference
  384.   Name   "Gain"
  385.   Ports   [1, 1]
  386.   Position   [120, 143, 165, 187]
  387.   SourceBlock   "fixpt_lib_3p1/Math/Gain"
  388.   SourceType   "Fixed-Point Gain"
  389.   gainval   "2^netExponent"
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  391.   GainDataType   "sfix(24)"
  392.   GainScaling   "2^-14"
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  400.   DblOver   off
  401.   dolog   on
  402.   ElevsMatrix   "Element-wise(K.*u)"
  403. }
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  411. }
  412. Line {
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  416.   Branch {
  417.     Points     [0, -80]
  418.     DstBlock     "Data TypenPropagation"
  419.     DstPort     3
  420.   }
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  422.     DstBlock     "y"
  423.     DstPort     1
  424.   }
  425. }
  426. Line {
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  429.   Points   [35, 0]
  430.   Branch {
  431.     Points     [0, -110; 160, 0]
  432.     Branch {
  433.     Points     [0, 15]
  434.     DstBlock     "Data TypenPropagation"
  435.     DstPort     2
  436.     }
  437.     Branch {
  438.     DstBlock     "Data TypenPropagation"
  439.     DstPort     1
  440.     }
  441.   }
  442.   Branch {
  443.     DstBlock     "Gain"
  444.     DstPort     1
  445.   }
  446. }
  447.       }
  448.     }
  449.     Block {
  450.       BlockType       Outport
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  452.       Position       [485, 28, 515, 42]
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  454.       OutputWhenDisabled      "held"
  455.       InitialOutput       "[]"
  456.     }
  457.     Line {
  458.       SrcBlock       "ShiftnArithmetic"
  459.       SrcPort       1
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  461.       DstPort       1
  462.     }
  463.     Line {
  464.       SrcBlock       "24-bit In"
  465.       SrcPort       1
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  467.       DstPort       1
  468.     }
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  473.       DstPort       1
  474.     }
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  477.       SrcPort       1
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  479.       DstPort       1
  480.     }
  481.   }
  482. }
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  984.       Position       [25, 25, 55, 40]
  985.       Orientation       "down"
  986.       Port       "1"
  987.       LatchInput       off
  988.       Interpolate       on
  989.     }
  990.     Block {
  991.       BlockType       Reference
  992.       Name       "Integer Delay"
  993.       Ports       [1, 1]
  994.       Position       [70, 44, 90, 76]
  995.       ShowName       off
  996.       SourceBlock       "dspsigops/Integer Delay"
  997.       SourceType       "Integer Delay"
  998.       delay       "1"
  999.       ic       "0"
  1000.     }
  1001.     Block {
  1002.       BlockType       Reference
  1003.       Name       "Sum"
  1004.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1005.       Position       [180, 46, 220, 104]
  1006.       SourceBlock       "fixpt_lib_3p1/Math/Sum"
  1007.       SourceType       "Fixed-Point Sum"
  1008.       listofsigns       "-+"
  1009.       OutputDataTypeScalingMode "Specify via dialog"
  1010.       OutDataType       "sfix(50)"
  1011.       OutScaling       "2^-18"
  1012.       LockScale       off
  1013.       RndMeth       "Nearest"
  1014.       DoSatur       off
  1015.       DblOver       off
  1016.       dolog       on
  1017.     }
  1018.     Block {
  1019.       BlockType       Outport
  1020.       Name       "Out"
  1021.       Position       [245, 68, 275, 82]
  1022.       Port       "1"
  1023.       OutputWhenDisabled      "held"
  1024.       InitialOutput       "[]"
  1025.     }
  1026.     Line {
  1027.       SrcBlock       "Integer Delay"
  1028.       SrcPort       1
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  1030.       DstPort       1
  1031.     }
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  1036.       Branch {
  1037. Points [0, 30]
  1038. DstBlock "Sum"
  1039. DstPort 2
  1040.       }
  1041.       Branch {
  1042. DstBlock "Integer Delay"
  1043. DstPort 1
  1044.       }
  1045.     }
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  1047.       SrcBlock       "Sum"
  1048.       SrcPort       1
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  1050.       DstPort       1
  1051.     }
  1052.   }
  1053. }
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  1055.   BlockType   SubSystem
  1056.   Name   "Comb4"
  1057.   Ports   [1, 1]
  1058.   Position   [480, 169, 525, 201]
  1059.   ShowPortLabels   on
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  1062.   RTWFcnNameOpts   "Auto"
  1063.   RTWFileNameOpts   "Auto"
  1064.   System {
  1065.     Name     "Comb4"
  1066.     Location     [94, 585, 394, 716]
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  1079.       Position       [25, 25, 55, 40]
  1080.       Orientation       "down"
  1081.       Port       "1"
  1082.       LatchInput       off
  1083.       Interpolate       on
  1084.     }
  1085.     Block {
  1086.       BlockType       Reference
  1087.       Name       "Integer Delay"
  1088.       Ports       [1, 1]
  1089.       Position       [70, 44, 90, 76]
  1090.       ShowName       off
  1091.       SourceBlock       "dspsigops/Integer Delay"
  1092.       SourceType       "Integer Delay"
  1093.       delay       "1"
  1094.       ic       "0"
  1095.     }
  1096.     Block {
  1097.       BlockType       Reference
  1098.       Name       "Sum"
  1099.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1100.       Position       [180, 46, 220, 104]
  1101.       SourceBlock       "fixpt_lib_3p1/Math/Sum"
  1102.       SourceType       "Fixed-Point Sum"
  1103.       listofsigns       "-+"
  1104.       OutputDataTypeScalingMode "Specify via dialog"
  1105.       OutDataType       "sfix(50)"
  1106.       OutScaling       "2^-18"
  1107.       LockScale       off
  1108.       RndMeth       "Nearest"
  1109.       DoSatur       off
  1110.       DblOver       off
  1111.       dolog       on
  1112.     }
  1113.     Block {
  1114.       BlockType       Outport
  1115.       Name       "Out"
  1116.       Position       [245, 68, 275, 82]
  1117.       Port       "1"
  1118.       OutputWhenDisabled      "held"
  1119.       InitialOutput       "[]"
  1120.     }
  1121.     Line {
  1122.       SrcBlock       "Sum"
  1123.       SrcPort       1
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  1125.       DstPort       1
  1126.     }
  1127.     Line {
  1128.       SrcBlock       "In"
  1129.       SrcPort       1
  1130.       Points       [0, 0; 0, 15]
  1131.       Branch {
  1132. DstBlock "Integer Delay"
  1133. DstPort 1
  1134.       }
  1135.       Branch {
  1136. Points [0, 30]
  1137. DstBlock "Sum"
  1138. DstPort 2
  1139.       }
  1140.     }
  1141.     Line {
  1142.       SrcBlock       "Integer Delay"
  1143.       SrcPort       1
  1144.       DstBlock       "Sum"
  1145.       DstPort       1
  1146.     }
  1147.   }
  1148. }
  1149. Block {
  1150.   BlockType   SubSystem
  1151.   Name   "Comb5"
  1152.   Ports   [1, 1]
  1153.   Position   [605, 169, 650, 201]
  1154.   ShowPortLabels   on
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  1157.   RTWFcnNameOpts   "Auto"
  1158.   RTWFileNameOpts   "Auto"
  1159.   System {
  1160.     Name     "Comb5"
  1161.     Location     [94, 585, 394, 716]
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  1174.       Position       [25, 25, 55, 40]
  1175.       Orientation       "down"
  1176.       Port       "1"
  1177.       LatchInput       off
  1178.       Interpolate       on
  1179.     }
  1180.     Block {
  1181.       BlockType       Reference
  1182.       Name       "Integer Delay"
  1183.       Ports       [1, 1]
  1184.       Position       [70, 44, 90, 76]
  1185.       ShowName       off
  1186.       SourceBlock       "dspsigops/Integer Delay"
  1187.       SourceType       "Integer Delay"
  1188.       delay       "1"
  1189.       ic       "0"
  1190.     }
  1191.     Block {
  1192.       BlockType       Reference
  1193.       Name       "Sum"
  1194.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1195.       Position       [180, 46, 220, 104]
  1196.       SourceBlock       "fixpt_lib_3p1/Math/Sum"
  1197.       SourceType       "Fixed-Point Sum"
  1198.       listofsigns       "-+"
  1199.       OutputDataTypeScalingMode "Specify via dialog"
  1200.       OutDataType       "sfix(50)"
  1201.       OutScaling       "2^-18"
  1202.       LockScale       off
  1203.       RndMeth       "Nearest"
  1204.       DoSatur       off
  1205.       DblOver       off
  1206.       dolog       on
  1207.     }
  1208.     Block {
  1209.       BlockType       Outport
  1210.       Name       "Out"
  1211.       Position       [245, 68, 275, 82]
  1212.       Port       "1"
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  1214.       InitialOutput       "[]"
  1215.     }
  1216.     Line {
  1217.       SrcBlock       "Integer Delay"
  1218.       SrcPort       1
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  1220.       DstPort       1
  1221.     }
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  1223.       SrcBlock       "In"
  1224.       SrcPort       1
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  1226.       Branch {
  1227. Points [0, 30]
  1228. DstBlock "Sum"
  1229. DstPort 2
  1230.       }
  1231.       Branch {
  1232. DstBlock "Integer Delay"
  1233. DstPort 1
  1234.       }
  1235.     }
  1236.     Line {
  1237.       SrcBlock       "Sum"
  1238.       SrcPort       1
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  1240.       DstPort       1
  1241.     }
  1242.   }
  1243. }
  1244. Block {
  1245.   BlockType   Reference
  1246.   Name   "Conversion"
  1247.   Ports   [1, 1]
  1248.   Position   [720, 165, 785, 205]
  1249.   SourceBlock   "fixpt_lib_3p1/Data Type/Conversion"
  1250.   SourceType   "Fixed-Point to Fixed-Point Conversion"
  1251.   ConvertRealWorld   "Real World Value"
  1252.   OutputDataTypeScalingMode "Specify via dialog"
  1253.   OutDataType   "sfix(24)"
  1254.   OutScaling   "2^8"
  1255.   LockScale   off
  1256.   RndMeth   "Nearest"
  1257.   DoSatur   off
  1258.   DblOver   off
  1259.   dolog   on
  1260. }
  1261. Block {
  1262.   BlockType   Reference
  1263.   Name   "Downsample"
  1264.   Ports   [1, 1]
  1265.   Position   [800, 88, 835, 122]
  1266.   SourceBlock   "dspsigops/Downsample"
  1267.   SourceType   "Downsample"
  1268.   N   "64"
  1269.   phase   "0"
  1270.   ic   "0"
  1271.   smode   "Allow multirate"
  1272.   fmode   "Maintain input frame size"
  1273. }
  1274. Block {
  1275.   BlockType   Goto
  1276.   Name   "Goto"
  1277.   Position   [85, 38, 165, 62]
  1278.   ShowName   off
  1279.   GotoTag   "MIXER_OUT"
  1280.   TagVisibility   "global"
  1281. }
  1282. Block {
  1283.   BlockType   Goto
  1284.   Name   "Goto1"
  1285.   Position   [865, 218, 920, 242]
  1286.   ShowName   off
  1287.   GotoTag   "CIC_OUT"
  1288.   TagVisibility   "global"
  1289. }
  1290. Block {
  1291.   BlockType   SubSystem
  1292.   Name   "Integrator1"
  1293.   Ports   [1, 1]
  1294.   Position   [145, 89, 190, 121]
  1295.   ShowPortLabels   on
  1296.   TreatAsAtomicUnit   off
  1297.   RTWSystemCode   "Auto"
  1298.   RTWFcnNameOpts   "Auto"
  1299.   RTWFileNameOpts   "Auto"
  1300.   System {
  1301.     Name     "Integrator1"
  1302.     Location     [116, 150, 506, 281]
  1303.     Open     off
  1304.     ModelBrowserVisibility  off
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  1315.       Position       [25, 73, 55, 87]
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  1318.       Interpolate       on
  1319.     }
  1320.     Block {
  1321.       BlockType       Reference
  1322.       Name       "Integer Delay"
  1323.       Ports       [1, 1]
  1324.       Position       [195, 54, 235, 86]
  1325.       ShowName       off
  1326.       SourceBlock       "dspsigops/Integer Delay"
  1327.       SourceType       "Integer Delay"
  1328.       delay       "1"
  1329.       ic       "0"
  1330.     }
  1331.     Block {
  1332.       BlockType       Reference
  1333.       Name       "Sum"
  1334.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1335.       Position       [90, 50, 130, 90]
  1336.       SourceBlock       "fixpt_lib_3p1/Math/Sum"
  1337.       SourceType       "Fixed-Point Sum"
  1338.       listofsigns       "++"
  1339.       OutputDataTypeScalingMode "Specify via dialog"
  1340.       OutDataType       "sfix(50)"
  1341.       OutScaling       "2^-18"
  1342.       LockScale       off
  1343.       RndMeth       "Nearest"
  1344.       DoSatur       off
  1345.       DblOver       off
  1346.       dolog       on
  1347.     }
  1348.     Block {
  1349.       BlockType       Outport
  1350.       Name       "Out"
  1351.       Position       [325, 62, 355, 78]
  1352.       Port       "1"
  1353.       OutputWhenDisabled      "held"
  1354.       InitialOutput       "[]"
  1355.     }
  1356.     Line {
  1357.       SrcBlock       "Sum"
  1358.       SrcPort       1
  1359.       DstBlock       "Integer Delay"
  1360.       DstPort       1
  1361.     }
  1362.     Line {
  1363.       SrcBlock       "Integer Delay"
  1364.       SrcPort       1
  1365.       Points       [0, 0; 30, 0]
  1366.       Branch {
  1367. Points [0, -40; -205, 0; 0, 30]
  1368. DstBlock "Sum"
  1369. DstPort 1
  1370.       }
  1371.       Branch {
  1372. DstBlock "Out"
  1373. DstPort 1
  1374.       }
  1375.     }
  1376.     Line {
  1377.       SrcBlock       "In"
  1378.       SrcPort       1
  1379.       DstBlock       "Sum"
  1380.       DstPort       2
  1381.     }
  1382.   }
  1383. }
  1384. Block {
  1385.   BlockType   SubSystem
  1386.   Name   "Integrator2"
  1387.   Ports   [1, 1]
  1388.   Position   [265, 89, 310, 121]
  1389.   ShowPortLabels   on
  1390.   TreatAsAtomicUnit   off
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  1392.   RTWFcnNameOpts   "Auto"
  1393.   RTWFileNameOpts   "Auto"
  1394.   System {
  1395.     Name     "Integrator2"
  1396.     Location     [116, 150, 506, 281]
  1397.     Open     off
  1398.     ModelBrowserVisibility  off
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  1408.       Name       "In"
  1409.       Position       [25, 73, 55, 87]
  1410.       Port       "1"
  1411.       LatchInput       off
  1412.       Interpolate       on
  1413.     }
  1414.     Block {
  1415.       BlockType       Reference
  1416.       Name       "Integer Delay"
  1417.       Ports       [1, 1]
  1418.       Position       [195, 54, 235, 86]
  1419.       ShowName       off
  1420.       SourceBlock       "dspsigops/Integer Delay"
  1421.       SourceType       "Integer Delay"
  1422.       delay       "1"
  1423.       ic       "0"
  1424.     }
  1425.     Block {
  1426.       BlockType       Reference
  1427.       Name       "Sum"
  1428.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1429.       Position       [90, 50, 130, 90]
  1430.       SourceBlock       "fixpt_lib_3p1/Math/Sum"
  1431.       SourceType       "Fixed-Point Sum"
  1432.       listofsigns       "++"
  1433.       OutputDataTypeScalingMode "Specify via dialog"
  1434.       OutDataType       "sfix(50)"
  1435.       OutScaling       "2^-18"
  1436.       LockScale       off
  1437.       RndMeth       "Nearest"
  1438.       DoSatur       off
  1439.       DblOver       off
  1440.       dolog       on
  1441.     }
  1442.     Block {
  1443.       BlockType       Outport
  1444.       Name       "Out"
  1445.       Position       [325, 62, 355, 78]
  1446.       Port       "1"
  1447.       OutputWhenDisabled      "held"
  1448.       InitialOutput       "[]"
  1449.     }
  1450.     Line {
  1451.       SrcBlock       "In"
  1452.       SrcPort       1
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  1454.       DstPort       2
  1455.     }
  1456.     Line {
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  1475.     }
  1476.   }
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  1512.       Position       [195, 54, 235, 86]
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  1517.       ic       "0"
  1518.     }
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  1557. DstPort 1
  1558.       }
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  1561. DstPort 1
  1562.       }
  1563.     }
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  1569.     }
  1570.   }
  1571. }
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  1576.   Position   [530, 89, 575, 121]
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  1601.     }
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  1606.       Position       [195, 54, 235, 86]
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  1611.       ic       "0"
  1612.     }
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  1617.       Position       [90, 50, 130, 90]
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  1628.       dolog       on
  1629.     }
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  1651.       }
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  1663.     }
  1664.   }
  1665. }
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  1695.     }
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  1700.       Position       [195, 54, 235, 86]
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  1705.       ic       "0"
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  1711.       Position       [90, 50, 130, 90]
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  1766.   InitialOutput   "[]"
  1767. }
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  1770.   SrcPort   1
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  1775.   }
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  1777.     DstBlock     "Integrator1"
  1778.     DstPort     1
  1779.   }
  1780. }
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  1785.   DstPort   1
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  1789.   SrcPort   1
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  1791.   DstPort   1
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  1797.   DstPort   1
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  1803.   DstPort   1
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  1822.   DstPort   1
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  1828.   DstPort   1
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  1834.   DstPort   1
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  1840.   DstPort   1
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  1855.   }
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  1988.   DstPort   1
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  2460.     Line {
  2461.     SrcBlock     "Conversion"
  2462.     SrcPort     1
  2463.     DstBlock     "Conversion1"
  2464.     DstPort     1
  2465.     }
  2466.   }
  2467. }
  2468. Block {
  2469.   BlockType   Reference
  2470.   Name   "Sum"
  2471.   Ports   [2, 1]
  2472.   Position   [125, 40, 165, 80]
  2473.   SourceBlock   "fixpt_lib_3p1/Math/Sum"
  2474.   SourceType   "Fixed-Point Sum"
  2475.   listofsigns   "++"
  2476.   OutputDataTypeScalingMode "Specify via dialog"
  2477.   OutDataType   "ufix(23)"
  2478.   OutScaling   "2^0"
  2479.   LockScale   off
  2480.   RndMeth   "Nearest"
  2481.   DoSatur   off
  2482.   DblOver   off
  2483.   dolog   on
  2484. }
  2485. Block {
  2486.   BlockType   Outport
  2487.   Name   "Out"
  2488.   Position   [355, 53, 385, 67]
  2489.   Port   "1"
  2490.   OutputWhenDisabled   "held"
  2491.   InitialOutput   "[]"
  2492. }
  2493. Line {
  2494.   SrcBlock   "In2"
  2495.   SrcPort   1
  2496.   Points   [35, 0; 0, -45]
  2497.   DstBlock   "Sum"
  2498.   DstPort   2
  2499. }
  2500. Line {
  2501.   SrcBlock   "Retain 18 MSBs"
  2502.   SrcPort   1
  2503.   DstBlock   "Out"
  2504.   DstPort   1
  2505. }
  2506. Line {
  2507.   SrcBlock   "In1"
  2508.   SrcPort   1
  2509.   DstBlock   "Sum"
  2510.   DstPort   1
  2511. }
  2512. Line {
  2513.   SrcBlock   "Sum"
  2514.   SrcPort   1
  2515.   DstBlock   "Retain 18 MSBs"
  2516.   DstPort   1
  2517. }
  2518.       }
  2519.     }
  2520.     Block {
  2521.       BlockType       SubSystem
  2522.       Name       "Subsystem2"
  2523.       Ports       [0, 1]
  2524.       Position       [343, 130, 407, 170]
  2525.       Orientation       "up"
  2526.       ShowName       off