- #define __MESSAGE__
- #include "reg52.h"
- #include "HeaderMAIN_DEF.H"
- #include "HeaderCONFIG.H"
- #include "HeaderACCESS.H"
- #include "HeaderLCD_FUNC.H"
- #include "HeaderLCD_MSG.H"
- #include "HeaderLCD_MAIN.H"
- #include "HeaderLCD_OSD.H"
- #include "HeaderMTV512.H"
- #include "HeaderOSD.H"
- #include "HeaderFONT.H"
- #include "HeaderSRC_CTRL.H"
- #include "HeaderFRAME_SYNC.H"
- unsigned char GetKeyState(void)
- {
- unsigned char ucKeyState;
- ucKeyState = bPOWER_KEY ? P3 | (IR_KEY_MASK | POWER_KEY_MASK) : (P3 | IR_KEY_MASK) & (0xff ^ POWER_KEY_MASK);
- #elif(BOARD_TYPE == DEMO1_PCB)
- ucKeyState = bPOWER_KEY ? P1 | (IR_KEY_MASK | POWER_KEY_MASK) : (P1 | IR_KEY_MASK) & (0xff ^ POWER_KEY_MASK);
- #else
- ucKeyState = (P3 & 0x78) | (P2 & 0x02) | IR_KEY_MASK;
- #endif
- {
- // unsigned char ucIR_Curr;
- // You cannot respond to ucIR_Cmd[0] when IR command decoding (1 < ucIR_State).
- // Because ucIR_Cmd[0] is not a constant during command decoding.
- Data[0] = (1 < ucIR_State) ? 0 : ucIR_Cmd[0];
- if (Data[0])
- {
- switch (Data[0])
- {
- // Only when power-key is one-touch style, you can use IR remote controller to switch power on/off
- case IR_POWER_KEY : ucKeyState &= (0xff ^ POWER_KEY_MASK); break;
- #endif
- // Use IR to implement standard key
- case IR_LEFT_KEY : ucKeyState &= (0xff ^ LEFT_KEY_MASK); break;
- case IR_RIGHT_KEY : ucKeyState &= (0xff ^ RIGHT_KEY_MASK); break;
- case IR_ENTER_KEY : ucKeyState &= (0xff ^ ENTER_KEY_MASK); break;
- // Other IR function key
- default :
- ucKeyState &= (0xff ^ IR_KEY_MASK);
- #if (TV_CHIP != TV_NONE)
- switch (Data[0])
- {
- case IR_FUNC_SOURCE : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_SOURCE; break;
- case IR_FUNC_DISP : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_DISP; break;
- case IR_FUNC_JUMP : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_JUMP; break;
- case IR_FUNC_CHDEC : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_CHDEC; break;
- case IR_FUNC_CHINC : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_CHINC; break;
- case IR_FUNC_VOLINC : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_VOLINC; break;
- case IR_FUNC_VOLDEC : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_VOLDEC; break;
- case IR_FUNC_MENU : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_MENU; break;
- case IR_FUNC_ENTER : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_ENTER; break;
- case IR_FUNC_MUTE : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_MUTE; break;
- case IR_FUNC_NUM0 : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_NUM0; break;
- case IR_FUNC_NUM1 : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_NUM1; break;
- case IR_FUNC_NUM2 : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_NUM2; break;
- case IR_FUNC_NUM3 : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_NUM3; break;
- case IR_FUNC_NUM4 : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_NUM4; break;
- case IR_FUNC_NUM5 : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_NUM5; break;
- case IR_FUNC_NUM6 : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_NUM6; break;
- case IR_FUNC_NUM7 : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_NUM7; break;
- case IR_FUNC_NUM8 : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_NUM8; break;
- case IR_FUNC_NUM9 : Data[0] = NOTIFY_IR_NUM9; break;
- default : ucKeyState |= IR_KEY_MASK; break;
- }
- #endif
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- return ((ucKeyState & ALL_KEY_MASK) | KEY_DISABLED) ^ ALL_KEY_MASK;
- #else
- unsigned char ucKeyState=0;
- if(!bRIGHT_KEY)
- ucKeyState=ucKeyState|RIGHT_KEY_MASK;
- if(!bLEFT_KEY)
- ucKeyState=ucKeyState|LEFT_KEY_MASK;
- if(!bENTER_KEY)
- ucKeyState=ucKeyState|ENTER_KEY_MASK;
- if(!bMENU_KEY)
- ucKeyState=ucKeyState|MENU_KEY_MASK;
- if(!bPOWER_KEY)
- ucKeyState=ucKeyState|POWER_KEY_MASK;
- return ucKeyState;
- #endif
- }
- // Key_Trans() is used for generating key related messages, including OSD timout message.
- // You can just issue the message or execute system default function, like changing input source.
- // You should not expect OSD_Proc() can always receive your message.
- // Because main program will shield OSD process from been triggered when input signal isn't stable,
- // and terminate OSD process when input source is changed.
- unsigned char Key_Trans()
- {
- static unsigned char idata ucP3_Prev = 0;
- static unsigned char idata ucP3_Curr = 0;
- static unsigned char idata ucKey_Repeat = 0;
- unsigned char ucNotify = NOTIFY_NONE;
- // Save the previous key status
- ucP3_Prev = ucP3_Curr;
- // Sample the current key status
- ucP3_Curr = GetKeyState();
- // We MUST handle power-key first.
- if (bPower_Status)
- {
- if (ucP3_Curr & POWER_KEY_MASK)
- ucP3_Curr ^= POWER_KEY_MASK; // Go further to handle other keys (and mask power-key)
- else
- {
- Delay_Xms(20);
- ucP3_Prev = ucP3_Curr;
- ucP3_Curr = GetKeyState();
- if (ucP3_Curr & POWER_KEY_MASK)
- ucP3_Curr ^= POWER_KEY_MASK; // Go further to handle other keys (and mask power-key)
- else
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (ucP3_Curr & POWER_KEY_MASK)
- {
- ucKey_Issued = 0;
- Delay_Xms(20);
- ucP3_Prev = ucP3_Curr;
- ucP3_Curr = GetKeyState();
- if (ucP3_Curr & POWER_KEY_MASK)
- else
- return NOTIFY_NONE;
- }
- else
- return NOTIFY_NONE;
- }
- if (bPower_Status)
- {
- if (POWER_KEY_MASK & ucP3_Curr)
- {
- if ((ucP3_Prev ^ ucP3_Curr) & POWER_KEY_MASK)
- {
- Delay_Xms(20);
- ucP3_Curr = GetKeyState();
- if ((ucP3_Prev ^ ucP3_Curr) & POWER_KEY_MASK)
- else
- return NOTIFY_NONE;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (POWER_KEY_MASK & ucP3_Curr)
- {
- if ((ucP3_Prev ^ ucP3_Curr) & POWER_KEY_MASK)
- {
- ucKey_Issued = 0;
- Delay_Xms(20);
- ucP3_Curr = GetKeyState();
- if ((ucP3_Prev ^ ucP3_Curr) & POWER_KEY_MASK)
- else
- return NOTIFY_NONE;
- }
- else
- return NOTIFY_NONE;
- }
- }
- #endif
- // Generate Key Messages
- switch (ucP3_Curr)
- {
- case MENU_KEY_MASK :
- if ((ucP3_Prev ^ ucP3_Curr) & MENU_KEY_MASK)
- {
- ucKey_Issued = 0;
- ucNotify = NOTIFY_MENU_KEY;
- }
- break;
- if ((ucP3_Prev ^ ucP3_Curr) & ENTER_KEY_MASK)
- {
- ucKey_Issued = 0;
- //usOSD_Timer = (unsigned int)stGUD1.OSD_TIMEOUT << 9; // Reset OSD timeout timer
- usOSD_Timer = (unsigned int)stGUD1.OSD_TIMEOUT * 51;
- ucNotify = NOTIFY_ENTER_KEY; // Post enter-key pressed message
- ucKey_Repeat = KEY_REPEAT_COUNT * 8;
- }
- else
- {
- if (ucKey_Repeat)
- ucKey_Repeat -= 1;
- else
- {
- if (ucOSD_Page_Index)
- {
- usOSD_Timer = 0;
- ucNotify = NOTIFY_CLEAR_OSD;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- //usOSD_Timer = (unsigned int)stGUD1.OSD_TIMEOUT << 9; // Reset OSD timeout timer
- usOSD_Timer = (unsigned int)stGUD1.OSD_TIMEOUT * 51;
- if ((ucP3_Prev ^ ucP3_Curr) & RIGHT_KEY_MASK)
- {
- ucKey_Issued = 0;
- ucNotify = NOTIFY_RIGHT_KEY; // Post right-key pressed message
- ucKey_Repeat = KEY_REPEAT_COUNT;
- }
- else
- {
- if (ucKey_Repeat)
- ucKey_Repeat -= 1;
- else
- {
- if (KEY_TURBO_ENABLE > ucKey_Issued)
- {
- ucKey_Issued += 1;
- ucKey_Repeat = KEY_REPEAT_PERIOD;
- }
- else
- ucKey_Repeat = 0;
- ucNotify = NOTIFY_RIGHT_KEY; // Post right-key repeat message
- }
- }
- break;
- case LEFT_KEY_MASK :
- //usOSD_Timer = (unsigned int)stGUD1.OSD_TIMEOUT << 9; // Reset OSD timeout timer
- usOSD_Timer = (unsigned int)stGUD1.OSD_TIMEOUT * 51;
- if ((ucP3_Prev ^ ucP3_Curr) & LEFT_KEY_MASK)
- {
- ucKey_Issued = 0;
- ucNotify = NOTIFY_LEFT_KEY; // Post left-key pressed message
- ucKey_Repeat = KEY_REPEAT_COUNT;
- }
- else
- {
- if (ucKey_Repeat)
- ucKey_Repeat -= 1;
- else
- {
- if (KEY_TURBO_ENABLE > ucKey_Issued)
- {
- ucKey_Issued += 1;
- ucKey_Repeat = KEY_REPEAT_PERIOD;
- }
- else
- ucKey_Repeat = 0;
- ucNotify = NOTIFY_LEFT_KEY; // Post left-key repeat message
- }
- }
- break;
- case IR_KEY_MASK :
- ucKey_Issued = 0;
- if ((ucP3_Prev ^ ucP3_Curr) & IR_KEY_MASK)
- {
- if (SOURCE_TV == (stGUD1.INPUT_SOURCE & 0x07))
- {
- //usOSD_Timer = (unsigned int)stGUD1.OSD_TIMEOUT << 9; // Reset OSD timeout timer
- usOSD_Timer = (unsigned int)stGUD1.OSD_TIMEOUT * 51;
- }
- ucNotify = Data[0]; // Post IR-key pressed message
- ucKey_Repeat = KEY_REPEAT_COUNT;
- }
- else if (NOTIFY_IR_VOLINC == Data[0] || NOTIFY_IR_VOLDEC == Data[0])
- {
- if (ucKey_Repeat)
- ucKey_Repeat -= 1;
- else
- {
- ucNotify = Data[0];
- ucKey_Repeat = KEY_REPEAT_PERIOD;
- }
- }
- break;
- default :
- // No key or more than 1 key pressed. Post no message and reset key-repeat.
- ucKey_Repeat = KEY_REPEAT_COUNT;
- ucKey_Issued = 0;
- // For triggering the hidden page
- if (0 == ucOSD_Page_Index && (RIGHT_KEY_MASK | LEFT_KEY_MASK) == ucP3_Curr) ucNotify = NOTIFY_LR_KEY;
- #endif
- break;
- }
- return ucNotify;
- }
- void OSD_Dispatcher(unsigned char message)
- {
- if (bReload)
- {
- // When bStable and bReload are both 1s, it is the first iteration after input signal becomes stable.
- // bReload will be cleared and user's font will be reloaded.
- bReload = 0;
- RTDSetByte(HOSTCTRL_02, 0x40); // Wake RTD up
- RTDSetBit(OVL_CTRL_6D, 0xfe, 0x00); // Disable overlay control
- RTDOSDW(OSD_Reset); // Clear OSD
- // RTDSetBit(OVL_CTRL_6D, 0xff, 0x02); // Turn back to the original osd display width
- // Load_Font(JAPANESS == (stGUD1.FUNCTION & 0x07) ? Font_East_J : Font_East_C, 0x00, 0x12);
- //Load_Font(Font_Global, 0x00, 0x154);
- /*
- Load_VLC_Font(Font_Global, 0x00, 0xa1);
- if( (stGUD1.FUNCTION & 0x07) == JAPANESS )
- {
- Load_VLC_Font(Font_East_J, 0x573, 0x4B);
- }
- else
- {
- Load_VLC_Font(Font_East_C, 0x5a9, 0x45);
- }
- Load_VLC_Font(Font_Icons, 0x828, 0x70);
- */
- if (ucOSD_Page_Index)
- {
- message = NOTIFY_SHOW;
- }
- else
- {
- message = NOTIFY_NONE;
- RTDSetBit(OVL_CTRL_6D, 0x3f, 0x00); //Red
- RTDSetBit(BGCOLOR_CONTROL_6C, 0x00, 0x00);
- RTDSetBit(OVL_CTRL_6D, 0x3f, 0x40); //Green
- RTDSetBit(BGCOLOR_CONTROL_6C, 0x00, 0x00);
- RTDSetBit(OVL_CTRL_6D, 0x3f, 0x80); //Blue
- RTDSetBit(BGCOLOR_CONTROL_6C, 0x00, 0x00);
- if (BEGIN_MODECHANGE < usTaskCnt) Show_Note();
- }
- // We always read REG[1F] to see if frame-sync is OK.
- // ucStatus is the OR result of REG[1F] when OSD is open, and clear to 0 when OSD is close.
- //ucStatus = 0;
- }
- if (0 == ucOSD_Page_Index)
- {
- if (BEGIN_MODECHANGE == usTaskCnt)
- {
- // Disable and clear input source note text
- RTDSetByte(HOSTCTRL_02, 0x40);
- RTDSetBit(OVL_CTRL_6D, 0xfe, 0x00);
- }
- else if ((BEGIN_SHOWHINT == usTaskCnt))
- {
- Show_Hint();
- }
- //else if (1 == usTaskCnt)
- //{
- // RTDOSDW(OSD_Reset); // Clear OSD
- //}
- }
- else if (NOTIFY_NONE == message)
- {
- if (0 == usOSD_Timer && 0 != stGUD1.OSD_TIMEOUT && SOURCE_TV != (stGUD1.INPUT_SOURCE & 0x07))
- {
- message = NOTIFY_CLEAR_OSD;
- }
- }
- switch (message)
- {
- if (ucOSD_Page_Index && SOURCE_TV != (stGUD1.INPUT_SOURCE & 0x07))
- {
- // OSD time-out
- ucOSD_Page_Index = 0;
- ucOSD_Item_Index0 = 0;
- ucOSD_Item_Index1 = 0;
- ucOSD_Item_Index2 = 0;
- RTDSetByte(HOSTCTRL_02, 0x40); // Wake RTD up
- // Although you can add ending animation here, I don't think it is necessary.
- RTDSetBit(OVL_CTRL_6D, 0xfe, 0x00);
- RTDOSDW(OSD_Reset); // Clear OSD
- }
- break;
- if (SOURCE_VGA == (stGUD1.INPUT_SOURCE & 0x07))
- {
- Change_Source(SOURCE_DVI);
- #else
- Change_Source(SOURCE_AV);
- #endif
- }
- else if (SOURCE_DVI == (stGUD1.INPUT_SOURCE & 0x07))
- Change_Source(SOURCE_AV);
- else if (SOURCE_AV == (stGUD1.INPUT_SOURCE & 0x07))
- Change_Source(SOURCE_SV);
- else if (SOURCE_SV == (stGUD1.INPUT_SOURCE & 0x07))
- {
- #if (VIDEO_CHIP == VDC_SAA7118)
- Change_Source(SOURCE_YUV);
- #else
- Change_Source(SOURCE_TV);
- #endif
- }
- else if (SOURCE_YUV == (stGUD1.INPUT_SOURCE & 0x07))
- {
- Change_Source(SOURCE_TV);
- }
- else
- {
- Change_Source(SOURCE_VGA);
- }
- break;
- default :
- {
- // Save the current OSD page index
- unsigned char ucPage_Curr = ucOSD_Page_Index;
- // Send messages to OSD process
- //(*OSD_Proc[ucOSD_Page_Index][stGUD1.INPUT_SOURCE & 0x07])(message);
- OSD_Proc(message);
- // If OSD page is changed ...
- if (ucPage_Curr != ucOSD_Page_Index)
- {
- if (ucOSD_Page_Index)
- {
- if (0 == ucPage_Curr)
- {
- // ucOSD_Page_Index becomes non-zero value from zero. It is the first show of OSD.
- // Maybe RTD3001 is still in power-saving mode, or we are showing some text on screen,
- // like "No Signal". So we must wake up RTD3001 and clear screen before we display OSD.
- RTDSetByte(HOSTCTRL_02, 0x40);
- RTDSetBit(VDIS_CTRL_20, 0xff, 0x01);
- RTDSetBit(OVL_CTRL_6D, 0xfe, 0x00);
- }
- //(*OSD_Proc[ucOSD_Page_Index][stGUD1.INPUT_SOURCE & 0x07])(NOTIFY_SHOW);
- if (0 == ucPage_Curr)
- {
- //RTDCodeW(OSD_Enable);
- //RTDSetBit(OVL_CTRL_6D, 0xfe, 0x01);
- OSD_Opening();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // OSD should be cleared when ucOSD_Page_Index becomes 0.
- // Clear other OSD status registers for safety
- ucOSD_Item_Index0 = 0;
- ucOSD_Item_Index1 = 0;
- ucOSD_Item_Index2 = 0;
- RTDSetByte(HOSTCTRL_02, 0x40); // Wake RTD up
- OSD_Ending();
- //RTDSetBit(OVL_CTRL_6D, 0xfe, 0x00);
- //RTDCodeW(OSD_Reset); // Clear OSD
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // OSD page is not changed
- if (ucOSD_Page_Index)
- {
- if (NOTIFY_SHOW == message)
- {
- RTDCodeW(OSD_Enable);
- RTDSetBit(OVL_CTRL_6D, 0xfe, 0x01);
- }
- // Change H/V Position and ADC clock may cause overflow/underflow temporarily.
- if (NOTIFY_RIGHT_KEY == message || NOTIFY_LEFT_KEY == message)
- {
- RTDSetByte(STATUS0_01, 0x00); // Clear status
- RTDSetByte(STATUS1_1F, 0x00); // Clear status
- }
- #if (SHOW_CHECK)
- // Just for showing debug information
- OSD_Show_Check();
- if( ucOSD_Item_Index0 == 5 && ucOSD_Page_Index == 1 && ucOSD_Item_Index1)
- {
- ucOSD_Page_Index = 7;
- OSD_Show_Check();
- ucOSD_Page_Index = 1;
- }
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- // We always read REG[1F] to see if frame-sync is OK.
- // ucStatus is the OR result of REG[1F] when OSD is open, and clear to 0 when OSD is close.
- ucStatus = 0;
- #if (RTDDEBUG)
- usPE_Sum = 0;
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }