- ###### PATCHTAG00 ####################################################
- ### French/Francais
- ### => Fabrice Prigent <>
- ### and St閜hane Marzloff <>
- ###### PATCHTAG10 ####################################################
- &french
- ###### PATCHTAG20 ####################################################
- 'french' => &french,
- 'francais' => &french,
- ###### PATCHTAG30 ####################################################
- # French/francais
- 'french' =>
- "Localisation effectuée par
- <a href="">Fabrice Prigent</a>
- <a href=""><></a>",
- ###### PATCHTAG40 ####################################################
- $credits::LOCALE{'francais'}=$credits::LOCALE{'french'};
- ###### PATCHTAG50 ####################################################
- # French
- sub french
- {
- my $string = shift;
- return "" unless defined $string;
- my(%translations,%month,%wday);
- my($i,$j);
- my(@dollar,@quux,@foo);
- # regexp => replacement string NOTE does not use autovars $1,$2...
- # charset=iso-2022-jp
- %translations =
- (
- #'charset=iso-8859-1' => 'charset=iso-8859-1',
- 'Maximal 5 Minute Incoming Traffic' => 'Trafic maximal en entrée sur 5 minutes',
- 'Maximal 5 Minute Outgoing Traffic' => 'Trafic maximal en sortie sur 5 minutes',
- 'the device' => 'le matériel',
- 'The statistics were last updated(.*)' => 'Les statistiques ont été mises à jour le $1',
- ' Average)' => ' Moyenne)',
- 'Average' => 'Moyenne',
- '>Max' => 'Max',
- 'Current' => 'Actuel',
- #'version' => 'version',
- '`Daily' Graph ((.*) Minute' => 'Graphique quotidien (sur $1 minutes :',
- '`Weekly' Graph (30 Minute' => 'Graphique hebdomadaire (sur 30 minutes :' ,
- '`Monthly' Graph (2 Hour' => 'Graphique mensuel (sur 2 heures :',
- '`Yearly' Graph (1 Day' => 'Graphique annuel (sur 1 jour :',
- 'Incoming Traffic in (S+) per Second' => 'Trafic d'entrée en $1 par seconde',
- 'Outgoing Traffic in (S+) per Second' => 'Trafic de sortie en $1 par seconde',
- 'at which time (.*) had been up for(.*)' => '$1 était alors en marche depuis $2',
- # '([kMG]?)([bB])/s' => '$1$2/s',
- # '([kMG]?)([bB])/min' => '$1$2/min',
- '([kMG]?)([bB])/h' => '$1$2/t',
- # 'Bits' => 'Bits',
- # 'Bytes' => 'Bytes'
- 'In' => 'Entrée',
- 'Out' => 'Sortie',
- 'Percentage' => 'Pourcentage',
- 'Ported to OpenVMS Alpha by' => 'Porté sur OpenVMS Alpha par',
- 'Ported to WindowsNT by' => 'Porté sur WindowsNT par',
- 'and' => 'et',
- '^GREEN' => 'VERT',
- 'BLUE' => 'BLEU',
- 'AMBER' => 'AMBRE'
- );
- # maybe expansions with replacement of whitespace would be more appropriate
- foreach $i (keys %translations)
- {
- my $trans = $translations{$i};
- $trans =~ s/|/|/;
- return $string if eval " $string =~ s|${i}|${trans}| ";
- };
- %wday =
- (
- 'Sunday' => 'Dimanche', 'Sun' => 'Dim',
- 'Monday' => 'Lundi', 'Mon' => 'Lun',
- 'Tuesday' => 'Mardi', 'Tue' => 'Mar',
- 'Wednesday' => 'Mercredi', 'Wed' => 'Mer',
- 'Thursday' => 'Jeudi', 'Thu' => 'Jeu',
- 'Friday' => 'Vendredi', 'Fri' => 'Ven',
- 'Saturday' => 'Samedi', 'Sat' => 'Sam'
- );
- %month =
- (
- 'January' => 'Janvier', 'February' => 'Février' , 'March' => 'Mars',
- 'Jan' => 'Jan', 'Feb' => 'Fev', 'Mar' => 'Mar',
- 'April' => 'Avril', 'May' => 'Mai', 'June' => 'Juin',
- 'Apr' => 'Avr', 'May' => 'Mai', 'Jun' => 'Jun',
- 'July' => 'Juillet', 'August' => 'Août', 'September' => 'Septembre',
- 'Jul' => 'Jul', 'Aug' => 'Aou', 'Sep' => 'Sep',
- 'October' => 'Octobre', 'November' => 'Novembre', 'December' => 'Décembre',
- 'Oct' => 'Oct', 'Nov' => 'Nov', 'Dec' => 'Dec'
- );
- @foo=($string=~/(S+),s+(S+)s+(S+)(.*)/);
- if($foo[0] && $wday{$foo[0]} && $foo[2] && $month{$foo[2]} )
- {
- if($foo[3]=~(/(.*)at(.*)/))
- {
- @quux=split(/at/,$foo[3]);
- $foo[3]=$quux[0]." à ".$quux[1];
- };
- return "$wday{$foo[0]} $foo[1] $month{$foo[2]} $foo[3]";
- };
- #
- # handle two different time/date formats:
- # return "$wday, $mday $month ".($year+1900)." à $hour:$min";
- # return "$wday, $mday $month ".($year+1900)." $hour:$min:$sec GMT";
- #
- # handle nontranslated strings which ought to be translated
- # print STDERR "$_n" or print DEBUG "not translated $_";
- # but then again we might not want/need to translate all strings
- return $string;
- };