- /*
- Iulian Radu [v2.0@07.1999]
- */
- int mkndx(char* file){
- char tmp[257],xtmp[257],*ptmp;
- FILE *fcfg,*fndx;
- unsigned long ofs,xofs;
- /* open .cfg file */
- if(cfgdir[0]) sprintf(tmp,"%s/%s",cfgdir,file);
- else strcpy(tmp,file);
- fcfg=fopen(tmp,"rt");
- if(!fcfg){
- fprintf(stderr,err[0],tmp);
- return 1;}
- /* check if file .cfg has length 0 */
- if(fseek(fcfg,0,SEEK_END)){
- fclose(fcfg);
- return 1;}
- if(!ftell(fcfg)){
- fprintf(stderr,err[1],tmp);
- sprintf(xtmp,"rm -f %s",tmp);
- system(xtmp);
- return 1;}
- if(fseek(fcfg,0,SEEK_SET)) return 1;
- /* create de index file */
- sprintf(tmp,"%s.ndx",extractfname(file));
- fndx=fopen(tmp,"wb");
- if(!fndx){
- fclose(fcfg);
- return 1;}
- while(!feof(fcfg)){
- xofs=ftell(fcfg);
- tmp[0]=0;
- fgets(tmp,256,fcfg);
- if((tmp[0]=='#') || (tmp[0]==0) || (tmp[0]=='n')) continue;
- if(!strncmp(tmp,"Target[",7)) ofs=xofs;
- if(!strncmp(tmp,"Title[",6)){
- ptmp=findnc(tmp,2,':');
- trim(ptmp);
- fprintf(fndx,"%08ld %sn",ofs,ptmp);}
- }
- fclose(fndx);
- fclose(fcfg);
- return 0;
- }
- void setPI(char* buf,unsigned long* pos,char** ifa){
- sscanf(buf,"%08ld",pos);
- *ifa=buf+9;
- killnl(buf+9);
- }
- void gettarget(char* buf,char* target){ //word between []
- int i;
- for(;buf[0]!='[';buf++);
- buf++;
- for(i=0;buf[0]!=']';buf++,i++) target[i]=buf[0];
- target[i]=0;
- }
- char* findhost(char* buf){
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<nhosts;i++)
- if(!strcmp(hostsn[i],buf))
- return hostsi[i];
- return NULL;
- }
- void convertname(char* tmp){
- for(;tmp[0];tmp++){
- if(!isalnum(tmp[0])) tmp[0]='_';
- else tmp[0]=tolower(tmp[0]);
- }
- }
- void fdefhost(char* buf){
- char host[129],fcfg[257],tmp[257],target[129],xtarget[129],*port;
- FILE *fi;
- unsigned long pos;
- char *ifa=NULL,
- *txt[]={"day","week","month","year"},
- *xtxt[]={"-day.gif","-week.gif","-month.gif","-year.gif",".html",".log",".old"};
- int i,j;
- if(!fm){
- fprintf(stderr,err[2]);
- return;}
- sscanf(buf,"%s %s",host,fcfg);
- if(findhost(host))
- fprintf(stderr,err[6],host);
- /* read index file */
- sprintf(tmp,"%s.ndx",extractfname(fcfg));
- fi=fopen(tmp,"rt");
- if(!fi){
- if(mkndx(fcfg)) return; //create the index file
- fi=fopen(tmp,"rt");
- if(!fi) return;
- }
- port=findnsp(buf,2);
- while(!feof(fi)){
- fgets(tmp,256,fi);
- setPI(tmp,&pos,&ifa); //read pos and interface
- if(!strcasecmp(port,ifa)){
- break;}
- }
- if(feof(fi)){
- if(cfgdir[0]) fprintf(stderr,err[3],port,cfgdir,fcfg);
- else fprintf(stderr,err[4],port,fcfg);
- fclose(fi);
- return;}
- fclose(fi);
- /* comment in mrtg.cfg file */
- if(cfgdir[0]){
- fprintf(fm,"n#host %s, cfgfile %s/%s, port %snn",host,cfgdir,fcfg,port);
- sprintf(tmp,"%s/%s",cfgdir,fcfg);}
- else{
- fprintf(fm,"n#host %s, cfgfile %s, port %snn",host,fcfg,port);
- strcpy(tmp,fcfg);}
- /* read config file to extract section */
- fi=fopen(tmp,"rt");
- if(!fi){
- fprintf(stderr,err[5],tmp);
- return;}
- fseek(fi,pos,SEEK_SET);
- fgets(buf,256,fi); /*Target[...*/
- gettarget(buf,xtarget);
- if(chngname){
- strcpy(target,host);
- convertname(target); /* switch to lowercase */
- j=strlen(buf);
- for(i=0;i<j;i++){ /* write the line Target[... */
- fprintf(fm,"%c",buf[i]);
- if(buf[i]=='['){
- for(;i<j;i++) if(buf[i]==']') break;
- fprintf(fm,"%s]",target);}
- }
- while(!feof(fi)){ /* write rest of the lines */
- fgets(buf,256,fi);
- j=strlen(buf);
- for(i=0;i<j;i++){
- fprintf(fm,"%c",buf[i]);
- if(buf[i]=='['){
- for(;i<j;i++) if(buf[i]==']') break;
- fprintf(fm,"%s]",target);}
- }
- if(!strncmp(buf,"#-",2)) break;
- }
- }
- else{
- strcpy(target,xtarget);
- fprintf(fm,"%s",buf);
- while(!feof(fi)){
- fgets(buf,256,fi);
- fprintf(fm,"%s",buf);
- if(!strncmp(buf,"#-",2)) break;
- }
- }
- fclose(fi);
- strcpy(hostsn[nhosts],host);
- strcpy(hostsi[nhosts],target);
- nhosts++;
- /* mk?,? */
- for(i=0;i<4;i++){
- for(j=0;j<nmkr[i];j++){
- if(!strcmp(mkrn[j][i],fcfg)){
- fprintf(mkri[j][i],"<HR><BR><H1>%s %s</H1><BR>n",btxt[1],host);
- if(base[0]) fprintf(mkri[j][i],"<A HREF="http://%s/%s.html"><IMG SRC="http://%s/%s-%s.gif"></IMG></A><BR>n",base,target,base,target,txt[i]);
- else fprintf(mkri[j][i],"<A HREF="%s.html"><IMG SRC="%s-%s.gif"></IMG></A><BR>n",target,target,txt[i]);
- break;}
- }
- }
- convertname(host); /* change again the name, this time host var */
- switch(conv){
- case 1: //convip2name
- for(i=0;i<7;i++){
- sprintf(tmp,"mv %s%s%s %s%s%s",mrtgoutpath,xtarget,xtxt[i],mrtgoutpath,host,xtxt[i]);
- system(tmp);}
- break;
- case 2: //convname2ip
- for(i=0;i<7;i++){
- sprintf(tmp,"mv %s%s%s %s%s%s",mrtgoutpath,host,xtxt[i],mrtgoutpath,xtarget,xtxt[i]);
- system(tmp);}
- break;
- }
- }