- From: CmdrData <>
- Subject: mrtg for nt and cisco
- I have been using MRTG running on Windows NT now for a few months and find
- it to be pretty cool. Thanks so much for making a free tool.
- The first time I installed it was on a Proliant 2500 w/ dual 200 Mhz CPUs ,
- and the setup was sloppy b/c I was learning how to run the program and make
- the config files, programatically. The setup I had was less than ideal.
- So I built a new Proliant 6500 w/ 4 x 200 Mhz CPUs and 3/4 GB RAM and
- hardware RAID5 using 6 drives a couple of months later. I also install
- Microsoft SQL server and IIS on the box. What I now have is an mrtg
- database in sql wh/ has 2 tables 1 for NT devices and 1 for Cisco Devices.
- The main web page I use has 2 combo boxes which load from these table
- devices descriptors which are names and not ips.
- The main reason I used sql was so the web page would get auto updated when a
- devices was added and also so I could automate the configuration file
- creation and the list of devices it choose to poll. I made a DTS package in
- sql which every 2 hours dumps parts of the two tables to text files (the sql
- 7.0 DTS wizard for this makes it easy to dump parts of a table to a file).
- these 2 files are used to update all the configs every 12 hours. To
- accomplish this I had to write a bunch of batch files that would read text
- file input and do some very repeatable tasks. I also set a few environment
- variables to make the writing and reading easier.
- Since your site was very useful in getting me started I wanted to give a
- little back. I have attached a few nt batch files which would be useful for
- anyone trying to set it up on NT. I still have more automating to do like
- making the default.asp page without needing hand editing, and I haven't
- automated the ntconfig process. But right now to add cisco devices all I
- need to do is add a record to a database! I am using this setup to monitor
- about 2700 + ports on mainly catalyst 6500's right now and it finishes its
- polling cycle in about 4 minutes. The machine seems to be cpu and disk
- bound. Quad 450's would be better and a raid with more drive heads would
- also be better. I used the START command with the /BELOWNORMAL switch in a
- couple of places to allow the OS to jump in if it needs to b/c the CPU rides
- at about 99-100% for most of the 4 minutes. SQL is not needed to make use
- of the attached scripts. The files just contain 3 items, name (wh/equals
- part of the workdir path), comm str and IP [or netbiosname].
- I also had to hunt around for the nt info and put it in to one file which
- you can do a find and replace on to customize what nt targets you poll.
- Feel free to post these files if you like.
- What I still have not figured out is how to get the detailed port
- description to be used instead of the ifIndexs. The post you have on this
- doesn't work with the port for NT and I don't know Perl. If you have any
- suggestions on this I would appreciate it. I tried to compare the mrtg file
- from the nt port and the hack and the files were too different for me to
- splice together without real knowlegde of perl, etc.
- Anyhow love the app. I work for a web hosting company.
- thanks,
- -Jon