- #!/usr/bin/perl
- #
- # This is just a hack, but it works fine for me.
- # I'm using the ip accounting kernel rules to feed the mrtg.
- # You need to have IP accounting compiled in your kernel(2.0), or IPChains
- # support if you are running 2.1 or 2.2
- # Anyway I'm not using the ipchains in here as there's no need to.
- # The old ipfwadm will do just fine.
- # So for 2.1 or 2.2 you'll need the ipfwadm-wrapper.
- #
- #
- # Cristian Caramida <brick@bbs.ro>
- # but very soon <brick@pcnet.ro>
- #
- # Usage:
- #
- # You need to have IP accounting compiled in your kernel, and than just add
- # to the mrtg.cfg
- # Target[ip_addr]: `ipacc [mode] [-S aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd[/net_bits]] [port1 port2 ...] [-D aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd[/net_bits]] [port1 port2 ...]`
- # where
- # - mode - is one of "in" or "out" in lowercase
- # - aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd - is a dotted IP address (not a host/net name)
- # - net_bits - is the number of bits used by the network portion of the IP
- # (eg. 24 for a whole C class, or 25 for half of a C class)
- # - port1 port2 ... - the ports you want to plot trafic on
- # I haven't tryied to call it without any parameters!
- # It will probably make accounting for all trafic.
- $ipfwadm='/sbin/ipfwadm'; # <-------- ATTENTION
- $host="com.bbs.ro";
- #If you are running with ipchains (kernel 2.1, 2.2 or later) you may
- #either symlink the ipfwadm-wrapper to that location or simply modify the value
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Modify this only if you know what you are doing !!! :-)
- $mode='both';
- $remote='';
- $port='8889';
- if(!($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/)){ ($mode)=@ARGV; shift @ARGV;}
- if($mode eq 'in') {$mode='in ';}
- $mode=($mode eq 'in')?'in ':$mode;
- $source_ip='';
- $source_port='';
- $dest_ip='';
- $dest_port='';
- $prot='all';
- $inBytes=0;
- $outBytes=0;
- $upTime=0;
- while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/)
- {
- if($ARGV[0] eq '-S')
- {
- shift @ARGV;
- ($source_ip)=@ARGV;
- shift @ARGV;
- while ($ARGV[0] =~ /[0123456789]+/)
- {
- $source_port.="$ARGV[0] ";
- shift @ARGV;
- }
- }
- elsif($ARGV[0] eq '-D')
- {
- shift @ARGV;
- ($dest_ip)=@ARGV;
- shift @ARGV;
- while ($ARGV[0] =~ /[0123456789]+/)
- {
- $dest_port.="$ARGV[0] ";
- shift @ARGV;
- }
- }
- else {
- die "Error: Unknown parameter $ARGV[0] n";
- }
- }
- chop $source_port;
- chop $dest_port;
- if($source_port.$dest_port ne '') { $prot='tcp';}
- if($mode eq 'both')
- {
- $exec_line="$ipfwadm -A out -a -P $prot -S $source_ip $source_port -D $dest_ip $dest_port; $ipfwadm -A in -a -P $prot -S $dest_ip $dest_port -D $source_ip $source_port";
- }
- else {
- $exec_line="$ipfwadm -A $mode -a -P $prot -S $source_ip $source_port -D $dest_ip $dest_port";
- }
- $new_sp=($source_port eq '')?'*':join(',',split(/ /,$source_port));
- $new_dp=($dest_port eq '')?'*':join(',',split(/ /,$dest_port));
- $ports=($source_port.$dest_port eq '')?""n/a"":""".$new_sp." -> ".$new_dp.""";
- if($mode eq 'both')
- {
- $stats_line=($source_port.$dest_port eq '')?"$ipfwadm -A -l -x -n| grep $prot |grep $source_ip |grep $dest_ip | grep "n/a"":"$ipfwadm -A -l -x -n| grep $prot |grep $source_ip |grep $dest_ip | grep "$new_sp" | grep "$new_dp"";
- }
- else
- {
- $stats_line="$ipfwadm -A -l -x -n |grep "$mode $prot $source_ip" | grep $dest_ip | grep $ports ";
- }
- open(DATA,$stats_line."|");
- @info=<DATA>;
- close <DATA>;
- $probe=($mode eq 'both')?2:1;
- $mode=($mode eq 'in ')?'in':$mode;
- if(@info<$probe)
- {
- system($exec_line);
- }
- else
- {
- if($probe%2)
- {
- eval "$$mode"."Bytes=(split(/ +/,$info[0]))[2]";
- }
- else
- {
- if($info[0] =~ /in /) { $inBytes=(split(/ +/,$info[0]))[2]; }
- elsif($info[0] =~ /out /) { $outBytes=(split(/ +/,$info[0]))[2];}
- if($info[1] =~ /in /) { $inBytes=(split(/ +/,$info[1]))[2]; }
- elsif($info[1] =~ /out /) { $outBytes=(split(/ +/,$info[1]))[2];}
- }
- }
- open(UPTIME,"uptime |cut -b 13-26|");
- $upTime=<UPTIME>;
- close(UPTIME);
- printf "$inBytesn$outBytesn$upTimen$host";