- #==========================================================================
- # Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Martien Verbruggen
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Name:
- #
- #
- # $Id:,v 2002/02/26 10:16:37 oetiker Exp $
- #
- #==========================================================================
- package GIFgraph::axestype;
- use strict;
- use GIFgraph;
- use GIFgraph::legend;
- use GIFgraph::utils qw(:all);
- @GIFgraph::axestype::ISA = qw( GIFgraph::legend GIFgraph );
- my %Defaults = (
- # Set the length for the 'short' ticks on the axes.
- tick_length => 4,
- # Do you want ticks to span the entire width of the graph?
- long_ticks => 0,
- # Number of ticks for the y axis
- y_tick_number => 5,
- x_tick_number => undef, # CONTRIB Scott Prahl
- # Skip every nth label. if 1 will print every label on the axes,
- # if 2 will print every second, etc..
- x_label_skip => 1,
- y_label_skip => 1,
- # Do we want ticks on the x axis?
- x_ticks => 1,
- x_all_ticks => 0,
- # Where to place the x and y labels
- x_label_position => 3/4,
- y_label_position => 1/2,
- # vertical printing of x labels
- x_labels_vertical => 0,
- # Draw axes as a box? (otherwise just left and bottom)
- box_axis => 1,
- # Use two different axes for the first and second dataset. The first
- # will be displayed using the left axis, the second using the right
- # axis. You cannot use more than two datasets when this option is on.
- two_axes => 0,
- # Print values on the axes?
- x_plot_values => 1,
- y_plot_values => 1,
- # Space between axis and text
- axis_space => 4,
- # Do you want bars to be drawn on top of each other, or side by side?
- overwrite => 0,
- # Draw the zero axis in the graph in case there are negative values
- zero_axis => 0,
- # Draw the zero axis, but do not draw the bottom axis, in case
- # box-axis == 0
- # This also moves the x axis labels to the zero axis
- zero_axis_only => 0,
- # Format of the numbers on the x and y axis
- y_number_format => undef,
- x_number_format => undef, # CONTRIB Scott Prahl
- );
- {
- sub plot($) # (@data)
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $data = shift;
- $self->check_data($data);
- $self->init_graph($self->{graph});
- $self->plot_legend($self->{graph});
- $self->setup_coords($data);
- $self->draw_text($self->{graph});
- $self->draw_axes($self->{graph}, $data);
- $self->draw_ticks($self->{graph}, $data);
- $self->draw_data($self->{graph}, $data);
- return $self->{graph}->gif
- }
- sub set_x_label_font($) # (fontname)
- {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{xlf} = shift;
- $self->set(
- xlfw => $self->{xlf}->width,
- xlfh => $self->{xlf}->height,
- );
- }
- sub set_y_label_font($) # (fontname)
- {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{ylf} = shift;
- $self->set(
- ylfw => $self->{ylf}->width,
- ylfh => $self->{ylf}->height,
- );
- }
- sub set_x_axis_font($) # (fontname)
- {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{xaf} = shift;
- $self->set(
- xafw => $self->{xaf}->width,
- xafh => $self->{xaf}->height,
- );
- }
- sub set_y_axis_font($) # (fontname)
- {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{yaf} = shift;
- $self->set(
- yafw => $self->{yaf}->width,
- yafh => $self->{yaf}->height,
- );
- }
- # called on construction, by new
- # use inherited defaults
- sub initialise()
- {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->SUPER::initialise();
- my $key;
- foreach $key (keys %Defaults)
- {
- $self->set( $key => $Defaults{$key} );
- }
- $self->set_x_label_font(GD::gdSmallFont);
- $self->set_y_label_font(GD::gdSmallFont);
- $self->set_x_axis_font(GD::gdTinyFont);
- $self->set_y_axis_font(GD::gdTinyFont);
- }
- # inherit check_data from GIFgraph
- sub setup_coords($)
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $data = shift;
- # Do some sanity checks
- $s->{two_axes} = 0 if ( $s->{numsets} != 2 || $s->{two_axes} < 0 );
- $s->{two_axes} = 1 if ( $s->{two_axes} > 1 );
- delete $s->{y_label2} unless ($s->{two_axes});
- # Set some heights for text
- $s->set( tfh => 0 ) unless ( $s->{title} );
- $s->set( xlfh => 0 ) unless ( $s->{x_label} );
- if ( ! $s->{y1_label} && $s->{y_label} )
- {
- $s->{y1_label} = $s->{y_label};
- }
- $s->set( ylfh1 => $s->{y1_label} ? 1 : 0 );
- $s->set( ylfh2 => $s->{y2_label} ? 1 : 0 );
- $s->set( xafh => 0, xafw => 0 ) unless ($s->{x_plot_values});
- $s->set( yafh => 0, yafw => 0 ) unless ($s->{y_plot_values});
- $s->{x_axis_label_height} = $s->get_x_axis_label_height($data);
- my $lbl = ($s->{xlfh} ? 1 : 0) + ($s->{xafh} ? 1 : 0);
- # calculate the top and bottom of the bounding box for the graph
- $s->{bottom} =
- $s->{gify} - $s->{b_margin} - 1 -
- ( $s->{xlfh} ? $s->{xlfh} : 0 ) -
- ( $s->{x_axis_label_height} ? $s->{x_axis_label_height} : 0) -
- ( $lbl ? $lbl * $s->{text_space} : 0 );
- $s->{top} = $s->{t_margin} +
- ( $s->{tfh} ? $s->{tfh} + $s->{text_space} : 0 );
- $s->{top} = $s->{yafh}/2 if ( $s->{top} == 0 );
- $s->set_max_min($data);
- # Create the labels for the y_axes, and calculate the max length
- $s->create_y_labels();
- $s->create_x_labels(); # CONTRIB Scott Prahl
- # calculate the left and right of the bounding box for the graph
- my $ls = $s->{yafw} * $s->{y_label_len}[1];
- $s->{left} = $s->{l_margin} +
- ( $ls ? $ls + $s->{axis_space} : 0 ) +
- ( $s->{ylfh1} ? $s->{ylfh} + $s->{text_space} : 0 );
- $ls = $s->{yafw} * $s->{y_label_len}[2] if $s->{two_axes};
- $s->{right} = $s->{gifx} - $s->{r_margin} - 1 -
- $s->{two_axes} * (
- ( $ls ? $ls + $s->{axis_space} : 0 ) +
- ( $s->{ylfh2} ? $s->{ylfh} + $s->{text_space} : 0 )
- );
- # CONTRIB Scott Prahl
- # make sure that we can generate valid x tick marks
- undef($s->{x_tick_number}) if $s->{numpoints} < 2;
- undef($s->{x_tick_number}) if (
- !defined $s->{x_max} ||
- !defined $s->{x_min} ||
- $s->{x_max} == $s->{x_min}
- );
- # calculate the step size for x data
- # CONTRIB Changes by Scott Prahl
- if (defined $s->{x_tick_number})
- {
- my $delta = ($s->{right}-$s->{left})/($s->{x_max}-$s->{x_min});
- $s->{x_offset} =
- ($s->{true_x_min} - $s->{x_min}) * $delta + $s->{left};
- $s->{x_step} =
- ($s->{true_x_max} - $s->{true_x_min}) * $delta/$s->{numpoints};
- }
- else
- {
- $s->{x_step} = ($s->{right} - $s->{left})/($s->{numpoints} + 2);
- $s->{x_offset} = $s->{left};
- }
- # get the zero axis level
- my $dum;
- ($dum, $s->{zeropoint}) = $s->val_to_pixel(0, 0, 1);
- # Check the size
- die "Vertical Gif size too small"
- if ( ($s->{bottom} - $s->{top}) <= 0 );
- die "Horizontal Gif size too small"
- if ( ($s->{right} - $s->{left}) <= 0 );
- # More sanity checks
- $s->{x_label_skip} = 1 if ( $s->{x_label_skip} < 1 );
- $s->{y_label_skip} = 1 if ( $s->{y_label_skip} < 1 );
- $s->{y_tick_number} = 1 if ( $s->{y_tick_number} < 1 );
- }
- sub create_y_labels
- {
- my $s = shift;
- $s->{y_label_len}[1] = 0;
- $s->{y_label_len}[2] = 0;
- my $t;
- foreach $t (0 .. $s->{y_tick_number})
- {
- my $a;
- foreach $a (1 .. ($s->{two_axes} + 1))
- {
- my $label =
- $s->{y_min}[$a] +
- $t *
- ($s->{y_max}[$a] - $s->{y_min}[$a])/$s->{y_tick_number};
- $s->{y_values}[$a][$t] = $label;
- if (defined $s->{y_number_format})
- {
- if (ref $s->{y_number_format} eq 'CODE')
- {
- $label = &{$s->{y_number_format}}($label);
- }
- else
- {
- $label = sprintf($s->{y_number_format}, $label);
- }
- }
- my $len = length($label);
- $s->{y_labels}[$a][$t] = $label;
- ($len > $s->{y_label_len}[$a]) and
- $s->{y_label_len}[$a] = $len;
- }
- }
- }
- # CONTRIB Scott Prahl
- sub create_x_labels
- {
- my $s = shift;
- return unless defined($s->{x_tick_number});
- $s->{x_label_len} = 0;
- my $t;
- foreach $t (0..$s->{x_tick_number})
- {
- my $label =
- $s->{x_min} +
- $t * ($s->{x_max} - $s->{x_min})/$s->{x_tick_number};
- $s->{x_values}[$t] = $label;
- if (defined $s->{x_number_format})
- {
- if (ref $s->{x_number_format} eq 'CODE')
- {
- $label = &{$s->{x_number_format}}($label);
- }
- else
- {
- $label = sprintf($s->{x_number_format}, $label);
- }
- }
- my $len = length($label);
- $s->{x_labels}[$t] = $label;
- ($len > $s->{x_label_len}) and $s->{x_label_len} = $len;
- }
- }
- sub get_x_axis_label_height
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $data = shift;
- return $s->{xafh} unless $s->{x_labels_vertical};
- my $len = 0;
- my $labels = $data->[0];
- my $label;
- foreach $label (@$labels)
- {
- my $llen = length($label);
- ($llen > $len) and $len = $llen;
- }
- return $len * $s->{xafw}
- }
- # inherit open_graph from GIFgraph
- sub draw_text($) # GD::Image
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $g = shift;
- # Title
- if ($s->{tfh})
- {
- my $tx =
- $s->{left} +
- ($s->{right} - $s->{left})/2 -
- length($s->{title}) * $s->{tfw}/2;
- my $ty = $s->{top} - $s->{text_space} - $s->{tfh};
- $g->string($s->{tf}, $tx, $ty, $s->{title}, $s->{tci});
- }
- # X label
- if ($s->{xlfh})
- {
- my $tx =
- $s->{left} +
- $s->{x_label_position} * ($s->{right} - $s->{left}) -
- $s->{x_label_position} * length($s->{x_label}) * $s->{xlfw};
- my $ty = $s->{gify} - $s->{xlfh} - $s->{b_margin};
- $g->string($s->{xlf}, $tx, $ty, $s->{x_label}, $s->{lci});
- }
- # Y labels
- if ($s->{ylfh1})
- {
- my $tx = $s->{l_margin};
- my $ty =
- $s->{bottom} -
- $s->{y_label_position} * ($s->{bottom} - $s->{top}) +
- $s->{y_label_position} * length($s->{y1_label}) * $s->{ylfw};
- $g->stringUp($s->{ylf}, $tx, $ty, $s->{y1_label}, $s->{lci});
- }
- if ( $s->{two_axes} && $s->{ylfh2} )
- {
- my $tx = $s->{gifx} - $s->{ylfh} - $s->{r_margin};
- my $ty =
- $s->{bottom} -
- $s->{y_label_position} * ($s->{bottom} - $s->{top}) +
- $s->{y_label_position} * length($s->{y2_label}) * $s->{ylfw};
- $g->stringUp($s->{ylf}, $tx, $ty, $s->{y2_label}, $s->{lci});
- }
- }
- sub draw_axes($) # GD::Image
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $g = shift;
- my $d = shift;
- my ($l, $r, $b, $t) =
- ( $s->{left}, $s->{right}, $s->{bottom}, $s->{top} );
- if ( $s->{box_axis} )
- {
- $g->rectangle($l, $t, $r, $b, $s->{fgci});
- }
- else
- {
- $g->line($l, $t, $l, $b, $s->{fgci});
- $g->line($l, $b, $r, $b, $s->{fgci})
- unless ($s->{zero_axis_only});
- $g->line($r, $b, $r, $t, $s->{fgci})
- if ($s->{two_axes});
- }
- if ($s->{zero_axis} or $s->{zero_axis_only})
- {
- my ($x, $y) = $s->val_to_pixel(0, 0, 1);
- $g->line($l, $y, $r, $y, $s->{fgci});
- }
- }
- #
- # Ticks and values for y axes
- #
- sub draw_y_ticks($$) # GD::Image, @data
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $g = shift;
- my $d = shift;
- #
- # Ticks and values for y axes
- #
- my $t;
- foreach $t (0 .. $s->{y_tick_number})
- {
- my $a;
- foreach $a (1 .. ($s->{two_axes} + 1))
- {
- my $value = $s->{y_values}[$a][$t];
- my $label = $s->{y_labels}[$a][$t];
- my ($x, $y) = $s->val_to_pixel(0, $value, $a);
- #my ($x, $y) = $s->val_to_pixel(
- # ($a-1) * ($s->{numpoints} + 2),
- # $value,
- # $a
- #);
- $x = ($a == 1) ? $s->{left} : $s->{right};
- if ($s->{long_ticks})
- {
- $g->line(
- $x, $y,
- $x + $s->{right} - $s->{left}, $y,
- $s->{fgci}
- ) unless ($a-1);
- }
- else
- {
- $g->line(
- $x, $y,
- $x + (3 - 2 * $a) * $s->{tick_length}, $y,
- $s->{fgci}
- );
- }
- next
- if ( $t % ($s->{y_label_skip}) || ! $s->{y_plot_values} );
- $x -=
- (2-$a) * length($label) * $s->{yafw} +
- (3 - 2 * $a) * $s->{axis_space};
- $y -= $s->{yafh}/2;
- $g->string($s->{yaf}, $x, $y, $label, $s->{alci});
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # Ticks and values for x axes
- #
- sub draw_x_ticks($$) # GD::Image, @data
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $g = shift;
- my $d = shift;
- #
- # Ticks and values for X axis
- #
- my $i;
- for $i (0 .. $s->{numpoints})
- {
- my ($x, $y) = $s->val_to_pixel($i + 1, 0, 1);
- $y = $s->{bottom} unless $s->{zero_axis_only};
- next
- if ( !$s->{x_all_ticks} and
- $i%($s->{x_label_skip}) and $i != $s->{numpoints} );
- if ($s->{x_ticks})
- {
- if ($s->{long_ticks})
- {
- $g->line(
- $x, $s->{bottom}, $x,
- $s->{top},
- $s->{fgci}
- );
- }
- else
- {
- $g->line( $x, $y, $x, $y - $s->{tick_length},
- $s->{fgci} );
- }
- }
- next
- if ( $i%($s->{x_label_skip}) and $i != $s->{numpoints} );
- if ($s->{x_labels_vertical})
- {
- $x -= $s->{xafw};
- my $yt =
- $y + $s->{text_space}/2 + $s->{xafw} * length($d->[0][$i]);
- $g->stringUp($s->{xaf}, $x, $yt, $d->[0][$i], $s->{alci});
- }
- else
- {
- $x -= $s->{xafw} * length($d->[0][$i])/2;
- my $yt = $y + $s->{text_space}/2;
- $g->string($s->{xaf}, $x, $yt, $d->[0][$i], $s->{alci});
- }
- }
- }
- # CONTRIB Scott Prahl
- # Assume x array contains equally spaced x-values
- # and generate an appropriate axis
- #
- sub draw_x_ticks_number($$) # GD::Image, @data
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $g = shift;
- my $d = shift;
- my $i;
- for $i (0 .. $s->{x_tick_number})
- {
- my $value = $s->{numpoints}
- * ($s->{x_values}[$i] - $s->{true_x_min})
- / ($s->{true_x_max} - $s->{true_x_min});
- my $label = $s->{x_values}[$i];
- my ($x, $y) = $s->val_to_pixel($value + 1, 0, 1);
- $y = $s->{bottom} unless $s->{zero_axis_only};
- if ($s->{x_ticks})
- {
- if ($s->{long_ticks})
- {
- $g->line($x, $s->{bottom}, $x, $s->{top},$s->{fgci});
- }
- else
- {
- $g->line( $x, $y, $x, $y - $s->{tick_length}, $s->{fgci} );
- }
- }
- next
- if ( $i%($s->{x_label_skip}) and $i != $s->{x_tick_number} );
- if ($s->{x_labels_vertical})
- {
- $x -= $s->{xafw};
- my $yt =
- $y + $s->{text_space}/2 + $s->{xafw} * length($d->[0][$i]);
- $g->stringUp($s->{xaf}, $x, $yt, $label, $s->{alci});
- }
- else
- {
- # $x -= $s->{xafw} * length($$d[0][$i])/2;
- $x -= length($d->[0][$i])/2;
- my $yt = $y + $s->{text_space}/2;
- $g->string($s->{xaf}, $x, $yt, $label, $s->{alci});
- }
- }
- }
- sub draw_ticks($$) # GD::Image, @data
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $g = shift;
- my $d = shift;
- $s->draw_y_ticks($g, $d);
- return unless ( $s->{x_plot_values} );
- if (defined $s->{x_tick_number})
- {
- $s->draw_x_ticks_number($g, $d);
- }
- else
- {
- $s->draw_x_ticks($g, $d);
- }
- }
- sub draw_data($$) # GD::Image, @data
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $g = shift;
- my $d = shift;
- my $ds;
- foreach $ds (1 .. $s->{numsets})
- {
- $s->draw_data_set($g, $d->[$ds], $ds);
- }
- }
- # draw_data_set is in sub classes
- sub draw_data_set()
- {
- my $s = shift;
- $s->die_abstract( "sub draw_data missing, ")
- }
- # Figure out the maximum values for the vertical exes, and calculate
- # a more or less sensible number for the tops.
- sub set_max_min($)
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $d = shift;
- my @max_min;
- # First, calculate some decent values
- if ( $s->{two_axes} )
- {
- my $i;
- for $i (1 .. 2)
- {
- my $true_y_min = get_min_y(@{$$d[$i]});
- my $true_y_max = get_max_y(@{$$d[$i]});
- ($s->{y_min}[$i], $s->{y_max}[$i], $s->{y_tick_number}) =
- _best_ends($true_y_min, $true_y_max, $s->{y_tick_number});
- }
- }
- else
- {
- my ($true_y_min, $true_y_max) = $s->get_max_min_y_all($d);
- ($s->{y_min}[1], $s->{y_max}[1], $s->{y_tick_number}) =
- _best_ends($true_y_min, $true_y_max, $s->{y_tick_number});
- }
- if (defined( $s->{x_tick_number} ))
- {
- $s->{true_x_min} = get_min_y(@{$d->[0]});
- $s->{true_x_max} = get_max_y(@{$d->[0]});
- ($s->{x_min}, $s->{x_max}, $s->{x_tick_number}) =
- _best_ends( $s->{true_x_min}, $s->{true_x_max},
- $s->{x_tick_number});
- }
- # Make sure bars and area always have a zero offset
- if (ref($s) eq 'GIFgraph::bars' or ref($s) eq 'GIFgraph::area')
- {
- $s->{y_min}[1] = 0 if $s->{y_min}[1] > 0;
- $s->{y_min}[2] = 0 if $s->{y_min}[2] && $s->{y_min}[2] > 0;
- }
- # Overwrite these with any user supplied ones
- $s->{y_min}[1] = $s->{y_min_value} if defined $s->{y_min_value};
- $s->{y_min}[2] = $s->{y_min_value} if defined $s->{y_min_value};
- $s->{y_max}[1] = $s->{y_max_value} if defined $s->{y_max_value};
- $s->{y_max}[2] = $s->{y_max_value} if defined $s->{y_max_value};
- $s->{y_min}[1] = $s->{y1_min_value} if defined $s->{y1_min_value};
- $s->{y_max}[1] = $s->{y1_max_value} if defined $s->{y1_max_value};
- $s->{y_min}[2] = $s->{y2_min_value} if defined $s->{y2_min_value};
- $s->{y_max}[2] = $s->{y2_max_value} if defined $s->{y2_max_value};
- $s->{x_min} = $s->{x_min_value} if defined $s->{x_min_value};
- $s->{x_max} = $s->{x_max_value} if defined $s->{x_max_value};
- # Check to see if we have sensible values
- if ( $s->{two_axes} )
- {
- my $i;
- for $i (1 .. 2)
- {
- die "Minimum for y" . $i . " too largen"
- if ( $s->{y_min}[$i] > get_min_y(@{$d->[$i]}) );
- die "Maximum for y" . $i . " too smalln"
- if ( $s->{y_max}[$i] < get_max_y(@{$d->[$i]}) );
- }
- }
- # else
- # {
- # die "Minimum for y too largen"
- # if ( $s->{y_min}[1] > $max_min[1] );
- # die "Maximum for y too smalln"
- # if ( $s->{y_max}[1] < $max_min[0] );
- # }
- }
- # return maximum value from an array
- sub get_max_y(@) # array
- {
- my $max = undef;
- my $i;
- foreach $i (@_)
- {
- next unless defined $i;
- $max = (defined($max) && $max >= $i) ? $max : $i;
- }
- return $max
- }
- sub get_min_y(@) # array
- {
- my $min = undef;
- my $i;
- foreach $i (@_)
- {
- next unless defined $i;
- $min = ( defined($min) and $min <= $i) ? $min : $i;
- }
- return $min
- }
- # get maximum y value from the whole data set
- sub get_max_min_y_all($) # @data
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $d = shift;
- my $max = undef;
- my $min = undef;
- if ($s->{overwrite} == 2)
- {
- my $i;
- for $i (0 .. $s->{numpoints})
- {
- my $sum = 0;
- my $j;
- for $j (1 .. $s->{numsets})
- {
- $sum += $d->[$j][$i];
- }
- $max = _max( $max, $sum );
- $min = _min( $min, $sum );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- my $i;
- for $i ( 1 .. $s->{numsets} )
- {
- $max = _max( $max, get_max_y(@{$d->[$i]}) );
- $min = _min( $min, get_min_y(@{$d->[$i]}) );
- }
- }
- return ($max, $min)
- }
- # CONTRIB Scott Prahl
- #
- # Calculate best endpoints and number of intervals for an axis and
- # returns ($nice_min, $nice_max, $n), where $n is the number of
- # intervals and
- #
- # $nice_min <= $min < $max <= $nice_max
- #
- # Usage:
- # ($nmin,$nmax,$nint) = _best_ends(247, 508);
- # ($nmin,$nmax) = _best_ends(247, 508, 5);
- # use 5 intervals
- # ($nmin,$nmax,$nint) = _best_ends(247, 508, 4..7);
- # best of 4,5,6,7 intervals
- sub _best_ends {
- my ($min, $max, @n) = @_;
- my ($best_min, $best_max, $best_num) = ($min, $max, 1);
- # fix endpoints, fix intervals, set defaults
- ($min, $max) = ($max, $min) if ($min > $max);
- ($min, $max) = ($min) ? ($min * 0.5, $min * 1.5) : (-1,1)
- if ($max == $min);
- @n = (3..6) if (@n <= 0 || $n[0] =~ /auto/i);
- my $best_fit = 1e30;
- my $range = $max - $min;
- # create array of interval sizes
- my $s = 1;
- while ($s < $range) { $s *= 10 }
- while ($s > $range) { $s /= 10 }
- my @step = map {$_ * $s} (0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5);
- for (@n)
- {
- # Try all numbers of intervals
- my $n = $_;
- next if ($n < 1);
- for (@step)
- {
- next if ($n != 1) && ($_ < $range/$n); # $step too small
- my $nice_min = $_ * int($min/$_);
- $nice_min -= $_ if ($nice_min > $min);
- my $nice_max = ($n == 1)
- ? $_ * int($max/$_ + 1)
- : $nice_min + $n * $_;
- my $nice_range = $nice_max - $nice_min;
- next if ($nice_max < $max); # $nice_min too small
- next if ($best_fit <= $nice_range - $range); # not closer fit
- $best_min = $nice_min;
- $best_max = $nice_max;
- $best_fit = $nice_range - $range;
- $best_num = $n;
- }
- }
- return ($best_min, $best_max, $best_num)
- }
- # Convert value coordinates to pixel coordinates on the canvas.
- sub val_to_pixel($$$) # ($x, $y, $i) in real coords ($Dataspace),
- { # return [x, y] in pixel coords
- my $s = shift;
- my ($x, $y, $i) = @_;
- my $y_min =
- ($s->{two_axes} && $i == 2) ? $s->{y_min}[2] : $s->{y_min}[1];
- my $y_max =
- ($s->{two_axes} && $i == 2) ? $s->{y_max}[2] : $s->{y_max}[1];
- my $y_step = abs(($s->{bottom} - $s->{top})/($y_max - $y_min));
- return (
- _round( ($s->{x_tick_number} ? $s->{x_offset} : $s->{left})
- + $x * $s->{x_step} ),
- _round( $s->{bottom} - ($y - $y_min) * $y_step )
- )
- }
- } # End of package GIFgraph::axestype
- 1;