- #==========================================================================
- # Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Martien Verbruggen
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Name:
- # GIFgraph::points.pm
- #
- # $Id: points.pm,v 2002/02/26 10:16:37 oetiker Exp $
- #
- #==========================================================================
- package GIFgraph::points;
- use strict qw(vars refs subs);
- use GIFgraph::axestype;
- use GIFgraph::utils qw(:all);
- @GIFgraph::points::ISA = qw( GIFgraph::axestype );
- my %Defaults = (
- # The size of the marker to use in the points and linespoints graphs
- # in pixels
- marker_size => 4,
- );
- {
- sub initialise()
- {
- my $s = shift;
- $s->SUPER::initialise();
- my $key;
- foreach $key (keys %Defaults)
- {
- $s->set( $key => $Defaults{$key} );
- }
- }
- sub draw_data_set($$$) # GD::Image, @data
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $g = shift;
- my $d = shift;
- my $ds = shift;
- # Pick a colour
- my $dsci = $s->set_clr( $g, $s->pick_data_clr($ds) );
- my $type = $s->pick_marker($ds);
- my $i;
- for $i (0 .. $s->{numpoints})
- {
- next unless (defined $d->[$i]);
- my ($xp, $yp) = $s->val_to_pixel($i+1, $d->[$i], $ds);
- $s->marker( $g, $xp, $yp, $type, $dsci );
- }
- }
- # Pick a marker type
- sub pick_marker($) # number
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $num = shift;
- if ( exists $s->{markers} )
- {
- return $s->{markers}[ $num % (1 + $#{$s->{markers}}) - 1 ];
- }
- return ($num % 8) || 8;
- }
- # Draw a marker
- sub marker($$$$$) # $graph, $xp, $yp, type (1-7), $colourindex
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($graph, $xp, $yp, $mtype, $mclr) = @_;
- my $l = $xp - $self->{marker_size};
- my $r = $xp + $self->{marker_size};
- my $b = $yp + $self->{marker_size};
- my $t = $yp - $self->{marker_size};
- ($mtype == 1) && do
- { # Square, filled
- $graph->filledRectangle( $l, $t, $r, $b, $mclr );
- last MARKER;
- };
- ($mtype == 2) && do
- { # Square, open
- $graph->rectangle( $l, $t, $r, $b, $mclr );
- last MARKER;
- };
- ($mtype == 3) && do
- { # Cross, horizontal
- $graph->line( $l, $yp, $r, $yp, $mclr );
- $graph->line( $xp, $t, $xp, $b, $mclr );
- last MARKER;
- };
- ($mtype == 4) && do
- { # Cross, diagonal
- $graph->line( $l, $b, $r, $t, $mclr );
- $graph->line( $l, $t, $r, $b, $mclr );
- last MARKER;
- };
- ($mtype == 5) && do
- { # Diamond, filled
- $graph->line( $l, $yp, $xp, $t, $mclr );
- $graph->line( $xp, $t, $r, $yp, $mclr );
- $graph->line( $r, $yp, $xp, $b, $mclr );
- $graph->line( $xp, $b, $l, $yp, $mclr );
- $graph->fillToBorder( $xp, $yp, $mclr, $mclr );
- last MARKER;
- };
- ($mtype == 6) && do
- { # Diamond, open
- $graph->line( $l, $yp, $xp, $t, $mclr );
- $graph->line( $xp, $t, $r, $yp, $mclr );
- $graph->line( $r, $yp, $xp, $b, $mclr );
- $graph->line( $xp, $b, $l, $yp, $mclr );
- last MARKER;
- };
- ($mtype == 7) && do
- { # Circle, filled
- $graph->arc( $xp, $yp, 2 * $self->{marker_size},
- 2 * $self->{marker_size}, 0, 360, $mclr );
- $graph->fillToBorder( $xp, $yp, $mclr, $mclr );
- last MARKER;
- };
- ($mtype == 8) && do
- { # Circle, open
- $graph->arc( $xp, $yp, 2 * $self->{marker_size},
- 2 * $self->{marker_size}, 0, 360, $mclr );
- last MARKER;
- };
- }
- }
- sub draw_legend_marker($$$$) # (GD::Image, data_set_number, x, y)
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $g = shift;
- my $n = shift;
- my $x = shift;
- my $y = shift;
- my $ci = $s->set_clr( $g, $s->pick_data_clr($n) );
- my $old_ms = $s->{marker_size};
- my $ms = _min($s->{legend_marker_height}, $s->{legend_marker_width});
- ($s->{marker_size} > $ms/2) and $s->{marker_size} = $ms/2;
- $x += int($s->{legend_marker_width}/2);
- $y += int($s->{lg_el_height}/2);
- $n = $s->pick_marker($n);
- $s->marker($g, $x, $y, $n, $ci);
- $s->{marker_size} = $old_ms;
- }
- } # End of package GIFgraph::Points
- 1;