- #==========================================================================
- # Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Martien Verbruggen
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Name:
- #
- #
- # Description:
- # Module to create graphs from a data set, outputting
- # GIF format graphics.
- #
- # Package of a number of graph types:
- # GIFgraph::bars
- # GIFgraph::lines
- # GIFgraph::points
- # GIFgraph::linespoints
- # GIFgraph::area
- # GIFgraph::pie
- # GIFgraph::mixed
- #
- # $Id:,v 2002/02/26 10:16:37 oetiker Exp $
- #
- #==========================================================================
- require 5.004;
- use strict;
- use vars qw(@ISA);
- # Use Lincoln Stein's GD and Thomas Boutell's libgd.a
- use GD;
- #
- # GIFgraph
- #
- # Parent class containing data all graphs have in common.
- #
- package GIFgraph;
- $GIFgraph::prog_name = '';
- $GIFgraph::prog_rcs_rev = '$Revision: $';
- $GIFgraph::prog_version =
- ($GIFgraph::prog_rcs_rev =~ /s+(d*.d*)/) ? $1 : "0.0";
- $GIFgraph::VERSION = '1.10';
- # Some tools and utils
- use GIFgraph::colour qw(:colours);
- my $OS;
- # Let's guess what the OS is
- # (from by Lincoln Stein)
- # $OS = 'UNIX';
- # $OS = 'MACINTOSH';
- # $OS = 'WINDOWS';
- # $OS = 'VMS';
- # $OS = 'OS2';
- # Some systems support the $^O variable. If not
- # available then require() the Config library
- unless ($OS) {
- unless ($OS = $^O) {
- require Config;
- $OS = $Config::Config{'osname'};
- }
- if ($OS=~/Win/i) {
- $OS = 'WINDOWS';
- } elsif ($OS=~/vms/i) {
- $OS = 'VMS';
- } elsif ($OS=~/Mac/i) {
- } elsif ($OS=~/os2/i) {
- $OS = 'OS2';
- } else {
- $OS = 'UNIX';
- }
- }
- $GIFgraph::needs_binmode = $OS=~/^(WINDOWS|VMS|OS2)/;
- my %GIFsize = (
- 'x' => 400,
- 'y' => 300
- );
- my %Defaults = (
- # Set the top, bottom, left and right margin for the GIF. These
- # margins will be left empty.
- t_margin => 0,
- b_margin => 0,
- l_margin => 0,
- r_margin => 0,
- # Set the factor with which to resize the logo in the GIF (need to
- # automatically compute something nice for this, really), set the
- # default logo file name, and set the logo position (UR, BR, UL, BL)
- logo_resize => 1.0,
- logo => undef,
- logo_position => 'LR',
- # Write a transparent GIF?
- transparent => 1,
- # Write an interlaced GIF?
- interlaced => 1,
- # Set the background colour, the default foreground colour (used
- # for axes etc), the textcolour, the colour for labels, the colour
- # for numbers on the axes, the colour for accents (extra lines, tick
- # marks, etc..)
- bgclr => 'white',
- fgclr => 'dblue',
- textclr => 'dblue',
- labelclr => 'dblue',
- axislabelclr => 'dblue',
- accentclr => 'gray',
- # number of pixels to use as text spacing
- text_space => 8,
- );
- {
- #
- # PUBLIC methods, documented in pod.
- #
- sub new # ( width, height ) optional;
- {
- my $type = shift;
- my $self = {};
- bless $self, $type;
- if (@_)
- {
- # If there are any parameters, they should be the size
- $self->{gifx} = shift;
- # If there's an x size, there should also be a y size.
- die "Usage: GIFgraph::<type>::new( [x_size, y_size] )n" unless @_;
- $self->{gify} = shift;
- }
- else
- {
- # There were obviously no parameters, so use defaults
- $self->{gifx} = $GIFsize{'x'};
- $self->{gify} = $GIFsize{'y'};
- }
- # Initialise all relevant parameters to defaults
- # These are defined in the subclasses. See there.
- $self->initialise( );
- return $self;
- }
- sub set
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- foreach (keys %args)
- {
- $s->{$_} = $args{$_};
- }
- }
- # These should probably not be used, or be rewritten to
- # accept some keywords. Problem is that GD is very limited
- # on fonts, and this routine just accepts GD font names.
- # But.. it's not nice to require the user to include
- # just because she might want to change the font.
- sub set_title_font # (fontname)
- {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{tf} = shift;
- $self->set(
- tfw => $self->{tf}->width,
- tfh => $self->{tf}->height,
- );
- }
- sub set_text_clr # (colour name)
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $c = shift;
- $s->set(
- textclr => $c,
- labelclr => $c,
- axislabelclr => $c,
- );
- }
- sub plot # (@data)
- {
- my $s = shift;
- $s->die_abstract( "sub plot missing," );
- }
- sub plot_to_gif # ("file.gif", @data)
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $file = shift;
- my $data = shift;
- open (GIFPLOT,">$file") || do
- {
- warn "Cannot open $file for writing: $!";
- return 0;
- };
- binmode GIFPLOT if ($GIFgraph::needs_binmode);
- print GIFPLOT $s->plot( $data );
- close(GIFPLOT);
- }
- # Routine to read GNU style data files
- sub ReadFile
- {
- my $file = shift;
- my @cols = @_;
- my (@out, $i, $j);
- @cols = 1 if ( $#cols < 1 );
- open (DATA, $file) || do {
- warn "Cannot open file: $file";
- return [];
- };
- $i=0;
- while (defined(<DATA>))
- {
- s/^s+|s+$//;
- next if ( /^#/ || /^!/ || /^[ t]*$/ );
- @_ = split(/[ t]+/);
- $out[0][$i] = $_[0];
- $j=1;
- foreach (@cols)
- {
- if ( $_ > $#_ ) {
- warn "Data column $_ not present";
- return [];
- }
- $out[$j][$i] = $_[$_]; $j++;
- }
- $i++;
- }
- close(DATA);
- return @out;
- } # ReadFile
- #
- # PRIVATE methods
- #
- # Set defaults that apply to all graph/chart types.
- # This is called by the default initialise methods
- # from the objects further down the tree.
- sub initialise()
- {
- my $self = shift;
- foreach (keys %Defaults)
- {
- $self->set( $_ => $Defaults{$_} );
- }
- $self->set_title_font(GD::gdLargeFont);
- $self->open_graph();
- }
- # Check the integrity of the submitted data
- #
- # Checks are done to assure that every input array
- # has the same number of data points, it sets the variables
- # that store the number of sets and the number of points
- # per set, and kills the process if there are no datapoints
- # in the sets, or if there are no data sets.
- sub check_data($) # @data
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $data = shift;
- $self->set(numsets => $#$data);
- $self->set(numpoints => $#{@$data[0]});
- ( $self->{numsets} < 1 || $self->{numpoints} < 0 ) && die "No Data";
- my $i;
- for $i ( 1..$self->{numsets} )
- {
- die "Data array $i: length misfit"
- unless ( $self->{numpoints} == $#{@$data[$i]} );
- }
- }
- # Open the graph output canvas by creating a new GD object.
- sub open_graph()
- {
- my $self = shift;
- if ( !exists $self->{graph} )
- {
- my $graph = new GD::Image($self->{gifx}, $self->{gify});
- $self->{graph} = $graph;
- return $graph;
- }
- else
- {
- return $self->{graph};
- }
- }
- # Initialise the graph output canvas, setting colours (and getting back
- # index numbers for them) setting the graph to transparent, and
- # interlaced, putting a logo (if defined) on there.
- sub init_graph($) # GD::Image
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $graph = shift;
- $self->{bgci} = $self->set_clr( $graph, _rgb($self->{bgclr}) );
- $self->{fgci} = $self->set_clr( $graph, _rgb($self->{fgclr}) );
- $self->{tci} = $self->set_clr( $graph, _rgb($self->{textclr}) );
- $self->{lci} = $self->set_clr( $graph, _rgb($self->{labelclr}) );
- $self->{alci} = $self->set_clr( $graph, _rgb($self->{axislabelclr}) );
- $self->{acci} = $self->set_clr( $graph, _rgb($self->{accentclr}) );
- $graph->transparent($self->{bgci}) if $self->{transparent};
- $graph->interlaced($self->{interlaced});
- $self->put_logo($graph);
- }
- # read in the logo, and paste it on the graph canvas
- sub put_logo($) # GD::Image
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $graph = shift;
- return unless(defined($self->{logo}));
- my ($x, $y, $glogo);
- my $r = $self->{logo_resize};
- my $r_margin = (defined $self->{r_margin_abs}) ?
- $self->{r_margin_abs} : $self->{r_margin};
- my $b_margin = (defined $self->{b_margin_abs}) ?
- $self->{b_margin_abs} : $self->{b_margin};
- open(GIFLOGO, $self->{logo}) || return;
- binmode(GIFLOGO) if ($GIFgraph::needs_binmode);
- unless ( $glogo = newFromGif GD::Image(*GIFLOGO) )
- {
- warn "Problems reading $self->{logo}";
- close(GIFLOGO);
- return;
- }
- close(GIFLOGO);
- my ($w, $h) = $glogo->getBounds;
- LOGO: for ($self->{logo_position}) {
- /UL/i && do {
- $x = $self->{l_margin};
- $y = $self->{t_margin};
- last LOGO;
- };
- /UR/i && do {
- $x = $self->{gifx} - $r_margin - $w * $r;
- $y = $self->{t_margin};
- last LOGO;
- };
- /LL/i && do {
- $x = $self->{l_margin};
- $y = $self->{gify} - $b_margin - $h * $r;
- last LOGO;
- };
- # default "LR"
- $x = $self->{gifx} - $r_margin - $r * $w;
- $y = $self->{gify} - $b_margin - $r * $h;
- last LOGO;
- }
- $graph->copyResized($glogo, $x, $y, 0, 0, $r * $w, $r * $h, $w, $h);
- undef $glogo;
- }
- # Set a colour to work with on the canvas, by rgb value.
- # Return the colour index in the palette
- sub set_clr($$$$) # GD::Image, r, g, b
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $g = shift;
- my $i;
- # Check if this colour already exists on the canvas
- if ( ( $i = $g->colorExact( @_ ) ) < 0 )
- {
- # if not, allocate a new one, and return it's index
- return $g->colorAllocate( @_ );
- }
- return $i;
- }
- # Set a colour, disregarding wether or not it already exists.
- sub set_clr_uniq($$$$) # GD::Image, r, g, b
- {
- my $s=shift;
- my $g=shift;
- $g->colorAllocate( @_ );
- }
- # Return an array of rgb values for a colour number
- sub pick_data_clr($) # number
- {
- my $s = shift;
- # Set up the data colour list if it doesn't exist yet.
- # It seemed easier & more robust to me to do it here rather than
- # relying on users doing it. AF
- $s->set(
- dclrs => [ qw(lred lgreen lblue lyellow lpurple lbrown cyan
- lorange marine dyellow red green yellow blue
- lgray dbrown purple orange pink gold)]
- ) unless ( exists $s->{dclrs} );
- return _rgb( $s->{dclrs}[ $_[0] % (1+$#{$s->{dclrs}}) -1 ] );
- }
- # data_dump obsolete now, use Data::Dumper
- sub die_abstract()
- {
- my $s = shift;
- my $msg = shift;
- die
- "Subclass (" .
- ref($s) .
- ") not implemented correctly: " .
- (defined($msg) ? $msg : "unknown error");
- }
- # Return the gif contents
- sub gifdata()
- {
- my $s = shift;
- return $s->{graph}->gif;
- }
- } # End of package GIFgraph
- $GIFgraph::prog_name;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- GIFgraph - Graph Plotting Module for Perl 5
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use GIFgraph::moduleName;
- B<GIFgraph> is a I<perl5> module to create and display GIF output
- for a graph.
- The following classes for graphs with axes are defined:
- =over 4
- =item C<GIFgraph::lines>
- Create a line chart.
- =item C<GIFgraph::bars>
- Create a bar chart.
- =item C<GIFgraph::points>
- Create an chart, displaying the data as points.
- =item C<GIFgraph::linespoints>
- Combination of lines and points.
- =item C<GIFgraph::area>
- Create a graph, representing the data as areas under a line.
- =item C<GIFgraph::mixed>
- Create a mixed type graph, any combination of the above. At the moment
- this is fairly limited. Some of the options that can be used with some
- of the individual graph types won't work very well. Multiple bar
- graphs in a mixed graph won't display very nicely.
- =back
- Additional types:
- =over 4
- =item C<GIFgraph::pie>
- Create a pie chart.
- =back
- =head1 EXAMPLES
- See the samples directory in the distribution.
- =head1 USAGE
- Fill an array of arrays with the x values and the values of the data
- sets. Make sure that every array is the same size, otherwise
- I<GIFgraph> will complain and refuse to compile the graph.
- @data = (
- ["1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th","6th","7th", "8th", "9th"],
- [ 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 1.5, 1, 3, 4]
- [ sort { $a <=> $b } (1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 1.5, 1, 3, 4) ]
- );
- If you don't have a value for a point in a certain dataset, you can
- use B<undef>, and I<GIFgraph> will skip that point.
- Create a new I<GIFgraph> object by calling the I<new> operator on the
- graph type you want to create (I<chart> is I<bars, lines, points,
- linespoints> or I<pie>).
- $my_graph = new GIFgraph::chart( );
- Set the graph options.
- $my_graph->set(
- x_label => 'X Label',
- y_label => 'Y label',
- title => 'Some simple graph',
- y_max_value => 8,
- y_tick_number => 8,
- y_label_skip => 2
- );
- Output the graph
- $my_graph->plot_to_gif( "sample01.gif", @data );
- =head2 Methods for all graphs
- =over 4
- =item new GIFgraph::chart([width,height])
- Create a new object $graph with optional width and heigth.
- Default width = 400, default height = 300. I<chart> is either
- I<bars, lines, points, linespoints, area> or I<pie>.
- =item set_text_clr( I<colour name> )
- Set the colour of the text. This will set the colour of the titles,
- labels, and axis labels to I<colour name>. Also see the options
- I<textclr>, I<labelclr> and I<axislabelclr>.
- =item set_title_font( I<fontname> )
- Set the font that will be used for the title of the chart. Possible
- choices are defined in L<GD>.
- B<NB.> If you want to use this function, you'll
- need to use L<GD>. At some point I'll rewrite this, so you can give this a
- number from 1 to 4, or a string like 'large' or 'small'. On the other
- hand, I might not, if Thomas Boutell decides to support more fonts.
- =item plot( I<@data> )
- Plot the chart, and return the GIF data.
- =item plot_to_gif( F<filename>, I<@data> )
- Plot the chart, and write the GIF data to I<filename>.
- =item set( key1 => value1, key2 => value2 .... )
- Set chart options. See OPTIONS section.
- =back
- =head2 Methods for Pie charts
- =over 4
- =item set_label_font( I<fontname> )
- =item set_value_font( I<fontname> )
- Set the font that will be used for the label of the pie or the
- values on the pie. Possible choices are defined in L<GD>.
- See also I<set_title_font>.
- =back
- =head2 Methods for charts with axes.
- =over 4
- =item set_x_label_font ( I<font name> )
- =item set_y_label_font ( I<font name> )
- =item set_x_axis_font ( I<font name> )
- =item set_y_axis_font ( I<font name> )
- Set the font for the x and y axis label, and for the x and y axis
- value labels.
- See also I<set_title_font>.
- =back
- =head1 OPTIONS
- =head2 Options for all graphs
- =over 4
- =item gifx, gify
- The width and height of the gif file in pixels
- Default: 400 x 300.
- B<NB> At the moment, these are read-only options. If you want to set
- the size of a graph, you will have to do that with the I<new> method.
- =item t_margin, b_margin, l_margin, r_margin
- Top, bottom, left and right margin of the GIF. These margins will be
- left blank.
- Default: 0 for all.
- =item logo
- Name of a logo file. This should be a GIF file.
- Default: no logo.
- =item logo_resize, logo_position
- Factor to resize the logo by, and the position on the canvas of the
- logo. Possible values for logo_position are 'LL', 'LR', 'UL', and
- 'UR'. (lower and upper left and right).
- Default: 'LR'.
- =item transparent
- If set to a true value, the produced GIF will have the background
- colour marked as transparent (see also option I<bgclr>). Default: 1.
- =item interlaced
- If set to a true value, the produced GIF will be interlaced.
- Default: 1.
- =item bgclr, fgclr, textclr, labelclr, axislabelclr, accentclr
- Background, foreground, text, label, axis label and accent colours.
- =item dclrs (short for datacolours)
- This controls the colours for the bars, lines, markers, or pie slices.
- This should be a reference to an array of colour names as defined in
- L<GIFgraph::colour> (C<S<perldoc GIFgraph::colour>> for the names available).
- $graph->set( dclrs => [ qw(green pink blue cyan) ] );
- The first (fifth, ninth) data set will be green, the next pink, etc.
- Default: [ qw(lred lgreen lblue lyellow lpurple cyan lorange) ]
- =back
- =head2 Options for graphs with axes.
- options for I<bars>, I<lines>, I<points>, I<linespoints> and
- I<area> charts.
- =over 4
- =item long_ticks, tick_length
- If I<long_ticks> is a true value, ticks will be drawn the same length
- as the axes. Otherwise ticks will be drawn with length
- I<tick_length>. if I<tick_length> is negative, the ticks will be drawn
- outside the axes. Default: long_ticks = 0, tick_length = 4.
- =item x_ticks
- If I<x_ticks> is a true value, ticks will be drawm for the x axis.
- These ticks are subject to the values of I<long_ticks> and
- I<tick_length>. Default: 1.
- =item y_tick_number
- Number of ticks to print for the Y axis. Use this, together with
- I<y_label_skip> to control the look of ticks on the y axis.
- Default: 5.
- =item y_number_format
- This can be either a string, or a reference to a subroutine. If it is
- a string, it will be taken to be the first argument to an sprintf,
- with the value as the second argument:
- $label = sprintf( $s->{y_number_format, $value );
- If it is a code reference, it will be executed with the value as the
- argument:
- $label = &{$s->{y_number_format}}($value);
- This can be useful, for example, if you want to reformat your values
- in currency, with the - sign in the right spot. Something like:
- sub y_format
- {
- my $value = shift;
- my $ret;
- if ($value >= 0)
- {
- $ret = sprintf("$%d", $value * $refit);
- }
- else
- {
- $ret = sprintf("-$%d", abs($value) * $refit);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- $my_graph->set( 'y_number_format' => &y_format );
- (Yes, I know this can be much shorter and more concise)
- Default: undef.
- =item x_label_skip, y_label_skip
- Print every I<x_label_skip>th number under the tick on the x axis, and
- every I<y_label_skip>th number next to the tick on the y axis.
- Default: 1 for both.
- =item x_all_ticks
- Force a print of all the x ticks, even if x_label_skip is set to a value
- Default: 0.
- =item x_label_position
- Controls the position of the X axis label (title). The value for this
- should be between 0 and 1, where 0 means aligned to the left, 1 means
- aligned to the right, and 1/2 means centered.
- Default: 3/4
- =item y_label_position
- Controls the position of both Y axis labels (titles). The value for
- this should be between 0 and 1, where 0 means aligned to the bottom, 1
- means aligned to the top, and 1/2 means centered.
- Default: 1/2
- =item x_labels_vertical
- If set to a true value, the X axis labels will be printed vertically.
- This can be handy in case these labels get very long.
- Default: 0.
- =item x_plot_values, y_plot_values
- If set to a true value, the values of the ticks on the x or y axes
- will be plotted next to the tick. Also see I<x_label_skip,
- y_label_skip>. Default: 1 for both.
- =item box_axis
- Draw the axes as a box, if true.
- Default: 1.
- =item two_axes
- Use two separate axes for the first and second data set. The first
- data set will be set against the left axis, the second against the
- right axis. If this is set to a true value, trying to use anything
- else than 2 datasets will generate an error. Default: 0.
- =item zero_axis
- If set to a true value, the axis for y values of 0 will always be
- drawn. This might be useful in case your graph contains negative
- values, but you want it to be clear where the zero value is. (see also
- I<zero_axis_only> and I<box_axes>).
- Default: 0.
- =item zero_axis_only
- If set to a true value, the zero axis will be drawn (see
- I<zero_axis>), and no axis at the bottom of the graph will be drawn.
- The labels for X values will be placed on the zero exis.
- Default: 0.
- =item y_max_value, y_min_value
- Maximum and minimum value displayed on the y axis. If two_axes is a
- true value, then y1_min_value, y1_max_value (for the left axis),
- and y2_min_value, y2_max_value (for the right axis) take precedence
- over these.
- The range (y_min_value..y_max_value) has to include all the values of
- the data points, or I<GIFgraph> will die with a message.
- For bar and area graphs, the range (y_min_value..y_max_value) has to
- include 0. If it doesn't, the values will be adapted before attempting
- to draw the graph.
- Default: Computed from data sets.
- =item axis_space
- This space will be left blank between the axes and the text.
- Default: 4.
- =item overwrite
- If set to 0, bars of different data sets will be drawn next to each
- other. If set to 1, they will be drawn in front of each other. If set
- to 2 they will be drawn on top of each other.
- Default: 0.
- If you have negative values in your data sets, setting overwrite to 2
- might produce odd results. Of course, the graph itself would be quite
- meaningless, because overwrite = 2 is meant to show some cumulative
- effect.
- =back
- =head2 Options for graphs with a numerical X axis
- First of all: GIFgraph does B<not> support numerical x axis the way it
- should. Data for X axes should be equally spaced. That understood:
- There is some support to make the printing of graphs with numerical X
- axis values a bit better, thanks to Scott Prahl. If the option
- C<x_tick_number> is set to a defined value, GIFgraph will attempt to
- treat the X data as numerical.
- Extra options are:
- =over 4
- =item x_tick_number
- If set to I<'auto'>, GIFgraph will attempt to format the X axis in a
- nice way, based on the actual X values. If set to a number, that's the
- number of ticks you will get. If set to undef, GIFgraph will treat X
- data as labels.
- Default: undef.
- =item x_min_value, x_max_value
- The minimum and maximum value to use for the X axis.
- Default: computed.
- =item x_number_format
- See y_number_format
- =item x_label_skip
- See y_label_skip
- =back
- =head2 Options for graphs with bars
- =over 4
- =item bar_spacing
- Number of pixels to leave open between bars. This works well in most
- cases, but on some platforms, a value of 1 will be rounded off to 0.
- Default: 0
- =back
- =head2 Options for graphs with lines
- =over 4
- =item line_types
- Which line types to use for I<lines> and I<linespoints> graphs. This
- should be a reference to an array of numbers:
- $graph->set( line_types => [3, 2, 4] );
- Available line types are 1: solid, 2: dashed, 3: dotted, 4:
- dot-dashed.
- Default: [1] (always use solid)
- =item line_type_scale
- Controls the length of the dashes in the line types. default: 6.
- =item line_width
- The width of the line used in I<lines> and I<linespoints> graphs, in pixels.
- Default: 1.
- =back
- =head2 Options for graphs with points
- =over 4
- =item markers
- This controls the order of markers in I<points> and I<linespoints>
- graphs. This should be a reference to an array of numbers:
- $graph->set( markers => [3, 5, 6] );
- Available markers are: 1: filled square, 2: open square, 3: horizontal
- cross, 4: diagonal cross, 5: filled diamond, 6: open diamond, 7:
- filled circle, 8: open circle.
- Default: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
- =item marker_size
- The size of the markers used in I<points> and I<linespoints> graphs,
- in pixels. Default: 4.
- =back
- =head2 Options for mixed graphs
- =over 4
- =item types
- A reference to an array with graph types, in the same order as the
- data sets. Possible values are:
- $graph->set( types => [qw(lines bars points area linespoints)] );
- $graph->set( types => ['lines', undef, undef, 'bars'] );
- values that are undefined or unknown will be set to C<default_type>.
- Default: all set to C<default_type>
- =item default_type
- The type of graph to draw for data sets that either have no type set,
- or that have an unknown type set.
- Default: lines
- =back
- =head2 Graph legends (axestype graphs only)
- At the moment legend support is minimal.
- B<Methods>
- =over 4
- =item set_legend( I<@legend_keys> );
- Sets the keys for the legend. The elements of @legend_keys correspond
- to the data sets as provided to I<plot()> or I<plot_to_gif()>.
- If a key is I<undef> or an empty string, the legend entry will be skipped.
- =item set_legend_font( I<font name> );
- Sets the font for the legend text (see also I<set_title_font>).
- Default: GD::gdTinyFont.
- =back
- B<Options>
- =over 4
- =item legend_placement
- Where to put the legend. This should be a two letter key of the form:
- 'B[LCR]|R[TCB]'. The first letter sigifies the placement (I<B>ottom or
- I<R>ight), and the second letter signifies the alignment (I<L>eft,
- I<R>ight, I<C>enter, I<T>op, or I<B>ottom).
- Default: 'BC'
- If the legend is placed at the bottom, some calculations will be made
- to ensure that there is some 'intelligent' wrapping going on. if the
- legend is placed at the right, all entries will be placed below each
- other.
- =item legend_spacing
- The number of pixels to place around a legend item, and between a
- legend 'marker' and the text.
- Default: 4
- =item legend_marker_width, legend_marker_height
- The width and height of a legend 'marker' in pixels.
- Defaults: 12, 8
- =item lg_cols
- If you, for some reason, need to force the legend at the bottom to
- have a specific number of columns, you can use this.
- Default: computed
- =back
- =head2 Options for pie graphs
- =over 4
- =item 3d
- If set to a true value, the pie chart will be drawn with a 3d look.
- Default: 1.
- =item pie_height
- The thickness of the pie when I<3d> is true.
- Default: 0.1 x GIF y size.
- =item start_angle
- The angle at which the first data slice will be displayed, with 0 degrees
- being "6 o'clock".
- Default: 0.
- =back
- =head1 NOTES
- All references to colours in the options for this module have been
- shortened to clr. The main reason for this was that I didn't want to
- support two spellings for the same word ('colour' and 'color')
- Wherever a colour is required, a colour name should be used from the
- package L<GIFgraph::colour>. C<S<perldoc GIFgraph::colour>> should give
- you the documentation for that module, containing all valid colour
- names. I will probably change this to read the systems rgb.txt file if
- it is available.
- Wherever a font name is required, a font from L<GD> should be used.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Martien Verbruggen
- =head2 Contact info
- email:
- =head2 Copyright
- Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Martien Verbruggen.
- All rights reserved. This package is free software; you can redistribute it
- and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- =cut
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