- #! /usr/bin/perl
- # -*- mode: Perl -*-
- ##################################################################
- # MRTG 2.13.2 -- Config file creator
- ##################################################################
- # Created by Tobias Oetiker <>
- # this produces an mrtg config file for one router or more routers
- # by pulling info off the router via snmp
- ##################################################################
- # Distributed under the GNU copyleft
- # Copyright 2000 by Tobias Oetiker
- ##################################################################
- # base - basic program flow
- # snpo - SNMP Polling
- # snpd - SNMP Detail
- #@main::DEBUG=qw(base snpo coca);
- @main::DEBUG=qw();
- require 5.005;
- use strict;
- # Automatic OS detection ... do NOT touch
- if ( $^O =~ /^(?:(ms)?(dos|win(32|nt)?))/i ) {
- $main::OS = 'NT';
- $main::SL = '\';
- $main::PS = ';';
- } elsif ( $^O =~ /^NetWare$/i ) {
- $main::OS = 'NW';
- $main::SL = '/';
- $main::PS = ';';
- } elsif ( $^O =~ /^VMS$/i ) {
- $main::OS = 'VMS';
- $main::SL = '.';
- $main::PS = ':';
- } else {
- $main::OS = 'UNIX';
- $main::SL = '/';
- $main::PS = ':';
- }
- }
- use FindBin;
- use lib "${FindBin::Bin}";
- use lib "${FindBin::Bin}${main::SL}..${main::SL}lib${main::SL}mrtg2";
- use MRTG_lib "2.100015";
- use Getopt::Long;
- use Pod::Usage;
- use Socket;
- sub main {
- my %opt;
- my %routers;
- my %confcache;
- my $ipv4only;
- my %v3opt;
- $opt{fullcmd} =
- "$0 ".(join " ",
- map {$_ =~ /[ []*{};><&]/ ? "'$_'" : $_ } @ARGV);
- $opt{community}="public";
- $opt{interfaces}=1;
- options(%opt,%routers);
- # Check for IPv6 libraries if IPv6 is enabled.
- # If the check fails, IPv6 is disabled.
- $ipv4only = 1;
- if ($opt{'enable-ipv6'} == 1) {
- if ((eval {require Socket6;}) && (eval {require IO::Socket::INET6;})) {
- debug ('base',"IPv6 libraries found, IPv6 enabled.");
- $ipv4only = 0;
- } else {
- warn "WARNING: IPv6 libraries not found, IPv6 disabled.n";
- $opt{'enable-ipv6'} = 0;
- }
- }
- if ($opt{'use-16bit'} == 1) {
- warn "WARNING: Using 16bit RequestIDsn";
- $SNMP_Session::default_use_16bit_request_ids=1;
- }
- # Check for SNMP V3
- #
- if (exists($opt{username}) or lc($opt{enablesnmpv3}) eq "yes") {
- if (eval {require Net_SNMP_util;}) {
- import Net_SNMP_util;
- debug('base', "SNMP V3 libraries found, SNMP V3 enabled.");
- $opt{enablesnmpv3} = "yes";
- push @{$opt{global}}, "enablesnmpv3: yes";
- } else {
- warn "WARNING: SNMP V3 libraries not found, SNMP V3 disabled. Falling back to V2c.n";
- require SNMP_util;
- import SNMP_util;
- $opt{enablesnmpv3} = "revert";
- }
- }
- else {
- require SNMP_util;
- import SNMP_util;
- $opt{enablesnmpv3} = "no";
- }
- init();
- foreach my $router
- (sort
- {($routers{$a}{noofrouter}) <=> ($routers{$b}{noofrouter})}
- keys %routers)
- {
- my @snmpopt = split(/:/,$routers{$router}{'snmp-options'});
- if ($snmpopt[5] == 3) {
- if ($opt{enablesnmpv3} eq "revert") {
- $snmpopt[5] = 2;
- warn "reverting to snmpV2c for router $routern";
- $routers{$router}{'snmp-options'} = join(":",@snmpopt);
- } else {
- die "SNMP V3 requires a --username parameter as part of the User Security Model for router $routers{$router}{routerkey}" if $opt{enablesnmpv3} eq "no";
- %v3opt = parsev3(%opt);
- }
- } else {
- debug('base',"snmpv3 available, but using v1/v2c for $routers{$router}{routerkey}") if $opt{enablesnmpv3} eq "yes";
- }
- # pod2usage(-verbose=>1,-message=>"ERROR: Could not Parse $routern")
- # unless $router =~ /.*@.*/;
- debug('base',"Get Device Info on $router");
- $routers{$router}{ipv4only} = $ipv4only;
- if ( my $devinfo = DeviceInfo($router,%routers,%v3opt) ) {
- $routers{$router}{deviceinfo} = $devinfo;
- } else {
- warn "WARNING: Skipping $router as no info could be retrievednn";
- sleep 5;
- next;
- }
- if ($opt{interfaces}) {
- debug('base',"Populating confcache");
- populateconfcache(%confcache,$router,$routers{$router}{ipv4only},1,%v3opt);
- debug('base',"Get Interface Info");
- InterfaceInfo(%confcache,%routers,$router,%opt,%v3opt);
- }
- }
- GenConf(%opt,%routers,%confcache,%v3opt);
- } # end main
- main;
- exit 0;
- sub InterfaceInfo($$$$$) {
- my $confcache = shift;
- my $routers = shift;
- my $router = shift;
- my $opt = shift;
- my $v3opt = shift;
- my @Variables = qw (ifIndex ifType ifAdminStatus ifOperStatus ifMtu);
- my $snmphost = v4onlyifnecessary($router, $routers->{$router}{ipv4only});
- if ($routers->{$router}{deviceinfo}{Vendor} eq 'cisco' &&
- $routers->{$router}{deviceinfo}{sysDescr} =~ m/Versions+(dd.d+)/) {
- push @Variables, ($1 > 11.0) ? "ifAlias" : "CiscolocIfDescr";
- if ($1 > 11.2) {push @Variables, "vmVlan";};
- } elsif ( $routers->{$router}{deviceinfo}{Vendor} =~ /(?:hp|juniper|foundry|dellLan|force10|extremenetworks)/) {
- push @Variables, "ifAlias";
- }
- my $descr = $routers->{$router}{deviceinfo}{sysDescr};
- if ($routers->{$router}{deviceinfo}{Vendor} eq 'cisco' &&
- $descr =~ m/CatalystsOperatingsSystem|CiscosSystemssWS-C2900/ ) {
- push @Variables, "CiscoCatalystPortName";
- push @Variables, "vmVlan";
- }
- foreach my $var (@Variables) {
- debug('base',"Walking $var");
- foreach my $tuple (snmpwalk($snmphost,$v3opt, $var)){
- my($if,$value) = split /:/, $tuple, 2;
- $value =~ s/[ - ]+$//; # no trailing space
- $routers->{$router}{$if}{$var} = $value;
- debug('snpd'," $router -> $if -> $var = $value");
- }
- }
- # interface speed var depends on snmp version
- my $snmp_version = ($router =~ /:/)? (split(':', $router, 6))[5] : 1;
- if ( $snmp_version =~ /[23]/ ) {
- debug('base',"Walking ifSpeed");
- my @ifSpeed = snmpwalk($snmphost, $v3opt,'ifSpeed');
- debug('snpd',"@ifSpeed = @ifSpeedn");
- debug('base',"Walking ifHighSpeed");
- my @ifHighSpeed = snmpwalk($snmphost,$v3opt, 'ifHighSpeed');
- for ( my $i=0; $i<=$#ifHighSpeed; $i++ ) {
- my ($if,$value) = split /:/, $ifSpeed[$i], 2;
- # the mib entry on ifSpeed says
- # "An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in bits
- # per second. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth
- # or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this
- # object should contain the nominal bandwidth. If the
- # bandwidth of the interface is greater than the maximum value
- # reportable by this object then this object should report its
- # maximum value (4,294,967,295) and ifHighSpeed must be used
- # to report the interace's speed. For a sub-layer which has
- # no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero."
- if ( (not defined $value) || ($value == 2**32-1)) {
- ($if, $value) = split /:/, $ifHighSpeed[$i], 2;
- $value = $value * 1000000; # highSpeed = contador * 10^6
- #debug('base',"Speed: $if - $value");
- }
- $routers->{$router}{$if}{'ifSpeed'} = $value;
- }
- } else {
- debug('base',"Walking ifSpeed");
- foreach my $tuple (snmpwalk($snmphost,$v3opt, 'ifSpeed')){
- my($if,$value) = split /:/, $tuple, 2;
- $routers->{$router}{$if}{'ifSpeed'} = $value;
- debug('snpd'," $router -> $if -> ifSpeed = $value");
- }
- }
- # magic speed determination for portmaster IFs
- if ($routers->{$router}{deviceinfo}{Vendor} eq 'portmaster') {
- # We can only approximate speeds
- #
- # so we think that ppp can do 76800 bit/s, and slip 38400.
- # (actualy, slip is a bit faster, but usualy users with newer modems
- # use ppp). Alternatively, you can set async speed to 115200 or
- # 230400 (the maximum speed supported by portmaster).
- #
- # But if the interface is ptpW (sync), max speed is 128000
- # change it to your needs. On various Portmasters there are
- # various numbers of sync interfaces, so modify it.
- #
- # The most commonly used PM-2ER has only one sync.
- #
- # Paul Makeev (
- #
- foreach my $if (keys %{$routers->{$router}}) {
- next unless $if =~ /^d+$/;
- my $ift = $routers->{$router}{$if}{ifType};
- my $ifd = $routers->{$router}{$if}{Descr};
- if ($ift == 23) {
- if ($ifd eq 'ptpW1') {
- $routers->{$router}{$if}{ifSpeed} = 128000;
- } else {
- $routers->{$router}{$if}{ifSpeed} = 76800;
- }
- } elsif ($ift == 28) {
- $routers->{$router}{$if}{ifSpeed} = 38400;
- } elsif ($ift == 6) {
- $routers->{$router}{$if}{ifSpeed} = 10000000;
- }
- }
- }
- # match confcache info into tree
- my $cachekey = cleanhostkey $router;
- foreach my $method (keys %{$$confcache{$cachekey}}) {
- foreach my $key (keys %{$$confcache{$cachekey}{$method}}) {
- my $if = readfromcache($confcache,$router,$method,$key);
- next unless $if =~ /^d+$/;
- $routers->{$router}{$if}{$method} = $key;
- for ($method) {
- #fix special chars in ifdescr
- # no need for this we fix if references later on
- # /^Descr|Name$/ && do {
- # $routers->{$router}{$if}{"R$method"} = $routers->{$router}{$if}{$method};
- # $routers->{$router}{$if}{$method} =~ s/(:)/\$1/g;
- # next;
- # };
- #find hostname of IF
- !$$opt{noreversedns} && /^Ip$/ and do {
- my $name =
- gethostbyaddr(
- pack('C4',
- split(/./,
- $routers->{$router}{$if}{$method})),
- $routers->{$router}{$if}{DNSName} = ($name or "");
- next;
- };
- }
- }
- }
- } # end InterfaceInfo
- sub GenConf ($$$$) {
- my $opt = shift;
- my $routers = shift;
- my $confcache = shift;
- my $v3opt = shift;
- my $conf = "# Created by n# $$opt{fullcmd}nn";
- # print global options
- $conf .= <<ECHO;
- ### Global Config Options
- # for UNIX
- # WorkDir: /home/http/mrtg
- # or for NT
- # WorkDir: c:\mrtgdata
- ### Global Defaults
- # to get bits instead of bytes and graphs growing to the right
- # Options[_]: growright, bits
- # Add EnableIPv6 option to configuration file
- if ($$opt{'enable-ipv6'} == 1) {
- $conf .= "EnableIPv6: yesn";
- } else {
- $conf .= "EnableIPv6: non";
- }
- foreach my $router
- (sort {($$routers{$a}{noofrouter}) <=> ($$routers{$b}{noofrouter})}
- keys %$routers ) {
- my $router_ref = $$routers{$router};
- my $router_opt = $$router_ref{opt};
- my $router_dev = $$router_ref{deviceinfo};
- # Did any global options appear on the command line
- # before this router? If so, include them into the
- # configuration file.
- if (defined $$router_opt{global}) {
- foreach my $key (@{$$router_opt{global}}) {
- $conf .= "$keyn";
- }
- }
- # If IPv6 is enabled, add IPv4Only target directive for targets
- # that do not support SNMP over IPv6.
- my $ipv4only_directive;
- my $router_ipv4only = ($$opt{'enable-ipv6'} == 1) && $$router_ref{ipv4only};
- my $syscontact = $$router_dev{sysContact};
- my $html_syscontact = html_escape($syscontact);
- my $syslocation = $$router_dev{sysLocation};
- my $html_syslocation = html_escape($syslocation);
- my $sysname = $$router_dev{sysName};
- my $sysdescr = $$router_dev{sysDescr};
- my $comment_sysdescr = $sysdescr;
- # make sure embeded newlines do not harm us here
- $comment_sysdescr =~ s/[nr]+/n# /g;
- my $community = $$router_ref{community};
- $community =~ s/([@ ])/\$1/g;
- my $router_connect = "$community@$$router_ref{routername}$$router_ref{snmpopt_current}";
- my @v3options;
- foreach my $v3op (keys %$v3opt) {
- push @v3options, $v3op."=>'".$$v3opt{$v3op}."'";
- }
- my $v3options = join(",",@v3options) if $$router_ref{'snmp-options'} =~ /(?=:.*?){4}:3/ ;
- my $html_sysdescr = html_escape($sysdescr);
- my $router_name =
- ($$router_ref{routername}
- . (($$router_ref{'dns-domain'})?'.':'')
- . $$router_ref{'dns-domain'});
- # James Overbeck 2001/09/20
- # Moved $directory_name definition from within the interface
- # foreach loop to here. In its previous location, $directory_name
- # was not accessible to host templates. $directory_name is not
- # changed per-interface so it might as well be here instead of
- # where it was.
- my $directory_name = "";
- if (defined $$router_opt{subdirs}) {
- $directory_name = $$router_opt{subdirs};
- $directory_name =~ s/HOSTNAME/$router_name/g;
- $directory_name =~ s/SNMPNAME/$$router_dev{sysName}/g;
- }
- my $target_lines = "";
- my $problem_lines = "";
- my $head_lines = "
- ######################################################################
- # System: $sysname
- # Description: $comment_sysdescr
- # Contact: $syscontact
- # Location: $syslocation
- ######################################################################
- ";
- my $separator_lines = "nn";
- # Host specific config lines generation code starts HERE
- if(defined $$router_opt{'host-template'}) {
- # First test if the file exists and is readable, die if not.
- die "File $$router_opt{'host-template'} didn't exist.n"
- unless (-e $$router_opt{'host-template'}
- and -r $$router_opt{'host-template'});
- # Open the file (or die).
- open IF_TEMPLATE, $$router_opt{'host-template'}
- or die "File $$router_opt{'host-template'} couldn't be opened.n";
- my @template_lines = readline *IF_TEMPLATE;
- $@ = undef;
- eval (join "", @template_lines);
- die "ERROR Evaluation of the contents in the file nn".
- "$$router_opt{'host-template'}ngave the error nn"$@"nnExiting cfgmakern" if $@;
- }
- $conf .= ($head_lines
- . $problem_lines
- . $target_lines
- . $separator_lines);
- # Host specific config lines generation code ends HERE
- if ($$router_opt{'interfaces'}) {
- foreach my $ifindex (sort {int($a) <=> int($b)} keys %$router_ref) {
- next unless $ifindex =~ /^d+$/;
- my $i = $$router_ref{$ifindex};
- # Now define a number of variables used for this interface.
- # Some variables are just used internally by cfgmaker to
- # process the interface, others are provided for usage in
- # host and interface templates and for interface filters.
- my $if_index = $ifindex;
- my $if_eth = $$i{Eth};
- # does it make sense to look at the interface ?
- my @prob;
- my $default_ifstate = 1; # State assumed up.
- my $default_iftype = 1; # iftype assumed ok.
- my $if_ok = 1; #
- my $if_admin = ($$i{ifAdminStatus} == 1);
- my $if_oper = ($$i{ifOperStatus} == 1);
- my $if_type = $$i{ifType};
- my $if_is_ethernet = 0 < scalar(grep {$_ == $if_type;}
- (6,7,26,62,69,117));
- my $if_is_isdn = (0 < scalar (grep {$_ == $if_type;}
- (20,21,63,75,76,77)));
- my $if_is_dialup = $if_is_isdn ||
- (0 < scalar (grep {$_ == $if_type;}
- (23,81,82,108)));
- my $if_is_atm = (0 < scalar(grep {$_ == $if_type;}
- (37,49,107,105,106,114,134)));
- my $if_is_wan = 0 < scalar(grep {$_ == $if_type;}
- (22,30,32,39,44,46));
- my $if_is_lan = $if_is_ethernet ||
- (0 < scalar (grep {$_ == $if_type;}
- (8,9,11,15,26,55,59,60,115)));
- my $if_is_dsl = (0 < scalar(grep {$_ == $if_type;}
- (94,95,96,97)));
- my $if_is_loopback = $if_type == 24;
- my $if_is_ciscovlan =
- ($$router_dev{Vendor} eq 'cisco'
- and $$i{Descr} =~ /^V(LAN|lan)d+$/);
- my $if_ip = $$i{Ip};
- my $if_snmp_descr = $$i{Descr};
- $if_snmp_descr =~ s/n$//; # no you don't want to know who does this
- # ok ... dell 3524
- $if_snmp_descr =~ s/ /-/g;
- my $if_type_num = $$i{ifType};
- my $if_snmp_name = $$i{Name};
- my $if_snmp_alias = $$i{ifAlias};
- my $if_cisco_descr = $$i{CiscolocIfDescr};
- my $if_dns_name = $$i{DNSName};
- my $if_vlan_id = $$i{vmVlan};
- my $if_MTU = $$i{ifMtu};
- # For Nokia IPSO, find non-ethernet interfaces with IP addresses
- # and add missing MAC address and Port Speed information to
- # to the LOGICAL and LOGICAL+VLAN interfaces.
- if ( $$router_dev{Vendor} eq 'nokiaipsofw' ) {
- if ($$i{ifType} ne "6" &&
- $$router_dev{sysDescr} =~ / IPSO / &&
- $$i{Ip} =~ /^d+/ &&
- ($$i{Eth} == undef ||
- $$i{ifSpeed} < 10 ||
- $$i{ifSpeed} == undef )
- ) {
- my $logical_if_name = $$i{Name};
- # Split the LOGICAL interface name in attempt
- # to match with base PHYSICAL interface detail.
- my ($logical_if_HEAD, $logical_if_TAIL) =
- $logical_if_name =~ /^(.*)(cd+)$/;
- foreach my $ifindexTMP (sort {int($a) <=> int($b)}
- keys %$router_ref) {
- next unless $ifindexTMP =~ /^d+$/;
- my $physical_if_name = $$router_ref{$ifindexTMP};
- if ($$physical_if_name{ifType} == 6 &&
- $logical_if_HEAD eq $$physical_if_name{Name} ) {
- $$i{Eth} = $$physical_if_name{Eth}
- if ( $$i{Eth} == undef );
- $$i{ifSpeed} = $$physical_if_name{ifSpeed}
- if ( $$i{ifSpeed} == undef || $$i{ifSpeed} < 10 );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # First investigate the state of the interface.
- if (not defined $$router_opt{'no-down'}) {
- if ($$i{ifAdminStatus} == 2) {
- push @prob, "it is administratively DOWN";
- $default_ifstate = 0;
- } elsif ($$i{ifAdminStatus} == 3) {
- push @prob, "it is in administrative TEST mode";
- $default_ifstate = 0;
- }
- if (not defined $$router_opt{'show-op-down'}) {
- if ($$i{ifOperStatus} == 2) {
- push @prob, "it is operationally DOWN";
- $default_ifstate = 0;
- } elsif ($$i{ifOperStatus} == 3) {
- push @prob, "it is in operational TEST mode";
- $default_ifstate = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- # Investigate the type of the interface.
- if ($$router_dev{Vendor} eq 'cisco' && $$i{ifType} == 18) { # by
- push @prob, "it is a DS1 controllers";
- $default_iftype = 0;
- } elsif ($$router_dev{Vendor} eq 'cisco' && $$i{ifType} == 19) { # by
- push @prob, "it is a E1 controllers";
- $default_iftype = 0;
- } elsif ($$i{ifType} == 24) {
- push @prob, "it is a Software Loopback interface" ;
- $default_iftype = 0;
- } elsif ($$router_dev{Vendor} eq 'cisco' && $$i{ifType} == 30) { # by
- push @prob, "it is a DS3 controller";
- $default_iftype = 0;
- } elsif ($$router_dev{Vendor} eq 'cisco' && $$i{ifType} == 102) { # by
- push @prob, "it is a Voice controller";
- $default_iftype = 0;
- } elsif ($$router_dev{Vendor} eq 'cisco' && $$i{ifType} == 103) { # by
- push @prob, "it is a Voice dial peer";
- $default_iftype = 0;
- } elsif ($$i{ifType} == 162) {
- push @prob, "it is a CEF Sub-interface"; # John Begley <>
- } elsif ($$router_dev{Vendor} eq 'cisco'
- and $$i{Descr} eq 'Null0') {
- push @prob, "it is a cisco Null0 interface";
- $default_iftype = 0;
- }
- my $default = $default_iftype && $default_ifstate;
- # Do some futher investigation if the interface makes
- # sense to collect on
- # I debated whether to insert the zero-speed check before
- # or after the "will always be zero" sections below.
- # I settled on before since I'll assume the user knows
- # what speed the zero-speed interfaces should be better
- # than the simple logic below.
- if ($$i{ifSpeed} == 0 && $$router_opt{'zero-speed'}) {
- # Set all interfaces with zero speed to the value specified
- # by the --zero-speed= command line option.
- # Be sure the value specified is a valid integer.
- # It seems like this could be done once when
- # $$router_opt is set, but I didn't see any example
- # of input validation in that part of cfgmaker,
- # so it gets done here, more times than are
- # really necessary. ;-)
- unless ($$router_opt{'zero-speed'} =~ /^d+$/) {
- die "ERROR: zero-speed specified with non-integer speed: $$router_opt{'zero-speed'}";
- }
- $$i{ifSpeed} = $$router_opt{'zero-speed'};
- }
- if ($$i{ifSpeed} == 0 && $$router_dev{Vendor} eq 'foundry' && $$i{ifType} == 194) {
- # foundry ATM subinterfaces always report 0 speed, make it 155Mbps instead.
- $$i{ifSpeed} = 155000000;
- } elsif ($$i{ifSpeed} == 0 && $$router_dev{Vendor} eq 'foundry' && $$i{ifType} == 135) {
- # Foundry virtual Ethernet interfaces always report 0 speed, make it 100Mbps instead.
- $$i{ifSpeed} = 12500000;
- } elsif ($$i{ifSpeed} == 0 && $$router_dev{Vendor} eq 'cisco' && $$i{sysDescr} == /FWSM-Firewall / ) {
- # Cisco PIX Firewall Switch Modules have effective backplane speed of 600 Megs
- $$i{ifSpeed} = 600000000;
- } elsif ($$i{ifSpeed} == 0 && $$router_dev{Vendor} eq '3com' && $$i{Descr} =~ /RMON VLAN (d+)/ ) {
- $$i{ifSpeed} = 100000000;
- $if_vlan_id = $1;
- } elsif ($$i{ifSpeed} == 0) {
- push @prob, "has a speed of $$i{ifSpeed} which makes no sense";
- $if_ok = 0;
- }
- my $message;
- if ($message = IsCounterBroken($ifindex, $router_ref,$v3opt)) {
- # set snmpopt_current to working snmp options
- push @prob, "got '$message' from interface when trying to query";
- $if_ok = 0;
- }
- my $community = $$router_ref{community};
- $community =~ s/([@ ])/\$1/g;
- my $router_connect = "$community@$$router_ref{routername}$$router_ref{snmpopt_current}";
- my $v3options = join(",",@v3options) if $$router_ref{snmpopt_current} =~ /(?=:.*?){4}:3/ ;
- # determine interface reference
- my $if_ref;
- if (defined $$router_opt{ifref}) {
- for ($$router_opt{ifref}) {
- /^ip$/ && do { $if_ref = "/".$$i{Ip} if $$i{Ip} ; last};
- /^eth$/ && do { $if_ref = "!".$$i{Eth} if $$i{Eth}; last};
- /^descr$/ && do {$if_ref = "\".$$i{Descr} if $$i{Descr}; last};
- /^name$/ && do {$if_ref = "#".$$i{Name} if $$i{Name}; last};
- /^type$/ && do {$if_ref = "%".$$i{Type} if $$i{Type}; last};
- /^nr$/ && do {$if_ref = $ifindex; last};
- die "ERROR: Invalid value for --ifref: '$$router_opt{ifref}'n";
- }
- if (not defined $if_ref) {
- push @prob, "--ifref=$$router_opt{ifref} is not unique for this interface";
- $if_ref = $ifindex;
- $if_ok = 0;
- }
- } else {
- $if_ref = $ifindex;
- }
- # generate Target name
- my $trim_if_ref = $if_ref;
- $trim_if_ref =~ s/[#!/\:s@%]+/_/g;
- $trim_if_ref =~ s/^_*(.+?)_*$/$1/;
- my $target_name = "${router_name}_$trim_if_ref";
- my $if_title_desc = $if_ref;
- $if_title_desc =~ s/^[^d]//;
- my $if_speed = int($$i{ifSpeed} / 8);
- my $if_speed_str = fmi($if_speed,$$router_ref{flags});
- my $if_type_desc = IfType($$i{ifType});
- my $html_if_type_desc = html_escape($if_type_desc);
- my $desc_prefix = 'Traffic Analysis for ';
- my $port_dot = $$i{Name};
- $port_dot =~ s///./g;
- my $if_port_name = $$router_ref{$port_dot}{CiscoCatalystPortName};
- if (defined $$router_opt{ifdesc}) {
- $desc_prefix = '';
- for ($$router_opt{ifdesc}) {
- /^ip$/ && do { $if_title_desc = $$i{Ip} if $$i{Ip} ; last};
- /^eth$/ && do { $if_title_desc = $$i{Eth} if $$i{Eth}; last};
- /^descr$/ && do {$if_title_desc = $$i{Descr} if $$i{Descr}; last};
- /^alias$/ && do {$if_title_desc =
- "$$i{Descr} $$i{ifAlias} $$i{CiscolocIfDescr}";
- last};
- /^name$/ && do {$if_title_desc = "#".$$i{Name} if $$i{Name}; last};
- /^catname$/ && do {$if_title_desc = "$if_port_name"; last};
- /^type$/ && do {$if_title_desc = "%".$$i{Type} if $$i{Type}; last};
- /^nr$/ && do {$if_title_desc = "Interface $ifindex"; last};
- /^$/ && do {$if_title_desc = $if_type_desc;
- $if_title_desc =~ s/^$/$$i{Descr}/;
- last};
- die "ERROR: Invalid value for --ifdesc: '$$router_opt{ifdesc}'n";
- }
- }
- # Now setup a large number of variables needed for the
- # generation of the configuration lines.
- $if_title_desc =~ s/\([:@\/# ])/$1/g; # unescape
- $if_title_desc = $if_snmp_name if not $if_title_desc;
- my $html_if_title_desc = html_escape($if_title_desc);
- my $html_desc_prefix = html_escape($desc_prefix);
- my $html_if_snmp_descr = html_escape($if_snmp_descr);
- my $html_if_snmp_name = html_escape($if_snmp_name);
- my $html_if_snmp_alias = html_escape($if_snmp_alias);
- my $html_if_cisco_descr = html_escape($if_cisco_descr);
- my $if_description = "$if_snmp_descr $if_snmp_alias $if_cisco_descr";
- my $html_if_description = html_escape($if_description);
- my $if_title = "$desc_prefix$if_title_desc -- $sysname";
- my $html_if_title = html_escape($if_title);
- my $head_lines = "### Interface $ifindex >> Descr: '$if_snmp_descr' |".
- " Name: '$if_snmp_name' | Ip: '$if_ip' | Eth: '$$i{Eth}' ###n";
- my $target_lines = "";
- my $separator_lines = "nn";
- # escape the if reference
- $if_ref =~ s/([& :])/\$1/g;
- my $default_target_directive = "Target[$target_name]: $if_ref:$router_connect";
- $default_target_directive .= "nSnmpOptions[$target_name]: $v3options" if $$router_ref{snmpopt_current} =~ /(?=:.*?){4}:3/ ;
- my $default_setenv_directive = "SetEnv[$target_name]: MRTG_INT_IP="$if_ip" MRTG_INT_DESCR="$if_snmp_descr"";
- my $default_directory_directive = ($directory_name ? "Directory[$target_name]: $directory_name" : "");
- my $default_maxbytes_directive = "MaxBytes[$target_name]: $if_speed";
- $ipv4only_directive = $router_ipv4only ? "IPv4Only[$target_name]: yes" : "";
- my $default_title_directive = "Title[$target_name]: $html_desc_prefix$html_if_title_desc -- $sysname";
- my $default_pagetop_directive =
- "PageTop[$target_name]: <h1>$html_desc_prefix$html_if_title_desc -- $sysname</h1>
- <div id="sysdetails">
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td>System:</td>
- <td>$sysname in $html_syslocation</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Maintainer:</td>
- <td>$html_syscontact</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Description:</td>
- <td>$html_if_description</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>ifType:</td>
- <td>$html_if_type_desc ($if_type_num)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>ifName:</td>
- <td>$html_if_snmp_name</td>
- </tr>";
- $default_pagetop_directive .= "
- <tr>
- <td>Port Name:</td>
- <td>$if_port_name</td>
- </tr>n" if defined $if_port_name;
- $default_pagetop_directive .= "
- <tr>
- <td>Max Speed:</td>
- <td>$if_speed_str</td>
- </tr>n";
- $default_pagetop_directive .= "
- <tr>
- <td>Ip:</td>
- <td>$if_ip ($if_dns_name)</td>
- </tr>n" if $if_ip;
- $default_pagetop_directive .= "
- </table>
- </div>";
- my $default_target_lines =
- ("n"
- . $default_target_directive . "n"
- . $default_setenv_directive . "n"
- . ($default_directory_directive
- ? ($default_directory_directive . "n")
- : "")
- . $default_maxbytes_directive . "n"
- . ($ipv4only_directive
- ? ($ipv4only_directive . "n")
- : "")
- . $default_title_directive . "n"
- . $default_pagetop_directive . "n");
- # If --if-filter is provided, evalutat that. If it
- # returns true, clear @prob. If it returns false,
- # instead add a complaint to @prob.
- if (defined $$router_opt{'if-filter'}) {
- $@ = undef;
- if (eval($$router_opt{'if-filter'})) {
- @prob = ();
- } else {
- push @prob, "filter specified by --if-filter rejected the interface";
- $if_ok = 0;
- }
- die "ERROR: with if-filter $$router_opt{'if-filter'}: $@" if $@;
- }
- # issue problem report
- my $problem_lines = "";
- if (@prob) {
- $problem_lines .= "### The following interface is commented out because:n";
- map {$problem_lines .= "### * $_n"} @prob;
- $if_ok = 0;
- }
- # The target config generation code starts HERE.
- if (defined $$router_opt{'if-template'}) {
- # First test if the file exists and is readable,
- # die if not.
- die "File $$router_opt{'if-template'} didn't exist.n" unless (-e $$router_opt{'if-template'}
- and -r $$router_opt{'if-template'});
- # Open the file (or die).
- open IF_TEMPLATE, $$router_opt{'if-template'}
- or die "File $$router_opt{'if-template'} couldn't be opened.n";
- my @template_lines = readline *IF_TEMPLATE;
- $@ = undef;
- eval (join "", @template_lines);
- die "Evaluation of the contents in the file nn$$router_opt{'if-template'}n".
- "gave the error nn"$@"nnExiting cfgmakern" if $@;
- } else {
- $target_lines = $default_target_lines;
- }
- if ($target_lines && not $if_ok) { # comment out the target lines if needed
- $target_lines =~ s/^/# /gm;
- }
- $conf .= ($head_lines
- . $problem_lines
- . $target_lines
- . $separator_lines);
- }
- # Target generation code ends HERE.
- }
- }
- # print any global options which might have
- # appeared on the command line after the last
- # router.
- if (defined $$opt{global}) {
- foreach my $key (@{$$opt{global}}) {
- $conf .= "$keyn";
- }
- }
- if ($$opt{output}) {
- debug ('base', "Writing $$opt{output}");
- open X, ">$$opt{output}" or die "ERROR: creating $$opt{output}: $!n";
- print X $conf;
- close X;
- } else {
- print $conf;
- }
- } # end GenConf
- sub IsCounterBroken ($$$) {
- my $if = shift;
- my $router_ref = shift;
- my $v3opt = shift;
- my $router = $$router_ref{routerkey};
- my $old_state = $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings;
- $$router_ref{snmpopt_current} = $$router_ref{'snmp-options'};
- $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings = 3;
- my $ipv4only = $$router_ref{ipv4only};
- my $snmphost = v4onlyifnecessary($router, $ipv4only);
- if ($router =~ /:d*:d*:d*:d*:[23]$/) {
- # anybody knows why /:(d*:){4}2$/ does not work ?
- my $speed = (snmpget($snmphost, $v3opt, 'ifHighSpeed.'.$if))[0];
- debug('base',"snmpget $snmphost for ifHighSpeed.$if -> $speed Mb/s");
- $SNMP_Session::errmsg = undef;
- my $counter = (snmpget($snmphost,$v3opt, 'ifHCInOctets.'.$if))[0];
- debug('base',"snmpget $snmphost for ifHCInOctets.$if -> $counter");
- if(not $speed or $counter eq "" or $SNMP_Session::errmsg){
- $SNMP_Session::errmsg = undef;
- $$router_ref{snmpopt_current} =~ s/:+[23]$//;
- debug('base',"check for HighspeedCounters failed ... Dropping back to V1");
- } else {
- $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings = $old_state;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- $router = "$$router_ref{community}@$$router_ref{routername}$$router_ref{'snmp-options'}";
- $snmphost = v4onlyifnecessary($router, $ipv4only);
- if ( $$router_ref{snmpopt_current} !~ /:[23]/) {
- snmpget($snmphost, 'ifInOctets.'.$if);
- if (defined $SNMP_Session::errmsg) {
- my $error = $SNMP_Session::errmsg;
- $SNMP_Session::errmsg = undef;
- $error =~ s/n/n### /g;
- $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings = $old_state;
- return $error;
- }
- }
- $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings = $old_state;
- return 0;
- } # end IsCounterBroken
- # DeviceInfo does fallback between IPv6 and IPv4: if an IPv6 snmpwalk returns
- # undef values (= an error) and the target is a hostname, then it repeats the
- # query using IPv4 in case the target does not support SNMP over IPv6.
- # If DeviceInfo falls back to IPv4, it sets the ipv4only field for the target
- # in the routers hash.
- sub DeviceInfo ($$$) {
- my $router=shift;
- my $routers=shift;
- my $v3opt=shift;
- my @variables = qw(sysDescr sysContact
- sysName sysLocation
- sysObjectID);
- my %DevInfo;
- my $ipv4only = $$routers{$router}{ipv4only};
- my @variables = snmpwalk(v4onlyifnecessary($router, $ipv4only),$v3opt,''); # walk system
- if (!(defined $variables[0])) {
- # Do we need to fall back to IPv4?
- my ($commmunity, $host) = ($1, $2) if ($router =~ /^(.*)@([^@]+)$/);
- if ( ( ! $ipv4only ) && ( $host !=~ /^[(.*)]/) ) {
- # Not using IPv4, not an IPv6 address, so a hostname
- debug ('base',"No response using IPv6 for $router, trying again using IPv4");
- $$routers{$router}{ipv4only} = 1;
- @variables = snmpwalk(v4onlyifnecessary($router, 1),$v3opt, '');
- }
- }
- if ( defined $variables[0] ) {
- my (%DevInfo, %revOIDS);
- if ($$routers{$router}{enablesnmpv3} eq "yes") {
- %revOIDS = reverse %Net_SNMP_util::OIDS;
- }
- else {
- %revOIDS = reverse %SNMP_util::OIDS;
- }
- foreach my $variable ( @variables ) {
- my ($oid, $value) = split ( ':', $variable, 2);
- $DevInfo{ $revOIDS{''.$oid} } = $value;
- }
- # vendor identification
- my %vendorIDs = (
- # Add your vendor here
- # sysObjectID Vendora
- '' => '3com',
- '' => 'hp',
- '' => 'cisco',
- '' => 'dellLan',
- '' => 'extremenetworks',
- '' => 'foundry',
- '' => 'force10',
- '' => 'juniper',
- '' => 'nokiaipsofw',
- '' => 'portmaster'
- );
- foreach (keys %vendorIDs) {
- $DevInfo{Vendor} = $vendorIDs{$_} if ($DevInfo{sysObjectID} =~ /Q$_E/);
- }
- debug('base',"Vendor Id: $DevInfo{Vendor}");
- return %DevInfo;
- } else {
- # we just die because the snmp module has already complained
- return undef;
- }
- } # end DeviceInfo
- sub fmi ($$) {
- my $number = shift;
- my $flags = shift;
- my(@short);
- if ($$flags{bits} eq "set"){
- $number*=8;
- @short = ("bits/s","kbits/s","Mbits/s","Gbits/s");
- } else {
- @short = ("Bytes/s","kBytes/s","MBytes/s","GBytes/s");
- }
- my $digits=length("".$number);
- my $divm=0;
- while ($digits-$divm*3 > 4) { $divm++; }
- my $divnum = $number/10**($divm*3);
- return sprintf("%1.1f %s",$divnum,$short[$divm]);
- } # end fmi
- sub IfType ($) {
- return {'1'=>'Other',
- '2'=>'regular1822',
- '3'=>'hdh1822',
- '4'=>'ddnX25',
- '5'=>'rfc877x25',
- '6'=>'ethernetCsmacd',
- '7'=>'iso88023Csmacd',
- '8'=>'iso88024TokenBus',
- '9'=>'iso88025TokenRing',
- '10'=>'iso88026Man',
- '11'=>'starLan',
- '12'=>'proteon10Mbit',
- '13'=>'proteon80Mbit',
- '14'=>'hyperchannel',
- '15'=>'fddi',
- '16'=>'lapb',
- '17'=>'sdlc',
- '18'=>'ds1',
- '19'=>'e1',
- '20'=>'basicISDN',
- '21'=>'primaryISDN',
- '22'=>'propPointToPointSerial',
- '23'=>'ppp',
- '24'=>'softwareLoopback',
- '25'=>'eon',
- '26'=>'ethernet-3Mbit',
- '27'=>'nsip',
- '28'=>'slip',
- '29'=>'ultra',
- '30'=>'ds3',
- '31'=>'sip',
- '32'=>'frame-relay',
- '33'=>'rs232',
- '34'=>'para',
- '35'=>'arcnet',
- '36'=>'arcnetPlus',
- '37'=>'atm',
- '38'=>'miox25',
- '39'=>'sonet',
- '40'=>'x25ple',
- '41'=>'iso88022llc',
- '42'=>'localTalk',
- '43'=>'smdsDxi',
- '44'=>'frameRelayService',
- '45'=>'v35',
- '46'=>'hssi',
- '47'=>'hippi',
- '48'=>'modem',
- '49'=>'aal5',
- '50'=>'sonetPath',
- '51'=>'sonetVT',
- '52'=>'smdsIcip',
- '53'=>'propVirtual',
- '54'=>'propMultiplexor',
- '55'=>'100BaseVG',
- '56'=>'Fibre Channel',
- '57'=>'HIPPI Interface',
- '58'=>'Obsolete for FrameRelay',
- '59'=>'ATM Emulation of 802.3 LAN',
- '60'=>'ATM Emulation of 802.5 LAN',
- '61'=>'ATM Emulation of a Circuit',
- '62'=>'FastEthernet (100BaseT)',
- '63'=>'ISDN & X.25',
- '64'=>'CCITT V.11/X.21',
- '65'=>'CCITT V.36',
- '66'=>'CCITT G703 at 64Kbps',
- '67'=>'Obsolete G702 see DS1-MIB',
- '68'=>'SNA QLLC',
- '69'=>'Full Duplex Fast Ethernet (100BaseFX)',
- '70'=>'Channel',
- '71'=>'Radio Spread Spectrum (802.11)',
- '72'=>'IBM System 360/370 OEMI Channel',
- '73'=>'IBM Enterprise Systems Connection',
- '74'=>'Data Link Switching',
- '75'=>'ISDN S/T Interface',
- '76'=>'ISDN U Interface',
- '77'=>'Link Access Protocol D (LAPD)',
- '78'=>'IP Switching Opjects',
- '79'=>'Remote Source Route Bridging',
- '80'=>'ATM Logical Port',
- '81'=>'AT&T DS0 Point (64 Kbps)',
- '82'=>'AT&T Group of DS0 on a single DS1',
- '83'=>'BiSync Protocol (BSC)',
- '84'=>'Asynchronous Protocol',
- '85'=>'Combat Net Radio',
- '86'=>'ISO 802.5r DTR',
- '87'=>'Ext Pos Loc Report Sys',
- '88'=>'Apple Talk Remote Access Protocol',
- '89'=>'Proprietary Connectionless Protocol',
- '90'=>'CCITT-ITU X.29 PAD Protocol',
- '91'=>'CCITT-ITU X.3 PAD Facility',
- '92'=>'MultiProtocol Connection over Frame/Relay',
- '93'=>'CCITT-ITU X213',
- '94'=>'Asymetric Digitial Subscriber Loop (ADSL)',
- '95'=>'Rate-Adapt Digital Subscriber Loop (RDSL)',
- '96'=>'Symetric Digitial Subscriber Loop (SDSL)',
- '97'=>'Very High Speed Digitial Subscriber Loop (HDSL)',
- '98'=>'ISO 802.5 CRFP',
- '99'=>'Myricom Myrinet',
- '100'=>'Voice recEive and transMit (voiceEM)',
- '101'=>'Voice Foreign eXchange Office (voiceFXO)',
- '102'=>'Voice Foreign eXchange Station (voiceFXS)',
- '103'=>'Voice Encapulation',
- '104'=>'Voice Over IP Encapulation',
- '105'=>'ATM DXI',
- '106'=>'ATM FUNI',
- '107'=>'ATM IMA',
- '108'=>'PPP Multilink Bundle',
- '109'=>'IBM IP over CDLC',
- '110'=>'IBM Common Link Access to Workstation',
- '111'=>'IBM Stack to Stack',
- '112'=>'IBM Virtual IP Address (VIPA)',
- '113'=>'IBM Multi-Protocol Channel Support',
- '114'=>'IBM IP over ATM',
- '115'=>'ISO 802.5j Fiber Token Ring',
- '116'=>'IBM Twinaxial Data Link Control (TDLC)',
- '117'=>'Gigabit Ethernet',
- '118'=>'Higher Data Link Control (HDLC)',
- '119'=>'Link Access Protocol F (LAPF)',
- '120'=>'CCITT V.37',
- '121'=>'CCITT X.25 Multi-Link Protocol',
- '122'=>'CCITT X.25 Hunt Group',
- '123'=>'Transp HDLC',
- '124'=>'Interleave Channel',
- '125'=>'Fast Channel',
- '126'=>'IP (for APPN HPR in IP Networks)',
- '127'=>'CATV MAC Layer',
- '128'=>'CATV Downstream Interface',
- '129'=>'CATV Upstream Interface',
- '130'=>'Avalon Parallel Processor',
- '131'=>'Encapsulation Interface',
- '132'=>'Coffee Pot',
- '133'=>'Circuit Emulation Service',
- '134'=>'ATM Sub Interface',
- '135'=>'Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q',
- '136'=>'Layer 3 Virtual LAN using IP',
- '137'=>'Layer 3 Virtual LAN using IPX',
- '138'=>'IP Over Power Lines',
- '139'=>'Multi-Media Mail over IP',
- '140'=>'Dynamic synchronous Transfer Mode (DTM)',
- '141'=>'Data Communications Network',
- '142'=>'IP Forwarding Interface',
- '162'=>'Cisco Express Forwarding Interface',
- }->{(shift)};
- } # end IfType
- sub options ($$) {
- my $opt = shift;
- my $routers = shift;
- my $noofrouter = 0; # How many routers we've seen on cmdline.
- # The $flags hash stores what we've seen in Options[_],
- # Options[^] and Options[$] so far.
- # A cmdline arg like --global 'Options[_]: bits' will insert
- # the element $$flags{default}{bits}="set".
- # Similarly --global 'Options[$]:' will delete all elements
- # in $$flags{append}
- #
- # This was originally created to manipulate the "bits" flag
- # so fmi should know when to use "bits" or "bytes". It might
- # be overkill to use such a comples solution but it makes life
- # easier if cfgmaker in the future has to be extended to be
- # aware of other Options[] settings like gauge, growright etc.
- my %flags;
- {
- my $def = {};
- my $pre = {};
- my $app = {};
- %flags = (default => $def,
- prepend => $pre,
- append => $app);
- }
- my $addrouter_ornf = addrouter($opt,
- $routers,
- $noofrouter,
- %flags);
- Getopt::Long::Configure("permute");
- GetOptions( $opt,
- 'help|?',
- 'man',
- 'subdirs=s',
- 'no-down',
- 'show-op-down',
- 'noreversedns',
- 'ifref=s',
- 'ifdesc=s',
- 'if-filter=s',
- 'if-template=s',
- 'interfaces!',
- 'host-template=s',
- 'community=s',
- 'username=s',
- 'authkey=s',
- 'authpassword=s',
- 'authprotocol=s',
- 'contextengineid=s',
- 'contextname=s',
- 'privkey=s',
- 'privpassword=s',
- 'privprotocol=s',
- 'snmp-options=s',
- 'dns-domain=s',
- 'version',
- 'output=s',
- 'global=s@',
- 'enable-ipv6',
- 'enable-snmpv3',
- 'use-16bit',
- 'zero-speed=s',
- '<>', $addrouter_ornf) or pod2usage(2);
- die("cfgmaker for mrtg-2.13.2n") if $$opt{version};
- pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2) if $$opt{man};
- pod2usage(-verbose => 1) if not keys %$routers;
- } # end options
- # The callback routine used by GetOptions to process "non-option
- # strings" (routers) among the arguments is given only ONE argument.
- # However, I want it to be able to specify both the %options hash
- # (for read access) and the %routers hash (for modifying) as well
- # as the router's name. This makes for three arguments.
- #
- # The solution is to use a closure. addrouter takes a opt hash, a
- # routers hash, an index to the current number of routers and a flags
- # hash and then returns a function which "remembers" these
- # values (the closure) but also takes an argument (the router name).
- sub addrouter() {
- my $opt = shift;
- my $routers = shift;
- my $noofrouter = shift;
- my $flags = shift;
- return sub {
- my $rawname = shift;
- $$noofrouter++; # First increase the number of routers seen.
- my ($community,$routername,$routerkey,$snmpopt,$dnsdomain,$tmpname,@tmpsnmp);
- # Now make sure that the router is defined with the
- # proper community, domainname and SNMP options.
- # Dissect the rawname to find out what it contains.
- # First check for community:
- if ($rawname =~ /^(.+)@([^@]+)$/) {
- # Community was given explicitly!
- $community = $1;
- $tmpname = $2
- } else {
- $community = $$opt{community};
- $tmpname = $rawname;
- }
- # Now separate the router name from the options. We
- # can't just split on the : character because a numeric
- # IPv6 address contains a variable number of :'s
- if( ($tmpname =~ /^([.*]):(.*)$/) || ($tmpname =~ /^([.*])$/) ){
- # Numeric IPv6 address between []
- ($routername, $snmpopt) = ($1, $2);
- } else {
- # Hostname or numeric IPv4 address
- ($routername, $snmpopt) = split(':', $tmpname, 2);
- }
- @tmpsnmp = split(':', $snmpopt);
- $routername =~ s/.$//; # if the hostname ends in a '.' remove it
- # it seems to cause trouble in some other
- # parts of mrtg
- # Now setup the SNMP options.
- if (not defined $$opt{'snmp-options'}) {
- $snmpopt = ':' . (join ':', @tmpsnmp); # No merge needed.
- } else {
- my ($t,$o,@s);
- my @optsnmp = split ':',$$opt{'snmp-options'};
- # Trim first element as the SNMP options start
- # with a colon and thus the first element is a
- # dummy "" string not corresponding to any SNMP option
- # (or rather, corresponding to a router, if there had
- # been one...)
- shift @optsnmp;
- while ((scalar @tmpsnmp > 0)
- or (scalar @optsnmp > 0)) {
- $t = shift @tmpsnmp;
- $o = shift @optsnmp;
- if(not defined $t) {$t = "";}
- if(not defined $o) {$o = "";}
- if($t ne "")
- {
- push @s, $t;
- } else {
- push @s, $o;
- }
- }
- $snmpopt = ':' . (join ':', @s);
- }
- my $newopt={}; # Perhaps unecessary initialization but...
- foreach my $o (keys %$opt) {
- my $ovalue = $$opt{$o};
- $$newopt{$o} = $ovalue
- unless
- ($o =~ /^fullcmd$/ or
- $o =~ /^community$/ or
- $o =~ /^snmp-options$/ or
- $o =~ /^global$/ or
- $o =~ /^output$/
- );
- # Ok, copy the --globals array from $$opt so we know
- # that which global(s) to print out into the config.
- push @{$$newopt{$o}}, @{$$opt{$o}} if ($o =~ /^global$/);
- # Go through these --global statements one by one.
- # If anyone of them contains Options[] for any of the
- # targets [_], [^] or [_], process those statements
- # tenderly and populate the $$flags{}{} hashes accordingly.
- for my $g (@{$$opt{"global"}}) {
- my ($t,$fs);
- $g =~ /^options[([_^$])]:s*(.*)$/i;
- $t = $1;
- $fs = $2;
- $t =~ s/_/default/;
- $t =~ s/^/prepend/;
- $t =~ s/$/append/;
- # If a line like "options[X]:" is found clear
- # all flags for that category and then go to next
- # --global 'Options[..' line if any.
- if ($fs =~ /^s*$/) {
- $$flags{$t} = {};
- next;
- } else {
- for my $f (split /s*,s*/,$fs) {
- $$flags{$t}{$f} = "set";
- }
- }
- }
- $$opt{$o} = [] if ($o =~ /^global$/);
- }
- # Now let this router get it's own copy of
- # the "currently effective" flags.
- # Note, Options[_] should only be considered
- # if Options[^] and Options[$] both are absent.
- my $newflags = {};
- if((0 == keys %{$$flags{prepend}})
- and (0== keys %{$$flags{append}})) {
- for my $f (keys %{$$flags{default}}) {
- $$newflags{$f}="set";
- }
- } else {
- for my $f (keys %{$$flags{prepend}},
- keys %{$$flags{append}}) {
- $$newflags{$f}="set";
- }
- }
- if(defined $$opt{'dns-domain'}) {
- $dnsdomain=$$opt{'dns-domain'};
- } else {
- $dnsdomain="";
- }
- $routerkey =
- "${community}@${routername}"
- . (($dnsdomain eq "")?"":".")
- . "${dnsdomain}${snmpopt}";
- $$routers{$routerkey}= {
- # rawname is the unprocessed string from the
- # command line.
- rawname => $rawname,
- # opt is the commandline options which are
- # in effect for THIS particular router.
- opt => $newopt,
- # noofrouter is the unique number for the
- # router. The first router on the command
- # line is given number 1, the second number 2
- # and so on.
- noofrouter => $$noofrouter,
- # flags contains which --global 'Options[^_$]: flags'
- # are effective for THIS particular router.
- flags => $newflags,
- # community is the SNMP community used for the router
- community => $community,
- # snmpopt is the SNMP options on the form
- # [port[:timeout[:retries[:backoff[:version]]]]]
- # The empty string simply means that no
- # specific SNMP options has been given.
- 'snmp-options' => $snmpopt,
- # dns-domain is a domain which should be added
- # to the routers hostname.
- # e.g if dns-domain is and host is router
- # the host "" will be polled.
- # If host is "router.dept" the poll will be against
- # "".
- 'dns-domain' => $dnsdomain,
- # routername is the routers name as given on the
- # command line but with SNMP community (if given)
- # and SNMP options (if given) stripped.
- #
- # (Yes, routername COULD be on the form
- # "host.domain" or "host.subdomain.domain")
- routername => $routername,
- # routerkey is the same as the has key used for the
- # router, which is the router name with everything
- # taken into account: community, dns-domain and
- # snmp-options. This is the value used when doing
- # SNMP communication with the router.
- routerkey => $routerkey,
- };
- }
- } # end addrouter
- sub html_escape ($) {
- my $s = shift;
- $s =~ s/&/&/g;
- $s =~ s/</</g;
- $s =~ s/>/>/g;
- $s =~ s/[nr]+([^nr])/<BR>n $1/g;
- return $s;
- } # end html_escape
- sub parsev3 ($) {
- my $opt = shift;
- my %v3opt;
- if (!exists ($$opt{username})) {
- die "SMNP V3 requires a --username paramter as part of the User Security Model";
- } else {
- $v3opt{username} = $$opt{username};
- }
- $v3opt{contextname} = $$opt{contextname} if exists($$opt{contextname});
- if (exists ($$opt{authkey})) {
- die "Can't use both an --authkey and --authpassword in the User Security Model" if exists($$opt{authpassword});
- $v3opt{authkey} = $$opt{authkey};
- }
- if (exists ($$opt{authpassword})) {
- die "Use of --authpassword requires --contextengineid" if !exists($$opt{contextengineid});
- $v3opt{authpassword} = $$opt{authpassword};
- }
- if (exists ($$opt{authprotocol})) {
- die "Only sha and md5 are defined for --authprotocol" if $$opt{authprotocol} !~ /^(md5|sha)$/i;
- die "--authprotocol can only be used with --authpassword or --authkey" if ! exists($$opt{authpassword}) and ! exists($$opt{authkey});
- ($v3opt{authprotocol}) = (lc($$opt{authprotocol}) =~ /^(md5|sha)$/);
- }
- if (exists ($$opt{privkey})) {
- die "Can't use both an --privkey and --privpassword in the User Security Model" if exists($$opt{privpassword});
- die "Can't have privacy parameters without authentication in the User security Model" if ! exists($$opt{authpassword}) and ! exists($$opt{authkey});
- $v3opt{privkey} = $$opt{privkey};
- }
- if (exists ($$opt{privpassword})) {
- die "Use of --privpassword requires --contextengineid" if !exists($$opt{contextengineid});
- die "Can't have privacy parameters without authentication in the User security Model" if ! exists($$opt{authpassword}) and ! exists($$opt{authkey});
- $v3opt{privpassword} = $$opt{privpassword};
- }
- if (exists ($$opt{privprotocol})) {
- die "Only des, 3desede, aescfb128, aescffb192 and aescfb256 are defined for --privprotocol" if $$opt{privprotocol} !~ /^(3*des(ede)*|aescfb(128|192|256))$/;
- die "--privprotocol can only be used with --privpassword or --privkey" if ! exists($$opt{privpassword}) and ! exists($$opt{privkey});
- $v3opt{privprotocol} = lc($$opt{privprotocol});
- }
- return %v3opt;
- }
- sub init () {
- snmpmapOID('sysObjectID' => '',
- 'CiscolocIfDescr' => '',
- 'CiscoCatalystPortName' => '',
- 'vmVlan' => '',
- 'ifAlias' => '');
- } # end init
- __END__
- =pod
- =head1 NAME
- cfgmaker - Creates mrtg.cfg files (for mrtg-2.13.2)
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- cfgmaker [options] [community@]router [[options] [community@]router ...]
- =head1 OPTIONS
- --ifref=nr interface references by Interface Number (default)
- --ifref=ip ... by Ip Address
- --ifref=eth ... by Ethernet Number
- --ifref=descr ... by Interface Description
- --ifref=name ... by Interface Name
- --ifref=type ... by Interface Type
- --ifdesc=nr interface description uses Interface Number (default)
- --ifdesc=ip ... uses Ip Address
- --ifdesc=eth ... uses Ethernet Number
- --ifdesc=descr ... uses Interface Description
- --ifdesc=name ... uses Interface Name
- --ifdesc=catname ... uses CatOS Interface Name
- --ifdesc=alias ... uses Interface Alias
- --ifdesc=type ... uses Interface Type
- --if-filter=f Test every interface against filter f to decide wether
- or not to include that interface into the collection.
- Currently f is being evaluated as a Perl expression
- and it's truth value is used to reject or accept the
- interface.
- (Experimental, under development, might change)
- --if-template=templatefile
- Replace the normal target entries for the interfaces
- with an entry as specified by the contents in the file
- templatefile. The file is supposed to contain Perl
- code to be executed to generate the lines for the
- target in the configuration file.
- (Experimental, under development, might change)
- --host-template=templatefile
- In addition to creating targets for a host's interfaces
- do also create targets for the host itself as specified
- by the contents in the file templatefile. The file is
- supposed to contain Perl code to be executed to generate
- the lines for the host related targets (such as CPU,
- ping response time measurements etc.) in the config-
- uration file.
- (Experimental, under development, might change)
- --global "x: a" add global config entries
- --no-down do not look at admin or opr status of interfaces
- --show-op-down show interfaces which are operatively down
- --zero-speed=spd use this speed in bits-per-second as the interface
- speed for all interfaces that return a speed of 0
- via ifSpeed/ifHighSpeed. 100Mbps = 100000000
- --subdirs=format give each router its own subdirectory, naming each per
- "format", in which HOSTNAME and SNMPNAME will be
- replaced by the values of those items -- for instance,
- --subdirs=HOSTNAME or --subdirs="HOSTNAME (SNMPNAME)"
- --noreversedns do not reverse lookup ip numbers
- --community=cmty Set the default community string to "cmty" instead of
- "public".
- --enable-ipv6 Enable IPv6 support, if the required libraries are
- present. Numeric IPv6 addresses must be enclosed
- in square brackets, e.g. public@[2001:760:4::1]:161
- --use-16bit Use 16bit SNMP request IDs to query all routers.
- --snmp-options=:[<port>][:[<tmout>][:[<retr>][:[<backoff>][:<ver>]]]]
- Specify default SNMP options to be appended to all
- routers following. Individual fields can be empty.
- Routers following might override some or all of the
- options given to --snmp-options.
- --dns-domain=domain
- Specifies a domain to append to the name of all
- routers following.
- --nointerfaces Don't do generate any configuration lines for interfaces,
- skip the step of gathering interface information and
- don't run any interface template code.
- --interfaces Generate configuration lines for interfaces (this is the
- default). The main purpose of this option is to negate
- an --nointerfaces appearing earlier on the command line.
- --help brief help message
- --man full documentation
- --version print the version of cfgmaker
- --output=file output filename default is STDOUT
- B<Cfgmaker> creates MRTG configuration files based on information
- pulled from a router or another SNMP manageable device.
- [I<community>B<@>]I<router>
- I<Community> is the community name of the device you want to create a
- configuration for. If not specified, it defaults to 'B<public>'; you might
- want to try this first if you do not know the community name of a
- device. If you are using the wrong community name you will get no
- response from the device.
- I<Router> is the DNS name or the IP number of an SNMP-managable device.
- Following the name you can specify 6 further options separated by
- colons. The full syntax looks like this:
- B<router>[:[B<prt>][:[B<tmout>][:[B<retr>][:[B<backoff>][:B<vers>]]]]]
- Of special interest may be the last parameter, B<vers>. If you set this to
- '2' then your device will be queried with SNMP version 2 requests. This
- allows to poll the 64 bit traffic counters in the device and will thus work
- much better with fast interfaces (no more counter overrun). Note that the
- order in which the routers are specified on the command line do matter as
- the same order is used when the configuration file is generated. The first
- specified router has it's configuration lines genrated first, followed by
- the lines belonging to the next router and so on.
- Note that the first line of the generated cfg file will contain all the
- commandline options you used for generating it. This is to allow for the
- easy 'regeneration' in case you want to add newhosts or make some other
- global change.
- =head2 Configuration
- Except for the B<--output> and B<--global> options, all options affect
- only the routers following them on the command line. If an option
- specified earlier on the command line reappears later on the command
- line with another value, the new value overrides the old value as far as
- remaining routers are concerned. This way options might be tailored for
- groups of routers or for individual routers.
- See B<--output> and B<--global> for how their behaviour is affected by
- where or how many times they appear on the command line.
- See the B<Examples> below on how to set an option differently for
- multiple routers.
- =over
- =item B<--help>
- Print a brief help message and exit.
- =item B<--man>
- Prints the manual page and exits.
- =item B<--version>
- Print the version of cfgmaker. This should match the version of MRTG
- for which config files are being created.
- =item B<--ifref> B<nr>|B<ip>|B<eth>|B<descr>|B<name>
- Select the interface identification method. Default is B<nr> which
- identifies the router interfaces by their number. Unfortunately the
- interface numbering scheme in an SNMP tree can change. Some routers
- change their numbering when new interfaces are added, others change
- thier numbering every full moon just for fun.
- To work around this sad problem MRTG can identify interfaces by 4
- other properties. None of these works for all interfaces, but you
- should be able to find one which does fine for you. Note that
- especially ethernet addrsses can be problematic as some routers have
- the same ethernet address on most of their interface cards.
- Select B<ip> to identify the interface by its IP number. Use B<eth> to
- use the ethernet address for identification. Use B<descr> to use
- the Interface description. Or use B<name> to use the Interface name.
- If your chosen method does not allow unique interface identification on
- the device you are querying, B<cfgmaker> will tell you about it.
- =item B<--ifdesc> B<nr>|B<ip>|B<eth>|B<descr>|B<name>|B<type>|B<alias>
- Select what to use as the description of the interface. The description
- appears in the C<Title[]> property for the target as well as the text header
- in the HTML code defined in the target's C<PageTop[]>. Default is to use
- B<nr> which is just the interface number which isn't always useful
- to the viewer of the graphs.
- There are 6 other properties which could be used. Use B<ip> if you want
- to use the interface's IP-address. Use B<eth> if you want to use the
- interface's ethernet address. If you want a better description, you can
- use either B<descr>, B<name> or B<alias>. Exactly what each of these do
- varies between different equipment so you might need to experiment. For
- instance, for a serial interface on a Cisco router running IOS using B<name>
- might result in C<"S0"> being the interface description , B<descr> might result
- in C<"Serial0"> and B<alias> might result in C<"Link to HQ"> (provided that is
- what is used as the interface's C<description> in the router's configuration).
- Finally, if you want to describe the interface by it's Btype
- (i.e C<"ethernetCSMA">, C<"propPointtoPoint"> etc) you can use B<type>.
- =item B<--if-filter> 'B<filter-expression>'
- First of all, this is under some developement and is experimental.
- Use this if you want to have better control over what interfaces gets
- included into the configuration. The B<filter-expression> is evaluated
- as a piece of Perl code and is expected
- to return a truth value. If true, include the interface and if false,
- exclude the interface.
- For a further discussion on how these filters work, see the section
- L<Details on Filters> below.
- =item B<--if-template> B<template-file>
- First of all, this is under some development and is experimental.
- Use this if you want to control what the line for each target should look
- like in the configuration file. The contents of the file B<template-file>
- will be evaluated as a Perl program which generates the lines using certain
- variables for input and output.
- For a further discussion on how these templates work, see the section
- L<Details on Temaplates> below.
- =item B<--host-template> B<template-file>
- First of all, this is under some development and is experimental.
- Use this if you want to have some extra targets related to the host itself
- such as CPU utilization, ping response time to the host, number of busy
- modems etc. The contents of the file B<template-file> will be evaluated
- once per host as a Perl program which generates the lines using certain
- variables for input and output.
- For a further discussion on how these templates work, see the section
- L<Details on Templates> below.
- =item B<--community> B<community-string>
- Use this to set the community for the routers following on the command
- line to B<community-string>. Individual routers might overrride this
- community string by using the syntax B<community>B<@>B<router>.
- =item B<--enable-ipv6>
- This option enables IPv6 support. It requires the appropriate perl
- modules; if they are not found then IPv6 is disabled (see the ipv6
- documentation).
- cfgmaker will use IPv6 or IPv4 depending on the target. If the target
- is a numeric address, the protocol depends on the type of address. If the
- target is a hostname, cfgmaker will try to resolve the name first to an
- IPv6 address then to an IPv4 address.
- IPv6 numeric addresses must be specified between square braces.
- For example:
- cfgmaker --enable-ipv6 [2001:760:4::1]:165:::2
- If the target has both an IPv6 address and an IPv4 address with the same
- hostname, cfgmaker first queries the target using IPv6 and falls back to
- IPv4 if it fails. This is useful for targets which don't support SNMP
- over IPv6.
- =item B<--use-16bit>
- This option forces the use of 16bit SNMP request IDs. Some broken SNMP
- agents do not accept 32bit request IDs. Try to avoid this option as much
- as possible, complain to your agent vendor instead.
- =item B<--snmp-options> :[B<port>][:[B<timeout>][:[B<retries>][:[B<backoff>][:B<version>]]]]
- Use this to set the default SNMP options for all routers following on the
- command line. Individual values might be omitted as well as trailing
- colons. Note that routers might override individual (or all) values
- specified by B<--snmp-options> by using the syntax
- B<router>[:[B<port>][:[B<timeout>][:[B<retries>][:[B<backoff>][:B<version>]]]]]
- =item B<--global> B<">I<bla: abc>B<">
- Use this to add global options to the generated config file.
- You can call B<--global> several times to add multiple options.
- The line will appear in the configuration just before the config for
- the next router appearing on the command line.
- --global "workdir: /home/mrtg"
- If you want some default Options you might want to put
- --global "options[_]: growright,bits"
- Specifying B<--global> after the last router on the command line will
- create a line in the configuration file which will appear after all the
- routers.
- =item B<--noreversedns>
- Do not try to reverse lookup IP numbers ... a must for DNS free environments.
- =item B<--no-down>
- Normally cfgmaker will not include interfaces which are marked
- anything but administratively and operationally UP. With this
- switch you get them all.
- =item B<--show-op-down>
- Include interfaces which are operatively down.
- =item B<--zero-speed> I<speed>
- Assign this speed in bits-per-second to all interfaces which return 0
- for ifSpeed and ifHighSpeed. Some switches, notably Foundry equipment,
- return a speed of zero for some interfaces. For example, to have
- all interfaces reporting zero set to 100Mbps, use
- --zero-speed=100000000.
- =item B<--subdirs> I<format>
- Give each router its own subdirectory for the HTML and graphics (or
- .rrd) files. The directory name is the given I<format> string with a
- couple of pattern replacements. The string "HOSTNAME" will be
- replaced by the hostname of the router (however you specified it on
- the B<cfgmaker> commandline -- it may be an actual hostname or just an
- IP address), and "SNMPNAME" will be replaced with the device's idea of
- its own name (the same name that appears on the right side of the
- "Title" lines). For instance, a call like:
- cfgmaker --subdirs=HOSTNAME__SNMPNAME public@
- would result in the generation of lines looking something like:
- Directory[]:
- =item B<--output> I<file>
- Write the output from B<cfgmaker> into the file I<file>. The default
- is to use C<STDOUT>. B<--output> is expected to appear only once on the
- command line. If used multiple times, the file specified by the last
- B<--output> will be used.
- =item B<--nointerfaces>
- Don't generate configuration lines for interfaces.
- This makes cfgmaker skip all steps related to interfaces which means
- it will not do any polling of the router to retrieve interface
- information which speeds up the execution of cfgmaker and it will
- neither run any interface templates.
- =item B<--interfaces>
- This makes cfgmaker generate configuration lines for interfaces (the
- default behaviour).
- The main usage of this option is to negate an --nointerfaces appearing
- earlier on the command line.
- =back
- =head2 SNMP V3 Options
- B<Cfgmaker> supports SNMP V3. There are optional parameters affecting SNMP operation.
- =head3 SNMPv3 Arguments
- A SNMP context is a collection of management information accessible by a SNMP
- entity. An item of management information may exist in more than one context
- and a SNMP entity potentially has access to many contexts. The combination of
- a contextEngineID and a contextName unambiguously identifies a context within
- an administrative domain. In a SNMPv3 message, the contextEngineID and
- contextName are included as part of the scopedPDU. All methods that generate
- a SNMP message optionally take a B<--contextengineid> and B<--contextname>
- argument to configure these fields.
- =over
- =item Context Engine ID
- The B<--contextengineid> argument expects a hexadecimal string representing
- the desired contextEngineID. The string must be 10 to 64 characters (5 to
- 32 octets) long and can be prefixed with an optional "0x". Once the
- B<--contextengineid> is specified it stays with the object until it is changed
- again or reset to default by passing in the undefined value. By default, the
- contextEngineID is set to match the authoritativeEngineID of the authoritative
- SNMP engine.
- =item Context Name
- The contextName is passed as a string which must be 0 to 32 octets in length
- using the B<--contextname> argument. The contextName stays with the object
- until it is changed. The contextName defaults to an empty string which
- represents the "default" context.
- =back
- =head3 User-based Security Model Arguments
- The User-based Security Model (USM) used by SNMPv3 requires that a securityName
- be specified using the B<-username> argument. The creation of a Net::SNMP
- object with the version set to SNMPv3 will fail if the B<--username> argument
- is not present. The B<-username> argument expects a string 1 to 32 octets
- in length.
- Different levels of security are allowed by the User-based Security Model which
- address authentication and privacy concerns. A SNMPv3 target will
- derive the security level (securityLevel) based on which of the following
- arguments are specified.
- By default a securityLevel of 'noAuthNoPriv' is assumed. If the B<--authkey>
- or B<--authpassword> arguments are specified, the securityLevel becomes
- 'authNoPriv'. The B<--authpassword> argument expects a string which is at
- least 1 octet in length. Optionally, the B<--authkey> argument can be used so
- that a plain text password does not have to be specified in a script. The
- B<--authkey> argument expects a hexadecimal string produced by localizing the
- password with the authoritativeEngineID for the specific destination device.
- The C<snmpkey> utility included with the Net::SNMP distribution can be used to create
- the hexadecimal string (see L<snmpkey>).
- Two different hash algorithms are defined by SNMPv3 which can be used by the
- Security Model for authentication. These algorithms are HMAC-MD5-96 "MD5"
- (RFC 1321) and HMAC-SHA-96 "SHA-1" (NIST FIPS PUB 180-1). The default
- algorithm used by the module is HMAC-MD5-96. This behavior can be changed by
- using the B<--authprotocol> argument. This argument expects either the string
- 'md5' or 'sha' to be passed to modify the hash algorithm.
- By specifying the arguments B<--privkey> or B<--privpassword> the securityLevel
- associated with the object becomes 'authPriv'. According to SNMPv3, privacy
- requires the use of authentication. Therefore, if either of these two
- arguments are present and the B<--authkey> or B<--authpassword> arguments are
- missing, the creation of the object fails. The B<--privkey> and
- B<--privpassword> arguments expect the same input as the B<--authkey> and
- B<--authpassword> arguments respectively.
- The User-based Security Model described in RFC 3414 defines a single encryption
- protocol to be used for privacy. This protocol, CBC-DES "DES" (NIST FIPS PUB
- 46-1), is used by default or if the string 'des' is passed to the
- B<--privprotocol> argument. By working with the Extended Security Options
- Consortium, the module also supports additional
- protocols which have been defined in draft specifications. The draft
- defines the support of CBC-3DES-EDE "Triple-DES" (NIST FIPS 46-3) in the
- User-based Security Model. This protocol can be selected using the
- B<--privprotocol> argument with the string '3desede'. The draft
- describes the use of CFB128-AES-128/192/256 "AES" (NIST FIPS PUB 197) in the
- USM. The three AES encryption protocols, differentiated by their key sizes,
- can be selected by passing 'aescfb128', 'aescfb192', or 'aescfb256' to the
- B<-privprotocol> argument.
- =head2 Details on Filters
- The purpose of the filters is to decide which interfaces to accept and
- which interfaces to reject. This decision is done for each interface by
- evaluating the filter expression as a piece of Perl code and investigating
- the result of the evaluation. If true, accept the interface otherwise
- reject it.
- When working with filters, remember that Perl has it's own idea of what truth
- and false is. The empty string "" and the string "0" are false, all other
- strings are true. This further imples that any integer value of 0 is
- false as well as any undef value. It also implies that all references
- are considered true.
- As the filter is evaluated as a Perl expression, several useful constructs
- in Perl are worth mentioning:
- Expressions might be grouped by using parentheses "()". Expressions might
- be combined using boolean operators such as the following:
- =over
- =item "B<and>" (equivalent with "B<&&>")
- Boolean "and" of the two expressions, is only true if both expressions are
- true. Example: I<expression1> B<and> I<expression2>
- =item "B<or>" (equivalent with "B<||>")
- Boolean "or" of the two expressions, is true if either or both expressions
- are true. Example: I<expression1> B<or> I<expression2>
- =item "B<not>" (equivalent with "B<!>")
- Boolean negation of a single expression. Example: B<not> I<expression> .
- Yet another example: B<!>I<expression>
- =back
- (For more details on this I recommend a book on Perl)
- =head3 Predefined Filter Variables
- To facilitate, there are a number of predefined values available to use
- in the filter. Note that these variables are also available when templates
- interfaces are evaluated (but not host templates).
- Caveat: All these variables' names begin with a dollar sign ($), which
- is a syntactic requirement for scalar variables in Perl. The danger here
- is that the dollar sign in many shells is an active character (often
- used for shell variables exactly as in Perl variables) so it is important
- to ensure that the Perl expression isn't evaluated by the command line
- shell as shell code before being passed to cfgmaker as command line
- arguments. In shells like Bourne shell, ksh shell or bash shell, placing
- the entire expression within single qoutes will avoid such accidental
- evaluation:
- '--if-filter=($default_iftype && $if_admin)'
- =over
- =item B<$if_type>
- This is an integer specifying the interface type as
- per the SNMP standards and as reported by the polled device. A complete list
- of interface types would be impractical for this document , but there are
- a number predefined varables below. Normally, cfgmaker puts in the target's
- PageTop this iftype value within paranthesis after the name of the interface
- type. (e.g "propPointToPointSerial (22)").
- Here's a list of some of the most common interface types by number:
- 6 ethernetCsmacd
- 7 iso88023Csmacd
- 9 iso88025TokenRing
- 15 fddi
- 19 E1
- 20 basicISDN
- 21 primaryISDN
- 22 propPointToPointSerial
- 23 ppp
- 24 softwareLoopback
- 30 ds3
- 32 frame-relay
- 33 rs232
- 37 atm
- 39 sonet
- 44 frameRelayService
- 46 hssi
- 49 aal5
- 53 propVirtual
- 62 Fast Ethernet (100BaseT)
- 63 ISDN & X.25
- 69 Full Duplex Fast Ethernet (100BaseFX)
- 94 Asymetric Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL)
- 117 Gigabit Ethernet
- 134 ATM Sub Interface
- =item B<$default>
- True if and only if cfgmaker normally should
- accepted the interface based on the interfaces administrative and
- operational state (taking the flags B<--no-down> and B<--show-op-down> into
- account) and it's type (and a few other things).
- =item B<$default_ifstate>
- True if and only if cfgmaker would have accepted the
- interface based on it's operational and administrative states (also taking
- into account the presence of the flags B<--no-down> and B<--show-op-down>).
- =item B<$default_iftype>
- True if and only if cfgmaker would have accepted the
- interface based on it's type (and a few type specific details in addition).
- =item B<$if_admin>
- True if and only if the interface is in an adminstrative up
- state.
- =item B<$if_oper>
- True if and only if the interface is in an operational up
- state.
- =back
- A number of variables are also predefined to easily decide if an interface
- belong to a certain cathegory or not. Below is all those variables listed
- together with which if_type numbers each variable will be true for. Note
- that some variables refer to other variables as well.
- =over
- =item B<$if_is_ethernet>
- True for ethernet interfaces (nr 6, 7, 26, 62, 69 and 117).
- =item B<$if_is_isdn>
- True for various ISDN interface types (nr 20, 21, 63, 75, 76 and 77)
- =item B<$if_is_dialup>
- True for dial-up interfaces such as PPP as well
- as ISDN. (nr 23, 81, 82 and 108 in addition to the numbers of
- B<$if_is_isdn>).
- =item B<$if_is_atm>
- True for miscellaneous ATM related interface types (nr 37, 49, 107, 105,
- 106, 114 and 134).
- =item B<$if_is_wan>
- True for WAN interfaces point to point, Frame Relay and High Speed Serial ( 22,32,44,46)
- =item B<$if_is_lan>
- True for LAN interfaces (8, 9, 11, 15, 26, 55, 59, 60 and 115 in addition
- to the numbers of B<$if_is_ethernet>).
- =item B<$if_is_dsl>
- True for ADSL, RDSL, HDSL and SDSL (nr 94, 95, 96, 97)
- =item B<$if_is_loopback>
- True for software loopback interfaces (nr 24)
- =item B<$if_is_ciscovlan>
- True for Cisco VLAN interfaces (interfaces with the
- word Vlan or VLAN in their ifdescs)
- =item B<$if_vlan_id>
- Returns the vlan id associated with a specific port
- on Cisco Catalyst switches under both Catalyst OS
- and IOS. If it is not a vlan interface, will return undef.
- =item B<$if_MTU>
- Returns the Maximum Transfer Unit associated with a specific port.
- =back
- Besides that, you can also use the variables defined for templates below.
- Further, all the variables available in cfgmaker is at the scripts disposal
- even if the use of such features is discouraged. More "shortcuts" in the
- form of variables and functions will be made avaiable in the future instead.
- =head3 Examples on Filters
- The following filter will not affect which interfaces get's included or
- excluded, it will make cfgmaker behave as normally.
- '--if-filter=$default'
- The following filter will make cfgmaker exclude PPP (23) interfaces:
- '--if-filter=$default && $if_type!=23'
- The following filter will make cfgmaker behave as usual except that it will
- consider the operational state of an interface irrelevant but still reject
- all interfaces which are administratively down.
- '--if-filter=$if_admin && $default_iftype'
- =head2 Details on Templates
- The contents of the template files are evaluated as a Perl program. A
- number or Perl variables are available for the program to read and others
- are used to be written to.
- As quite a few of the predefined variables has values which are are supposed
- to be used in HTML code some of them have an "HTML-escaped" variant, e.g
- $html_syslocation is the HTML escaped variant of $syslocation. The HTML
- escaping means that the chars "<", ">" and "&" are replaced by "<",
- ">" and "&" and that newlines embedded in the string are prepended
- with "<BR>" and appended with a space character (if a newline is last in the
- string it is not touched).
- =head3 Writable Template Variables
- These are the variables available to store the configuration lines in.
- Some of them are initialized prior to the evaluation of the template but
- such content normally is comments for inclusion in the final configuration
- file so those variables might be reset to the empty string in the template
- code to eliminate the comments. The other way around is also possible, the
- contents of these variables might be extended with further information
- for various reasons such as debugging etc.
- Once the template has been evaluated, the following happens: if the
- template is a interface template and the actual interface for some reason
- is rejected and thus needs to be commented out, all the lines in the
- variable B<$target_lines> are turned into comments by adding a hash mark
- ("#") at their beginning. Then all the variables B<$head_lines>,
- B<$problem_lines> , B<$target_lines> and B<$separator_lines>
- are concatenated together to form the lines to add to the configuration file.
- =over
- =item B<$target_lines>
- This variable is the placeholder for the configuration lines created
- by the template. B<$target_lines> is predefined to be empty when
- the template code is evaluated.
- =item B<$head_lines>
- This variable is intended to be the placeholder for the comment line
- appearing just before the target in the configuration file. It is
- initialized with that comment line before the evaluation of the template
- code and if the template doesn't modify B<$head_lines> during evaluation,
- the comment will look like usual in the config file.
- =item B<$problem_lines>
- This variable is intended to be the placholder for the comment lines
- describing any problems which might have been encountered when trying
- to add the target into the configuration. For host templates it's
- normally not used and for those it's predefined as the empty string.
- For interface templates B<$problem_lines> is predefined with
- the error description comments which cfgmaker normally would use for
- rejected interfaces or as the empty string for accepted interfaces.
- It is possible to test against B<$problem_lines> to find out if
- an interface will be included or rejected but this is not recommended.
- Test against B<$if_ok> instead.
- =item B<$separator_lines>
- This variable is the placeholder for the string to use as the separator
- between the code for individual targets. The contents of this variable
- is put after each target (so the lines will appear after the end of the
- last target in the config as well).
- =back
- =head3 Predefined Template Variables
- All the variables below are available for interface templates to use.
- For host templates, only those listed under L<Host and System Variables>
- are available.
- For interface templates the variables listed under
- L<Predefined Filter Variables> are also available.
- =head3 Host and System Variables
- =over
- =item B<$router_name>
- This is the fully qualified name for the router. It is affected by the
- following items on the command line: the router name itself and
- B<--dns-domain>.
- =item B<$router_connect>
- This is the reference string for the router being polled. It is on the
- form community@router possibly followed by some snmp options. It is
- affected by the following items on the command line: the router name
- itself, B<--community>, B<--snmp-options> and B<--dns-domain>.
- (There's no HTML escaped variant available)
- =item B<$directory_name>
- This variable should contain the directory name as cfgmaker normally would
- use as the value for the "Directory[]" directive. The value is determined
- by the B<--subdirs> command line option. If B<--subdirs> isn't specified
- B<$directory_name> will be the empty string. (There's no HTML escaped
- variant available)
- =item B<$syscontact>
- This variable is the router's SNMP sysContact value. (HTML escaped
- variant: B<$html_syscontact>)
- =item B<$sysname>
- This variable is the router's SNMP sysName value. (No HTML escaped
- variant available)
- =item B<$syslocation>
- This variable is the router's SNMP sysLocation value. (HTML escaped
- variant: B<$html_syslocation>)
- =item B<$sysdescr>
- This variable is the router's SNMP sysDescr value. It is normally not used
- by cfgmaker but might be useful in a template. (HTML escaped variant:
- B<$html_sysdescr>)
- =back
- =head3 Interface Target Related Variables
- =over
- =item B<$target_name>
- This is what cfgmaker normally would use as the the name of the target.
- The target name is what is found within the square brackets, "[]", for target
- directives. (There's no HTML escaped variant available)
- =item B<$if_ref>
- This the reference string for the interface. It is expected to be used
- in the "Target[xyz]" directive to distinguish what interface to use. The
- value of this variable is affected by the B<--ifref> command line option.
- It is normally used together with B<$router_connect>.
- (There's no HTML escaped variant available)
- =item B<$if_ok>
- This variable is true if the interface is going to be included into the
- configuration file, otherwise false. Don't test against other variables
- such as B<$problem_lines> to find out if an interface will be rejected
- or not, use this B<$if_ok> instead.
- =item B<$default_target_lines>
- This variable contains all the target lines which cfgmaker by default outputs
- for this interface. It's useful if you want to have the "standard target"
- but want to add some extra lines to it by using a template.
- =back
- By default cfgmaker uses the following directives for each target it
- generates: Target[], SetEnv[], MaxBytes[], Title[], PageTop[] and if
- there is any directory specified also the Directory[] directive.
- To facilitate the creation of templates which generates target configs
- which are similar to the default one, each of the above mentioned
- directive lines have a corresponding variable containing the line as
- cfgmaker would have output it by default.
- Note that none of these have a HTML escaped variant, text in them is
- HTML escaped where needed. Also note that they do not have any newline
- at the end.
- =over
- =item B<$default_target_directive>
- This variable contains the default string for the Target[] directive line.
- =item B<$default_setenv_directive>
- This variable contains the default string for the SetEnv[] directive line.
- =item B<$default_directory_directive>
- This variable contains the default string for the Directory[] directive line
- which means it is an empty string (with no newline) if there's no directory.
- =item B<$default_maxbytes_directive>
- This variable contains the default string for the MaxBytes[] directive line.
- =item B<$default_title_directive>
- This variable contains the default string for the Title[] directive line.
- =item B<$default_pagetop_directive>
- This variable contains the default string for the PageTop[] directive lines.
- =back
- =head3 Interface Network Configuration Variables
- =over
- =item B<$if_ip>
- This variable should contain the IP-address of the interface, if any has
- been assigned to it. (There's no HTML escaped variant available)
- =item B<$ifindex>
- This variable is the SNMP ifIndex for the interface which per definition
- always is an integer. (There's no HTML escaped variant available)
- =item B<$if_index>
- Equivalent with B<$ifindex>.
- =item B<$if_eth>
- Contains the ethernet address of the interface, if any. (There's no HTML
- escaped variant available)
- =item B<$if_speed>
- This variable is the speed in bytes/second (with prefixes). (There's no
- HTML escaped variant available)
- =item B<$if_speed_str>
- This variable is a cooked speed description which is either in bits or
- bytes depending on wether or not the bits option is active and also with
- the proper prefix for the speed (k, M, G etc). (No HTML escaped variant
- available)
- =item B<$if_type_desc>
- This variable is a textual description of the interface type. (HTML
- escaped variant: B<$html_if_type_desc>)
- =item B<$if_type_num>
- This variable the integer value corresponding to the interface type (for a
- listing for the value for the more common interface types, see the section
- DETAILS ON FILTERS above). (No HTML escaped variant available)
- =item B<$if_dns_name>
- This is the DNS name for the interface. (No HTML escaped variant available)
- =back
- =head3 Interface Name, Description and Alias Variables
- It might seem confusing with both I<Name>, I<Description> and I<Alias> in
- this context and to some extent it is. I<Name> and I<Description> are
- usually supported on most equipment but how they are used varies, both
- between manufacturers as well as between different cathegories of equipment
- from the same manufacturer. The I<Alias> is at least supported by Cisco
- IOS, and that variable contains whatever is used in the IOS statement
- called "description" for the interface (not to be confused with the SNMP
- variables for I<Description>).
- For better control from the command line consider B<$if_title_desc> which contents
- are controlled by the B<--if-descr> command line option.
- =over
- =item B<$if_snmp_descr>
- This variable should contain the "raw" description of the interface as
- determined by the SNMP polling of the router. (HTML escaped variant:
- B<$html_if_snmp_descr>)
- =item B<$if_snmp_name>
- The "raw" name for the interface as provided by SNMP polling. (HTML escaped
- variant: B<$html_if_snmp_name>)
- =item B<$if_snmp_alias>
- The "raw" ifAlias for the interface as provided by SNMP polling. (HTML
- escaped variant: B<$html_if_snmp_alias>)
- =item B<$if_cisco_descr>
- The "raw" CiscolocIfDescr for the interface as provided by SNMP polling.
- (HTML escaped variant: B<$html_if_cisco_descr>)
- =item B<$if_description>
- This is the "cooked" description string for the interface, taking into account
- the SNMP values found for the interface's RDescr, ifAlias and
- CiscolocIfDescr. (HTML escaped variant: B<$html_if_description>)
- =item B<$if_title>
- The full string cfgmaker by default would have used for the Title[] directive
- in the configuration as well as the content of the topmost H1 tag in the
- PageTop[]. Is composed by the contents of B<$desc_prefix>,
- B<$if_title_desc> and B<$sysname>.
- As B<$if_title> depends on B<$if_title_desc>, it is possible to indirectly
- control B<$if_title> by using the command line option B<--if-descr>.
- (HTML escaped variant: B<$html_if_title>)
- =item B<$if_port_name>
- If the host is a Cisco Catalyst LAN switch, this variable is the name of
- that port. (No HTML escaped variant available)
- =item B<$desc_prefix>
- This variable is a prefix of the description of what the target is to use in
- the "Title[]" directive and in the H1 section of the "PageTop[]". Default is
- "Traffic analysis for ". (HTML escaped variant: B<$html_desc_prefix>)
- =item B<$if_title_desc>
- This is the description of the interface normally used by cfgmaker as part
- of the variable B<$if_title>. The latter is used as the full string in the
- "Title[]" directove and the H1 section in the PageTop[].
- B<$if_title_desc> is controlled by the command line option B<--if-descr>
- which indirectly controls the contents of B<$if_title>
- (HTML escaped variant: B<$html_if_title_desc>)
- =back
- =head3 Help Functions for Templates
- The following functions exists to facilitate the writing of host and
- interface templates.
- =over
- =item B<html_escape(I<string>)>
- B<html_escape()> takes a string as an argument and returns a new string
- where the following substitutions has been done: the chars "<", ">" and
- "&" are replaced by "<", ">" and "&" and that newlines embedded
- in the string are prepended with "<BR>" and appended with a space character
- (newlines at the end of the string are not touched).
- =back
- =head3 Example Template Files
- =head4 Template Example 1: Eliminating Rejected Targets From Appearing
- This template file generates exactly the same configuration code per
- interface as cfgmaker does by default, with the exception that it eliminates
- all lines (comments as well as config code) for an interface if the
- interface happens to be rejected.
- if(not $problem_lines)
- {
- $target_lines .= <<ECHO;
- Target[$target_name]: $if_ref:$router_connect
- SetEnv[$target_name]: MRTG_INT_IP="$if_ip" MRTG_INT_DESCR="$if_snmp_descr"
- if ($directory_name) {
- $target_lines .= "Directory[$target_name]: $directory_namen";
- }
- $target_lines .= <<ECHO;
- MaxBytes[$target_name]: $if_speed
- Title[$target_name]: $html_desc_prefix$html_if_title_desc -- $sysname
- PageTop[$target_name]: <h1>$html_desc_prefix$html_if_title_desc -- $sysname</h1>
- <div id="sysdetails">
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td>System:</td>
- <td>$sysname in $html_syslocation</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Maintainer:</td>
- <td>$html_syscontact</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Description:</td>
- <td>$html_if_description</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>ifType:</td>
- <td>$html_if_type_desc ($if_type_num)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>ifName:</td>
- <td>$html_if_snmp_name</td>
- </tr>
- $target_lines .= <<ECHO if defined $if_port_name;
- <tr>
- <td>Port Name:</td>
- <td>$if_port_name</td>
- </tr>
- $target_lines .= <<ECHO;
- <tr>
- <td>Max Speed:</td>
- <td>$if_speed_str</td>
- </tr>
- $target_lines .= <<ECHO if $if_ip;
- <tr>
- <td>Ip:</td>
- <td>$if_ip ($if_dns_name)</td>
- </tr>
- $target_lines .= <<ECHO;
- </table>
- </div>
- } else {
- $head_lines="";
- $problem_lines="";
- $target_lines="";
- $separator_lines="";
- }
- =head3 Template Example 2: Simplier Version of Example 1
- Example 1 was partly intended to demonstrate how to customize the generation
- of interface targets but also to provide a hint of how the variables are
- used in the "default" template which one could consider that cfgmaker
- normally uses.
- If you're only intrested in the easiest way of entirely eliminating those
- reject interfaces, the template below would do the job as well by using
- B<$default_target_lines>.
- if($if_ok) {
- $target_lines = $default_target_lines;
- } else {
- $head_lines="";
- $problem_lines="";
- $target_lines="";
- $separator_lines="";
- }
- =head3 Template Example 3: Creating CPU Targets for Hosts
- Below is an example of a host template.
- $head_lines .= <<ECHO;
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $target_name = $router_name . ".cpu";
- $target_lines .= <<ECHO;
- YLegend[$target_name]: Percentage CPU load
- ShortLegend[$target_name]: %
- Legend1[$target_name]: CPU load in %
- Legend2[$target_name]:
- Legend3[$target_name]: Max Observed CPU load
- Legend4[$target_name]:
- LegendI[$target_name]: CPU Load:
- LegendO[$target_name]:
- WithPeak[$target_name]: ywm
- MaxBytes[$target_name]: 100
- Options[$target_name]: growright, gauge, nopercent
- Title[$target_name]: $router_name CPU load
- Target[$target_name]:$router_connect
- PageTop[$target_name]: <h1>$router_name CPU load</h1>
- <div>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td>System:</td>
- <td>$router_name in $html_syslocation</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Maintainer:</td>
- <td>$html_syscontact</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Description:</td>
- <td>$html_sysdescr</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Resource:</td>
- <td>CPU.</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
- =head1 EXAMPLES
- The first example creates a config file for I<>: the router
- has the community name I<public>. Interfaces get identified by their
- IP number. Two global options get added to the config file. The
- config file gets redirected to I<mrtg.conf>. The '' signs at the end
- of the line mean that this command should be written on a single line.
- cfgmaker --global "WorkDir: /home/tobi"
- --global "Options[_]: growright,bits"
- --ifref=ip
- > mrtg.cfg
- Note: if cfgmaker is not in your path, but you are in the directory where
- cfgmaker is stored, you can start it with ./cfgmaker
- The next example creates a config file for four devices:
- I<>, I<>, I<> and
- I<> all with the community I<public>.
- The two routers will have B<--ifref> set to B<descr> whilst the two
- switches will use B<--ifref> set to B<name>. Further the routers will
- use B<--ifdesc> set to B<alias> and I<> will use
- B<--ifdesc> set to B<descr> whilst I<> use B<name> instead.
- Finally, there will be two Options lines inserted in the configuration:
- One will be in the beginning, whilst the other will be inserted after
- the lines related to the two routers but before those lines related
- to the switches.
- cfgmaker --global "WorkDir: /home/tobi"
- --global "Options[_]: growright,bits"
- --ifref=descr
- --ifdesc=alias
- --global "Options[_]: growright"
- --ifref=name
- --ifdesc=descr
- --ifdesc=name
- > mrtg.cfg
- The next example demonstrates how to use the B<--community>,
- B<--snmp-options> and B<--dns-domain> to make the command line
- simpler. All the equipment will use the community I<hidden>, except for
- the ppp-server which use community I<access>. All equipment uses these
- SNMP options: B<1s timeout>, B<1 retry> and B<SNMP version 2> (B<backoff> and
- B<port> is unspecified which means they use the default values).
- The exception again is the ppp-server which uses B<SNMP version 1>.
- Finally, all the equipment is part of the domain I<>, except
- for the ppp-server which is part of the domain I<>.
- Note that the latter is achieved simply by specifying the name
- of the ppp-server to be I<ppp-server.B<remote>> .
- cfgmaker --global "WorkDir: /home/tobi"
- --global "Options[_]: growright,bits"
- --community=hidden
- --snmp-options=::1:1::2
- router1
- router2
- router3
- router4
- router5
- switch1
- switch2
- switch3
- switch4
- switch5
- switch6
- switch7
- access@ppp-server.remote:::::1 > mrtg.cfg
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<mrtg-reference>
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Tobias Oetiker E<lt>tobi@oetiker.chE<gt> and
- Jakob Ilves E<lt>jakob.ilves@oracle.comE<gt>
- =head1 LICENSE
- GNU General Public License
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Cfgmaker is Copyright 2000 by Tobias Oetiker E<lt>tobi@oetiker.chE<gt>
- =cut