- # Pod::PlainText -- Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text.
- # $Id:,v 2002/02/26 10:16:53 oetiker Exp $
- #
- # Copyright 1999-2000 by Russ Allbery <>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- # under the same terms as Perl itself.
- #
- # This module is intended to be a replacement for Pod::Text, and attempts to
- # match its output except for some specific circumstances where other
- # decisions seemed to produce better output. It uses Pod::Parser and is
- # designed to be very easy to subclass.
- ############################################################################
- # Modules and declarations
- ############################################################################
- package Pod::PlainText;
- require 5.005;
- use Carp qw(carp croak);
- use Pod::Select ();
- use strict;
- use vars qw(@ISA %ESCAPES $VERSION);
- # We inherit from Pod::Select instead of Pod::Parser so that we can be used
- # by Pod::Usage.
- @ISA = qw(Pod::Select);
- ($VERSION = (split (' ', q$Revision: $ ))[1]) =~ s/.(d)$/.0$1/;
- ############################################################################
- # Table of supported E<> escapes
- ############################################################################
- # This table is taken near verbatim from Pod::PlainText in Pod::Parser,
- # which got it near verbatim from the original Pod::Text. It is therefore
- # credited to Tom Christiansen, and I'm glad I didn't have to write it. :)
- %ESCAPES = (
- 'amp' => '&', # ampersand
- 'lt' => '<', # left chevron, less-than
- 'gt' => '>', # right chevron, greater-than
- 'quot' => '"', # double quote
- "Aacute" => "xC1", # capital A, acute accent
- "aacute" => "xE1", # small a, acute accent
- "Acirc" => "xC2", # capital A, circumflex accent
- "acirc" => "xE2", # small a, circumflex accent
- "AElig" => "xC6", # capital AE diphthong (ligature)
- "aelig" => "xE6", # small ae diphthong (ligature)
- "Agrave" => "xC0", # capital A, grave accent
- "agrave" => "xE0", # small a, grave accent
- "Aring" => "xC5", # capital A, ring
- "aring" => "xE5", # small a, ring
- "Atilde" => "xC3", # capital A, tilde
- "atilde" => "xE3", # small a, tilde
- "Auml" => "xC4", # capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
- "auml" => "xE4", # small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
- "Ccedil" => "xC7", # capital C, cedilla
- "ccedil" => "xE7", # small c, cedilla
- "Eacute" => "xC9", # capital E, acute accent
- "eacute" => "xE9", # small e, acute accent
- "Ecirc" => "xCA", # capital E, circumflex accent
- "ecirc" => "xEA", # small e, circumflex accent
- "Egrave" => "xC8", # capital E, grave accent
- "egrave" => "xE8", # small e, grave accent
- "ETH" => "xD0", # capital Eth, Icelandic
- "eth" => "xF0", # small eth, Icelandic
- "Euml" => "xCB", # capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
- "euml" => "xEB", # small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
- "Iacute" => "xCD", # capital I, acute accent
- "iacute" => "xED", # small i, acute accent
- "Icirc" => "xCE", # capital I, circumflex accent
- "icirc" => "xEE", # small i, circumflex accent
- "Igrave" => "xCD", # capital I, grave accent
- "igrave" => "xED", # small i, grave accent
- "Iuml" => "xCF", # capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
- "iuml" => "xEF", # small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
- "Ntilde" => "xD1", # capital N, tilde
- "ntilde" => "xF1", # small n, tilde
- "Oacute" => "xD3", # capital O, acute accent
- "oacute" => "xF3", # small o, acute accent
- "Ocirc" => "xD4", # capital O, circumflex accent
- "ocirc" => "xF4", # small o, circumflex accent
- "Ograve" => "xD2", # capital O, grave accent
- "ograve" => "xF2", # small o, grave accent
- "Oslash" => "xD8", # capital O, slash
- "oslash" => "xF8", # small o, slash
- "Otilde" => "xD5", # capital O, tilde
- "otilde" => "xF5", # small o, tilde
- "Ouml" => "xD6", # capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
- "ouml" => "xF6", # small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
- "szlig" => "xDF", # small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
- "THORN" => "xDE", # capital THORN, Icelandic
- "thorn" => "xFE", # small thorn, Icelandic
- "Uacute" => "xDA", # capital U, acute accent
- "uacute" => "xFA", # small u, acute accent
- "Ucirc" => "xDB", # capital U, circumflex accent
- "ucirc" => "xFB", # small u, circumflex accent
- "Ugrave" => "xD9", # capital U, grave accent
- "ugrave" => "xF9", # small u, grave accent
- "Uuml" => "xDC", # capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
- "uuml" => "xFC", # small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
- "Yacute" => "xDD", # capital Y, acute accent
- "yacute" => "xFD", # small y, acute accent
- "yuml" => "xFF", # small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
- "lchevron" => "xAB", # left chevron (double less than)
- "rchevron" => "xBB", # right chevron (double greater than)
- );
- ############################################################################
- # Initialization
- ############################################################################
- # Initialize the object. Must be sure to call our parent initializer.
- sub initialize {
- my $self = shift;
- $$self{alt} = 0 unless defined $$self{alt};
- $$self{indent} = 4 unless defined $$self{indent};
- $$self{loose} = 0 unless defined $$self{loose};
- $$self{sentence} = 0 unless defined $$self{sentence};
- $$self{width} = 76 unless defined $$self{width};
- $$self{INDENTS} = []; # Stack of indentations.
- $$self{MARGIN} = $$self{indent}; # Current left margin in spaces.
- $self->SUPER::initialize;
- }
- ############################################################################
- # Core overrides
- ############################################################################
- # Called for each command paragraph. Gets the command, the associated
- # paragraph, the line number, and a Pod::Paragraph object. Just dispatches
- # the command to a method named the same as the command. =cut is handled
- # internally by Pod::Parser.
- sub command {
- my $self = shift;
- my $command = shift;
- return if $command eq 'pod';
- return if ($$self{EXCLUDE} && $command ne 'end');
- $self->item ("n") if defined $$self{ITEM};
- $command = 'cmd_' . $command;
- $self->$command (@_);
- }
- # Called for a verbatim paragraph. Gets the paragraph, the line number, and
- # a Pod::Paragraph object. Just output it verbatim, but with tabs converted
- # to spaces.
- sub verbatim {
- my $self = shift;
- return if $$self{EXCLUDE};
- $self->item if defined $$self{ITEM};
- local $_ = shift;
- return if /^s*$/;
- s/^(s*S+)/(' ' x $$self{MARGIN}) . $1/gme;
- $self->output ($_);
- }
- # Called for a regular text block. Gets the paragraph, the line number, and
- # a Pod::Paragraph object. Perform interpolation and output the results.
- sub textblock {
- my $self = shift;
- return if $$self{EXCLUDE};
- $self->output ($_[0]), return if $$self{VERBATIM};
- local $_ = shift;
- my $line = shift;
- # Perform a little magic to collapse multiple L<> references. This is
- # here mostly for backwards-compatibility. We'll just rewrite the whole
- # thing into actual text at this part, bypassing the whole internal
- # sequence parsing thing.
- s{
- (
- L< # A link of the form L</something>.
- /
- (
- [:w]+ # The item has to be a simple word...
- (())? # ...or simple function.
- )
- >
- (
- ,?s+(ands+)? # Allow lots of them, conjuncted.
- L<
- /
- (
- [:w]+
- (())?
- )
- >
- )+
- )
- } {
- local $_ = $1;
- s%L</([^>]+)>%$1%g;
- my @items = split /(?:,?s+(?:ands+)?)/;
- my $string = "the ";
- my $i;
- for ($i = 0; $i < @items; $i++) {
- $string .= $items[$i];
- $string .= ", " if @items > 2 && $i != $#items;
- $string .= " and " if ($i == $#items - 1);
- }
- $string .= " entries elsewhere in this document";
- $string;
- }gex;
- # Now actually interpolate and output the paragraph.
- $_ = $self->interpolate ($_, $line);
- s/s+$/n/;
- if (defined $$self{ITEM}) {
- $self->item ($_ . "n");
- } else {
- $self->output ($self->reformat ($_ . "n"));
- }
- }
- # Called for an interior sequence. Gets the command, argument, and a
- # Pod::InteriorSequence object and is expected to return the resulting text.
- # Calls code, bold, italic, file, and link to handle those types of
- # sequences, and handles S<>, E<>, X<>, and Z<> directly.
- sub interior_sequence {
- my $self = shift;
- my $command = shift;
- local $_ = shift;
- return '' if ($command eq 'X' || $command eq 'Z');
- # Expand escapes into the actual character now, carping if invalid.
- if ($command eq 'E') {
- return $ESCAPES{$_} if defined $ESCAPES{$_};
- carp "Unknown escape: E<$_>";
- return "E<$_>";
- }
- # For all the other sequences, empty content produces no output.
- return if $_ eq '';
- # For S<>, compress all internal whitespace and then map spaces to