- ### -*- mode: Perl -*-
- ######################################################################
- ### BER (Basic Encoding Rules) encoding and decoding.
- ######################################################################
- ### Copyright (c) 1995-2002, Simon Leinen.
- ###
- ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it under the
- ### "Artistic License" included in this distribution (file "Artistic").
- ######################################################################
- ### This module implements encoding and decoding of ASN.1-based data
- ### structures using the Basic Encoding Rules (BER). Only the subset
- ### necessary for SNMP is implemented.
- ######################################################################
- ### Created by: Simon Leinen <>
- ###
- ### Contributions and fixes by:
- ###
- ### Andrzej Tobola <>: Added long String decode
- ### Tobias Oetiker <>: Added 5 Byte Integer decode ...
- ### Dave Rand <>: Added SysUpTime decode
- ### Philippe Simonet <>: Support larger subids
- ### Yufang HU <>: Support even larger subids
- ### Mike Mitchell <>: New generalized encode_int()
- ### Mike Diehn <>: encode_ip_address()
- ### Rik Hoorelbeke <>: encode_oid() fix
- ### Brett T Warden <>: pretty UInteger32
- ### Bert Driehuis <>: Handle SNMPv2 exception codes
- ### Jakob Ilves (/IlvJa) <>: PDU decoding
- ### Jan Kasprzak <>: Fix for PDU syntax check
- ### Milen Pavlov <>: Recognize variant length for ints
- ######################################################################
- package BER;
- require 5.002;
- use strict;
- use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION $pretty_print_timeticks
- %pretty_printer %default_printer $errmsg);
- use Exporter;
- $VERSION = '1.05';
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- @EXPORT = qw(context_flag constructor_flag
- encode_int encode_int_0 encode_null encode_oid
- encode_sequence encode_tagged_sequence
- encode_string encode_ip_address encode_timeticks
- encode_uinteger32 encode_counter32 encode_counter64
- encode_gauge32
- decode_sequence decode_by_template
- pretty_print pretty_print_timeticks
- hex_string hex_string_of_type
- encoded_oid_prefix_p errmsg
- register_pretty_printer unregister_pretty_printer);
- ### Variables
- ## Bind this to zero if you want to avoid that TimeTicks are converted
- ## into "human readable" strings containing days, hours, minutes and
- ## seconds.
- ##
- ## If the variable is zero, pretty_print will simply return an
- ## unsigned integer representing hundredths of seconds.
- ##
- $pretty_print_timeticks = 1;
- ### Prototypes
- sub encode_header ($$);
- sub encode_int_0 ();
- sub encode_int ($);
- sub encode_oid (@);
- sub encode_null ();
- sub encode_sequence (@);
- sub encode_tagged_sequence ($@);
- sub encode_string ($);
- sub encode_ip_address ($);
- sub encode_timeticks ($);
- sub pretty_print ($);
- sub pretty_using_decoder ($$);
- sub pretty_string ($);
- sub pretty_intlike ($);
- sub pretty_unsignedlike ($);
- sub pretty_oid ($);
- sub pretty_uptime ($);
- sub pretty_uptime_value ($);
- sub pretty_ip_address ($);
- sub pretty_generic_sequence ($);
- sub register_pretty_printer ($);
- sub unregister_pretty_printer ($);
- sub hex_string ($);
- sub hex_string_of_type ($$);
- sub decode_oid ($);
- sub decode_by_template;
- sub decode_by_template_2;
- sub decode_sequence ($);
- sub decode_int ($);
- sub decode_intlike ($);
- sub decode_unsignedlike ($);
- sub decode_intlike_s ($$);
- sub decode_string ($);
- sub decode_length ($@);
- sub encoded_oid_prefix_p ($$);
- sub decode_subid ($$$);
- sub decode_generic_tlv ($);
- sub error (@);
- sub template_error ($$$);
- sub version () { $VERSION; }
- ### Flags for different types of tags
- sub universal_flag { 0x00 }
- sub application_flag { 0x40 }
- sub context_flag { 0x80 }
- sub private_flag { 0xc0 }
- sub primitive_flag { 0x00 }
- sub constructor_flag { 0x20 }
- ### Universal tags
- sub boolean_tag { 0x01 }
- sub int_tag { 0x02 }
- sub bit_string_tag { 0x03 }
- sub octet_string_tag { 0x04 }
- sub null_tag { 0x05 }
- sub object_id_tag { 0x06 }
- sub sequence_tag { 0x10 }
- sub set_tag { 0x11 }
- sub uptime_tag { 0x43 }
- ### Flag for length octet announcing multi-byte length field
- sub long_length { 0x80 }
- ### SNMP specific tags
- sub snmp_ip_address_tag { 0x00 | application_flag () }
- sub snmp_counter32_tag { 0x01 | application_flag () }
- sub snmp_gauge32_tag { 0x02 | application_flag () }
- sub snmp_timeticks_tag { 0x03 | application_flag () }
- sub snmp_opaque_tag { 0x04 | application_flag () }
- sub snmp_nsap_address_tag { 0x05 | application_flag () }
- sub snmp_counter64_tag { 0x06 | application_flag () }
- sub snmp_uinteger32_tag { 0x07 | application_flag () }
- ## Error codes (SNMPv2 and later)
- ##
- sub snmp_nosuchobject { context_flag () | 0x00 }
- sub snmp_nosuchinstance { context_flag () | 0x01 }
- sub snmp_endofmibview { context_flag () | 0x02 }
- ### pretty-printer initialization code. Create a hash with
- ### the most common types of pretty-printer routines.
- $default_printer{int_tag()} = &pretty_intlike;
- $default_printer{snmp_counter32_tag()} = &pretty_unsignedlike;
- $default_printer{snmp_gauge32_tag()} = &pretty_unsignedlike;
- $default_printer{snmp_counter64_tag()} = &pretty_unsignedlike;
- $default_printer{snmp_uinteger32_tag()} = &pretty_unsignedlike;
- $default_printer{octet_string_tag()} = &pretty_string;
- $default_printer{object_id_tag()} = &pretty_oid;
- $default_printer{snmp_ip_address_tag()} = &pretty_ip_address;
- %pretty_printer = %default_printer;
- }
- #### Encoding
- sub encode_header ($$) {
- my ($type,$length) = @_;
- return pack ("C C", $type, $length) if $length < 128;
- return pack ("C C C", $type, long_length | 1, $length) if $length < 256;
- return pack ("C C n", $type, long_length | 2, $length) if $length < 65536;
- return error ("Cannot encode length $length yet");
- }
- sub encode_int_0 () {
- return pack ("C C C", 2, 1, 0);
- }
- sub encode_int ($) {
- return encode_intlike ($_[0], int_tag);
- }
- sub encode_uinteger32 ($) {
- return encode_intlike ($_[0], snmp_uinteger32_tag);
- }
- sub encode_counter32 ($) {
- return encode_intlike ($_[0], snmp_counter32_tag);
- }
- sub encode_counter64 ($) {
- return encode_intlike ($_[0], snmp_counter64_tag);
- }
- sub encode_gauge32 ($) {
- return encode_intlike ($_[0], snmp_gauge32_tag);
- }
- sub encode_intlike ($$) {
- my ($int, $tag)=@_;
- my ($sign, $val, @vals);
- $sign = ($int >= 0) ? 0 : 0xff;
- if (ref $int && $int->isa ("Math::BigInt")) {
- for(;;) {
- $val = $int->copy()->bmod (256);
- unshift(@vals, $val);
- return encode_header ($tag, $#vals + 1).pack ("C*", @vals)
- if ($int >= -128 && $int < 128);
- $int->bsub ($sign)->bdiv (256);
- }
- } else {
- for(;;) {
- $val = $int & 0xff;
- unshift(@vals, $val);
- return encode_header ($tag, $#vals + 1).pack ("C*", @vals)
- if ($int >= -128 && $int < 128);
- $int -= $sign, $int = int($int / 256);
- }
- }
- }
- sub encode_oid (@) {
- my @oid = @_;
- my ($result,$subid);
- $result = '';
- ## Ignore leading empty sub-ID. The favourite reason for
- ## those to occur is that people cut&paste numeric OIDs from
- ## CMU/UCD SNMP including the leading dot.
- shift @oid if $oid[0] eq '';
- return error ("Object ID too short: ", join('.',@oid))
- if $#oid < 1;
- ## The first two subids in an Object ID are encoded as a single
- ## byte in BER, according to a funny convention. This poses
- ## restrictions on the ranges of those subids. In the past, I
- ## didn't check for those. But since so many people try to use
- ## OIDs in CMU/UCD SNMP's format and leave out the mib-2 or
- ## enterprises prefix, I introduced this check to catch those
- ## errors.
- ##
- return error ("first subid too big in Object ID ", join('.',@oid))
- if $oid[0] > 2;
- $result = shift (@oid) * 40;
- $result += shift @oid;
- return error ("second subid too big in Object ID ", join('.',@oid))
- if $result > 255;
- $result = pack ("C", $result);
- foreach $subid (@oid) {
- if ( ($subid>=0) && ($subid<128) ){ #7 bits long subid
- $result .= pack ("C", $subid);
- } elsif ( ($subid>=128) && ($subid<16384) ){ #14 bits long subid
- $result .= pack ("CC", 0x80 | $subid >> 7, $subid & 0x7f);
- }
- elsif ( ($subid>=16384) && ($subid<2097152) ) {#21 bits long subid
- $result .= pack ("CCC",
- 0x80 | (($subid>>14) & 0x7f),
- 0x80 | (($subid>>7) & 0x7f),
- $subid & 0x7f);
- } elsif ( ($subid>=2097152) && ($subid<268435456) ){ #28 bits long subid
- $result .= pack ("CCCC",
- 0x80 | (($subid>>21) & 0x7f),
- 0x80 | (($subid>>14) & 0x7f),
- 0x80 | (($subid>>7) & 0x7f),
- $subid & 0x7f);
- } elsif ( ($subid>=268435456) && ($subid<4294967296) ){ #32 bits long subid
- $result .= pack ("CCCCC",
- 0x80 | (($subid>>28) & 0x0f), #mask the bits beyond 32
- 0x80 | (($subid>>21) & 0x7f),
- 0x80 | (($subid>>14) & 0x7f),
- 0x80 | (($subid>>7) & 0x7f),
- $subid & 0x7f);
- } else {
- return error ("Cannot encode subid $subid");
- }
- }
- encode_header (object_id_tag, length $result).$result;
- }
- sub encode_null () { encode_header (null_tag, 0); }
- sub encode_sequence (@) { encode_tagged_sequence (sequence_tag, @_); }
- sub encode_tagged_sequence ($@) {
- my ($tag,$result);
- $tag = shift @_;
- $result = join '',@_;
- return encode_header ($tag | constructor_flag, length $result).$result;
- }
- sub encode_string ($) {
- my ($string)=@_;
- return encode_header (octet_string_tag, length $string).$string;
- }
- sub encode_ip_address ($) {
- my ($addr)=@_;
- my @octets;
- if (length $addr == 4) {
- ## Four bytes... let's suppose that this is a binary IP address
- ## in network byte order.
- return encode_header (snmp_ip_address_tag, length $addr).$addr;
- } elsif (@octets = ($addr =~ /^([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)$/)) {
- return encode_ip_address (pack ("CCCC", @octets));
- } else {
- return error ("IP address must be four bytes long or a dotted-quad");
- }
- }
- sub encode_timeticks ($) {
- my ($tt) = @_;
- return encode_intlike ($tt, snmp_timeticks_tag);
- }
- #### Decoding
- sub pretty_print ($) {
- my ($packet) = @_;
- return undef unless defined $packet;
- my $result = ord (substr ($packet, 0, 1));
- if (exists ($pretty_printer{$result})) {
- my $c_ref = $pretty_printer{$result};
- return &$c_ref ($packet);
- }
- return ($pretty_print_timeticks
- ? pretty_uptime ($packet)
- : pretty_unsignedlike ($packet))
- if $result == uptime_tag;
- return "(null)" if $result == null_tag;
- return error ("Exception code: noSuchObject") if $result == snmp_nosuchobject;
- return error ("Exception code: noSuchInstance") if $result == snmp_nosuchinstance;
- return error ("Exception code: endOfMibView") if $result == snmp_endofmibview;
- # IlvJa
- # pretty print sequences and their contents.
- my $ctx_cons_flags = context_flag | constructor_flag;
- if($result == (&constructor_flag | &sequence_tag) # sequence
- || $result == (0 | $ctx_cons_flags) #get_request
- || $result == (1 | $ctx_cons_flags) #getnext_request
- || $result == (2 | $ctx_cons_flags) #get_response
- || $result == (3 | $ctx_cons_flags) #set_request
- || $result == (4 | $ctx_cons_flags) #trap_request
- || $result == (5 | $ctx_cons_flags) #getbulk_request
- || $result == (6 | $ctx_cons_flags) #inform_request
- || $result == (7 | $ctx_cons_flags) #trap2_request
- )
- {
- my $pretty_result = pretty_generic_sequence($packet);
- $pretty_result =~ s/^/ /gm; #Indent.
- my $seq_type_desc =
- {
- (constructor_flag | sequence_tag) => "Sequence",
- (0 | $ctx_cons_flags) => "GetRequest",
- (1 | $ctx_cons_flags) => "GetNextRequest",
- (2 | $ctx_cons_flags) => "GetResponse",
- (3 | $ctx_cons_flags) => "SetRequest",
- (4 | $ctx_cons_flags) => "TrapRequest",
- (5 | $ctx_cons_flags) => "GetbulkRequest",
- (6 | $ctx_cons_flags) => "InformRequest",
- (7 | $ctx_cons_flags) => "Trap2Request",
- }->{($result)};
- return $seq_type_desc . "{n" . $pretty_result . "n}";
- }
- return sprintf ("#<unprintable BER type 0x%x>", $result);
- }
- sub pretty_using_decoder ($$) {
- my ($decoder, $packet) = @_;
- my ($decoded,$rest);
- ($decoded,$rest) = &$decoder ($packet);
- return error ("Junk after object") unless $rest eq '';
- return $decoded;
- }
- sub pretty_string ($) {
- pretty_using_decoder (&decode_string, $_[0]);
- }
- sub pretty_intlike ($) {
- my $decoded = pretty_using_decoder (&decode_intlike, $_[0]);
- $decoded;
- }
- sub pretty_unsignedlike ($) {
- return pretty_using_decoder (&decode_unsignedlike, $_[0]);
- }
- sub pretty_oid ($) {
- my ($oid) = shift;
- my ($result,$subid,$next);
- my (@oid);
- $result = ord (substr ($oid, 0, 1));
- return error ("Object ID expected") unless $result == object_id_tag;
- ($result, $oid) = decode_length ($oid, 1);
- return error ("inconsistent length in OID") unless $result == length $oid;
- @oid = ();
- $subid = ord (substr ($oid, 0, 1));
- push @oid, int ($subid / 40);
- push @oid, $subid % 40;
- $oid = substr ($oid, 1);
- while ($oid ne '') {
- $subid = ord (substr ($oid, 0, 1));
- if ($subid < 128) {
- $oid = substr ($oid, 1);
- push @oid, $subid;
- } else {
- $next = $subid;
- $subid = 0;
- while ($next >= 128) {
- $subid = ($subid << 7) + ($next & 0x7f);
- $oid = substr ($oid, 1);
- $next = ord (substr ($oid, 0, 1));
- }
- $subid = ($subid << 7) + $next;
- $oid = substr ($oid, 1);
- push @oid, $subid;
- }
- }
- join ('.', @oid);
- }
- sub pretty_uptime ($) {
- my ($packet,$uptime);
- ($uptime,$packet) = &decode_unsignedlike (@_);
- pretty_uptime_value ($uptime);
- }
- sub pretty_uptime_value ($) {
- my ($uptime) = @_;
- my ($seconds,$minutes,$hours,$days,$result);
- ## We divide the uptime by hundred since we're not interested in
- ## sub-second precision.
- $uptime = int ($uptime / 100);
- $days = int ($uptime / (60 * 60 * 24));
- $uptime %= (60 * 60 * 24);
- $hours = int ($uptime / (60 * 60));
- $uptime %= (60 * 60);
- $minutes = int ($uptime / 60);
- $seconds = $uptime % 60;
- if ($days == 0){
- $result = sprintf ("%d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
- } elsif ($days == 1) {
- $result = sprintf ("%d day, %d:%02d:%02d",
- $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
- } else {
- $result = sprintf ("%d days, %d:%02d:%02d",
- $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
- }
- return $result;
- }
- sub pretty_ip_address ($) {
- my $pdu = shift;
- my ($length, $rest);
- return error ("IP Address tag (".snmp_ip_address_tag.") expected")
- unless ord (substr ($pdu, 0, 1)) == snmp_ip_address_tag;
- ($length,$pdu) = decode_length ($pdu, 1);
- return error ("Length of IP address should be four")
- unless $length == 4;
- sprintf "%d.%d.%d.%d", unpack ("CCCC", $pdu);
- }
- # IlvJa
- # Returns a string with the pretty prints of all
- # the elements in the sequence.
- sub pretty_generic_sequence ($) {
- my ($pdu) = shift;
- my $rest;
- my $type = ord substr ($pdu, 0 ,1);
- my $flags = context_flag | constructor_flag;
- return error (sprintf ("Tag 0x%x is not a valid sequence tag",$type))
- unless ($type == (&constructor_flag | &sequence_tag) # sequence
- || $type == (0 | $flags) #get_request
- || $type == (1 | $flags) #getnext_request
- || $type == (2 | $flags) #get_response
- || $type == (3 | $flags) #set_request
- || $type == (4 | $flags) #trap_request
- || $type == (5 | $flags) #getbulk_request
- || $type == (6 | $flags) #inform_request
- || $type == (7 | $flags) #trap2_request
- );
- my $curelem;
- my $pretty_result; # Holds the pretty printed sequence.
- my $pretty_elem; # Holds the pretty printed current elem.
- my $first_elem = 'true';
- # Cut away the first Tag and Length from $packet and then
- # init $rest with that.
- (undef, $rest) = decode_length ($pdu, 1);
- while($rest)
- {
- ($curelem,$rest) = decode_generic_tlv($rest);
- $pretty_elem = pretty_print($curelem);
- $pretty_result .= "n" if not $first_elem;
- $pretty_result .= $pretty_elem;
- # The rest of the iterations are not related to the
- # first element of the sequence so..
- $first_elem = '' if $first_elem;
- }
- return $pretty_result;
- }
- sub hex_string ($) {
- &hex_string_of_type ($_[0], octet_string_tag);
- }
- sub hex_string_of_type ($$) {
- my ($pdu, $wanted_type) = @_;
- my ($length);
- return error ("BER tag ".$wanted_type." expected")
- unless ord (substr ($pdu, 0, 1)) == $wanted_type;
- ($length,$pdu) = decode_length ($pdu, 1);
- hex_string_aux ($pdu);
- }
- sub hex_string_aux ($) {
- my ($binary_string) = @_;
- my ($c, $result);
- $result = '';
- for $c (unpack "C*", $binary_string) {
- $result .= sprintf "%02x", $c;
- }
- $result;
- }
- sub decode_oid ($) {
- my ($pdu) = @_;
- my ($result,$pdu_rest);
- my (@result);
- $result = ord (substr ($pdu, 0, 1));
- return error ("Object ID expected") unless $result == object_id_tag;
- ($result, $pdu_rest) = decode_length ($pdu, 1);
- return error ("Short PDU")
- if $result > length $pdu_rest;
- @result = (substr ($pdu, 0, $result + (length ($pdu) - length ($pdu_rest))),
- substr ($pdu_rest, $result));
- @result;
- }
- # IlvJa
- # This takes a PDU and returns a two element list consisting of
- # the first element found in the PDU (whatever it is) and the
- # rest of the PDU
- sub decode_generic_tlv ($) {
- my ($pdu) = @_;
- my (@result);
- my ($elemlength,$pdu_rest) = decode_length ($pdu, 1);
- @result = (# Extract the first element.
- substr ($pdu, 0, $elemlength + (length ($pdu)
- - length ($pdu_rest)
- )
- ),
- #Extract the rest of the PDU.
- substr ($pdu_rest, $elemlength)
- );
- @result;
- }
- sub decode_by_template {
- my ($pdu) = shift;
- local ($_) = shift;
- return decode_by_template_2 ($pdu, $_, 0, 0, @_);
- }
- my $template_debug = 0;
- sub decode_by_template_2 {
- my ($pdu, $template, $pdu_index, $template_index);
- local ($_);
- $pdu = shift;
- $template = $_ = shift;
- $pdu_index = shift;
- $template_index = shift;
- my (@results);
- my ($length,$expected,$read,$rest);
- return undef unless defined $pdu;
- while (0 < length ($_)) {
- if (substr ($_, 0, 1) eq '%') {
- print STDERR "template $_ ", length $pdu," bytes remainingn"
- if $template_debug;
- $_ = substr ($_,1);
- ++$template_index;
- if (($expected) = /^(d*|*){(.*)/) {
- ## %{
- $template_index += length ($expected) + 1;
- print STDERR "%{n" if $template_debug;
- $_ = $2;
- $expected = shift | constructor_flag if ($expected eq '*');
- $expected = sequence_tag | constructor_flag
- if $expected eq '';
- return template_error ("Unexpected end of PDU",
- $template, $template_index)
- if !defined $pdu or $pdu eq '';
- return template_error ("Expected sequence tag $expected, got ".
- ord (substr ($pdu, 0, 1)),
- $template,
- $template_index)
- unless (ord (substr ($pdu, 0, 1)) == $expected);
- (($length,$pdu) = decode_length ($pdu, 1))
- || return template_error ("cannot read length",
- $template, $template_index);
- return template_error ("Expected length $length, got ".length $pdu ,
- $template, $template_index)
- unless length $pdu == $length;
- } elsif (($expected,$rest) = /^(*|)s(.*)/) {
- ## %s
- $template_index += length ($expected) + 1;
- ($expected = shift) if $expected eq '*';
- (($read,$pdu) = decode_string ($pdu))
- || return template_error ("cannot read string",
- $template, $template_index);
- print STDERR "%s => $readn" if $template_debug;
- if ($expected eq '') {
- push @results, $read;
- } else {
- return template_error ("Expected $expected, read $read",
- $template, $template_index)
- unless $expected eq $read;
- }
- $_ = $rest;
- } elsif (($rest) = /^A(.*)/) {
- ## %A
- $template_index += 1;
- {
- my ($tag, $length, $value);
- $tag = ord (substr ($pdu, 0, 1));
- return error ("Expected IP address, got tag ".$tag)
- unless $tag == snmp_ip_address_tag;
- ($length, $pdu) = decode_length ($pdu, 1);
- return error ("Inconsistent length of InetAddress encoding")
- if $length > length $pdu;
- return template_error ("IP address must be four bytes long",
- $template, $template_index)
- unless $length == 4;
- $read = substr ($pdu, 0, $length);
- $pdu = substr ($pdu, $length);
- }
- print STDERR "%A => $readn" if $template_debug;
- push @results, $read;
- $_ = $rest;
- } elsif (/^O(.*)/) {
- ## %O
- $template_index += 1;
- $_ = $1;
- (($read,$pdu) = decode_oid ($pdu))
- || return template_error ("cannot read OID",
- $template, $template_index);
- print STDERR "%O => ".pretty_oid ($read)."n"
- if $template_debug;
- push @results, $read;
- } elsif (($expected,$rest) = /^(d*|*|)i(.*)/) {
- ## %i
- $template_index += length ($expected) + 1;
- print STDERR "%in" if $template_debug;
- $_ = $rest;
- (($read,$pdu) = decode_int ($pdu))
- || return template_error ("cannot read int",
- $template, $template_index);
- if ($expected eq '') {
- push @results, $read;
- } else {
- $expected = int (shift) if $expected eq '*';
- return template_error (sprintf ("Expected %d (0x%x), got %d (0x%x)",
- $expected, $expected, $read, $read),
- $template, $template_index)
- unless ($expected == $read)
- }
- } elsif (($rest) = /^u(.*)/) {
- ## %u
- $template_index += 1;
- print STDERR "%un" if $template_debug;
- $_ = $rest;
- (($read,$pdu) = decode_unsignedlike ($pdu))
- || return template_error ("cannot read uptime",
- $template, $template_index);
- push @results, $read;
- } elsif (/^@(.*)/) {
- ## %@
- $template_index += 1;
- print STDERR "%@n" if $template_debug;
- $_ = $1;
- push @results, $pdu;
- $pdu = '';
- } else {
- return template_error ("Unknown decoding directive in template: $_",
- $template, $template_index);
- }
- } else {
- if (substr ($_, 0, 1) ne substr ($pdu, 0, 1)) {
- return template_error ("Expected ".substr ($_, 0, 1).", got ".substr ($pdu, 0, 1),
- $template, $template_index);
- }
- $_ = substr ($_,1);
- $pdu = substr ($pdu,1);
- }
- }
- return template_error ("PDU too long", $template, $template_index)
- if length ($pdu) > 0;
- return template_error ("PDU too short", $template, $template_index)
- if length ($_) > 0;
- @results;
- }
- sub decode_sequence ($) {
- my ($pdu) = @_;
- my ($result);
- my (@result);
- $result = ord (substr ($pdu, 0, 1));
- return error ("Sequence expected")
- unless $result == (sequence_tag | constructor_flag);
- ($result, $pdu) = decode_length ($pdu, 1);
- return error ("Short PDU")
- if $result > length $pdu;
- @result = (substr ($pdu, 0, $result), substr ($pdu, $result));
- @result;
- }
- sub decode_int ($) {
- my ($pdu) = @_;
- my $tag = ord (substr ($pdu, 0, 1));
- return error ("Integer expected, found tag ".$tag)
- unless $tag == int_tag;
- decode_intlike ($pdu);
- }
- sub decode_intlike ($) {
- decode_intlike_s ($_[0], 1);
- }
- sub decode_unsignedlike ($) {
- decode_intlike_s ($_[0], 0);
- }
- my $have_math_bigint_p = 0;
- sub decode_intlike_s ($$) {
- my ($pdu, $signedp) = @_;
- my ($length,$result);
- ($length,$pdu) = decode_length ($pdu, 1);
- my $ptr = 0;
- $result = unpack ($signedp ? "c" : "C", substr ($pdu, $ptr++, 1));
- if ($length > 5 || ($length == 5 && $result > 0)) {
- require 'Math/' unless $have_math_bigint_p++;
- $result = new Math::BigInt ($result);
- }
- while (--$length > 0) {
- $result *= 256;
- $result += unpack ("C", substr ($pdu, $ptr++, 1));
- }
- ($result, substr ($pdu, $ptr));
- }
- sub decode_string ($) {
- my ($pdu) = shift;
- my ($result);
- $result = ord (substr ($pdu, 0, 1));
- return error ("Expected octet string, got tag ".$result)
- unless $result == octet_string_tag;
- ($result, $pdu) = decode_length ($pdu, 1);
- return error ("Short PDU")
- if $result > length $pdu;
- return (substr ($pdu, 0, $result), substr ($pdu, $result));
- }
- sub decode_length ($@) {
- my ($pdu) = shift;
- my $index = shift || 0;
- my ($result);
- my (@result);
- $result = ord (substr ($pdu, $index, 1));
- if ($result & long_length) {
- if ($result == (long_length | 1)) {
- @result = (ord (substr ($pdu, $index+1, 1)), substr ($pdu, $index+2));
- } elsif ($result == (long_length | 2)) {
- @result = ((ord (substr ($pdu, $index+1, 1)) << 8)
- + ord (substr ($pdu, $index+2, 1)), substr ($pdu, $index+3));
- } else {
- return error ("Unsupported length");
- }
- } else {
- @result = ($result, substr ($pdu, $index+1));
- }
- @result;
- }
- # This takes a hashref that specifies functions to call when
- # the specified value type is being printed. It returns the
- # number of functions that were registered.
- sub register_pretty_printer($)
- {
- my ($h_ref) = shift;
- my ($type, $val, $cnt);
- $cnt = 0;
- while(($type, $val) = each %$h_ref) {
- if (ref $val eq "CODE") {
- $pretty_printer{$type} = $val;
- $cnt++;
- }
- }
- return($cnt);
- }
- # This takes a hashref that specifies functions to call when
- # the specified value type is being printed. It removes the
- # functions from the list for the types specified.
- # It returns the number of functions that were unregistered.
- sub unregister_pretty_printer($)
- {
- my ($h_ref) = shift;
- my ($type, $val, $cnt);
- $cnt = 0;
- while(($type, $val) = each %$h_ref) {
- if ((exists ($pretty_printer{$type}))
- && ($pretty_printer{$type} == $val)) {
- if (exists($default_printer{$type})) {
- $pretty_printer{$type} = $default_printer{$type};
- } else {
- delete $pretty_printer{$type};
- }
- $cnt++;
- }
- }
- return($cnt);
- }
- #### OID prefix check
- ### encoded_oid_prefix_p OID1 OID2
- ###
- ### OID1 and OID2 should be BER-encoded OIDs.
- ### The function returns non-zero iff OID1 is a prefix of OID2.
- ### This can be used in the termination condition of a loop that walks
- ### a table using GetNext or GetBulk.
- ###
- sub encoded_oid_prefix_p ($$) {
- my ($oid1, $oid2) = @_;
- my ($i1, $i2);
- my ($l1, $l2);
- my ($subid1, $subid2);
- return error ("OID tag expected") unless ord (substr ($oid1, 0, 1)) == object_id_tag;
- return error ("OID tag expected") unless ord (substr ($oid2, 0, 1)) == object_id_tag;
- ($l1,$oid1) = decode_length ($oid1, 1);
- ($l2,$oid2) = decode_length ($oid2, 1);
- for ($i1 = 0, $i2 = 0;
- $i1 < $l1 && $i2 < $l2;
- ++$i1, ++$i2) {
- ($subid1,$i1) = &decode_subid ($oid1, $i1, $l1);
- ($subid2,$i2) = &decode_subid ($oid2, $i2, $l2);
- return 0 unless $subid1 == $subid2;
- }
- return $i2 if $i1 == $l1;
- return 0;
- }
- ### decode_subid OID INDEX
- ###
- ### Decodes a subid field from a BER-encoded object ID.
- ### Returns two values: the field, and the index of the last byte that
- ### was actually decoded.
- ###
- sub decode_subid ($$$) {
- my ($oid, $i, $l) = @_;
- my $subid = 0;
- my $next;
- while (($next = ord (substr ($oid, $i, 1))) >= 128) {
- $subid = ($subid << 7) + ($next & 0x7f);
- ++$i;
- return error ("decoding object ID: short field")
- unless $i < $l;
- }
- return (($subid << 7) + $next, $i);
- }
- sub error (@) {
- $errmsg = join ("",@_);
- return undef;
- }
- sub template_error ($$$) {
- my ($errmsg, $template, $index) = @_;
- return error ($errmsg."n ".$template."n ".(' ' x $index)."^");
- }
- 1;